Vol 9, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Article ID: 9242
by Francesca Pagliara, Ginevra Cutolo, Giancarlo Sperlì
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

In this paper advanced Sentiment Analysis techniques were applied to evaluate public opinions reported by rail users with respect to four major European railway companies, i.e., Trenitalia and Italo in Italy, SNCF in France and Renfe in Spain. Two powerful language models were used, RoBERTa and BERT, to analyze big amount of text data collected from a social platform dedicated to customers reviews, i.e., TrustPilot. Data concerning the four European railway companies were first collected and classified into subcategories related to different aspects of the railway sector, such as train punctuality, quality of on-board services, safety, etc. Then, the RoBERTa and BERT models were developed to understand context and nuances of natural language. This study provides a useful support for railways companies to promote strategies for improving their service.

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Open Access
Article ID: 6597
by Paisan Sukjairungwattana, Zhengying Luo, Haiyang Hu, Wen Liu, Wei Xu
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study aims to explore the research on Chinese higher education policy from 2005 to 2024 through a bibliometric analysis. It is revealed that a continuous growth trend and sustained academic interest in this field. Mainland China leads in publication quantity, showcasing the active involvement of Chinese scholars in higher education policy research. Institutions like Peking University, the University of Hong Kong, and Beijing Normal University play significant roles in this research domain. The focus of research has shifted from student attitudes to international students, teachers, innovation models, changing demands, and urban education development, reflecting a growing emphasis on sustainability and internationalization. The study highlights the positive development trajectory of Chinese higher education policy research, with expanding research focuses and deepening concerns for sustainability and internationalization.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10057
by Konita Lutfiyah, Mohammad Syamsul Maarif, Yudha Heryawan Asnawi, Laily Dwi Arsyianti
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Modernizing the Internet of Things in Islamic boarding schools is essential to eliminate backwardness and skills gaps. Santri must have cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and creative intelligence to be ready to enter the industrial and business world. The students’ need for information transparency can be resolved using technology. This is because the empowerment of the Internet of Things has become a separate part of Islamic boarding school activities with students who can connect in real-time. This research aims to analyze current conditions and stakeholder involvement regarding the application of the Internet of Things in innovative Islamic boarding school services in the era of disruption. The Descriptive Method and Individual Interest Matrix Analysis were used by involving 130 respondents from the internal environment of the Daarul Rahman Islamic boarding school and completing the questionnaire through FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with the leaders of the Daarul Rahman Islamic boarding school. The results show that the current condition of Islamic boarding schools is that most need to learn or understand IoT, even though they are enthusiastic about learning new things and flexible in accepting change. The challenges required in implementing IoT are financial investment, increasing human resources through training, and synergy between Islamic boarding school policy makers. Mutually supportive and solid conditions are required between foundations, school principals, and school committees to implement IoT at Daarul Rahman Islamic Boarding School. Collaboration with various parties is needed because the implementation of IoT cannot be done alone by Islamic boarding schools but with the support of various related parties.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9677
by Junaidah Yusof, Annette d’Arqom, Endang Retno Surjaningrum, Siti Aisyah Panatik, Sabariah Mohd Noor, Nurul Iman Abdul Jalil, Mohd Ferdaus Harun, Halimaton Hakimi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Objectives: The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the stress on blood banks and deprived the blood sources due to the containment measures that restrict the movement and travel limitations among blood donors. During this time, Malaysia had a significant 40% reduction in blood supply. Blood centers and hospitals faced a huge challenge balancing blood demand and collection. The health care systems need a proactive plan to withstand the uncertain situation such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigates the psychosocial factors that affect blood donation behavior during a pandemic and aims to propose evidence-based strategies for a sustainable blood supply. Study design: Qualitative design using focus group discussion (FGD) was employed. Methods: Data were acquired from the two FGDs that group from transfusion medicine specialists (N = 8) and donors (N = 10). The FGD interview protocol was developed based on the UTM Research Ethics Committee’s approval. Then, the data was analyzed using Nvivo based on the General Inductive Approach (GIA). Results: Analysis of the text data found that the psychology of blood donation during the pandemic in Malaysia can be classified into four main themes: (i) reduced donation; (ii) motivation of donating blood; (iii) trends of donation; and (iv) challenges faced by the one-off, occasional, and non-donors. Conclusions: Based on the emerging themes from the FGDs, this study proposes four psycho-contextual strategies for relevant authorities to manage sustainable blood accumulation during the pandemic: (1) develop standard operating procedure for blood donors; (2) organize awareness campaigns; (3) create a centralized integrated blood donors database; and (4) provide innovative Blood Donation Facilities.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10283
by Luis Fernando Pedraza, Cesar Augusto Hernandez, Ernesto Cadena
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The growth of mobile Internet has facilitated access to information by minimizing geographical barriers. For this reason, this paper forecasts the number of users, incomes, and traffic for operators with the most significant penetration in the mobile internet market in Colombia to analyze their market growth. For the forecast, the convolutional neural network (CNN) technique is used, combined with the recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory network (LSTM), and gated recurrent unit (GRU) techniques. The CNN training data corresponds to the last twelve years. The results currently show a high concentration in the market since a company has a large part of the market; however, the forecasts show a decrease in its users and revenues and the growth of part of the competition. It is also concluded that the technique with the most precision in the forecasts is CNN-GRU.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10331
by Máté Battay, Zita Júlia Fodor, Anna Dunay
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. Digital Economy and Society
Open Access
Article ID: 10946
by Bulcsú Remenyik, Brigitta Szőke, Boglárka Veres, Lóránt Dénes Dávid
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. Digital Economy and Society
Open Access
Article ID: 6956
by María Quirante-Mañas, Esther Puga-González, Antonio Fernández-Martínez, Alberto Nuviala, David Cabello-Manrique
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This research aims to test the effect that the implementation of green practices at a major sport tourism event, the Badminton World Championships in Huelva (Spain), has on the future intention of spectators to return to similar sport events. A total of 523 spectators who attended the event were randomly selected and self-administered in the presence of the interviewer. A confirmatory factor analysis of the model and a multi-group analysis were carried out. Sporting events have a great impact on the environment in which they are organised, mainly when they are linked to tourism, whether at an economic, social or environmental level. The results indicated that green practices indirectly influence spectators’ future intentions through emotions and satisfaction, direct antecedents. In addition, green practices directly affect both image and trust, and indirectly affect satisfaction. In conclusion, green practices are a variable to be taken into account when planning the organisation of a sporting event that aims to consolidate itself in the tourism and sports services market.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7804
by Way-Soong Lim, Shen-Yee Pang, Zen Luey-Hooi Ong, Yasothei Suppiah, Boon-Chin Yeo
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Physical sampling of water on site is necessary for various applications like drinking water quality checking in lakes and checking for contaminants in freshwater systems. The use of water surface vehicles is a promising technology for monitoring and sampling water bodies, and they offer several advantages over traditional monitoring methods. This project involved designing and integrating a drone controller, water collection sampling contraption unit, and a surveillance camera system into a water surface vehicle (WSV). The drone controller unit is used to operate the boat from the starting location until the location of interest and then back to the starting location. The drone controller has an autopilot system where the operator can set a course and be able to travel following the path set, whereas the WSV will fight the external forces to keep itself in the right position. The water collection sampling unit is mounted onto WSV so when it travels to the location, it can start collecting and holding water samples until it returns to the start location. The field of view (FOV) surveillance camera helps the operator to observe the surrounding location during the operation. Experiments were conducted to determine the operational capabilities of the robot boat at the Ayer Keroh Lake. The water collection sampling contraption unit collected samples from 44 targeted areas of the lake. The comprehensive examination of 14 different water quality parameters were tested from the collected water samples provides insights into the factors influencing the pollution and observation of water bodies. The successful design and development of a water surface surveillance and pollution tracking vehicle marks the key achievements of this study. The developed collection and surveillance unit holds the potential for further refinement and integration onto various other platforms. They are offering valuable assistance in water body management, coastal surveillance, and pollution tracking. This system opens up new possibilities for comprehensive water body assessments, contributing to the advancement of sustainable and efficient water testing. Through careful sampling efforts, a thorough overview of the substances presents in the water collected from Ayer Keroh Lake has been compiled. This in-depth analysis provides important insights into the lake’s current condition, offering valuable information about its ecological health.

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Open Access
Article ID: 6533
by N.B.A. Yousif, Diana Stepanova, Gulnar Astaubayeva, Mafura Uandykova, Alexey Mikhaylov
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Many financial crises have occurred in recent decades, such as the International Debt Crisis of 1982, the East Asian Economic Crisis of 1997–2001, the Russian economic crisis of 1992–1997, the Latin American debt Crisis of 1994–2002, the Global Economic Recession of 2007–2009, which had a strong impact on international relations. The aim of this article is to create an econometric model of the indicator for identifying crisis situations arising in stock markets. The approach under consideration includes data for preprocessing and assessing the stability of the trend of time series using higher-order moments. The results obtained are compared with specific practical situations. To test the proposed indicator, real data of the stock indices of the USA, Germany and Hong Kong in the period World Financial Crisis are used. The scientific novelty of the results of the article consists in the analysis of the initial and given initial moments of high order, as well as the central and reduced central moments of high order. The econometric model of the indicator for identifying crisis situations arising considered in the work, based on high-order moments plays a pivotal role in crisis detection in stock markets, influencing financial innovations in managing the national economy. The findings contribute to the resilience and adaptability of the financial system, ultimately shaping the trajectory of the national economy. By facilitating timely crisis detection, the model supports efforts to maintain economic stability, thereby fostering sustainable growth and resilience in the face of financial disruptions. The model’s insights can shape the national innovation ecosystem by guiding the development and adoption of monetary and financial innovations that are aligned with the economy’s specific needs and challenges.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10712
by Angéla Fekete, Szilvia Módosné Szalai, Dhruv Pratap Singh, Szonja Jenei, Nina Poyda-Nosyk, István Csendes
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The Hungarian tourism and hospitality industry has faced serious challenges in recent years. The tourism and hospitality sector has been confronted with severe challenges in recent years. Even after the end of the pandemic, the industry has not seen the expected recovery, as rising inflation, declining discretionary income and a lack of foreign tourists have further hampered the industry. The hotel market in Budapest in particular has been significantly affected by these developments. Despite the difficulties, investors continue to see opportunities in the market. One example is the purchase by a group of real estate investors of an under-utilised leisure centre in District VII, which they intend to convert into a hotel. Our study is part of this project and its primary objective is to define the parameters of the future hotel and analyse the market opportunities and challenges. Our research focuses on the hotel market in Budapest and uses methods such as benchmarking, STEEP and SWOT analyses, as well as four in-depth interviews with key players in the market. The benchmarking examined the operations of hotels in the capital, while the in-depth interviews provided practical experience and insider perspectives. On the basis of the interviews and analyses, the study identifies possible directions for improvement and factors for competitive advantage.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10135
by Myriam Ortiz Padilla, Nubia Yaneth Gómez Velasco, Selene Ariza Ortiz
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study investigates pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) among teachers teaching mathematics at the preschool level in Colombia, highlighting the importance of integrating mathematical knowledge with innovative and effective pedagogical strategies. Using a mixed exploratory and transactional methodology, the perceptions and practices of 82 teachers were examined, focusing on their understanding of mathematical content, pedagogical skills, and knowledge of children’s cognitive development. The findings reveal a significant gap in teachers’ understanding of these concepts, indicating a critical need to strengthen PCK among teachers. To this end, training should be provided to enable teachers to foster meaningful and contextualized mathematical learning in preschool students. The study suggests reviewing teacher training curricula and fostering the development of pedagogical strategies that prioritize conceptual understanding and mathematical reasoning. Additionally, it identifies critical areas for improvement and offers concrete recommendations for transforming mathematics teaching in preschool education. To enhance the quality of mathematics education, several measures are proposed: ensuring continued availability of training programs for teachers, encouraging collaboration between educators, adopting constructivist approaches, and helping teachers understand the value of mathematics learning outside the school.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10882
by Seolwoo Park
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study empirically examines the complex relationship between materialism and economic motivation, proposing an inverted U-shaped relationship. The research analyzes three dimensions of materialism: happiness pursuit, social recognition, and uniqueness, and their impact on economic motivation. The findings suggest that materialism, when balanced, positively influences economic motivation without causing adverse effects. This relationship remains consistent across demographic characteristics and life satisfaction levels, challenging the traditional negative view of materialism. The implications of these findings extend to marketing strategies, policy design, and infrastructure development, offering actionable insights for real-world contexts. This research underscores the importance of balancing materialistic values to foster sustainable economic growth and well-being.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8156
by Tamás Vinkóczi, Anikó Németh, Lóránt Dénes Dávid
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The ongoing dissemination of globalization and digitalization may suggest that personal relationships are becoming less crucial in the context of retail banking and financial services. In Hungary, in addition to private banking, which is associated with high income levels, personal banking also plays an important role. The objective of this study is to develop a model that can identify the factors that determine customer satisfaction and their relative importance. Furthermore, the aim is to incorporate gender and age as moderator variables to identify demographic differences in satisfaction. The analysis was conducted via a questionnaire survey in October to November 2023 employing a purposive sampling approach in a university environment, as the respondents are likely to possess the highest level of existing financial knowledge within this population. The 214 valid responses were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach, with the objective of contributing to the development of theory in this field of study. The results demonstrate that perception (β = 0.519) and reliability (β = 0.253) collectively explained 51.8% of the variance in satisfaction. Moreover, the results indicate that perception accounts for 49.2% of the variance in reliability, suggesting the existence of an indirect effect on satisfaction. Therefore, the findings suggest that, despite the advent of digital banking, face to face service remains a pertinent concern in Hungary, and financial institutions should prioritize the factors that shape customer satisfaction. The study contributes to the literature and to the development of customer loyalty strategies for banks based on these findings.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10719
by Fatimah Alqahtani, Fatimah Mohamed Mahdy
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The tourism sector in the Aseer region of Saudi Arabia is experiencing significant growth and development, aligning with the country’s Vision 2030 strategic framework. However, rapid growth can lead to strategic drift if not managed with vigilance. This study aims to examine the role of strategic vigilance in reducing strategic drift in the tourism sector. The study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 220 staff and directors from the tourism sector. The questionnaire measures the level of strategic vigilance and the level of strategic drift. The study hypothesizes a statistically significant positive relationship between strategic vigilance and reducing strategic drift. Data analysis involves exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The findings are expected to provide insights into the effectiveness of strategic vigilance in mitigating strategic drift and offer recommendations for enhancing the tourism sector’s resilience and adaptability to accelerated environmental changes.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9497
by Watson Munyanyi, Raborale Isaac David Pooe
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

With its inherent characteristics of decentralization, immutability, and transparency, blockchain technology presents a promising opportunity to revolutionize the South African food supply chains. Blockchain technology, with its decentralized, immutable, and secure nature, offers solutions to these challenges by improving traceability and accountability across the supply chain. This study investigates the role of blockchain technology in enhancing transparency in the food supply chain among small and medium enterprises in South Africa. SMEs form a critical part of the country’s agri-food sector but face challenges such as food fraud, inefficient inventory management, and lack of transparency, which impact food safety and trust. The research adopts a mixed-method approach, utilizing the Technology-Organization-Environment framework and Institutional Theory to explain blockchain adoption among SMEs. The results demonstrate that blockchain-enabled practices, such as smart contracts, records traceability, production tracking, and distribution monitoring, significantly enhance supply chain transparency. The findings highlight blockchain’s potential to increase operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder trust. This research provides valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners, emphasizing the need for regulatory support and strategic investment in blockchain solutions to promote sustainability and competitiveness in the agri-food sector.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9257
by Ruhiyat M. Tolib, Yogi Suprayogi Sugandi, Asep Sumaryana, Nina Karlina
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The golden visa is a regulation designed to facilitate foreign nationals through a residence permit scheme with an emphasis on investment and citizenship. This research aims to look at the development of the golden visa as an innovation policy, and find out how its implications for the flow of foreign investment into Indonesia. This research uses online research methods (ORM) to discover new facts, information and conditions through technology and internet searches. The aspects used to conduct analysis in this descriptive qualitative research are using innovation policy instruments which include regulatory, economic, financial, and soft instruments. The research findings show that the golden visa as an innovation policy has great potential to support national development through investment in priority sectors. However, its implementation needs to be done carefully with strict supervision and inclusive regulations so as to mitigate risks such as money laundering and property price inflation. That way, golden visas can encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth through the smooth flow of incoming foreign investment.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9271
by Sofia Ribeiro, Joaquim Oliveira Lopes, Osvaldo Santos, Carolina Capitão, Raquel Martins, Ana Virgolino, Violeta Alarcão, Paulo Nogueira, Adriana Henriques, Paulo Seabra, Miguel Arriaga, Cristiano Matos, Andreia Costa
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Social Prescribing (SP) is an approach which aims of improving health and well-being and connecting patients to community services. Examples of these services include physical activity and cultural activities. Despite its benefits, SP has still not been fully implemented in Portugal. This case study is part of a larger study on Social Prescribing Local System (SPLS) implementation, which comprised a quantitative approach, a pilot study and a qualitative approach, and aims at exploring patients’ and healthcare workers’ perspectives on SP. The study was carried out to understand the motivations of different stakeholders for participating in the pilot project, the anticipated benefits for patients, healthcare professionals, and the health unit, as well as their perceptions and experiences within the scope of the SP project. Data collection was carried out in December 2020 through semi-structured individual interviews and a focus group. A total of seven participants were included, of which one patient, one museum representative and five healthcare professionals. Different common dimensions related to SP emerge, including health and well-being, social interaction and community engagement, accessibility and inclusivity, motivation and adherence, collaboration and coordination, and education and awareness. The patient considered the adequacy of the activity to the patient’s state of health and capabilities, adoption of a phased approach, with a focus on progress, in order to promote long-term adherence as facilitators. For the museum, disseminating its activities to healthcare professionals and patients through different channels such as posters at the health center, social media pages, and training sessions can significantly enhance visibility and engagement, while direct phone contact and digital publications can further promote adherence, ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated approach to patient participation and institutional benefit. Healthcare professionals identified several benefits, including reduction of social isolation and sedentarism, as well as a means of strengthening the therapeutic relationship with patients. The design and implementation of SP programs should be participative and involve all stakeholders participating in the process. Barriers to adherence included time for activity and the associated costs or prerequisites, availability of activities and lack of perceived interest in health.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10072
by Borislava Toleva, Ivan Ivanov, Vincent Hooper
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study meticulously explores the crucial elements precipitating corporate failures in Taiwan during the decade from 1999 to 2009. It proposes a new methodology, combining ANOVA and tuning the parameters of the classification so that its functional form describes the data best. Our analysis reveals the ten paramount factors, including Return on Capital ROA(C) before interest and depreciation, debt ratio percentage, consistent EPS across the last four seasons, Retained Earnings to Total Assets, Working Capital to Total Assets, dependency on borrowing, ratio of Current Liability to Assets, Net Value Per Share (B), the ratio of Working Capital to Equity, and the Liability-Assets Flag. This dual approach enables a more precise identification of the most instrumental variables in leading Taiwanese firms to bankruptcy based only on financial rather than including corporate governance variable. By employing a classification methodology adept at addressing class imbalance, we substantiate the significant influence these factors had on the incidence of bankruptcy among Taiwanese companies that rely solely on financial parameters. Thus, our methodology streamlines variable selection from 95 to 10 critical factors, improving bankruptcy prediction accuracy and outperforming Liang’s 2016 results.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10383
by Foteini Tatsi, Fotios Tatsis, Nikolaos Mylonidis, Kostas Karamanis
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The expansion of short-term rental platforms like Airbnb and HomeAway has reshaped the hospitality sector, introducing competitive pressures for traditional hotels and influencing local communities in Greece. This study examines perceptions among 343 hoteliers and 277 Airbnb hosts across Greece, focusing on economic, competitive, and social impacts of Airbnb-type accommodations. This cross-sectional study used structured questionnaires to assess views on Airbnb’s contribution to tourism, competition, and economic performance. Results reveal significant differences in perceptions: hoteliers expressed concerns about increased competition and regulatory inequalities, often viewing Airbnb as a mixed or negative influence on local tourism. In contrast, Airbnb hosts perceived their accommodations as beneficial for tourism growth and local economic support. Key areas of divergence included perceived competitive pressures, impact on overnight stays, and pricing strategies, with Airbnb hosts reporting more frequent economic benefits. These findings emphasize the need for a balanced regulatory approach to ensure fair competition and sustainable growth in Greece’s tourism sector. By comparing the perspectives of traditional and alternative accommodation providers, this study provides insights for policymakers seeking to address evolving challenges in the Greek hospitality landscape.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10392
by Assyl Matayeva, Sagymbay Zhumagul, Bayan Sarybayeva, Ayaulym Yerlanova, Aisulu Chuzhayeva
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Formation of the latest scientific and methodological principles and the determination of the most important directions of the paradigm of the analysis of artistic creativity and text have been represented as actual problems of the theory of modern Kazakh literary criticism. The purpose of the work is to consider and analyze the modern concepts of Kazakh literary criticism, to evaluate the contribution of scientists from the period of independence of Kazakhstan in the development of theoretical analysis and interpretation of the artistic originality of national literature. The article discusses new trends in the theory of Kazakh literary criticism, changes in methodology, which are due to the leading positions of world literary criticism. In this regard, the article offers an analytical review of the main scientific and theoretical studies in the field of literary criticism, defines the evolution of the concepts of scientific and theoretical thought, identifies the principles and main aspects of the study of literature in a new way, shows certain achievements in close relationship with historical stages, as well as tasks future research; literary-theoretical and philosophical-aesthetic searches in modern Kazakh literary criticism are evaluated, the prospects for its development are determined.

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Open Access
Article ID: 6521
by Khuyen Kim Hoang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Autism is often referred to as autism spectrum disorder that constitutes a diverse group of conditions related to brain development (which is a neurodevelopmental disorder). Autism spectrum disorder patients often have difficulty communicating and interacting socially, and are characterized by restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests that have been shown to be the same in cultures of countries around the world. However, the interpretation of symptoms and recognition in terms of policies and laws in countries are not the same. Accordingly, some countries recognize autism spectrum disorder as one of the types of disability and some countries do not, including Vietnam. Currently, Vietnam’s Law on Persons with Disabilities 2010 does not recognize the term “autism” in the Law. At the same time, there is a lack of legal issues related to the “autism spectrum” from the time of diagnosis such as policies on practical support appropriate to each individual’s needs and interests so that they can develop and be integrated in the medical field, education and enjoyment of other benefits such as persons with disabilities. This is an overlooked term that leads to the community having a misperception of “autism” when they are not aware that autism is a disease or a disability, what causes autism and why, etc. The article points out the current situation of adjustment by policies and laws on autistic people in Vietnam. On that basis, the article focuses on analyzing the contents that need to reform those policies and laws to ensure human rights of autistic people and their families.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10114
by Reason Masengu, Chenjerai Muchenje, Benson Ruzive
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Food safety in supply chains remains a critical concern due to the complexity of global distribution networks. This study develops a conceptual framework to evaluate how food safety risks influence supply chain performance through predictive analytics. The framework identifies and minimizes food safety risks before they cause serious problems. The study examines the impact of food safety practices, supply chain transparency, and technological integration on adopting predictive analytics. To illustrate the complex dynamics of food safety and supply chain performance, the study presents supply chain transparency, technological integration, and food safety practices and procedures as independent variables and predictive analytics as a mediator. The results show that supply chain managers’ capacity to anticipate and control risks related to food safety can be improved by predictive analytics, leading to safer food production and distribution methods. The research recommends that businesses create scalable cloud-based predictive model solutions, combine data sources, and employ cutting-edge AI and machine learning tools. Companies should also note that strong, data-driven approaches to food safety require cooperative data sharing, regulatory compliance, training initiatives and ongoing improvement.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8894
by Éva Berde, Emese Kovács, Muyassar Kurbanova, Sándor Remsei
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The proportion of elderly people is growing steadily in many countries, and this trend is expected to continue. As a result, ageism—negative discrimination often tied to perceptions of the elderly—becomes especially harmful. Ageism prevents older generations from being fully accepted by society and, in turn, hinders their ability to adapt to today’s technological changes. In this article, we present the results of our survey mapping the extent of ageism among youth in Uzbekistan, known for its cultural tolerance in Central Asia, and in Hungary, a more individualistic society in Central Europe. To interpret the survey results accurately, we included specific questions to measure social desirability bias, enabling a realistic comparison of ageism levels between the two countries. Data was collected through a survey translated into multiple languages, with a final sample of nearly 400 respondents, each either currently pursuing or already holding a college-level diploma. Our methodological approach was twofold. First, we conducted simple chi-square tests to compare levels of negative and positive ageism between the two countries under study. Upon finding significant differences, we used multivariable OLS regression to explain the variance in types of ageism in Uzbekistan and Hungary, accounting for the possible effects of social desirability bias. Uzbek youth demonstrated higher levels of positive ageism and lower levels of negative ageism compared to Hungarian youth. This finding confirms that the cultural tolerance in Uzbek society remains strong and, in many ways, could serve as a model for Hungary. Additionally, our literature review highlights that adequate infrastructure is essential for a society to treat older adults equitably alongside other citizens.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10589
by Ashwaq Munif Almutairi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study addresses the rising concerns of technostress experienced by teachers due to the increased reliance on educational technology in both classroom and online settings. Technostress, defined as the adverse psychological effects arising from the use of information communication technologies, has been documented to impact teacher performance and overall well-being. Despite the importance of educational technology in enhancing teaching and learning experiences, many educators report elevated levels of anxiety, stress, and pressures associated with their use of these tools. This study presents practical strategies to help teachers alleviate or prevent technostress while using educational technology. This study used a quantitative approach with a survey conducted among 113 university and schoolteachers. The data analysis included frequency and percentage distribution of categorical variables, Cronbach’s alpha for reliability, chi-square test, and exploratory factor analysis to identify strategies for symptom prevention. The results indicated that while many teachers experienced symptoms of technostress due to several factors, some did not. The study concluded with specific strategies, and many teachers agreed highly. The implications of this study are profound for educational institutions, policymakers, and teacher training programs as they underscore the necessity of providing comprehensive training, support, and resources to help educators manage technostress effectively. By integrating these strategies into professional developmental programs and fostering a supportive teaching environment, schools and universities can promote better mental health for teachers, improving students’ educational outcomes.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10466
by Shalini S. Associate, Rajesh Yadav, Leena N. Fukey, Nilofar Mulla, Debashis Dev Misra, Megha Chauhan, Lankoji V. Sambasivarao
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The present study focuses on improving Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) based on applying machine learning to spectrum sensing in remote learning scenarios. Remote education requires connection dependability and continuity that can be affected by the scarcity of the amount of usable spectrum and suboptimal spectrum usage. The solution for the proposed problem utilizes deep learning approaches, namely CNN and LSTM networks, to enhance the spectrum detection probability (92% detection accuracy) and consequently reduce the number of false alarms (5% false alarm rate) to maximize spectrum utilization efficiency. By developing the cooperative spectrum sensing where many users share their data, the system makes detection more reliable and energy-saving (achieving 92% energy efficiency) which is crucial for sustaining stable connections in educational scenarios. This approach addresses critical challenges in remote education by ensuring scalability across diverse network conditions and maintaining performance on resource-constrained devices like tablets and IoT sensors. Combining CRNs with new technologies like IoT and 5G improves their capabilities and allows these networks to meet the constantly changing loads of distant educational systems. This approach presents another prospect to spectrum management dilemmas in that education delivery needs are met optimally from any STI irrespective of the availability of resources in the locale. The results show that together with machine learning, CRNs can be considered a viable path to improving the networks’ performance in the context of remote learning and advancing the future of education in the digital environment. This work also focuses on how machine learning has enabled the enhancement of CRNs for education and provides robust solutions that can meet the increasing needs of online learning.

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Open Access
Article ID: 11062
by Kanokkarn Snae Namahoot
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study investigates the role of Chat-GPT with augmented reality applications in enhancing tourism experiences in Thailand, focusing on behavioral intentions and innovation adoption to reduce stress in the tourism industry. The research addresses two key objectives: identifying factors driving consumers’ behavioral intentions to adopt AR apps and evaluating the robustness of a modified innovation framework for analyzing these intentions. A conceptual model integrating innovativeness, attitudes, perceived enjoyment, and revisit intentions was developed and tested using Structural Equation Modeling with data from 430 Thai tourists who have one to three years of mobile application experience. The findings highlight that service and technology innovation significantly influence perceived enjoyment and attitude, which in turn mediate the impact on behavioral intention to adopt augmented reality applications. At a significance level of p < 0.001, perceived enjoyment and attitude were identified as critical determinants of BI, underscoring the importance of intrinsic user experiences. Tourists are more likely to adopt augmented reality technologies based on personal perceptions and enjoyment rather than external recommendations. This research provides actionable insights for stakeholders in the tourism technology ecosystem, including technology providers, marketers, and policymakers. By emphasizing the interplay of social, emotional, and hedonic factors in shaping user attitudes, the study introduces a robust framework for advancing augmented reality applications in tourism. The findings underscore the importance of user-centric design to drive technology adoption and offer strategic guidance for developers and entrepreneurs aiming to enhance tourism experiences through innovative augmented reality solutions.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9805
by Erleta Halimi, Katalin Czako, Arben Sahiti
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper investigates the factors influencing credit growth in Kosovo, focusing on the relationship between credit activity and key economic variables, including GDP, FDI, CPI, and interest rates. Its analysis targets loans issued to businesses and households in Kosovo, employing a VAR model integrated into a VEC model to investigate the determinants of credit growth. The findings were validated using OLS regression. Additionally, the study includes a normality test, a model stability test (Inverse Roots AR Characteristic Polynomial), a Granger causality test for short-term relationships, and variance decomposition to analyze variable shocks over time. This research demonstrates that loan growth is primarily driven by its historical values. The VEC model shows that, in the long run, economic growth in Kosovo leads to less credit growth, showing a negative link between it and GDP. Higher interest rates also reduce credit growth, showing another negative link. On the other hand, more foreign direct investment (FDI) increases credit demand, showing a positive link between credit growth and FDI. The results show that loans and inflation (CPI) are positively linked, meaning higher inflation leads to more credit growth. Similarly, more foreign direct investment (FDI) increases credit demand, showing a positive link between FDI and credit growth. In the long term, higher inflation is connected to greater credit growth. In the short term, the VAR model suggests that GDP has a small to moderate effect on loans, while FDI has a slightly negative effect. In the VAR model, interest rates have a mixed effect: one coefficient is positive and the other negative, showing a delayed negative impact on loan growth. CPI has a small and negative effect, indicating little short-term influence on credit growth. The OLS regression supports the VAR results, finding no effect of GDP on loans, a small negative effect from FDI, a strong negative effect from interest rates, and no effect from CPI. This study provides a detailed analysis and adds to the research by showing how macroeconomic factors affect credit growth in Kosovo. The findings offer useful insights for policymakers and researchers about the relationship between these factors and credit activity.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10467
by Durba Dutta Senior, Gopal Singh, Jaya Verma, Tumpa Dey, Pooja Kapoor, Lalrinkima Lalrinkima, Mohammed Hameeduddin Haqqani
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study investigates the integration of sustainability principles into educational curricula, focusing on the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Through a mixed-methods approach, the research identifies key institutional barriers, including outdated policies, insufficient teacher training, and limited resources. These barriers hinder the effective incorporation of sustainable development principles into education. The study reveals that while some educational systems struggle to adopt sustainability, examples from progressive institutions show that integrating these principles enhances student awareness and equips them with skills essential for sustainable development. The findings suggest that substantial changes are needed in existing educational frameworks to better support sustainability in curricula. Recommendations for future research include conducting longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impact of curriculum changes on sustainability outcomes and exploring the role of technology in advancing sustainable education. Policy recommendations emphasize the need for advocacy and the implementation of actionable strategies, such as industry collaborations for pilot projects and real-world applications. Furthermore, institutional support for teacher professional development is crucial, with structured programs that combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills in sustainability. Enhancing partnerships between educational institutions and industries, including co-designed curriculum modules and internship opportunities, is also essential for aligning education with the Sustainable Development Goals. This study highlights the importance of transforming educational practices to better address the challenges of sustainable infrastructure development, ultimately preparing students to contribute to a more sustainable future.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10468
by Aayesha Sagir Khan, Alba Maria Gallo, Ubaldo Comite, E. Seda KOÇ, Amira Ali Alkholi, M Prabavathy, Dhruv Pande
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This longitudinal study is dedicated to the evaluation of the comprehensive impact of educational reforms through a mixed research methodology which is a combination of the quantitative- and qualitative-oriented research methods to check the students’ outcomes. Data was collected in the span of [mention the time frame] from various data sources for instance standardized test scores, school performance statistics, and through open-ended qualitative evaluation from both students and teachers. Data analysis carried on after the reforms had been put in place revealed that there was a considerable rise in mean test scores and success graduation rates. Therefore, formative evaluation demonstrates the need for implementing reforms that will eventually help the students in boosting academic performance. Besides, there is no difference among investor opinions on teachers, administrators, and students who are involved with the implementation of the reforms. Stakeholders manifest this new assistance as an outcome of lasting improvements in curriculum quality, methods of teaching, and student participation. The study approaches two main challenges that are confronted with education reform that is resourcelessness and to society the change of the educational system can be more suitable for the students to excel academically and it can have an impact on the whole community. Even though this study makes important advancements toward the realization of the complex education implementation process and its effect on student academics, there are elements in which it can be criticized. Both quantitative and qualitative performance improvement is important as well as all the important stakeholder participation. This way the transformation process becomes layered. In other words, these results point to the necessity of planning interventions for longer periods that target the challenges and the forces that maintain the low levels of education performance by the counties.

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Open Access
Article ID: 3923
by Fitri Yeni, Hamdy Hadi, Elfiswandi Elfiswandi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study aims to discover the relationship between growth sales, capital structure, and corporate governance on financial performance of energy and basic material sector public companies in Indonesia. Financial performance is observed from 2 aspects: market performance (Tobin’s Q) and profitability performance (ROA). The population in this study is firms in the energy and basic material sector on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The total population is 248 firms. 39 firms were selected as samples. The data is obtained from the annual report which starts from the period 2018 to 2022. A total of the population was determined as samples by purposive sampling method. Data analysis using panel data regression. The result shows: 1) Growth Sales have a significant influence on market performance; however, it does not have a significant effect on profitability performance. 2) Capital Structure significantly influences market and profitability performance 3) Corporate governance significantly influences market and profitability performance. Suggestions for companies that must strive to increase sales, maintain good corporate governance and pay attention to the company’s capital structure in a balanced manner.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9975
by Dalia I. Hasan, Attila Sipos
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

While the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council is sometimes criticized for the potential influence of political agendas on its decisions, while the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is criticized for its limited jurisdiction and dependence on the party’s willingness to accept the ICJ’s jurisdiction, a crucial concern is raised over the efficiency of the current Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (DRM) for aviation industry related disputes. Unravelling the compelling inquiry that hangs in the air: Just how efficient is the current aviation arbitration legal system? Is the efficiency of this system available to ad hoc arbitration1 or arbitral tribunals2? The authors aim to analyze the existing legal guidance to navigate the complex arbitration system. This article sheds light on precedent cases by the ICAO Council and the ICJ studying challenges, such as the lack of efficiency of the ICAO Council and the criticism of the Council’s ineffectiveness for being hampered by the political interests of Member States. As well as the ICJ as it may be a more powerful authority in resolving such disputes, it also faces multiple challenges including the lack of enforcement, jurisdiction issues, and political influence, which in return makes it unlikely for dispute parties to seek the ICAO or the ICJ for resolution of their disputes, instead parties have now mostly adopted arbitration clauses as their primary dispute resolution method under Air Services Agreements (ASAs) and other aviation related agreements. While ad hoc arbitration has shown effectiveness and success, its secrecy and confidentiality might result in inconsistency and the inability to develop a case law system. The authors note the urgent need for an arbitration institution3 under the United Nations (UN) umbrella specialized in air law and aviation technology disputes, with the power to issue an enforceable, legally binding ruling. The article also examines the realm of arbitration in the aerospace industry, analyzing legal resources, current aviation arbitration systems, centres, and platforms, and further analyzing case studies to assess the results of the efficiency of each Dispute Resolution Mechanism.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10340
by Chunxing Sun, Tatyana Mikhailovna Rogulenko
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Managing business development related to the innovation of intelligent supply chains is an important task for many companies in the modern world. The study of management mechanisms, their content and interrelations of elements contributes to the optimization of business processes and improvement of efficiency. This article examines the experience of China in the context of the implementation of intelligent supply chains. The study uses the methods of thematic search and systematic literature review. The purpose of the article is to analyze current views on intelligent supply chain management and identify effective business management practices in this area. The analysis included publications devoted to various aspects of supply chain management, innovation, and the implementation of digital technologies. The main findings of the article are as follows: Firstly, the key elements of intelligent supply chain management mechanisms are identified, secondly, successful experiences are summarized and the main challenges that companies face in their implementation are identified. In addition, the article focuses on the gaps in research related to the analysis of successful experiences and the reasons for achieving them.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10102
by Muhrina Anggun Sari Hasibuan, Widiatmaka Widiatmaka, Suria Darma Tarigan, Wiwin Ambarwulan
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The Cisadane Watershed is in a critical state, which has expanded residential areas upstream of Cisadane. Changes in land use and cover can impact a region’s hydrological characteristics. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a hydrological model that can simulate the hydrological characteristics of the watershed affected by land use. This study aims to evaluate the impact of land use change on the hydrological characteristics of the Cisadane watershed using SWAT under different land use scenarios. The models were calibrated and validated, and the results showed satisfactory agreement between observed and simulated streamflow. The main river channel is based on the results of the watershed delineation process, with the watershed boundary consisting of 85 sub-watersheds. The hydrological characteristics showed that the maximum flow rate (Q max) was 12.30 m3/s, and the minimum flow rate (Q min) was 5.50 m3/s. The study area’s distribution of future land use scenarios includes business as usual (BAU), protecting paddy fields (PPF), and protecting forest areas (PFA). The BAU scenario had the worst effect on hydrological responses due to the decreasing forests and paddy fields. The PFA scenario yielded the most favourable hydrological response, achieving a notable reduction from the baseline BAU in surface flow, lateral flow, and groundwater by 2%, 7%, and 2%, respectively. This was attributed to enhanced water infiltration, alongside increases in water yield and evapotranspiration of 3% and 15%, respectively. l Therefore, it is vital to maintain green vegetation and conserve land to support sustainable water availability.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10529
by Xiaohua Zhang, Fan Li, Wen Liu, Ping Wu
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The study investigates the role of foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and engagement in the context of English language learning among Chinese students, emphasizing the significance of positive emotions in enhancing academic success. Utilizing a sample of 249 students majoring in international trade, the research employs the foreign language enjoyment scale to count their enjoyment level and foreign language engagement scale to assess various dimensions of student engagement, including cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social engagement. By conducting regression analysis, the findings reveal that FLE positively influencing learners’ learning outcome while engagement doesn’t pose significant impact on their learning outcome. The study highlights the importance of fostering positive emotions in educational settings to improve language learning outcomes and suggests that understanding the interplay between FLE and other affective factors can lead to more effective teaching strategies in foreign language education. 

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Open Access
Article ID: 10731
by Bipin Chauhan, Dhanya K. A., Rashmi Soni, J. Bamini, Anu Jossy Joy, Sudip Chakraborty
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The successful execution of large-scale infrastructure projects is essential for economic growth and societal development, but these projects are too often beset with financial risks. The main financial risks related to infrastructure projects, including cost overrun, funding uncertainty, currency fluctuation, and regulatory change are examined in this research. The study identifies and assesses the magnitude and frequency of these risks by combining surveys and analysis of financial reports. The findings show that current risk management strategies, including hedging, contingency funds, and public-private partnerships, are often unsuitable to respond to the specific needs of financial uncertainties. The research suggests the need for an all-encompassing financial risk management framework that relies on real-time data analysis and a cocktail of risk assessment tools. Additionally, the development of strategic tailored approaches to address financial risk recovery depends on proactive stakeholder engagement. This research complements the existing literature on risk management in infrastructure projects by highlighting the financial dimensions of risk management and suggesting future research on advanced financial tools and technologies. Ultimately, large-scale infrastructure project sustainability and success contribute to economic stability and societal well-being can only be achieved through effective financial risk management.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9357
by Hajnalka Fekete-Berzsenyi, Katalin Molnárné Barna, Dorottya Edina Kozma
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The research aims to map environmental protection strategies and the related control tools and to identify the links among companies with the largest number of employees and sites in Hungary. The research questions were answered using a questionnaire survey method. The authors used cluster analysis to classify the 205 company strategies into the identified strategy clusters: Leaders, Awakeners, and Laggards. Then, the examined 21 environmental management control tools in the sample were divided into four groups: strategic, administrative, methodological and economic. Economic and strategic methods were the most common in the sample. The authors used cross-tabulation analysis to examine whether there is a statistically proven relationship between belonging to environmental strategy clusters and specific control tools. The analysis showed significant but weak to moderate relationships. According to Cramer’s V and the contingency coefficient, the closest relationship between the tested environmental management control tools and membership in environmental strategy clusters is shown by evaluating investments, assessing the economic viability of environmental strategies, and running an environmental training program for employees. In case of the robust lambda indicator, a significant relationship was found by examining the economics of environmental strategies and identifying environmental success factors and eco-balances. It can be concluded that the companies under examination follow a set of environmental goals, which they have incorporated into their strategic objectives. They use the available environmental management control toolbox to develop their strategies and to monitor their implementation to varying degrees.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9808
by Norbert Kovács, Dávid Fülep, István Á. Harmati, Krisztián Koppány, Lóránt Dénes Dávid
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The Hungarian economy exhibits a notable underinsurance phenomenon, with insurance penetration at a mere 2.8%, significantly lower than the European Union average of 8%. This situation indicates substantial growth potential within the Hungarian insurance market, particularly in the life and non-life insurance sectors, contingent upon the development of solvent demand and favorable demand-stimulating factors. Anticipated transformations in the structure of the Hungarian insurance market may arise due to both endogenous and exogenous influences, likely resulting in heightened market concentration and alterations in competitive dynamics. This study aims to conduct an analysis of the historical and expected future transformations of the Hungarian insurance market structure by utilizing publicly available data on gross premium income. The analysis employs traditional market structure indicators, such as market shares, concentration ratios, and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), while also examining market share transitions through the application of the Markov chain method. Markov transition probabilities offer a more accurate representation of historical market structure processes compared to conventional market structure indicators. Furthermore, the calculation of these transition probabilities facilitates the prediction of anticipated future changes in market shares. The stationary (ergodic) distribution of market shares, derived from the transition probability matrix, denotes a market share distribution toward which the market converges under stable conditions. This approach also enables the computation of an equilibrium market share distribution achievable in the future under specified conditions, driven by the internal mechanisms of the market. The analysis reveals an upward trend in the market shares of larger companies and an increase in market concentration across both the life and non-life insurance sectors in Hungary. Traditional methods of indirect measurement indicate a prospective rise in market concentration and a potential decline in competitive conditions. However, when considering stationarity, the invariant distributions estimated via the Markov chain methodology suggest a decrease in the market shares of the largest companies, accompanied by a leveling effect among leading firms. This indicates that, assuming unchanged conditions over the past decade, the intrinsic processes of the market could lead to a less concentrated market structure in both the life and non-life insurance sectors of the Hungarian insurance market. Removing the stationarity assumption presents new opportunities for determining the equilibrium state of the insurance market under specific conditions. Future research will venture further in this direction. The objective is to develop a model capable of indirectly measuring market power, which will provide essential insights for competition authorities and management of market participants, even within asymmetric information contexts, regarding the anticipated trajectory of market structure transformation.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10173
by Andri Purwandani, Wiwin Ambarwulan, Aninda W. Rudiastuti, I Wayan Nurjaya, Widiatmaka Widiatmaka, Rahmat Abbas, Yudi Anantasena, Djoko Nugroho, Yusuf Surachman Djajadihardja, Ety Parwati, Maryani Hartuti, Syarif Budhiman
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Oil spills (OS) in waters can have major consequences for the ecosystem and adjacent natural resources. Therefore, recognizing the OS spread pattern is crucial for supporting decision-making in disaster management. On 31 March 2018, an OS occurred in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesia, due to a ship’s anchor rupturing a seafloor crude oil petroleum pipe. The purpose of this study is to investigate the propagation of crude OS using coupled three-dimensional (3D) model from DHI MIKE software and remote sensing data from Sentinel-1 SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). MIKE3 FM predicts and simulates the 3D sea circulation, while MIKE OS models the path of oil’s fate concentration. The OS model could identify the temporal and spatial distribution of OS concentration in subsurface layers. To validate the model, in situ observations were made of oil stranded on the shore. On 1 April 2018, at 21:50 UTC, Sentinel-1 SAR detected an OS on the sea surface covering 203.40 km2. The OS model measures 137.52 km2. Both methods resulted in a synergistic OS exposure of 314.23 km2. Wind dominantly influenced the OS propagation on the sea surface, as detected by the SAR image, while tidal currents primarily affected the oil movement within the subsurface simulated by the OS model. Thus, the two approaches underscored the importance of synergizing the DHI MIKE model with remote sensing data to comprehensively understand OS distribution in semi-enclosed waters like Balikpapan Bay detected by SAR.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10517
by Margarita Bogdanova, Evelina Parashkevova, Marusya Smokova, Mariela Stoyanova
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper explores the role of the agile approach in managing interorganizational relationships in innovation networks. Design/methodology/approach. Relevant literature related to agile team management, network theory, innovation theory and knowledge management was studied. Based on collaboration between different approaches, a conceptual model for agile management of an innovation network was generated. Conceptual modeling was supplemented with graphical notation (diagram) of the main elements of the model. At the stage of testing the conceptual model, the action research method was applied, which provides an opportunity for organizational innovations to be carried out with the participation of researchers. The object of the pilot implementation of the conceptual model is the Bulgarian division of a global non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to community service. The organizational innovation applied in the testing of the model is related to improving the communication environment between individual teams (clubs), which are autonomous, but in the conditions of a network can generate projects for common, large-scale initiatives for community service. Findings. The pilot testing of the model shows its applicability, insofar as a traditionally managed structure switches to an agile communication model, in which horizontal connections become more frequent and knowledge between individual participants is transferred more efficiently. The possibility of decentralized decision-making creates the potential for generating numerous new and larger-scale initiatives for the benefit of the final beneficiaries. The participants in the network have also outlined some shortcomings, such as the need for better preliminary preparation when introducing organizational innovations in order to adequately explain and accept them.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10825
by Kittisak Wongmahesak, Fazida Karim, Nititorn Wongchestha
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The primary purpose of the current study is to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the international performance of SMEs. In addition, the study has also examined the mediating Role of social capital and global mindset in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the international performance of SMEs. The present business situation for Sustainability depends on the company’s capability and the existing capital, which comprises expertise, skills, and company capability, which force its ability to compete and utilize the valued resources with strategy. In organizational processes, a company’s abilities and capital enhance its performance, especially in profit earning and forming a strategy. According to the resources-based theory, the group of internal abilities and resources in the firm may produce competitive benefits and result in more excellent performance. We have used PLS path modeling in the present study to analyze the theoretical model. Entrepreneurial orientation is a resource that indicates the extent of a business’ proactive state, risk-taking innovativeness, competitive belligerence, and autonomy. Regarding the effect of social capital on international performance, the findings demonstrate a significant and positive correlation between the two variables regarding the effect of a global mindset on international performance; the findings indicate a significant correlation between the two variables. In general, the findings of this current study are consistent with those of previous ones, whereby the global mindset is indicated to play a significant role in achieving international performance for SMEs. The findings also align with the theory of contingency assertion about the global mindset, whereby the positive effect of intellectual intelligence on international performance is confirmed.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7403
by Payamta Payamta, Titik Setyaningsih
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study examines the determinants of audit quality and their impact on detecting financial statement fraud at public accounting firms member of OAI Solusi Manajemen Nusantara in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, data was collected through a structured questionnaire distributed to auditors and staff. Key findings highlight the significant influence of auditor independence, professional proficiency, and supervision actions on conducting effective audits, thereby enhancing fraud detection capabilities. The research identifies challenges such as the focus on Indonesian firms and potentially limiting broader applicability. Recommendations include enhancing auditor training, adopting stringent audit procedures and technology, and ensuring adherence to auditing standards to improve audit quality and uphold financial reporting integrity. This study underscores the critical role of audit quality in preventing and detecting financial statement fraud, suggesting avenues for future research to explore additional influencing factors.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9498
by R. I. David Pooe, Watson Munyanyi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The ongoing fourth industrial revolution has undoubtedly had a significant impact on virtually all aspects of society and business, and in this disruptive digital landscape. This study investigates the critical internal capabilities that enable small and medium enterprises to effectively adopt AI-driven innovations in the South African context. By examining key factors such as AI readiness, organizational learning capacity, strategic flexibility, and data management capabilities, the research provides a comprehensive analysis of their impact on AI-powered innovation performance. Using structural equation modelling to analyse data from SME owners and managers, the findings reveal significant positive correlations between these internal capabilities and innovation success. The results highlight the importance of investing in technological infrastructure, fostering a learning-oriented culture, and enhancing data management systems to ensure sustained competitiveness in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. These insights are crucial for SMEs aiming to leverage AI technologies for business growth and for policymakers seeking to support technology-driven sector development in emerging markets.
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Open Access
Article ID: 7687
by Primadona Primadona, Sjeddie Rianne Watung, Riyan Sisiawan Putra, Albert Kurniawan Purnomo, Aloysius Jondar, Niel Ananto
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

In the era of globalization and advanced information transparency, competition between companies has become increasingly fierce due to the large number of products and services that have similar characteristics. This situation creates a competitive and dynamic business climate, where companies must adapt quickly to the changes that occur. This study investigates the impact of servant leadership on employee performance at Mandiri In health, focusing on employee engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior as relevant mediating variables. The study used a proportionate stratified random sampling method to determine the sample of respondents, which ultimately consisted of 206 individuals who were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The main findings of the study show that servant leadership has a significant direct influence on employee performance, employee engagement, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the company. This indicates that service-oriented leadership practices not only influence individual performance, but also contribute to employee volunteering and active engagement in the organization. Employee engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior affect employee performance directly, there is no evidence that servant leadership affects employee performance indirectly through the mediation of employee engagement. There is an indication that Organizational Citizenship Behavior acts as a mediator between servant leadership and employee performance, indicating the importance of organizational citizenship behavior in facilitating the positive relationship between leadership and performance. These findings provide a deeper understanding of how leadership strategies can significantly contribute to the achievement of organizational goals in a competitive business environment.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10666
by Thabiso Khanyile, Timothy T. Adeliyi, Oluwasegun J. Aroba
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Given the multifaceted nature of crime trends shaped by a range of social, economic, and demographic variables, grasping the fundamental drivers behind crime patterns is pivotal for crafting effective crime deterrence methodologies. This investigation adopted a systematic literature review technique to distill thirty key factors from a corpus of one hundred scholarly articles. Utilizing the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for diminishing dimensionality facilitated a nuanced understanding of the determinants deemed essential in influencing crime trends. The findings highlight the necessity of tackling issues such as inequality, educational deficits, poverty, unemployment, insufficient parental guidance, and peer influence in the realm of crime prevention efforts. Such knowledge empowers policymakers and law enforcement bodies to optimize resource allocation and roll out interventions grounded in empirical evidence, thereby fostering a safer and more secure societal environment.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9584
by Feng Lu, Hui Guo
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

In today’s highly competitive environment, enterprises strive for competitive advantages by actively responding to changes in the network environment through digital technology. This approach fosters continuous innovation and establishes new paradigms by creating new network structures and relationships. However, research on the relationship and transmission mechanisms between digital technology and innovation performance in dynamic environments is still in its early stages, which does not fully address the demands of current social practice. Therefore, exploring the impact mechanisms of digital technology applications on enterprise innovation performance is an important research area. Based on the dynamic capability theory, this paper utilized SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 24.0 software to conduct an empirical analysis of 490 valid samples from the network perspective, exploring the pathways through which digital technology capability influences enterprise innovation performance. The results indicate that (1) digital technology capability is positively correlated with enterprise innovation performance; (2) digital technology capability is positively correlated with network responsiveness; (3) network responsiveness is positively correlated with enterprise innovation performance; (4) network responsiveness plays a mediating role in the impact of digital technology capability on enterprise innovation performance; (5) environmental dynamism positively moderates the relationship between digital technology capability and enterprise innovation performance. This paper enhances the understanding of how digital technology capability influences enterprise innovation performance in dynamic environments, offering new insights for future research. The results suggest that enterprises should focus on enhancing their digital technology capabilities, optimizing network structures, and strengthening network relationships to drive digital innovation.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10305
by Istiadi Istiadi, Ari Pramono, Karin Amelia Safitri
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Quality evaluation is an essential part of maintaining and sustaining the performance of each organization. In educational institutions, every student who takes a vocational education program is required to be able to carry out and complete internship activities. On the other hand, in implementing quality evaluation, something significant needs to be solved holistically. The problem is that no gradual and comprehensive measurement can provide information about the conditions of each scientific group. This study uses the SERVQUAL approach, which focuses on the performance that has been produced by combining the stages in the internship. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires to 261 students who had internships in three scientific groups, namely 1) Management & Business Administration, 2) Health and 3) Media & Communication. The final results show that each scientific group has a different evaluation focus base that needs to be considered and optimized to maintain the quality of education.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10174
by Laura Umralieva, Medeubek Tanirbergenov, Kussan Mussakulov, Zhalgasbek Beisenbekov, Balkiya Kerimbai
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

In the current era of globalization, the need arises to train individuals who are spiritually enriched, creatively developed, and culturally grounded through the advancement of education and science, as well as through art and culture. These individuals must be capable of integrating artistic creativity into their professional activities. In this context, the issue of fostering values of historical and cultural significance through virtual reality technologies emerges as a novel area of research. The study aims to reveal the essence of the concept “virtual museum” and test the level of perspective art teachers’ readiness for utilizing the virtual museum in their professional activity to foster their cultural values of artic creativity. Employing quantitative and qualitative methods, the study encompassed questionnaires, tests, and assignments administered to 135 university students divided into control and experimental groups. To diagnose students’ readiness to utilize virtual museum technology in their professional activities, three components (motivational, cognitive, and operational), criteria, indicators and levels of readiness were identified. Findings indicate that there is a noticeable difference between the experimental group’s results before and after completing the authors’ elective course titled “Methodology of using the virtual museum”. This demonstrates the effectiveness of this course conducted with the experimental group. The study highlights the importance of perspective art teachers’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences necessary to implement the virtual museum method in their teaching activity through the proposed elective course incorporated into the university educational process in order to foster students’ cultural values of artic creativity.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8294
by Iing Daiman, Nina Karlina, Heru Nurasa, Dedi Sukarno
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract In order to support MSME players, the government continues to provide stimulus to accelerate the national economic recovery process and strengthen Bank Indonesia’s policy mix related to strengthening financing or credit. Several things have been done in the context of developing MSMEs in the agricultural sector through the development of end-to-end integrated agricultural clusters by utilizing digitalization for superior commodities, volatile foods and export commodities. The development of this agricultural cluster also supports the inflation control program in West Java. Cirebon City, is one of the cities/regencies in West Java which has the target of “Increasing the role of industry, trade, cooperatives and MSMEs in the economic stability of Cirebon City” as reflected in the average achievement of the two performance indicators as measuring tools, namely 98.58%. Therefore, this research aims to describe the role of local government in developing MSMEs in Cirebon City. The research results show that the regional government plays a role as a facilitator which is realized through training activities, capital and technology assistance, the regional government also plays a role as a catalyst which is realized through promotional activities for MSME products in Cirebon City.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9466
by Md. Atikur Rahaman, Mohammad Bin Amin, Prianka Tewary, Mohammed Julfikar Ali, Emmanuel Jeffrey Dzage, László Erdey
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The aim of this study is to examine the contributions of the components of employee engagement on knowledge-sharing behavior alongside possible mediating effect of management support. This study collected data from 395 respondents purposively selected from pharmaceutical organizations in Bangladesh. For input and incorporation of sample data, SPSS version 26 was used, whereas the PLS-SEM (version-4) tool was used to test the hypotheses relationships. The findings reveal significant positive effects of adaptation, devotion, and vitality on both knowledge sharing behavior and management support. Adaptation to new technologies and processes enhances employees’ ability and intention to share knowledge, facilitated by robust management support. Similarly, devotion and vitality among employees fosters a supportive environment that is conducive for knowledge exchange. Management support emerges as a critical mediator, amplifying the positive impacts of adaptation, devotion, and vitality on organizational outcomes. These findings address a critical gap in understanding the conditions that enhance knowledge-sharing behaviors in highly regulated industries and provides a valuable framework for organizations to nurture knowledge-sharing cultures that will drive innovation and resilience within emerging markets.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7667
by Cheol-Woo Park, Gyung-Lan Kang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Short-form content has the potential for virality and broad sharing, allowing businesses to reach large audiences in a short period of time. This type of content has transformed traditional marketing approaches, capturing the attention and curiosity of Generation Z, thereby leading to the rise of digital marketing. As Generation Z is the next generation of consumers and their purchasing power increases as they enter the workforce, marketers need to understand the factors influencing their attitudes and purchase intentions. This study aims to explore the relationship between the growing presence of short-form advertising content in corporate marketing strategies and consumer behavioral intentions. To achieve this, the sub-characteristics of short-form content were categorized into expertise, ease of use, and entertainment value, while information reliability was set as a mediating variable. Data was collected through a survey of 256 adults residing in Busan and Gyeongnam, and analyzed using SPSS 28.0. The findings of the study revealed that most sub-characteristics of short-form content advertisements positively influenced both recommendation and purchase intentions. Additionally, information reliability was identified as a significant mediating factor between short-form content and consumer behavioral intentions. These results provide important insights for corporate marketers and advertising professionals, as they offer valuable guidance on how to influence consumer purchase intentions effectively.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9064
by Nithi Muthukrishna, Susan Philpott, Padmani Patsy Pillay, Odette Swift
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The South African government has undertaken to expand universal access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) with a particular focus on children from socially disadvantaged communities and with disabilities. This requires training and support of ECD practitioners, such that they are equipped 399with the necessary knowledge and competencies to implement effective teaching and learning approaches at ECD level. This research explored an innovative, inclusive approach to ECD practitioner development in which both Deaf and hearing students were enrolled in an ECD practitioner training program facilitated jointly by New Beginnings (an ECD non-profit training organization) and the Deaf Federation of South Africa (DeafSA). The research scrutinized key aspects of the training program, including how it extended students content knowledge on ECD, their pedagogical knowledge; as well as epistemological access for Deaf students. The findings and conclusions have important implications not only for equipping ECD practitioners with knowledge and skills, but also demonstrates how practitioner training itself can be effectively structured to cater for diversity among trainees.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8545
by Aervina Misron, Abdullah Abdulaziz Bawazir, Fozi Ali Belhaj, Syed Gaddafi Syed Saifuddin, Syukor Hashim, Jonaina Nordin, Wedyan Y. Bayahya
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study explores the impact of digital economy engagement and digital adoption on the entrepreneurship performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia, with a specific focus on the PG Mall platform. Through an analysis of SMEs’ involvement in digital activities such as e-commerce, digital marketing, and data analytics, the research identifies key factors that enhance business performance. The main objective of this paper is to examines the mediating role of government policies in supporting digital adoption and fostering a conducive environment for digital entrepreneurship. This paper employed a quantitative method to examine the impact of digital economy engagement and digital adoption on the entrepreneurship performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia, with a focus on the PG Mall platform. Through data analysis, this research assessed several hypotheses related to the relationship between digital engagement, adoption, and business performance. The findings revealed that the majority of the hypotheses were supported, confirming the positive influence of digital economy engagement and digital adoption on various aspects of entrepreneurship performance. Based on these findings, this paper also proposes a conceptual framework that highlights the elements of digital economy engagement and digital adoption that contribute to SME performance. This framework serves as a valuable guideline for government policymakers, practitioners, and scholars in shaping strategies to foster digital entrepreneurship. It underscores the importance of supportive government policies, such as financial incentives and training, in facilitating the digital transformation of SMEs. By providing a structured approach to understanding the role of digital tools in enhancing business outcomes, the framework offers a foundation for future research and policy development aimed at promoting digital entrepreneurship in an evolving economic landscape.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8989
by Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Grace Egenti, Imudia Uduehi, Ikenna Odezuligbo, Daniel Aliu, Adeyinka Oluwabusayo Abiodun, Kenneth Kennedy Adama, Benjamin Sunday Eragbe, Adedoyin Abiodun Talabi, Grace Jokthan, Johnson Opateye, Udochukwu Chidiebere Nwankwo, Benjamin Maxwell Eneche
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The developmental and advancement of engineering vis-à-vis scientific and technological research and development (R&D) has contributed immensely to sustainable development (SD) initiatives, but our future survival and development are hampered by this developmental and advancement mechanism. The threat posed by current engineering vis-à-vis scientific and technological practices is obvious, calling for a paradigm change that ensures engineering as well as scientific and technological practices are focused on SD initiatives. In order to promote sound practices that result in SD across all economic sectors, it is currently necessary to concentrate on ongoing sustainable engineering vis-à-vis scientific and technological education. Hence, this perspective review article will attempt to provide insight from Sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria to be specific) about how engineering vis-à-vis scientific and technological R&D should incorporate green technologies in order to ensure sustainability in the creation of innovations and practices and to promote SD and a green economy. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance as well as prospects and advancements of engineering vis-à-vis scientific and technological education from the in Sub-Saharan Africa context.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10334
by Bingqian Cheng, Zagdkhorol Bayasgalan
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

In recent years, e-sports, as an emerging form of competition, has been rapidly integrated into the daily life of college students, and with its rich interactivity, instant feedback and teamwork, e-sports provides them with an effective channel for emotional catharsis and psychological regulation. This study takes students from four universities as the survey object and adopts quantitative research method to analyze the relationship between different types of e-sports activities and psychological stress resistance through questionnaire survey method combined with spss. The samples were randomly sampled, and a total of 500 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of the study show that: 1. In terms of participation, the ability of students to withstand academic stress and life stress is significantly improved, and e-sports is an effective way to regulate emotions and relieve stress; 2. the three types of games (First-person Shooter, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, Real-Time Strategy Game) have different impacts on stress tolerance, of which FPS has the greatest impact on stress tolerance; 3. the frequency of playing e-sports affects your stress tolerance; 4. teamwork and strategy play an important role in e-sports resilience.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9949
by Blessed Frederick Ngonso, Peter Eshioke Egielewa, Grace Egenti, Imudia Uduehi, Flora Sunny-Duke, Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Shedrack Onwusinkwue, Ikenna Odezuligbo, Adeyinka Oluwabusayo Abiodun, Adedoyin Abiodun Talabi, Grace Jokthan, Johnson Opateye, Udochukwu Chidiebere Nwankwo, Benjamin Maxwell Eneche, Uddin O. Osemengbe
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This research was conducted using a survey research method to investigate the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Nigerian students’ academic performances in tertiary institutions. Nigerian tertiary institutions have an estimated population of about 2.5 million students across the universities, polytechnics, monotechnics, and colleges of education. A sample size of 509 was used. The researchers adopted an online questionnaire (Google Form) to administer questions to respondents across Nigeria to elicit responses from the respondents bordering on their awareness and the use of AI and its attendant impacts on their academic performance. Five research objectives were raised for the proper investigation of this study. From the findings of the study, the researchers found that the majority of Nigerian students use AI and that AI has positive impacts on the educational performance of Nigerian students. It was also found that Nigerian students have training on the use of AI for educational purposes and that they are more familiar with Snapchat AI and ChatGPT. Conclusively, AI is useful to students in the sense that it enhances their knowledge of their courses, improves their learning and speaking skills, and helps them to have a quick understanding of their course by way of simplifying technical aspects of their courses. The researchers therefore recommend as follows: Nigerian tertiary institutions should formally train students as well as teachers on the use of AI for academic purposes so that they can understand the ethical implications of the use of AI. Using AI for writing could be interpreted to mean examination malpractice, and this should not be condoned in the educational sector; however, at the moment, a small number of students used AI for examinations. Albeit, the appropriate use of AI should be fully integrated into Nigerian tertiary institutions’ curricula.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10924
by Leonard Artur Horvath, Bianca Padurean, Ioan Claudiu Padurean, Iulia Maria Tanescu
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The Republic of Moldova is a state with a small, but dynamic economy and which, with the help of competitiveness in the IT industry, is looking for a place on the economic market in the Eastern European region. The research approaches this topic from an economic, historical, but also geopolitical point of view. This analysis of economic data and figures from the last period, combined with government policies and that of the National Bank of Moldova, means that in the near future the software economic area of Moldova will become an important regional player in this part of Europe.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9898
by Alla Zuhir Al Rawashdeh, Asma Rebhi Al-Arab, Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif, Mooza Isa Aldoy
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study aimed to explore university students’ awareness levels about entrepreneurship’s role in promoting entrepreneurship in acquiring social and economic balance within Emirati society. A descriptive-analytical method was used, with data gathered from 365 participants through a questionnaire. The findings revealed that university students demonstrated a strong awareness of the impact of entrepreneurship on achieving entrepreneurship in acquiring social and economic balance equilibrium in the UAE. In particular, students from Ajman University expressed highly positive views on the entrepreneurship in fostering this balance. Additionally, the results showed no significant statistical differences in awareness levels based on gender or academic year. However, there were notable differences between students in scientific and humanities colleges, with the significance level below 0.05. The study recommends supporting students in launching entrepreneurial initiatives that contribute to entrepreneurship in acquiring social and economic development. Moreover, efforts should be made to eliminate barriers that hinder the understanding and practice of entrepreneurship.

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Open Access
Article ID: 6099
by Susu Zhang, Vuthipong Roadkasamsri
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The Yangjiabu Kite Festival, originating over 2000 years ago in Shandong Province, China, stands as a testament to the enduring cultural heritage and artistic traditions of kite flying. This research explores the historical origins, cultural symbolism, festival format, community engagement, and international exposure of the Yangjiabu Kite Festival, shedding light on its evolution and impact over time. Findings reveal the festival’s deep roots in ancient Chinese traditions, its role as a platform for showcasing cultural diversity and craftsmanship, and its significance in promoting tourism, cultural exchange, and soft power projection for Shandong Province. Lessons learned from the Yangjiabu Kite Festival offer valuable insights for cross-cultural application, event management, cultural diplomacy, and community development. Suggestions for future research include comparative studies, longitudinal assessments, audience research, and policy analysis to further explore the dynamics and implications of cultural festivals in a global context. Overall, the research underscores the importance of cultural festivals as vehicles for cultural preservation, tourism promotion, and intercultural dialogue, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation across borders.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8164
by Veronika Keller, Ida Ercsey, Erzsébet Printz-Markó
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Adult obesity is a significant health problem, with nearly a quarter of Hungarian citizens aged 15 years and older being obese in 2019 (KSH, 2019a). The use of mobile devices for health purposes is increasing, and many m-health apps target weight-related behaviours. This study uniquely examines the effectiveness and user satisfaction of health-oriented apps among Hungarian adults, with a focus on health improvement. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study identifies six key determinants of health improvement and refines measurement tools by modifying existing parameters and introducing new constructs. The principal objective was to develop a measurement instrument for the usability of nutrition, relaxation and health promotion applications. The research comprised three phases: (1) qualitative content analysis of 13 app reviews conducted in June 2022; (2) focus group interviews involving 32 students from the fields of business, economics and health management; and (3) an online survey (n = 348 users) conducted in December 2023 that included Strava (105 users), Yazio (109 users) and Calm (134 users). Six factors were identified as determinants of health improvement: physical activity, diet, weight loss, general well-being, progress, and body knowledge. The LAUQ (Lifestyle Application Usability Questionnaire) scale was validated, including ‘ease of use’ (5 items), ‘interface and satisfaction’ (7 items) and ‘modified usefulness and effectiveness’ (9 items), with modifications based on qualitative findings. This research offers valuable insights into the factors influencing health improvement and user satisfaction with healthy lifestyle-oriented applications. It also contributes to the refinement of measurement tools such as the LAUQ, which will inform future studies in health psychology, digital health, and behavioural economics.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10209
by Noreddine Choubed, Ahmed Laklimi, Mustapha Agli, Abdelhamid Raki
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This research calls for intellectual and methodological unity among Muslims considering the current fragmentation and disintegration affecting the community. It emphasizes the need for cohesion, moving away from confrontations with differing ideas and interpretations. The study highlights a key aspect of tolerance ethics, a trait exemplified by esteemed jurists throughout history, who incorporated these values into their writings and actions as a model for future generations. Their respectful conduct in dialogues, debates, and interactions with opposing views serves as a guiding example. Key themes include decorum towards differing opinions, the avoidance of offensive language, and fairness in judgments, refraining from examining others’ intentions. These principles of tolerance are evident in historical and biographical works, showcasing the jurists’ ethical approach and intellectual maturity in addressing both minor and major disagreements, reflecting an ethical dimension in their discourse.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10304
by Yanling Huang, Kanakarn Phanniphong
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Since 2022, global geopolitical conflicts have intensified, and there has been a notable increase in the international community’s demand for currency diversification. This has created a new opportunity for the internationalization of the Renminbi (RMB). This paper examines the factors influencing the internationalization of the RMB, with a particular focus on its role as a unit of account, medium of exchange and store of value. These functions are considered in conjunction with the digital technological innovation represented by e-CNY. The methodology employed is based on the vector autoregression (VAR) model, Granger causality test and variance decomposition analysis. The Granger causality test indicates that digital technology innovation is not the primary driver of RMB internationalization at this juncture. The impulse response analysis and variance decomposition analysis revealed that the impact and direction of influence exerted by the various factors on RMB internationalization exhibit considerable discrepancies.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8198
by Malingaka Maoeng, Khululekani Ntakana
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Purpose: The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is assured to transform the construction sector from a project-based industry to a market-based industrialised process. Yet, its slow uptake can be attributed to current emphasis on technological adoption. This study focused on the development of small medium enterprises (SMEs) in the construction industry (CI) of South Africa (SA). The study explicitly focused on the adoption of information communication technology (ICT) in the construction SMEs. In a bit to further advance SMEs, the study observed the practice of communication technology tools. The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extend ICT is practised in the construction SMEs. Methodology: the research design was established on explanatory case study approach in Gauteng province, South Africa – the methodology adopted is quantitative method. The approach was done via the use of survey questionnaires which was distributed virtually by means of emails, LinkedIn and WhatsApp. Participants are questioned regarding their experience of practicing ICT tools within their organizations. Findings: The study findings indicated that ICT tools have been in practice to a negligible extend in SA construction SMEs, the empirical results affirm that the number 1 classified communication tool used in SA construction SMEs is face to face meetings, seconded by phone calls. However, the experience is diverse; it shows that ICT tools are being practised in the organizations with 4IR experience unlike the SMEs without experience that portrays the highly practised paper-based system in their organizations. Originality: the study recommends that the SMEs review the influence of ICT tools in construction and implement them in their organizations considering their benefits to the industry in this era (4IR). This will help maximise the opportunities brought by ICT and further improve the South Africa construction SMEs in terms of technology adoption.
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Open Access
Article ID: 8029
by Blasa Celerina Cruz Cabrera, Maricela Castillo Leal, Jorge Antonio Silvestre Acevedo Martínez, Ana Luz Ramos Soto, Jovany Sepulveda, Jackeline Valencia, Luis Fernando Garcés-Giraldo, Alejandro Valencia-Arias
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed Learning Management Systems (LMSs), enabled personalized adaptation and facilitated distance education. This study employs a bibliometric analysis based on PRISMA-2020 to examine the integration of AI in LMSs from an educational perspective. Despite the rapid progress observed in this field, the literature reveals gaps in the effectiveness and acceptance of virtual assistants in educational contexts. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine research trends on the use of AI in LMSs. The results indicate a quadratic polynomial growth of 99.42%, with the years 2021 and 2015 representing the most significant growth. Thematic references include authors such as Li J and Cavus N, the journal Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and countries such as China and India. The thematic evolution can be observed from topics such as regression analysis to LMS and e-learning. The terms e-learning, ontology, and ant colony optimization are highlighted in the thematic clusters. A temporal analysis reveals that suggestions such as a Cartesian plane and a league table offer a detailed view of the evolution of key terms. This analysis reveals that emerging and growing words such as Learning Style and Learning Management Systems are worthy of further investigation. The development of a future research agenda emerges as a key need to address gaps.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9054
by Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Grace Egenti, Imudia Uduehi, Ikenna Odezuligbo, Daniel Aliu, Adeyinka Oluwabusayo Abiodun, Kenneth Kennedy Adama, Benjamin Sunday Eragbe, Adedoyin Abiodun Talabi, Grace Jokthan, Johnson Opateye, Udochukwu Chidiebere Nwankwo, Benjamin Maxwell Eneche
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Higher education (HE) consists of both conventional and non-conventional methods of learning. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a non-conventional system where teachers (often referred to as facilitators) are physically not present. The conduct of practical in engineering and science education using ODL remains a challenge due to inadequate technology and the dispersion of the students, which results in a graduate skills gap in ODL programs. There is a possibility of using a cloud computing set-up, as well as platforms for the creation of simulated virtual practical settings (virtual laboratories-VLs), which could be accessible by ODL engineering and science and education-based students notwithstanding their locations. This paper adds to existing knowledge on VLs and discusses these inadequacies in engineering and science education with emphasis on the enhancement of online and collaborative learning, as well as the possible laboratory (lab) requirements. In addition, the paper highlights contemporary trends and some issues in VLs and remote labs.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9055
by Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, Grace Egenti, Imudia Uduehi, Ikenna Odezuligbo, Nihad Saliu Achekuogene, Adeyinka Oluwabusayo Abiodun, Benjamin Sunday Eragbe, Adedoyin Abiodun Talabi, Grace Jokthan, Johnson Opateye, Udochukwu Chidiebere Nwankwo, Benjamin Maxwell Eneche
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Ensuring access to quality education and career training is a crucial challenge, especially in developing nations. Vocational, scientific, technological, and engineering education are essential for active participation in any community and play a significant role in shaping life perspectives. The ability to sustain competitiveness depends on receiving high-quality vocational, scientific, technological, or engineering education and professional growth. These factors are vital for the long-term growth of prosperous economies and nation-building. Hence, this perspective review attempts to provide information on some contemporary pedagogies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) vis-à-vis scientific and engineering education in Nigeria. The study zooms into the challenges and possible solutions that will promote and enhance pedagogies in scientific and engineering education in Nigeria. The study adopted a perspective review approach in overviewing prior accessible studies (literatures) as well as a methodological framework. It is believed that this perspective review study will serve as a way forward for other developing nations.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7640
by Goldie Melinda Wijayanti, Puspita Dirgahayani, Pradono Pradono, Muhammad Zainal Ibad
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The green port concept offers a sustainable approach to port management aimed at reducing environmental damage while maintaining efficient operations. This study examines the transformation of Teluk Lamong Terminal in Indonesia into a green port using a socio-technical regime approach. Employing stakeholder analysis and content analysis, the research identifies key actors involved and assesses their roles and influences in the transformation process. The study concludes that effective collaboration among government agencies, port authorities, and local communities is essential to achieving sustainable port development. The insights provided can guide policymakers and practitioners in enhancing the green port initiatives in Indonesia and similar contexts.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9841
by Ada Gallegos, Paula Andrea Rodríguez-Correa, Luisa Adriana Rodríguez Zavala, Alejandro Valencia-Arias, Erica Agudelo-Ceballos, Diana Gaviria-Rodriguez, Lorena Del Rocío Castañeda Rodríguez
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Women’s financial literacy and financial inclusion have gained prominence in recent years. Despite progress, knowledge and access to finance remain common barriers for women, especially in emerging economies. Globally, domestic and economic violence has been recognized as a relevant social concern from a gender perspective. In this context, financial literacy and financial inclusion are considered to play a key role in reducing violence against women by empowering them with the necessary knowledge to manage their financial resources and make informed decisions. This study aims to evaluate the determinants that influence Peruvian female university students’ financial literacy and financial inclusion. To this end, a theoretical behavioral model is proposed, and a survey is applied to 427 female university students. The results are analyzed using a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results validate all the proposed hypotheses and highlight significant relationships between financial literacy and women’s financial inclusion. A relevant relationship between financial attitude and financial behavior is also observed, as well as the influence of financial behavior and financial self-efficacy on financial literacy. The results also reveal that women feel capable of making important financial decisions for themselves and consider that financial literacy could help reduce gender-based violence. Based on these findings, theoretical and practical implications are raised. It highlights the proposal of a theoretical model based on antecedents, statistically validated in a sample of women in Peru, which lays the foundation for understanding financial literacy and financial inclusion in the Latin American region.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10412
by Mohammed Ahmed Abou Adel, Moustafa Mohamed Abouelnour, Mohammad Issa Alhourani, Asmaa A. Awad
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper presents a comprehensive and integrated paradigm for intelligent universities using artificial intelligence (AI) to transform management systems and teaching, thus complementing sustainable development objectives. Through a systematic examination of top worldwide universities’ AI applications, this study reveals key achievements, obstacles, and strategies for successfully implementing AI-driven intelligent universities. Every case study focuses on a particular AI-driven project, including the adaptive learning systems at MIT, the AI teaching assistant Jill Watson at Georgia Tech, and the AI-enabled quality control system at Cambridge University. Combining systematic review, meta-analysis, and case studies under a mixed-methods approach, the study provides a practical guide for implementing artificial intelligence to improve administrative and academic roles. Results show how artificial intelligence can solve institutional issues, automate quality assurance, and personalize learning. Recommendations advocate for gradual adoption strategies, ethical AI deployment, and capacity-building measures to enable sustainable digital transformation.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10020
by Mst Jannatun Ferdaush, Touhid Bhuiyan
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper presents an effective method for performing audio steganography, which would help in improving the security of information transmission. Audio steganography is one of the techniques for hiding secret messages within an audio file to maintain communication secrecy from unwanted listeners. Most of these conventional methods have several drawbacks related to distortion, detectability, and inefficiency. To mitigate these issues, a new scheme is presented which combines the techniques of image interpolation with LSB encoding. It selects non-seed pixels to allow reversibility and diminish distortion in medical images. Our technique also embeds a fragile watermarking scheme to identify any breach during transmission to recover data securely and reliably. A magic rectangle has also been used for encryption to enhance data security. This paper proposes a robust, low-distortion audio steganography technique that provides high data integrity with undetectability and will have wide applications in sectors like e-healthcare, corporate data security, and forensic applications. In the future, this approach will be refined for broader audio formats and overall system robustness.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10125
by Xiaofeng Luo, Xuehe Wang, Tao Jiang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its application in the field of auditing has gained increasing attention. This paper explores the application of AI technology in audit risk assessment and control (ARAC), aiming to improve audit efficiency and effectiveness. First, the paper introduces the basic concepts of AI technology and its application background in the auditing field. Then, it provides a detailed analysis of the specific applications of AI technology in audit risk assessment and control, including data analysis, risk prediction, automated auditing, continuous monitoring, intelligent decision support, and compliance checks. Finally, the paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of AI technology in audit risk assessment and control, as well as future research directions.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10506
by Deni Santo, Noer Azam Achsani, Ernan Rustiadi, Agus Buono
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The policy to accelerate the design of the Detailed Spatial Plan regulation document (RDTR) is a strategic step to enhance ease of doing business and promote sustainable development in Indonesia. Targeting 2036 RDTR sites nationwide, the initiative relies on various policy interventions and technical approaches. However, as of 8 January 2024, only 399 RDTRs (19.59%) were enacted after four years of implementation. This underperformance suggests the need to examine factors influencing the process, including issues at each stage of the RDTR design business process. While often overlooked due to its perceived irrelevance to the core substance of planning, analyzing the process is crucial to addressing operational and procedural challenges. This research identifies critical issues arising from the preparation to the enactment stage of RDTR regulations and proposes necessary policy changes. Using an explanatory approach, the study employs methods such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), post-review analysis, stakeholder analysis, business process evaluation, and scenario planning. Results show several impediments, including challenges related to commitment, technical and substantive issues, managerial coordination, policy frameworks, ICT support, and data availability. These findings serve as inputs for the development of business process improvement scenarios and reengineering schemes based on Business Process Management principles.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10532
by Weizhen Chen, Juan Mai
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Since 2013, the state has introduced a number of policies to strictly control the number and scale of public hospitals and to control the rapid expansion of public hospitals. After the introduction of this series of policies, the number of public hospitals in China did not continue to grow, but the number of beds in public hospitals continued to grow. This paper uses difference-in-difference (DID) method to analyze the number of public hospitals with the corresponding data of the development of private hospitals after the introduction of the policy, and the results proves that the introduction of relevant policies has an impact on the number of public hospitals, but has a limited impact on the expansion of the scale of public hospitals. At the end of the article, positive policy suggestions are given to the development of hospitals in China, such as controlling the expansion of public hospitals, strictly controlling the number of beds in public hospitals, and vigorously developing private hospitals. Promoting the development of private hospitals is an important economic supplement to China’s health care.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10581
by Kossi Dizewe, Assogba Guézéré, Iléri Dandonougbo
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract All air travellers in Togo pass through Gnassingbé Eyadéma International Airport (AIGE: Aéroport International Gnassingbé Eyadema) of Lomé. To get in or out of the airport, they must use other means of land transport as part of an intermodal approach. The urban transport system in Lomé is disjointed, with no interconnection between the land transport hubs and the airport hub, making it extremely difficult for users to get to and from AIGE. It is true that there is a public transport service called SOTRAL, but it does not serve the airport, while the use of artisanal transports to access the airport is prohibited or very restricted. The aim of this study is to analyse intermodal practices between land and air transport in Great Lomé District. The methodological approach used is based on surveys of passengers at bus stations and AIGE, interviews with transport stakeholders, counts of feeder and distribution modes, and observation of practices in the field. The study shows that in the absence of a specific transport service to serve the main multimodal hubs such as the airport, travelers are bound to use their own means of transport or hire very expensive artisanal transports or private vehicles to get to the airport. To leave the airport, travelers make more use of the airport’s VIP private taxis (32%), which are very expensive on arrival. Those who do not want to hire the airport’s expensive private taxis are forced to walk 300 m with their parcels to pick up a city taxi at the side of the road.
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Open Access
Article ID: 5210
by Gifty Osei-Mireku, Deli Yao
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract One crucial determinant of the overall cost of national fuel efficiency rules is how consumers evaluate trade-offs between the initial cost of vehicles with better fuel economy and the anticipated savings in fuel expenses. Vehicle selection modeling is a useful tool for evaluating variations in customer preferences when it comes to purchasing vehicles. Additionally, it explores the impact of these changes on consumer surplus and compliance costs. The study employs a particular selection test under comparison test conditions to investigate its impact on the visual representation of fuel economy data. The fuel economy data is displayed distinctly for each of the six factors: average monetary savings/spending over four years compared to a car in the same class, miles per gallon, fuel costs over six years, yearly fuel prices, the complete government-mandated fuel efficiency label, and the total fuel cost throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. A nationally representative sample of 950 prospective car purchasers in Ghana was randomly allocated to a single situation throughout the country. The study determined that the data presented had a direct impact on how consumers assess fuel efficiency. When comparing other criteria such as annual fuel cost, five-year fuel cost, and spending/saving comparisons, the study found a significantly higher willingness to pay value for participating in the scenario that included fuel economy labels. The value was adjusted based on participant statistics. Participants of advanced age and those who anticipated a somewhat reduced expenditure for their forthcoming automobile attributed greater significance to fuel efficiency. This research investigates potential reasons for the disparities between consumer willingness to pay for fuel efficiency and the offerings of automakers, despite the limited available data to assess the relative importance of these various theories.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10671
by Liang Deng, Yun-Zhong Luo
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Background: Digital transformation in the sports industry has become increasingly crucial for sustainable development, yet comprehensive empirical evidence on policy effectiveness and risk management remains limited. Purpose: This study investigates the impact of policy support and risk factors on digital transformation in sports companies, examining heterogeneous effects across different firm characteristics and regional contexts. Methods: Using panel data from 168 sports companies listed on China’s A-shares markets and the New Third Board from 2019 to 2023, this study employs multiple regression analyses, including baseline models, instrumental variables estimation, and robustness tests. The digital transformation level is measured through a composite index incorporating digital infrastructure, capability, and innovation dimensions. Results: The findings reveal that policy support significantly enhances digital transformation levels (coefficient = 0.238, p < 0.01), while financial risks demonstrate the strongest negative impact (−0.162, p < 0.01). Large firms and state-owned enterprises show stronger responses to policy support (0.312 and 0.278, respectively, p < 0.01). Regional development levels significantly moderate the effectiveness of policy implementation. Conclusions: The study provides empirical evidence for the differential effects of policy support and risk factors on digital transformation across various firm characteristics. The findings suggest the need for differentiated policy approaches considering firm size, ownership structure, and regional development levels. Implications: Policy makers should develop targeted support mechanisms addressing specific challenges faced by different types of firms, while considering regional disparities in digital transformation capabilities.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9811
by Ahmad Hamdan, Manal Yunis, Mahmoud Arayssi, Khodr Fakih
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Since the beginning of 2020, Lebanon has been facing a severe economic crisis, soaring inflation and currency collapse; yet, there has been a remarkable turnout towards solar energy. This research explores the evolution of the exchange and customs-exchange rate during the crisis, and the impact on the economic sustainability of solar energy business. The primary objective is to examine the economic sustainability of the solar energy business through a thorough analysis of the interplay of factors such as exchange rate, customs exchange rate, market value and profitability of the business and the impact of these rates on such economic metrics. The investigation involves a quantitative analysis of data collected from 10 companies in Beirut/Lebanon on a quarterly basis from 2020 till 2023. To ensure statistical rigor, certain variables were log-transformed, and data was processed in SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), performing correlation tests, hierarchal regression, mediation, and variation by time analyses. The results of the study indicate that the solar energy business excelled performance, taking into consideration other different factors like lack of electricity, and showed responsiveness to market dynamics. The business exhibits stability and independence in certain aspects, such as profitability, attributed to strategic dollarization and effective cost management. Correlation analysis showed strong relationships between rates and costs, profits, and project market values in Lebanese Lira, yet weak or insignificant correlations for these metrics in US dollars. Thus, dollarization strategies mitigated currency volatility impacts. Mediation analysis revealed that exchange rate plays a dominant role over customs exchange rate, significantly impacting project values in US dollars. Profitability analysis highlighted stable trends, indicating robust adaptability, strategic pricing, and sustainable growth despite fluctuating exchange rates. Analysis of profit margins and return on investment indicates a consistently positive trajectory, reflecting stability that thus fosters confidence among investors and stakeholders. Overall, the insights provided highlight the resilience of the business during the crisis, shedding light on its economic sustainability.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10698
by Pauline Choo, Ree Chan Ho, Chee Hoo Wong, Meiyi Li
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The Malaysian government’s efforts to promote solar photovoltaic (PV) usage among households face a challenge due to its low adoption rate. This study delves into the factors influencing the exponential adoption of solar PV electricity generation among landed residential property owners in Malaysia. The research aims to comprehensively examine the predictors influencing the adoption of solar PV systems among Malaysian households. Hence, the study employs an enhanced Theory of Planned Behavior framework, integrating sustainable energy security dimensions such as availability, affordability, efficiency, acceptability, regulation, and governance. The sample comprised 556 Malaysian residents who owned and resided in the landed properties. The home locations where at least one solar PV installation existed within a residential street. Snowball sampling was employed through referrals, leveraging social and community networks. Collected data was analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling. Attitude, affordability, and acceptability emerged as pivotal factors significantly impacting the intention to use solar PV systems among Malaysian households. This research not only enriches academic discourse but also offers practical implications for policymakers, guiding the formulation of targeted strategies to promote sustainable energy practices and facilitate the widespread adoption of solar PV systems in Malaysia.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10772
by Tang Jiadai, Wan Yusryzal Bin Wan Ibrahim
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The intensification of urbanization worldwide, particularly in China, has led to significant challenges in maintaining sustainable urban environments, primarily due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. This effect exacerbates urban thermal stress, leading to increased energy consumption, poor air quality, and heightened health risks. In response, urban green spaces are recognized for their role in ameliorating urban heat and enhancing environmental resilience. This paper has studied the microclimate regulation effects of three representative classical gardens in Suzhou—the Humble Administrator’s Garden, the Lingering Garden and the Canglang Pavilion. It aims to explore the specific impacts of water bodies, vegetation and architectural features on the air temperature and relative humidity within the gardens. With the help of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) spatial interpolation method, this study has analyzed the microclimate regulation mechanisms in the designs of these traditional gardens. The results show that water bodies and lush vegetation have significant effects on reducing temperature and increasing humidity, while the architectural structures and rocks have affected the distribution and retention of heat to some extent. These findings not only enrich our understanding of the role of the design principles of classical gardens in climate adaptability but also provide important theoretical basis and practical guidance for the design of modern urban parks and the planning of sustainable urban environments. In addition, the study highlights GIS-based spatial interpolation as a valuable tool for visualizing and optimizing thermal comfort in urban landscapes, providing insights for developing resilient urban green spaces.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10935
by Mengjun Hu, Qiushuo Tian, Tae-Ho Kim
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Background: The prevalence of anxiety among college students is a growing global concern, with a median prevalence of 32%. This study addresses the need for effective interventions within an educational policy framework to alleviate anxiety and promote mental health among college students. Objective: The study aims to evaluate the impact of breathing relaxation exercises and tactile art therapy on college students’ self-understanding and psychological well-being, providing reference information for policies and practices in mental health education. Methods: We enrolled 10 college students from X University in South Korea, dividing them into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group underwent 10 sessions of breathing exercises and tactile art therapy, while the control group received standard psychological counseling. Pre- and post-tests assessed breathing function, self-understanding, and psychological well-being. Results: The experimental group demonstrated significant improvements in breathing function, particularly in forced vital capacity (FVC), and in psychological well-being, as measured by the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS). Sub-factors such as safety, goal orientation, and self-acceptance within self-understanding, self-acceptance, positive relationships, purpose in life, and environmental mastery within psychological well-being, showed notable enhancements. In contrast, the control group did not show significant effects in terms of FVC and FEV1(p > 0.05), and there were no statistically significant differences in the various sub-factors of self-understanding and psychological well-being. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that integrating breathing relaxation exercises and tactile art therapy into educational policy can significantly reduce anxiety and enhance the psychological well-being of college students. These findings suggest that such interventions can be effective components of a comprehensive educational policy aimed at improving student mental health.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10831
by Wenqi Zhang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper uses quantitative research methods to explore the differences in the impact of virtual influencers on different consumer groups in the context of technological integration and innovation. The study uses DBSCAN clustering technology to segment consumers and combines social media behavior analysis with purchase records to collect data to identify differences in consumer behavior under the influence of virtual influencers. Consumers’ emotional resonance and brand awareness information about virtual influencers are extracted through sentiment analysis technology. The study finds that there are significant differences in the influence of virtual influencers on different consumer groups, especially in high-potential purchase groups, where the influence of virtual influencers is strong but short-lived. This paper further explores the deep integration of virtual influencer technology with new generation information technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence, and emphasizes the importance of such technological integration in enhancing the endogenous and empowering capabilities of virtual influencers. The research results show that technological integration and innovation can not only promote the development of virtual influencers, but also provide new technical support for infrastructure construction, especially in the fields of smart cities and industrial production. This paper provides a new theoretical perspective for the market application of virtual influencers and provides practical support for the application of virtual technology in infrastructure construction.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9214
by Bukohwo Michael Esiefarienrhe, Itumeleng Michael Maine
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The increasing demand for electricity and the need to reduce carbon emissions have made optimizing energy usage and promoting sustainability critical in the modern economy. This research paper explores the design and implementation of an Intelligent-Electricity Consumption and Billing Information System (IEBCIS), focusing on its role in addressing electricity sustainability challenges. Using the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, the system’s architecture collects, analyses, and visualizes electricity usage data, providing users with valuable insights into their consumption patterns. The research involved developing and validating the IEBCIS prototype, with results demonstrating enhanced real-time monitoring, load shedding schedules, and billing information. These results were validated through user testing and feedback, contributing to the scientific knowledge of intelligent energy management systems. The contributions of this research include the development of a framework for intelligent energy management and the integration of data-driven insights to optimize electricity consumption, reduce costs, and promote sustainable energy use. This research was conducted over a time scope of two years (24 months) and entails design, development, pilot test implementation and validation phases.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9412
by Azima Abdul Manaf, Zaimah Ramli, Suhana Saad, Novel Lyndon, Sarmila Md Sum, Nurul Amira Abdul Wahab
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper focuses on examining the relationship among organizational factor, work-related factor, psychological factor, personal factor and the commitment of oil palm smallholders toward Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification. The study employed a descriptive research methodology and a structured survey instrument to gather data from oil palm smallholders (n = 441) through simple random sampling technique. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS and partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the proposed relationship. The findings reveal that organizational factors significantly impact the affective (β = 0.345, p < 0.05), normative (β = 0.424, p < 0.05), and continuance commitment (β = 0.339, p < 0.05) of oil palm smallholders. Additionally, work-related factors show a substantial effect on these same dimensions of commitment; affective (β = 0.277, p < 0.05), normative (β = 0.263, p < 0.05), and continuance (β = 0.413, p < 0.05). Psychological factors significantly impact the affective (β = 0.216, p < 0.05) and normative commitment (β = 0.146, p < 0.05), with no statistically significant influence on continuance commitment. Conversely, personal factors exhibit limited influence, affecting only continuance commitment (β = 0.104, p < 0.05) to a minor degree, with no statistically significant impact on affective and normative commitment. The present research is among the few empirical findings that have examined the oil palm smallholders’ commitment towards MSPO certification. By emphasizing the role of organizational and work-related factors, the study offers valuable insights for stakeholders within the oil palm sector, highlighting areas to enhance smallholder commitment toward sustainability standards. Consequently, this study contributes a unique perspective to the existing body of literature on sustainable practices in the oil palm industry.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8397
by Fucong Xie
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Depression is a prevalent mental health problem, particularly in the middle to late stages of adolescence. There are certain characteristics of depression that make it difficult to diagnose and require a thorough evaluation. Primary care doctors are often the first to see teens and have a critical role in recognizing and treating the symptoms of this condition. In addition, there are groups that advise testing for depression at this time. To summarize, the major objective of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive review of the scientific literature about the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of depression in adolescents, with a particular focus on primary care settings. There are a number of environmental and genetic elements that are related with the development of depression in teenagers, making it a difficult job to comprehend the pathophysiology of this condition. Diagnosing this ailment can be challenging because of its wide range of clinical manifestations, even though there are specific screening tests and diagnostic criteria. Furthermore, it can be mistakenly identified with other mental illnesses, which is why a variety of other differential diagnoses must be used. The feasible options for therapy are determined in part by the severity of the ailment, associated risk factors, and the resources at hand. These substitutes might consist of pharmaceuticals (mostly fluoxetine) and psychotherapies (relationships and cognitive behavioural). Under no circumstances can treatment be completed without psychological education, a supportive attitude, and family involvement. Preventive measures not only have a major impact on reducing the prevalence of this illness, but they also have a major positive impact on community health generally. Because of its unpredictable clinical course and the fact that it is significantly underdiagnosed all over the globe, depression in adolescents is a disorder that is of concern to the medical profession. General practitioners are able to give early diagnosis, the beginning of therapy, and referrals to mental health experts when it is important to do so.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10013
by Djossou Kodjo, Dandonougbo Iléri, Barbara Lyonnet, Hicham Abbad
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The freight transport chain brings together several types of players, particularly upstream and downstream players, where it is connected to both nodal and linear logistics infrastructures. The territorial anchoring of the latter depends on a good level of collaboration between the various players. In addition to the flow of goods from various localities in the area, the Autonomous Port of Lomé generates major flows to and through the port city of Lomé, which raises questions about the sustainability of these various flows, which share the road with passenger transport flows. The aim of this study is to analyse the challenges associated with the sustainability of goods flows. The methodology is based on direct observations of incoming and outgoing flows in the Greater Lomé Autonomous District (DAGL) and semi-directive interviews with the main players in urban transport and logistics. The results show that the three main challenges to the sustainability of goods transport are congestion (28%), road deterioration (22%) and lack of parking space (18%).

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Open Access
Article ID: 10722
by Dalia Kadry Ahmed Abdelaziz
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Artificial intelligence is experiencing unprecedented advancements, leading to the emergence of autonomous superintelligent systems that surpass human intelligence in various fields. These systems present novel legal challenges, particularly concerning criminal liability for crimes they may commit. This research examines the current legal frameworks. These frameworks are designed to determine the criminal liability of autonomous superintelligent system, with a focus on issues of intent, autonomous will, and their implications in the context of superintelligent AI. The study highlights specific potential crimes, including cybercrimes and privacy violations, and underscores the urgent need to develop new legal frameworks that address the unique risks posed by these systems. Additionally, the role of international conventions, such as the Budapest Convention, in shaping global standards for these challenges is evaluated. The research argues that current legislation is inadequate and emphasizes the need for legal reform to keep pace with technological advancements, offering a forward-looking approach to criminal responsibility in the age of Artificial Super intelligent.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10788
by Pattama Roopsuwankun, Ujsara Prasertsin, Songyos Kawmongkon, Thitirat Rodthong
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The research aimed to: 1) analyze components and indicators of digital transformation leadership among school administrators, 2) assess their leadership needs, and 3) develop mechanism models to promote this leadership. A mixed-method approach was applied, involving three sample groups: 8 experts, 406 administrators, and 7 experts. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews, leadership scales, needs assessments, and focus group discussions, with analysis performed through construct validity testing, needs assessment, and content analysis. The findings revealed: 1) The components and indicators of digital transformation leadership showed structural validity, as confirmed by the model’s alignment with empirical data (Chi-Square = 82.3, df = 65, p = 0.072, CFI = 0.998, TLI = 0.997, RMR = 0.00965, RMSEA = 0.0256). 2) Among the leadership components, “innovative knowledge” ranked highest in need (PNImodified = 0.075), followed by “ideological influence” (0.066), “consideration of individuality” (0.055), “intellectual stimulation” (0.052), and “inspiration” (0.053). 3) Mechanism models for promoting leadership emphasized enhancing these five components to strengthen administrators’ skills in applying technology, managing teaching and development plans, and fostering innovation. Administrators were encouraged to tailor strategies to individual needs, inspire personnel, and create a commitment to organizational change and development. These mechanisms aim to equip administrators to effectively lead transformations, motivate staff, and drive educational institutions to adapt and thrive in evolving environments.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9417
by António Rocha, Edit Süle, David Oliveira, Paulo Gonçalves, Rui Alpuim, Vítor Gonçalves
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This project analyzes the evolution of the manufacturing sector in Portugal from 2009 to 2021, focusing on the variations in the number of active companies across various subcategories, such as food, textiles, and metal product industries. The goal of this analysis is to understand the dynamics of growth and contraction within each sector, providing insights for companies to adjust their market and operational strategies. Key objectives include analyzing the overall evolution in the number of companies, identifying subcategories with notable changes, and providing a comprehensive analysis of observed trends and patterns. The study is based on data from PORDATA 2024, and the research employs temporal trend analysis, linear and quadratic regression, and the Pareto representation to identify patterns of growth and decline. By comparing annual data, the project uncovers periods of growth and decline, allowing for a deeper understanding of the sector’s dynamics. The findings also highlight variations in periods of economic crises and during the Covid-19 pandemic, and recommendations for action are presented to support businesses resilience and continuity. These results are valuable for companies within the manufacturing sectors analyzed and policy makers, guiding strategic decisions to navigate the complexities of the market dynamics and to ensuring long-term organizational sustainable success.

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Open Access
Article ID: 11023
by Yongjun Han, Xiao Han, Vincent Wee Eng Kim, Wen Wen
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Since the proposal of the low-carbon economy plan, all countries have deeply realized that the economic model of high energy and high emission poses a threat to human life. Therefore, in order to enable the economy to have a longer-term development and comply with international low-carbon policies, enterprises need to speed up the transformation from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy. Unfortunately, due to the massive volume of data, developing a low-carbon economic enterprise management model might be challenging, and there is no way to get more precise forecast data. This study tackles the challenge of developing a low-carbon enterprise management mode based on the grey digital paradigm, with the aim of finding solutions to these issues. This paper adopts the method of grey digital model, analyzes the strategy of the enterprise to build the model, and makes a comparative experiment on the accuracy and performance of the model in this paper. The results show that the values of MAPE, MSE and MAE of the model in this paper are the lowest. And the r^2 of the model in this paper is also the highest. The MAPE value of the model in this paper is 0.275, the MSE is 0.001, and the MAE is 0.003. These three indicators are much lower than other models, indicating that the model has high prediction accuracy. r2 is 0.9997, which is much higher than other models, indicating that the performance of this model is superior. With the support of this model, the efficiency of building an enterprise model has been effectively improved. As a result, developing an enterprise management model for the low-carbon economy based on the gray numerical model can offer businesses new perspectives into how to quicken the shift to the low-carbon economy.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9877
by Nur Fatin Azwin A. Talib, Siti Meriam Zahari, Mahayaudin M. Mansor, Sumayyah Dzulkifly, Noryanti Nasir, S. Sarifah Radiah Shariff, Nurakmal Ahmad Mustaffa
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Malaysia reported its first imported COVID-19 case on 23 January 2020, which marked the country’s first confirmed positive case. The first case in Malaysia was from eight close contacts in Johor. The global health landscape has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with mortality or survival being critical outcomes of interest. This study aims to predict COVID-19 survival occurrences in Malaysia by utilizing machine learning approaches based on demographic factors. The dataset used in this study comprises demographic information of 2,151,315 COVID-19 patients, including nationality, regions, age groups, gender, medical history, vaccine brands, and the number of vaccine doses received between 2020 and 2022. Four machine learning algorithms, namely Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and Artificial Neural Network were employed to assess the relationship between demographic factors and COVID-19 survival. To evaluate the model performance, the datasets are categorized into imbalanced and balanced (down-sampling). The results indicate that the balanced dataset (down-sampling) outperforms the imbalanced dataset in terms of overall accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and Area Under the Curve (AUC). Based on the analysis, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier exhibited the highest performance with a specificity 95.2% on a balanced dataset. The model excels in accurately identifying survivors, thereby minimizing false mortality predictions and is selected as the best model for predicting COVID-19 survival. Its capacity to process larger sample sizes, combined with numerous interconnected nodes, enables it to identify complex patterns and extract meaningful insights from diverse datasets, such as demographic factors. Additionally, the optimization of parameters, including the number of layers, learning rate, and activation functions, significantly contributed to its superior accuracy. The study identifies that those of chronic diseases, male, and aged 45 and above as the notable factors associated with lower survival rates among COVID-19 patients. The findings underscore the importance of completing the vaccination series by obtaining at least the second dose, as the first dose alone may not offer sufficient protection. In conclusion, this study successfully achieves its objectives by identifying the optimal dataset configuration and predictive model for forecasting COVID-19 survival based on demographic factors. This network could serve as a benchmark model classifier, offering a valuable tool to predict and promote vaccinations, as well as optimize the general healthcare system during the pandemic outbreak. The study not only contributes to the theoretical understanding of effective COVID-19 prediction but also emphasizes the practical implications of integrating advanced machine learning techniques into pandemic management strategies. Future research can build upon these findings by exploring additional machine learning techniques and considering geographical and environmental factors to further enhance the accuracy of long-term predictions.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9944
by Agus Mulyadi, Muh. Ilham, Hyronimus Rowa, Marja Sinurat
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study aims to identify and the implementation of ASN Management policies on career development aspects based on the merit system in the West Java Provincial Government and 6 Regency/City Governments in West Java Province. The failure of the institutionalization of the meritocratic system in ASN career development is partly triggered by the symptoms of the appointment or selection of officials in the central and regional levels not based on their professionalism or competence except for subjective considerations, political ties, close relationships and even bribery. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The operationalization concept in this study uses Merilee S. Grindle’s Policy Implementation theory which consists of dimensions of policy content and its implementation context. The factors that cause the implementation of the policy to be less than optimal include: 1. Uneven understanding of meritocracy; 2. Slowness/unpreparedness in synchronizing central and regional rules/policies; 3. The information integration system between the center and regions has not yet been implemented; 4. Limited supporting infrastructure; 5. Limited permits for related officials; 6. Transparency; 7. Collaboration across units/agencies; 8. External intervention; 9. Use of information systems/technology. To optimize these factors, an Accelerator of Governmental Unit’s Success (AGUS) model was created, which is a development of the Grindle policy implementation model with the novelty of adding things that influence implementation, including top leader’s commitment and wisdom, effectiveness of talent placement, on-point human development, technology savvy, cross-unit/agency collaboration, and monitoring and evaluation processes.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10365
by Nusrat Farzana, Piana Monsur Mindia, Sharifah Norzehan Syed Yusuf, Mohd Nazmul Hoque, Abd Hadi Mustaffa, Mahmood Ahmed, Md Qamruzzaman
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Research on zakat has captured the attention of scholars since 1981, exhibiting an increasing trend in publications and citations. This trend presents an opportunity for the author to delve into zakat research. The primary aim of this study is to dissect 10 years of zakat research, spanning from 2013 to 2022, with a focus on evaluating past achievements, current research patterns, and potential future research directions. Utilising bibliometric analysis as the primary tool, this study has formulated seven research questions derived from the primary objective. Key findings indicate a consistent upward trajectory in both publication and citation rates over the past decade, with 2013 being a pivotal year. Notably, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia emerged as the top three countries actively contributing to zakat research during this period. This study further outlines eight contemporary research trends, exploring various facets of zakat over the past decade. Additionally, this study identifies four prospective areas in zakat for future scholars to explore. This study’s outcomes offer three significant contributions: 1) signalling to scholars that zakat research continues to burgeon; 2) providing inspiration and ideas for current scholars; and 3) motivating future scholars to embark on research ventures in untapped areas within the realm of zakat.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10590
by Sitian Lyu
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

With the requirements of New English Curriculum Standards, English teaching has shifted towards organising content thematically, focusing not only on the transmission of linguistic knowledge but also on the improvement of students’ comprehensive quality during language learning. This evolution undoubtedly raises higher demands on English instruction. Unit-based integrated teaching, as an innovative pedagogical model, is characterised by its holistic, interconnected, progressive, and comprehensive features. It can help students to build a correlated knowledge network facilitates the establishment of connections between disparate pieces of knowledge, deepens students’ understanding and enhances their retention, improves their overall linguistic competence and learning ability, so as to foster the comprehensive development of core literacy. Therefore, this article takes the teaching of English in compulsory education as an example, and explores and elaborates on the design and implementation path of integrated teaching of English units under the new curriculum standards from four aspects: teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching process, and teaching evaluation, in order to provide reference for promoting integrated teaching of English units in compulsory education.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10704
by Jieqiong Jiao, Nurhayati Abdul Malek
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract In an era of cultural diversification, integrating modern urban development with traditional national culture has become increasingly crucial. In the landscape design of the city square, how to effectively incorporate Mongolian cultural elements into landscape design, make the city square more regional, and spread the national culture to the outside is the research focus of this paper. By understanding the basic composition of the Mongolian ethnic elements, combining with the actual situation of the landscape design of Inner Mongolia city square, the deficiencies of the existing design are summarized, and the strategy of optimization design is put forward, hoping to help relevant personnel to better grasp the Mongolian ethnic elements and combine it with the landscape design of the city square.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10726
by Mohamad Abdullah Alsaied
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract For linguists, language is a system of abstract phonetic, phonological, lexical, synthetic, semantic, and pragmatic relations, and a tool for communication and expression. It is knowledge, culture, literature, civilization, and behavior. Therefore, language is considered the pillar of the nation and an important foundation for its civilization that expresses its entity and culture. The Arabic language is one of the basic constants of the Arab and Islamic nation, as it is the symbol of its identity and the tool of its artistic creations, and a landmark of its intellectual and literary production. Thinking about the present and future of the Arabic language is one of the most important interests that attract elites among linguists, thinkers and writers, and is closely related to the sovereignty of the Arab-Islamic nation, its culture and thought. To achieve the goal, the research was divided into three sections. The first dealt with the definition of language, Arabic and its position, the second discussed the most important contemporary challenges, and the third dealt with ways to confront these challenges and enhance the position of Arabic with all means of support and capabilities. These methods include presenting case studies of educational reforms and language policies in Arabic-speaking countries, in addition to referring to modern technical and linguistic initiatives, and comparing with languages that have succeeded in adapting to globalization (such as Chinese). These measures will have a significant impact on enabling Arabic to attain the status it deserves, its authenticity and historical precedence. The practical results of the study target decision-makers, educators and language institutions, allowing them to develop policy and executive frameworks, update curricula, and employ digital tools to protect and modernize the Arabic language in a global context. Through these applicable recommendations, the status of Arabic can be consolidated and ensure that it remains authentic and renewed at the same time.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9121
by Asencio Cristobal Luis, Zapata Vega Sandra, Andrade Arteaga Carla, Narváez Vásquez Germán, Núñez Gallardo Narcisa
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The development of the personal innovative competences in workers is of capital importance for the competitiveness of organizations, where the ability of the employees must respond in an innovative way to diverse situations that arise in specific contexts. Considering this, the question arises: How do innovative employees’ competences affect the sustainable development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)? Therefore, the objective of this work is to present a multi-criteria method based on the Analytic Network Process (ANP), to relate innovative personal competences and the sustainable development of MSMEs. An instrument was applied to groups of experts from 31 Ecuadorian fruit-exporting MSMEs, to develop a multi-criteria decisional network that allowed identifying the innovative personal abilities that have the greatest impact on the sustainable development of these organizations. The results demonstrate the relevance of the elements of innovative personal competencies, with a cumulative participation of 39.15%, Sustainable Export Development with 32.18% and Improvements with 28.66%. It also presents three types of analysis: i) Global to establish the weight of each variable; ii) Influences, to establish solid cause-effect relationships between the variables and iii) Integrated. The most relevant innovative personal competences for sustainable development and improvements for exporting SMEs are teamwork, critical thinking, and creativity within the international context.

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Open Access
Article ID: 6204
by Juan Camilo Cardona-Castaño, Ma Guadalupe Montes Reséndiz, Jehudaniel Reséndiz Martínez, Alvaro Enrique Lima Vargas, Alejandra Moreno-Juárez, Rosa María Brito-Carmona
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Global warming is a problem that affects humanity; hence, crisis management in the face of natural events is necessary. The aim of the research was to analyze the passage of Hurricane Otis through Acapulco from the theoretical perspective of crisis management, to understand the socio-environmental, economic, and decision-making challenges. For data collection, content analysis and hemerographic review proved useful, complemented by theoretical contrastation. Findings revealed failures in communication by various government actors; the unprecedented growth of Hurricane Otis led to a flawed crisis management. Among the physical, economic, environmental, and social impacts, the latter stands out due to the humanitarian crisis overflow. It is the first time that Acapulco, despite having a tradition in risk management against hydrometeorological events, faces a hurricane of magnitude five on the Saffir-Simpson scale. Ultimately, the city was unprepared to face a category five hydrometeorological event; institutional responses were overwhelmed by the complexity of the crisis, and the community came together to improve its environment and make it habitable again.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10693
by Xinqi Huang, Ziyu Zhang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

With the rising global consumer demand for green and healthy food, the tea industry is facing unprecedented competitive pressure. Therefore, how to build tea enterprises with sustainable competitiveness has become a key issue facing the industry. This paper firstly reviews the concept of traceability systems and their evolution and, based on the theory of enterprise competitive advantage, explores the influence mechanism of traceability as a strategic resource on the long-term competitiveness of tea enterprises; secondly, it analyzes the multi-dimensional role of traceability on enterprise competitiveness from five aspects, namely, quality and safety control and guarantee, brand image shaping and trust construction, market dynamics response and consumer feedback, risk response and product recall, as well as technological innovation and efficiency enhancement; finally, combined with the above analysis, this paper constructs a theoretical framework for the competitiveness of tea enterprises, integrates the impact of traceability in different dimensions, and proposes a multi-level competitiveness enhancement model. Through this framework, tea enterprises can more comprehensively understand and grasp the close relationship between traceability and the long-term competitive advantage of enterprises and then make strategic adjustments according to their own actual situation so as to realize sustainable competitiveness enhancement in the future market competition.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8867
by Yu-Hsu Lee
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract This study explores the shape thinking processes and decision-making factors of designers when using AI image generation tools for conceptualizing the shapes of two-wheeled vehicles through four design tasks. Eight designers were invited to create hand-drawn sketches based on a specific aesthetic direction (technological geometry), followed by a shape divergence exercise using two AI graphics tools, Stable Diffusion and Vizcom, to generate images from text prompts. After selecting the designs closest to their original concepts and their favorite designs, the designers used an iPad to explore different shape directions (technological biology) for partial shape modifications. Finally, retrospective interviews were conducted to understand whether there were differences in designers’ thinking process regarding the use of various AI tools for shape conceptualization, as well as their focal points regarding design modification and shape thinking at different stages of the process. The research findings indicate that current AI tools are more suitable for shape divergence. If designers wish to achieve shape convergence, they need to be more familiar with the various settings of AI image generation tools and understand which prompts significantly influence specific shape characteristics. Designers’ perceptions of shape modification primarily revolve around: 1. Outline contours, 2. Parting lines, 3. Variations in surface curvature, and 4. The resulting features (light and shadow effects). Furthermore, it is recommended that future AI image generation tools, if developed as professional assistive tools for product design, should provide two modes—shape divergence and convergence—focusing on both the main shape and details. Additionally, it is suggested that developing AI-3D technologies should address the four key aspects of shape manipulation presented in this study, offering adjustments for overall appearance and detailing the contour lines of parts, including the manipulation of surface curvature and shape positioning.
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Open Access
Article ID: 11185
by Danupon Sangnak, Aunchistha Poo-Udom, Panchamaphorn Tamnanwan, Theerapong Kongduang, Suwimol Chanthothai
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study investigates the dynamic landscape of agritourism in Thailand, emphasizing innovations, challenges, and policy implications in the post-COVID-19 era. Employing a qualitative approach, including a comprehensive literature review and semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, the research identifies key agritourism models, such as immersive learning experiences, technology-driven agritourism, and unconventional practices like salt and coconut plantations. Findings reveal that agritourism has adapted to shifting market demands through diversification, technological integration, and a heightened focus on sustainability. Notably, technology adoption in precision farming and hydroponics enhances resource efficiency and visitor engagement, while initiatives like rice paddy field tourism and highland agritourism showcase the cultural and ecological richness of rural landscapes. The study underscores the critical role of policy frameworks, infrastructure development, and community empowerment in fostering sustainable agritourism practices. Key policy recommendations include targeted subsidies, capacity-building programs, and harmonized regulatory frameworks to address challenges such as financial constraints, regulatory ambiguities, and inadequate infrastructure. This research contributes to the broader discourse on sustainable tourism and rural development, aligning agritourism with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By synthesizing insights on innovation, resilience, and sustainability, this study offers a comprehensive roadmap for policymakers, practitioners, and academics to leverage agritourism as a vehicle for rural revitalization and global sustainability. Future research directions are proposed to explore the long-term impacts of technological integration, community empowerment, and resilience strategies in agritourism.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10088
by Katja Vizjak, Lazar Pavić
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Some platforms in the collaborative economy offer a combination of sectoral and information society services, which characterises them as a hybrid entity. The concurrent provision of disparate types of services necessitates the determination of the predominant activity of a given platform on a case-by-case basis. This, in turn, gives rise to legal uncertainty and inconsistent case law at the national level. This paper examines the impact of the choice of institutional alternatives in the context of multilevel governance in the EU on the legal status of collaborative economy business models such as Uber and Airbnb in the EU single market. The paper employs a mixed-methods research approach to analyse pivotal jurisprudential decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and national courts. It reaches the conclusion that the Airbnb platform, in its capacity as an information society service provider, is subject to the provisions of the Electronic Commerce Directive (2000/31/EC). Conversely, Uber, by virtue of its definition as a transport undertaking, is subject to shared jurisdiction between EU institutions and Member States in the field of transport services. This paper initiates a discussion on the suitability of the extant regulatory apparatus and underscores the necessity for the establishment of an appropriate institutional framework, either centralised at the EU level or decentralised at the level of Member States, that would provide substantive rules aimed at comprehensively regulating the legal status of hybrid business models, thus allowing for more uniform conditions for their operation in the EU single market.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10918
by Kimete Canaj, Artan Nimani, Shqipe Husaj, Blerim Canaj
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Hate speech in higher education institutions is a pressing issue that threatens democratic values and social cohesion. This research explores student perspectives on hate speech within the university setting, examining its forms, causes, and impacts on democratic principles such as freedom of expression and inclusivity. This research is extended to determine the debates and theories elaborated from different perspectives qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected from 108 participants at Higher Education in Kosovo. From the communication standpoint, analyzing hate speech in the media and social media is key to understanding the type of message used, its emitter, how the message rallies supporters, and how they interpret message. The findings highlight the need for proactive policies and educational interventions to mitigate Research on hate speech in higher education in Kosovo is crucial for fostering social cohesion and inclusivity in its diverse society. Hate speech undermines the academic environment, negatively affecting students’ mental health, learning outcomes, and overall well-being, necessitating efforts to create safer educational spaces. The study aligns with Kosovo’s aspirations for European integration, emphasizing adherence to human rights and anti-discrimination principles. Despite the issue’s significance, there is a lack of empirical data on hate speech in Kosovo’s higher education, making this research vital for evidence-based policymaking. With a youth-centric focus, the study aims to educate and empower young people as future leaders to embrace respect and inclusivity. By addressing hate speech’s local challenges and global relevance, the research supports institutional reforms and offers valuable insights for post-conflict and multicultural societies. Hate speech while fostering a culture of mutual respect and democratic engagement.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7271
by Zulphiniar Priyandoko, Haryo Winarso, Denny Zulkaidi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The growth of buildings in big cities necessitates Design Review (DR) to ensure good urban planning. Design Review involves the city community in various forms; however, community participation remains very limited or even non-existent. There are indications that the community has not been involved in the Design Review process. Currently, DR tends to involve only experts and local government, without including the community. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the extent of opportunities for community participation by exploring DR analysis in developed countries and related policies. In-depth interviews were also carried out with experts and Jakarta was selected as a case study since the city possessed the most intensive development. The results showed that the implementation of DR did not consider community participation. A constructivist paradigm was also applied with qualitative interpretive method by interpreting DR data and community participation. The strategy selected was a case study and library research adopted by examining theories from related literature. Additionally, the data was collected by reconstructing different sources such as books, journals, existing research, and secondary data from related agencies. Content and descriptive analysis methods were also used, where literature obtained from various references was analyzed to support research propositions and ideas.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10435
by Nadia Mansour
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The global climate governance process will have a profound impact on geopolitical relations, and, at the same time, these will determine the direction of cooperation in international climate governance. The European Union and the United States are the most important players in the global governance of climate change, and their competing policy orientations and dynamics have a major impact on trends in this field. In this context, Africa is the region most vulnerable to climate change, and the climate issue in Africa has become one of the frontiers of competition between major powers. Indeed, major powers are increasingly competing in Africa, primarily in the areas of climate leadership, program provision, and capacity building. The study is based on the review of articles and research works regarding the global climate change strategies, especially in AFRICA (2020–2024); it also collected information and statistics from the websites and reports of world banks. In the future, the European Union and Africa should work together to build a new era of strategic partnerships to fight climate change. To do this, they should strengthen their strategic collaboration in global climate governance, look for new ways to work together in old ways, and make their cooperation more effective and efficient.

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Open Access
Article ID: 3764
by Agung Wahyu Handaru, Ratna Tri Hari Safariningsih
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract This research aimed to develop a new model for evaluating and predicting the sustainability of Jakarta’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To achieve this objective, a total of 145 SME owners in the city were surveyed, gathering information on the sustainability of the businesses. The data obtained underwent processing using a variance-based structural equation model facilitated by the Partial Least Squares (PLS) application. The findings showed that several factors, including the adoption of new technology, the use of digital marketing, the digital literacy of owners, enhancement of product quality, business location, pricing strategy, and service quality, influenced the newly proposed model of SMEs’ business sustainability. Additionally, the research showed that implementing digital marketing had the most significant impact on SMEs’ sustainability. This underscored the crucial role of digital marketing literacy for owners in achieving high business performance while ensuring sustainability. The implications derived from the results focused on the need to enhance and reinforce digital literacy among SME owners. This was achieved through training programs that addressed data analytics implementation and leveraging the internet to support online product marketing and sales.
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Open Access
Article ID: 11137
by Daniela Ludin, Sarah Liebendoerfer, Wanja Wellbrock, Erika Mueller
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Sustainability has become increasingly important in recent decades and has become a key concept in various areas of society. The early integration of sustainability principles into education is of crucial importance, as the elementary school years represent a decisive phase in children’s development. During this phase, fundamental values, attitudes, and behaviors are formed that will have a significant impact on later lives and the relationship with the environment. Elementary school offer a unique opportunity to reach people from different social backgrounds and thus impart a common basic knowledge that can serve as a basis for shaping a sustainable society. Elementary schools are therefore an ideal place to introduce children to the principles of sustainability and sensitize them to the challenges of the 21st century. The aim of the study is to explore the current state of sustainability education in elementary school. It takes a closer look at whether elementary school students are old enough to be confronted with sustainability, what methods already exist and what the challenges are in implementing sustainability education. The basis for the study is an online survey conducted at 60 different elementary school in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Germany. In conclusion, while there is room for improvement, the survey results suggest a growing awareness of the significance of sustainability education in elementary schools. The findings call for targeted efforts to enhance curriculum integration, teacher training, and resource provision to promote a more sustainable and environmentally conscious generation of students in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10634
by Mihaela David-Izvernar, Alina Roman, Mușata Bocoș, Liliana Ciascai, Dana Rad, Ramona Răduț-Taciu, Maria Sinaci, Ovidiu Toderici, Daniel Mara, Elena-Lucia Mara, Anca Egerău, Maria Vîrlan
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study validates the Intercultural Competence and Inclusion in Education Scale (ICIES), a novel instrument designed to assess students’ perceptions of inclusivity and intercultural competence in multiethnic secondary schools. Using a sample of 276 high school students from Western Romania, the ICIES identified three dimensions: ethnic appreciation and support, intercultural engagement and integration, and school unity and cohesion. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the scale’s structural validity, while network analysis revealed key interconnections among its components. Findings highlight the critical role of inclusive teaching strategies and school cohesion in fostering intercultural competence. The ICIES provides educators and policymakers with actionable insights for designing interventions that promote empathy, mutual respect, and a sense of belonging in diverse school settings. These results contribute to the development of educational policies aimed at fostering inclusion and addressing the needs of increasingly multicultural classrooms.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10635
by Mihaela David-Izvernar, Alina Roman, Mușata Bocoș, Dana Rad, Alina Costin, Tiberiu Dughi, Mihaela Rus, Roxana Chiș, Maria Sinaci, Regis Roman, Sabin Chiș
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Using the Intercultural Competence and Inclusion in Education Scale (ICIES), this study examines variations in intercultural competence and inclusion between mainstream and multiethnic high schools. The sample consisted of 384 high school students, aged 17 to 18, from both rural and urban areas in Western Romania, enrolled in grades 11 and 12. The ICIES demonstrated strong reliability, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.721. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three distinct dimensions: Intercultural opportunities and activities, Comfort in diverse settings, and Cultural reflection and values. Independent samples t-tests identified significant differences between mainstream and multiethnic schools across several items, with students in multiethnic schools reporting higher levels of intercultural competence and inclusion. These findings highlight the critical role of multicultural educational settings in fostering students’ cultural awareness and inclusive attitudes. This study provides actionable insights for enhancing multicultural education practices and policies, including teacher training programs, inclusive curricula, and extracurricular initiatives that promote intercultural engagement and reduce intergroup biases.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9202
by Ferenc Darabos
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The target area of the survey is the rehabilitated flat area behind the capital cities of Vienna and Bratislava, which lies in the tourist area of Győr. Wetlands provide a backdrop for tourism products such as kite flying, cycling and walking. The city centre offers tourists an easy sightseeing tour behind the natural scenery of the Danube tributary (Szigetköz). Objective: The demographic characteristics of demand and preferences for active tourism product types and the extent of the scope of supply were analyzed. The present research also analyses the cycling routes in the region with regard to the EUROVELO 6 road network. The primary research was a quantitative (questionnaire) survey conducted between 10 September 2023 and 30 October 2023. The survey sample of 666 respondents is not representative and was selected by random sampling. The results of the research include an analysis of the demand for participation in cycling tourism and tour programs as activities requiring activity. The findings of the research provide a basis for demand-supply segmentation of sustainable active tourism product development based on physical experience according to demographic characteristics (e.g. age, education). The landscape of the wetland can be positioned for the bicycle tourists. Especially for the target group of people over 40 and for people with higher education. The scope of the guided tours, linked to the central offer, extends over an area of more than 50 km. Activating the target group helps the rehabilitated natural scenery to connect to sustainable tourism.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10090
by Mónika Nogel
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Technological advancements in genetic research are crucial for nations aiming to uplift their population’s quality of life and ensure a sustainable economy. Genomic information and biotechnology can enhance healthcare quality, outcomes, and affordability. The “P4 medicine approach”—predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory—aligns with objectives like promoting long-term well-being, optimizing resources, and reducing environmental impacts, all vital for sustainable healthcare. This paper highlights the importance of adopting the P4 approach extensively. It emphasizes the need to enhance healthcare operations in real-time and integrate cutting-edge genomic technologies. Eco-friendly designs can significantly reduce the environmental impact of healthcare. Additionally, addressing health disparities is crucial for successful healthcare reforms.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10636
by Denisa Chasciar, Alina Roman, Mușata Bocoș, Ion Albulescu, Dana Jucan, Dana Rad, Alina Costin, Sonia Ignat, Tiberiu Dughi, Loredana-Ileana Vîșcu, Vasile Chasciar, Maria Sinaci, Sabin Chiș
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study examines the impact of structured cultural educational activities on various dimensions of student well-being in primary education. Using a randomized controlled trial design, 120 third- and fourth-grade students from Arad County, Romania, were assigned to either an experimental group, which participated in cultural educational activities, or a control group, which received no intervention. Well-being and social behavior were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-Being, administered before and after the intervention. The SDQ evaluated emotional symptoms, hyperactivity, conduct problems, peer relationship issues, and prosocial behavior, while the EPOCH scale measured engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness, and happiness. Analysis revealed statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the experimental group compared to the control group. Students in the experimental group exhibited reduced hyperactivity and peer relationship problems, alongside notable increases in engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness, and happiness. These findings highlight the efficacy of integrating cultural educational activities into the primary school curriculum as a strategy for enhancing emotional and social development. The study underscores the importance of such interventions in fostering positive developmental outcomes and offers a foundation for further research into their long-term effects and adaptability across diverse educational contexts.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10714
by Nuša Erman, Nika Robida, Katarina Rojko
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Recovery and resilience plan (RRP) approved by the European Commission fosters the development of lifelong learning programs to upgrade employees’ skills and knowledge for digital and green transitions. Within higher education, the field of information and communication technology (ICT) is also a priority area, so we compared the demographic variables of students enrolled in formal first-cycle higher education programs in ICT with those enrolled in lifelong ICT programs within the framework of the Advanced Computer Skills project funded by the RRP in Slovenia. The results show that formal first-cycle higher education in the field of ICT remains strongly male-dominated, whereas, among participants in lifelong learning, the percentage of females stands out. Bachelor programs in ICT are primarily enrolled by young people aged up to 24 years, while shorter university-based lifelong learning programs attract mostly older participants with higher completed formal education and from a broader range of prior educational backgrounds. Finally, when all three variables (gender, age and level of prior formal education) are considered, participants in lifelong learning are much more similar to part-time students than full-time bachelor ICT students, although the percentage of men in formal education is still predominant even in part-time studies. The research findings highlight the need for further efforts to offer lifelong learning in ICT to enable individuals to improve their employment prospects, progress in the workplace or even change their field of work.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10738
by Taryaningsih Taryaningsih, Ibnu Syamsi, Muhyadi Muhyadi, Ofri Somanedo, Ida Sri Astutik, Zulkifli Syauqi Thontowi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This research aims to analyze the contribution of the Industrial World Business program in improving the work skills and work readiness of people with disabilities through the Systematic Literature Review method. The involvement of businesses and industries in developing inclusive programs for people with disabilities is an important key to bridging the skills gap and employment opportunities. This research identifies various programs, best practices, and challenges in implementing these programs. Based on the results of the literature reviewed, it was found that inclusive job training programs significantly improve the technical and non-technical skills of people with disabilities while strengthening their readiness to face a competitive job market. On the other hand, there are still obstacles in the accessibility and adaptation of training programs that must continue to be optimized. However, to achieve greater inclusivity, improvements are still needed in terms of accessibility, program adaptation, and efforts to reduce discrimination in the world of work. It is hoped that the results of this research can become a basis for policymakers, industry players, and educational institutions to continue to develop inclusive programs and empower people with disabilities in the world of work. Collaboration between industry and vocational service providers is critical to improving employment outcomes and facilitating a successful transition from education to employment for people with disabilities.

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Open Access
Article ID: 3945
by Divya Devaraj, Asokan Vasudevan, Merceline Anitha Boniface, Santhanakrishnan Devarajan, Mythili Dhandapani, Hariharan N. Krishnasamy, Liqiang Tian
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally transformed the global education landscape, compelling institutions to adopt e-learning as an essential tool to sustain academic activities. This research examines the critical impact of e-learning on arts and science college students in Coimbatore, with an emphasis on its influence on their readiness for campus recruitment. Using a survey of 300 students, this study investigates their perceptions of online education, highlighting both its advantages, such as flexibility and accessibility, and its challenges, including engagement barriers and technical limitations. Data was collected through structured questionnaires and analyzed using statistical methods to draw meaningful insights. The research also explores the efficacy of online assessments in recruitment processes and assesses students’ awareness of available e-learning platforms and courses. The urgency of this study lies in addressing the pressing need to optimize digital education models as institutions globally transition toward blended learning post-pandemic. The findings underline the dual potential and limitations of e-learning, concluding with actionable recommendations to enhance its effectiveness, particularly in preparing students for competitive employment opportunities.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9652
by Jewel Kumar Roy, László Vasa
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Credit risk assessment is one of the most important aspects of financial decision-making processes. This study presents a systematic review of the literature on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques in credit risk assessment, offering insights into methodologies, outcomes, and prevalent analysis techniques. Covering studies from diverse regions and countries, the review focuses on AI/ML-based credit risk assessment from consumer and corporate perspectives. Employing the PRISMA framework, Antecedents, Decisions, and Outcomes (ADO) framework and stringent inclusion criteria, the review analyses geographic focus, methodologies, results, and analytical techniques. It examines a wide array of datasets and approaches, from traditional statistical methods to advanced AI/ML and deep learning techniques, emphasizing their impact on improving lending practices and ensuring fairness for borrowers. The discussion section critically evaluates the contributions and limitations of existing research papers, providing novel insights and comprehensive coverage. This review highlights the international scope of research in this field, with contributions from various countries providing diverse perspectives. This systematic review enhances understanding of the evolving landscape of credit risk assessment and offers valuable insights into the application, challenges, and opportunities of AI and ML in this critical financial domain. By comparing findings with existing survey papers, this review identifies novel insights and contributions, making it a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the financial industry.

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Open Access
Article ID: 11239
by Hebah Shalhoob
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study examines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances Sharia compliance within Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) by improving operational efficiency, ensuring transparency, and addressing ethical and technical challenges. A quantitative survey across five Saudi regions resulted in 450 validated responses, analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and regression models. The findings reveal that while AI significantly enhances transparency and compliance processes, its impact on operational efficiency is limited. Key barriers include high implementation costs, insufficient structured Sharia datasets, and integration complexities. Regional and professional differences further underscore the need for tailored adoption strategies. It introduces a novel framework integrating ethical governance, Sharia compliance, and operational scalability, addressing critical gaps in the literature. It offers actionable recommendations for AI adoption in Islamic finance and contributes to the global discourse on ethical AI practices. However, the Saudi-specific focus highlights regional dynamics that may limit broader applicability. Future research could extend these findings through cross-regional comparisons to validate and refine the proposed framework. By fostering transparency and ethical governance, AI integration aligns Islamic finance with socio-economic goals, enhancing stakeholder trust and financial inclusivity. The study emphasizes the need for targeted AI training, the development of structured Sharia datasets, and scalable solutions to overcome adoption challenges.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10899
by Dimitri Samuel Adjanohoun, Tatiana Pouye Mbengue, Djiby Sow, Cheikh Samba Wade, Madoune Robert Seye, Derguene Mbaye, Moussa Diallo, Mamadou Lamine Ndiaye, Pablo De-Roulet, Jean Claude Baraka Munyaka, Jérôme Chenal
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This contribution questions young people’s access to digital networks at the scale of intermediate cities in Saint-Louis. Thus, it analyzes the prescriptions of digital actors responsible for the development of digital economy in relation with the orientations of the Senegal Digital 2025 strategy. This is a pretex to highlight the gaps between official political discourses and the level of deployment of digital infrastructures. The study highlights the need to repoliticize the needs of populations for broadband and very high-speed connections to promote local initiatives for youth participation in Saint-Louis. Indeed, datas relating to access and use of the Internet by young people reveal inequalities linked to household income, the disparity of infrastructure and digital equipment, and the discontinuity in neighborhood development, but also to the adaptability of the internet service marketed. Through urban and explanatory sociology mobilized through the approach of young people’s real access to the Internet, our analyzes have shown at the scale of urban neighborhoods the impact of the actions recommended by those involved in the development of populations’ access to Internet. The result is that the majority of young people are forced to access the Internet through medium-speed mobile networks.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10927
by Robinson Dueñas Casallas, Cristina Crespo Soler, V. Mateo Ripoll Feliu, Carlos A. Álvarez Moreno
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Management and efficiency have a fundamental impact on the performance of public hospitals, as well as on their philanthropic mission. Various studies have shown that the financial weaknesses of these entities affect the planning, setting of goals and objectives, monitoring, evaluation and feedback necessary to improve health systems and guarantee accessibility as an inalienable right. This study aims to analyze the management and efficiency of third-level and/or high-complexity hospitals in Colombia, through a statistical model that uses financial analysis and key performance indicators (KPIs) such as ROA, ROE and EBITDA. A non-experimental cross-sectional design is used, with an analytical-synthetic, documentary, exploratory and descriptive approach. The results show financial deficiencies in the hospitals evaluated; hence it is recommended to make adjustments in the operating cycle to increase efficiency rates. In addition, the use of the KPIs ROA and ROE under adjusted models is suggested for a more precise analysis of the financial ratios, since these adequately explain the variability of each indicator and are appropriate to evaluate hospital management and efficiency, but not in EBITDA ratio, hence the latter is not recommended to evaluate hospital efficiency reliably. This study provides relevant information for public health policy makers, hospital managers and researchers, in order to promote the efficiency and improvement of health services.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10434
by Murtala Abdu, Khalil A. Alruwaitee
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

While extensive research has explored interconnectedness, volatility spillovers, and risk transmission across financial systems, the comparative dynamics between Islamic and conventional banks during crises, particularly in specific regions such as Saudi Arabia, are underexplored. This study investigates risk transmissions and contagion among banks operating in Islamic and conventional modes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Daily banking stock data spanning November 2018 to November 2023, encompassing two major crises—COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukraine war—were analyzed. Using the frequency TVP-VAR approach, the study reveals that average total connectedness for both banking groups exceeds 50%, with short-run risk transmission dominating over long-term effects. Graphical visualizations highlight time-varying connectedness, driven predominantly by short-run spillovers, with similar patterns observed in both Islamic and conventional banking networks. The main contribution of this paper is the insight that long-term investment strategies are crucial for mitigating potential risks in the Saudi banking system, given its limited diversification opportunities.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7551
by Sihan Wang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Introduction: New energy vehicles (NEVs) refer to automobiles powered by alternative energy sources to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate environmental impacts. They represent a sustainable transportation solution, aligning with global efforts to promote energy efficiency in the automotive sector. Aim: The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of social demand on the business model of NEVs. Through a comprehensive analysis of consumer preferences and market dynamics, the research aims to identify strategies for driving the sustainable growth of the NEV industry in respond to societal demands. Research methodology: We conduct a questionnaire survey on 2415 individuals and evaluated that questionnaire data by multifactor analysis of variance to examine individual consumer characteristics. We employed NOVA to evaluate the differences in market penetration factors. Additionally, a regression analysis model is utilized to examine accessibility element’s effects on the consumer’s intensions to buy, addressing categorical and ordered data requirements effectively. Research findings: This research demonstrates that middle-aged and adolescent demographics show the highest willingness to purchase NEV’s, particularly emphasizing technological advancements. Consumer preferences vary based on focus like NEV type, model and brand, necessitating tailored marketing strategies. Conclusion: Improving perception levels and addressing charging convenience and innovative features are vital for enhancing market penetration and sustainable business growth in the NEV industry.

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Open Access
Article ID: 7427
by Ignasius Heri Satrya Wangsa, Sulastri Sulastri, Muchsin Saggaff Shihab, Yuliani Yuliani
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The global agreement on environmentally friendly policies puts pressure on businesses to implement good practices to increase legitimacy in a competitive environment. This research aims to examine business dynamic capabilities and value creation processes through the concept of green dynamic marketing capabilities. This concept addresses the ability of businesses to absorb, manage information and accumulate new knowledge that fuels innovative endeavors. The dynamic capability view and customer value theory are integrated to theoretically explain the value creation process of market-orientated innovative products. A total of 58 global companies in Clean200 were sampled. A quantitative approach was conducted to measure the effect of organizational learning (environment management team, environment management training, environment supply chain management) on green innovation (environmental innovation score, eco design product). The results showed that the contribution of Model-1 (0.473 or 47.3%) explained the effect of organizational learning on environmental innovation score, respectively on the variables of environment management team (2.859/0.005), environment management training (−2.971/0.003), and environment supply chain management (7.786/0.000). The contribution of Model-2 (0.448/44.8%) explains the effect of organizational learning on eco-design product, respectively on the variables of environment management team (4.280/0.000), environment management training (−6.401/0.000), and environment supply chain management (7.910/0.000). Model-3 tested the structural association variables in organizational learning and green innovation. A significant influence can be seen with a probability value smaller than 0.05. This research shows that the concept of green dynamic marketing capabilities can be used to explain the ability of businesses in response to the pressure of green global norms through the development of organizational learning towards creation of green innovation product that has impact on market performance. The implication of this research is the creation of new mindset in which green global norms challenge becomes an opportunity for businesses to improve competitiveness.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10711
by Pavinee Manowan, Wachira Boonyanet, Kittisak Jangphanish
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This paper investigates the elements affecting dividend yield in developing Southeast Asian countries—more specifically, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. Examined here are the roles of financial information including debt to equity ratio, free cashflows, property, plant, and equipment (PPE) and total sales with controlling factors of size, institutional ownership, and firm age using both short-run and long-run analytical frameworks including the Error Correction Model and Engle and Granger’s approach. The results reveal different trends in the three nations. Higher debt and free cashflows lower dividend yield in Thailand; institutional shareholders benefit from maintaining greater dividend payouts. Aging companies in Malaysia are more likely to pay more dividends while rising revenues are linked to smaller short-term payouts. Leveraged and asset-heavy companies are more likely to keep paying dividends in Singapore. These discoveries have important ramifications for investors and business management trying to maximize dividend policies and improve shareholder value in developing economies.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10748
by Fatma Alwoqayan, Nazzal Kisswani
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The distress of commercial companies is considered one of the most critical stages leading to the liquidation and termination of the business. This danger increases in the context of poor management, stagnation, and the occurrence of crises and external circumstances that affect the company’s ability to cope. Rules regarding financial restructuring of distressed commercial companies may be regarded as the most prominent legal framework adopted by Emirati, Kuwaiti and French legislators to address the instability and distress of commercial enterprises and to provide solutions to mitigate the risk of bankruptcy and liquidation. It is a preventive measure aimed at reaching an agreement between the debtor and creditors to resolve the disturbances or difficulties faced by the company, which may affect its obligations to others. Therefore, financial restructuring is considered a mean of prevention and rescue for commercial companies, and the success of this rescue is linked to the debtor’s cooperation and seriousness in overcoming such issue.

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Open Access
Article ID: 11040
by Andyka Kusuma, Karina Karina, Evi Anggraheni, Mochamad Adhiraga Pratama
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The increasing frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change poses significant risks to urban rail systems, especially in disaster-prone regions like Indonesia. Urban railways, with limited rerouting options, are highly vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and earthquakes. These disruptions can cause cascading economic impacts, including infrastructure damage, productivity loss, and prolonged travel times. This study develops a methodological framework to assess disaster risk and climate vulnerability in urban rail systems, with Bandung, Indonesia, as the case study. The framework integrates Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (CVRA) with the Movement and Place (M&P) framework, leveraging Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to identify and prioritize high-risk areas. CVRA evaluates hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities, while M&P assesses the functional significance of transport nodes based on movement patterns and land use density. The combined analysis produces a risk matrix, enabling targeted mitigation strategies that integrate engineering solutions, urban planning, and policy interventions. Findings highlight critical vulnerabilities in Bandung’s proposed LRT system, particularly at stations susceptible to earthquakes and landslides. Recommended mitigation measures include resilient infrastructure designs, strategic planning for high-risk zones, and stakeholder engagement for prioritization. This framework offers practical guidance for policymakers to enhance urban rail resilience, reduce climate-related risks, and ensure sustainable urban mobility. It serves as a scalable model for other cities in Indonesia and globally, supporting adaptive and sustainable transport systems.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10786
by Indra Kumari Imbulagodage Don
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This research explores the role of digital economy in driving agricultural development in the BIMSTEC region, which includes Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Bhutan (with Bhutan excluded due to data limitations) with a particular focus on mobile technologies, computing capacity and internet connectivity which were the most readily available data points for BIMSTEC. Using a combination of document analysis, and panel data analysis with the data covering 10 years (2012–2021), the study examines the interplay of key digital technologies with agricultural growth while controlling for factors including water usage, fertilizer consumption, and land temperature and agricultural land area. The analysis incorporates additional variables such as infrastructure development, credit to agriculture, investment in agricultural research, and education level. The findings reveal a strong positive correlation between mobile technology, Internet and computing capacity in BIMSTEC. This study underscores that digital tools are pivotal in enhancing agricultural productivity, yet their impact is significantly combined with investment in infrastructure and education. This study suggests that digital solutions, when strategically integrated with broader socio-economic factors can effectively challenges in developing countries, particularly in rural and underserved regions. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on digital economy in agriculture, highlighting how digital technologies can foster agricultural productivity in developing countries.

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Open Access
Article ID: 11067
by László Péter Lakatos, Eleonóra Tarpataki
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Accounting can be regulated using either a principle-based or rule-based approach; however, profit determined for taxes purposes is invariably subject to rigorous regulation, permitting minimal flexibility. Entities are strongly motivated to utilize same or highly similar tax figures for financial accounting and tax purposes, as it reduces costs and effort. Nevertheless, this form of tax-book conformity frequently results in decreased financial reporting quality, as proven by prior studies. In numerous jurisdictions, governments are developing simplified accounting systems that utilize figures established by accounting regulations, as this facilitates accurate tax calculations and enables entities to optimize efforts and expenses in preparing financial statements. However, these systems result in lower-quality financial statements, which consequently reduce transparency and makes decision-making. more complicated and less accurate. This study examines a specific example from Hungary where a simplified accounting system was introduced in conformity with tax regulations; nonetheless, the principle of true and fair view was replaced by standardization and uniformity. The research investigates if this tradeoff is acceptable as organizations utilizing this legislation (qualifying entities) are those whose scale suggests that such simplification will not significantly compromise public interest. The study reveals that in Hungary, smaller entities typically do not make significant changes to determine their taxable earnings. The introduction of this system is justifiable given the regulations available for smaller organizations. 

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Open Access
Article ID: 10848
by Araya Chiangkhong, Nittaya Sukchaisong, Noot Tipseankhum
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract This study explores the transformative learning experiences of nursing students during community health practicums, focusing on how these experiences shape their understanding and professional development in healthcare settings. Grounded in Mezirow’s transformative learning framework, this qualitative study employs Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to examine participants’ lived experiences, particularly their emotional and ethical challenges in real-world healthcare environments. Eighteen final-year nursing students, selected for their involvement in community health practicums, participated in semi-structured interviews. The participants, aged 19–21 years (with an average age of 20.68 years), comprised predominantly female students (88.88%). These students were chosen based on their exposure to complex healthcare challenges within the community healthcare context. The study identified four key themes. The first theme, Emotional Dilemmas Requiring Empathy and Professionalism, explores how students faced emotionally intense situations and developed essential emotional regulation skills. This theme highlights their ability to balance empathy with professionalism and navigate family disagreements in care decisions. The second theme, Ethical Dilemmas in Patient Care, addresses the ethical challenges students encountered, including decisions related to patients with limited recovery potential and respecting patients’ autonomy when they declined treatment. Through these experiences, students refined their ethical reasoning and decision-making capabilities. The third theme, Navigating Roles and Responsibilities within Community Healthcare Teams, examines how students clarified their roles within multidisciplinary teams, improving their communication and collaboration skills. This theme emphasizes the growth in confidence and adaptability as students engaged in team-based care. The fourth theme, Resource Allocation Ethics in Community Healthcare, discusses the challenges posed by resource limitations. Students developed critical thinking and adaptability as they navigated ethical dilemmas related to resource constraints, particularly in home visits and access to care. Through these experiences, students critically reassessed their beliefs, refined their ethical decision-making, and developed emotional intelligence and problem-solving strategies. Reflective practices, including journaling, played a key role in bridging theoretical knowledge with experiential insights, further enhancing adaptability and relational understanding. The findings underscore the significance of integrating transformative learning principles into nursing education. Structured experiential and reflective practices foster critical thinking, emotional regulation, and interprofessional collaboration, thereby preparing nursing students to address the challenges of contemporary healthcare with professionalism and ethical integrity.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10015
by Jieni Ma, Aya Fukushige
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The rapid rise of live streaming commerce in China has transformed the retail environment, with electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) emerging as a pivotal factor in shaping consumer behavior. As a digital evolution of traditional word-of-mouth, eWOM gains particular significance in live streaming contexts, where real-time interactions foster immediacy and engagement. This study investigates how eWOM influences consumer purchase intentions within Chinese live streaming platforms, employing the Information Adoption Model (IAM) as theoretical framework. Using a grounded theory approach, this research applies NVivo for data coding and analysis to explore the cognitive and emotional processes triggered by eWOM during live streaming. Findings indicate that argument quality, source credibility, and information quantity significantly enhance consumer trust and perceived usefulness of information, which, in turn, drives information adoption and purchase intention. Furthermore, the study reveals that social interaction between live streaming anchors and audiences amplifies the influence of consumers’ internal states on information adoption. This study enhances the Information Adoption Model (IAM) by introducing social interaction as a moderator between consumers’ internal states toward live streaming eWOM and their adoption of information, highlighting the value of social interaction in live streaming. It also incorporates information quantity, showing how eWOM quantity affects trust and perceived usefulness. Furthermore, the study contributes to exploring how factors like argument quality, source credibility, and information quantity shape consumer trust and perceived usefulness, offering insights into the cognitive and emotional processes of information adoption in live streaming.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9840
by Ada Gallegos, Alejandro Valencia-Arias, Luisa Adriana Rodríguez Zavala, Paula Andrea Rodríguez-Correa, Ezequiel Martínez Rojas, Lorena Del Rocío Castañeda Rodríguez
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The term “financial literacy” is used to describe an individual’s capacity to comprehend and utilise financial concepts in their everyday lives. These include, but are not limited to, the management of personal finances, financial planning, saving, investing, and the analysis of financial products. Notwithstanding the considerable attention it has received in the academic literature, there remain significant research gaps. The objective is to examine the research trends in the adoption of financial literacy. The methodology employed was a systematic literature review, utilising Scopus and Web of Science as the data sources, in the 2018–2024-time window. The most frequently employed instruments were identified as surveys and questionnaires. The majority of studies are situated within the geographical contexts of Asia and Europe, with a particular focus on countries such as India, China, and Ukraine. Furthermore, the most pertinent target populations are adults who have undergone business training and cancer patients. The most frequently employed models were the self-model, the technology acceptance model (TAM), and the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The key variables identified were behavioral intention, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm. This study identified that the main research gap is the lack of geographic diversity in existing studies, which hinders a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the adoption of financial literacy globally. The practical and theoretical implications highlight the necessity for the development of educational policies and programmes that address cultural and socioeconomic differences. Furthermore, this study puts forth an integrative model that synthesizes these theoretical frameworks and variables to inform future research and practice in the domain of financial literacy.
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Open Access
Article ID: 11215
by Andrew Ebekozien, Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Ahmed, Wellington Didibhuku Thwala, Clinton Aigbavboa, Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The target date for achieving the 2030 UN Agenda [Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)] is fast approaching. The construction sector is critical to achieving many SDGs, including Goal 5. Studies regarding achieving Goal 5 (Gender Equality) in the construction industry, especially women’s consultancy participation in developing countries, are scarce and complexly interrelated. Societal problems and divergence may have contributed to this. Therefore, this study explores issues hindering gender equality and suggests measures to promote more women construction consultants through policy to improve achieving Goal 5 in Nigeria. The research employed face-to-face data collection via a qualitative mechanism to achieve this. The study covered Abuja and Lagos. It accomplished saturation at the 20th participant. The research utilised a thematic method to analyse the collected data from knowledgeable participants. The perceived hindrances facing Nigerian construction consultants’ gender equality were clustered into culture/religion-related, profession-related, and government-related encumbrances. Achieving Goal 5 will be a mirage if these issues are not addressed. Thus, the study recommended measures to motivate women to study construction-related programmes and employment opportunities, including consultancy services slots through programmes and policy mechanisms to achieve Goal 5. As part of the implications, the study suggests that Nigerian construction consultants and other stakeholders need to make feasible improvements to achieve gender equality (Goal 5).

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Open Access
Article ID: 9288
by Ligui Zhu, Boli Li
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of online education in primary education has exhibited an upward trajectory. Relative to traditional learning environments, online instruction has evolved into a pivotal pedagogical modality for contemporary students. Thus, to comprehensively comprehend the repercussions of environmental changes on students’ psychological well-being in the backdrop of prolonged online education, this study employs an innovative methodology. Founded upon three elemental feature sequences—images, acoustics, and text extracted from online learning data—the model ingeniously amalgamates these facets. The fusion methodology aims to synergistically harness information from diverse perceptual channels to capture the students’ psychological states more comprehensively and accurately. To discern emotional features, the model leverages support vector machines (SVM), exhibiting commendable proficiency in handling emotional information. Moreover, to enhance the efficacy of psychological well-being prediction, this study incorporates an attention mechanism into the traditional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. By innovatively introducing this attention mechanism in CNN, the study observes a significant improvement in accuracy in identifying six psychological features, demonstrating the effectiveness of attention mechanisms in deep learning models. Finally, beyond model performance validation, this study delves into a profound analysis of the impact of environmental changes on students’ psychological well-being. This analysis furnishes valuable insights for formulating pertinent instructional strategies in the protracted context of online education, aiding educational institutions in better addressing the challenges posed to students’ psychological well-being in novel learning environments.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9483
by Botond Géza Kálmán, Nina Poyda-Nosyk, Robert Bacho, Kobla Sewornu Afadzinu, Szilárd Malatyinszki, Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. Digital Economy and Society
Open Access
Article ID: 11012
by Herman H, Didin Halim, Zarni Adia Purba, Henni Zainal
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract This study aims to analyze the level of political participation in the upcoming 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections in West Sulawesi Province. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to assess the political participation index and patterns of participation behavior. The research was conducted from January to April 2024, focusing on participants aged 20 years and above, all of whom were registered voters. The target population included active voters from various districts in West Sulawesi, using stratified sampling to ensure demographic and geographic representation. The sample comprised 122 survey respondents and 15 key informants selected purposively based on their roles in the electoral process. Results indicate that political participation is projected to increase compared to previous elections, though gaps remain between districts. Districts with better access to information and local leaders’ involvement show higher participation. Factors influencing participation include: (1) demographic factors, with the 30–45 age group showing higher participation, while younger generations (under 30 years) demonstrate apathy; (2) socio-cultural factors, where traditional norms and the role of religious leaders influence voter mobilization; and (3) political factors, including trust in candidates and local issues such as infrastructure. Barriers to participation include a lack of political education, apathy due to dissatisfaction with government performance, and administrative issues. Efforts to enhance participation include community-based education and social media, although these have not been fully optimized.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9636
by Abdullah Sallehhuddin Abdullah Salim, Norzarina Md Yatim, Al Mansor Abu Said
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic and the Movement Control Order (MCO) have had a negative impact on the financial well-being and digital well-being of B40 or small household income families in urban areas. In responding to the crisis, the government had launched multiple assistance programs to assist the group. Hence, the study intends to examine the relationship of government assistance towards digital and financial well-being of the group. Utilizing survey, the study involved 417 respondents living at the Public Housing Project (PPR) residential areas in Kuala Lumpur—the capital of Malaysia. The data was analyzed using Smart PLS and the key findings were (1) government assistance programs significantly affect the digital well-being and financial well-being of B40 urban families. However, there is no significant relationship between financial well-being and digital well-being. Besides, the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) indicated that the importance of government assistance programs towards digital well-being performance is higher than financial well-being. The assistance programs offered by the government plays essential role to ease the digital and financial constraints of B40 urban families during a difficult time. Reforms to the government assistance programs, the empowerment of digital aid packages, and the enhancement of social security net initiatives for B40 urban families are necessary to enhance the group’s preparedness and resilience in the face of new shocks in the future.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10615
by Bence Lukács, Árpád Tóth
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The paper analyzes the corporate carbon emissions and GDP contributions of the top ten companies by turnover for 2020–2023 in Germany, South Korea, China and the United Kingdom. Focusing on Scope 1, 2, and 3, the study explores the contribution of these companies to carbon intensity across different sectors and economies. The analysis shows that there are significant gaps in carbon efficiency, with the UK’s and Germany’s firms emitting the lowest emissions per unit of GDP contribution, followed by China and South Korea. Additionally, the study further examines the impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on both firm carbon intensity and economic productivity. While EPU is positively associated with GDP contributions, its impact on emissions is nuanced. Firms apparently respond to policy uncertainty by increasing energy efficiency in direct (Scope 1) and energy-related (Scope 2) emissions but find it more difficult to manage supply chain emissions (Scope 3) in that case. The results point out the critical role of comprehensive ESG reporting frameworks in enhancing transparency and addressing Scope 3 emissions, which remain the largest and most volatile component of corporate carbon footprints. The paper then emphasizes the importance of standardized ESG reporting and bespoke policy intervention for promoting sustainability, especially in carbon-intensive industries. This research contributes to the understanding of how industrial and policy frameworks affect carbon efficiency and economic growth in different national contexts.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10449
by Beáta Kádár, Judit Bilinovics–Sipos, Regina Zsuzsánna Reicher
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on boosting domestic tourism. Municipalities need economic and management skills. Different marketing strategies may be appropriate in different regions. Local marketing significantly impacts local economies and is crucial to regional and urban development. Local advertising positively correlates with tourism expenditure. Our previous systematic literature review reviewed publications published in place marketing and place management. The research reviewed can be divided into case studies, model analysis, and qualitative or quantitative research on stakeholders. Identification of variables that significantly impact a settlement’s sustainable economic and social development through a comprehensive systematic literature review of 20 case studies. Once characterised these variables will reveal their interrelationships. Our research is based on a thematic analysis of selected literature from the WoS and Scopus databases. Based on the text analysis, we compiled and characterised the variables. An expert focus group tested the variables. Our analysis will result in the creation of a practical and easily interpretable set of variables that will serve as a user-friendly tool. This practical tool offers an easily interpretable overview for future researchers and practitioners. The methodological basis of the new type model allows researchers to move away from the most common and traditional research methods and explore the field from a new and innovative perspective with fresh methods. Limitations and future research directions: The variables need to be expanded, and the relationships need to be further tested with the involvement of participants.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10588
by Juan Marco Rojas-Molina, Libys Martha Zúñiga-Igarza, Reyner Pérez-Campdesuñer, Alexander Sánchez-Rodríguez, Gelmar García-Vidal, Rodobaldo Martínez-Vivar
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Since the systematic approach of the processes and their interactions, the aim is to establish the configuration of a construction project for the housing of the Weenhayek indigenous people. Applied from the theoretical research of various authors on a group of methodologies, phases and tools for project management, through rational scientific methods, such as descriptive, analytical, comparative, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical, analogies, modeling, systemic-structural-functional, systematization; and empirical methods, such as interpretivism that involves inductive, qualitative, phenomenological and transversal research, and the interview technique; the way in which the implementation processes are organized, interacted and structured is established. This reveals an alternative for the detailed configuration of a construction project for Weenhayek houses, based on phases, activities, actions and work tasks with characteristics in accordance with the needs of the project.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10443
by Hishamuddin Bin Ismail, Ning Yang, Kim Piew Lai
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important concept of modern economic theory. In the last few decades, it has become an increasingly popular marketing tool used by companies. Consumers too want to see more CSR activities, especially those focused on environmental protection. The petroleum industry produces both toxic and non-toxic waste at almost all stages of production. While petroleum companies satisfy market demand, they also want to meet consumers’ moral and ethical demands. In this light, CSR has become vital for the development of industry. This paper looks at CSR in the petroleum industry, and its effect on customer satisfaction and subsequently toward the customer repurchase intention in Malaysia. The starting point of this paper is the Stakeholder Theory. It then examines CSR endeavors within the oil and gas sector and its link to customer repurchase intentions. It also looks at the established hypotheses between the activities of CSR (Economic Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, Philanthropic Responsibility), customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. This paper aims to learn about the customer’s sense of fulfilment with the CSR activities, and what could be the reaction base on the customer’s expectation.

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Open Access
Article ID: 11203
by Ngan Bich Nguyen
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study explores the causal relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance and loan portfolio quality (LLP) in banks within emerging markets using a Granger causality framework. Analyzing annual data from 153 banks across 12 countries during 2010–2023, the study provides strong evidence of ESG’s predictive power over LLP and key financial indicators, including ROA, NIM, bank size, TIER1 capital adequacy, and GDP growth. Higher ESG scores enhance loan portfolio quality through improved credit risk management, reflecting stronger governance and sustainability-driven operations. ESG also exhibits instantaneous causality, highlighting its immediate impact on loan portfolio quality and financial performance. Conversely, LLP does not Granger-cause ESG but shows instantaneous associations influenced by external factors. These findings emphasize ESG integration as vital for mitigating risk and achieving financial stability in banks. The study advocates proactive ESG adoption in credit risk frameworks and sustainability-incentivizing policies, offering actionable insights for sustainable banking practices.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10793
by H. M. Mahfuzur Rahman, Chinnasamy Agamudai Nambi Malarvizhi, Nasreen Khan
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Employees’ loyalty is essential for improving the organization’s performance, thus aiding sustainable economic growth. The study examines the relationship between employee loyalty, organizational performance, and economic sustainability in Malaysian organizations. The results indicate a robust positive correlation between organizational performance and employee loyalty, suggesting loyalty drives productivity, profitability, and operational efficiency. Additionally, the study highlights organizational performance as a mediator that connects loyalty to aggregate-level economic consequences, such as resilience and adaptability under volatile market conditions. The research emphasizes the role of leadership, company culture, and work environments that support cultivating loyalty. It also highlights how loyal employees can be a cornerstone of innovation and corporate social responsibility, which aligns with Malaysia’s sustainable development agenda. By addressing this, organizations are encouraged to adopt measures that can foster loyalty and ensure long-term economic sustainability, including employee engagement initiatives, talent management, and recognition systems. Research to come should investigate longitudinal dynamics, cross-cultural comparisons, and sector-specific factors to cement a better base of understanding about the impact of employee loyalty on organizational and economic outcomes.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10884
by Sajawal Aslam, Nasreen Khan, Tan Booi Chen, H. M. Mahfuzur Rahman
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The abstract serves both today’s banks, which are significantly impacted by unsustainability in direct and indirect ways. There is growing pressure within the banks of Pakistan to enhance sustainable banking practices; where these green banking practices are still in the initial stages of enhancing sustainability, banks face increasing pressure to improve their environmental performance. This study examines the impact of environmental performance by enhancing sustainable green banking practices, focusing on the moderating role of ecological obsessive passion in this relationship. Green banking practices are evaluated through micro-level factors such as operations, investments, and policies. The study also explores how obsessive environmental passion affects the relationship between banking practices and their impact on environmental performance. Data were collected using the partial least-squares structural equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method from 241 respondents working for banks in Pakistan. The findings indicate that sustainable banking procedures, comprising operations, investments, and policies, have a considerable positive impact on environmental performance. Furthermore, the study discovered that environmental obsessive passion modifies the relationship between green banking practices and policies and environmental sustainability. However, the relationship between green investments and ecological performance remains. To increase sustainability, banks should include green practices in their fundamental operations, investments, and policies. It includes using energy-efficient technologies, encouraging paperless transactions, and funding environmentally conscious enterprises.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9754
by Zoltán Sipiczki, Máté Bence Kralovics, Tibor Tatay, József Varga
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract The impact of inflation on the economy cannot be ignored as it can affect it either positively or negatively. This is because inflation has a broad impact on the macroeconomy, such as economic growth, competitiveness and the distribution of wealth. Therefore, the way in which it is measured also requires particular attention. Our hypothesis is that the weights of the consumer baskets measuring inflation in the Central European countries (Visegrad countries: Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary) change dynamically under the influence of modern causes of inflation and we assume that the composition of the inflation baskets moves together due to the similar economic environment. The Visegrad countries (V4), consisting of Poland, Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia, were selected for this study due to their unique position as a loose economic and political alliance within the European Union. While geographically close, these countries have different economic structures and policy responses, making them an interesting case for comparative analysis. Despite their proximity, it cannot be assumed that inflationary trends will develop similarly across these nations. This underexplored region presents an opportunity to examine how diverse macroeco-nomic factors shape inflation, adding valuable insights to the existing literature. In this study, we do not focus on comparing overall inflation trends between countries, but rather on examining the trends in the changes within the inflation baskets. The aim is to analyze how the composition of goods and services contributing to inflation shifts over time in each country, rather than simply looking at inflation rates. This approach allows us to explore deeper insights into the specific components driving inflationary pressures in the Visegrad countries, highlighting how the importance of certain goods and services evolves within the inflation basket across different economic environments. The weights of the consumer baskets measuring inflation are taken from the Inter-national Monetary Fund 2012–2022 data. We used the Kruskal-Wallis test to determine whether there are statistically significant differences between countries’ consumer basket weights. Our results suggest that the inflation baskets of the four countries do not move significantly together, so there are significant differences in consumption patterns across nations regardless of geographical proximity. Also, contrary to our preliminary expectations, global megatrends such as demographic change, digitalisation and climate change have not yet had a significant impact on the weightings in the consumption baskets of the V4 countries. Therefore, these will require increased attention and preparation in the near future, as even if prices remain unchanged, measured inflation could change significantly across countries as weights shift.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9691
by Ahmad Faishal Wiradisuria, Eszter Sós, Péter Földesi
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Recent times have seen significant advancements in AI and NLP technologies, poised to revolutionize logistical decision-making across industries. This study investigates integrating ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, into strategic, tactical, and operational logistics. Examining its applicability, benefits, and limitations, the study delves into ChatGPT’s capacity for strategic logistics planning, facilitating nuanced decision-making through natural language interactions. At the tactical level, it explores ChatGPT’s role in optimizing route planning and enhancing real-time decision support. The operational aspect scrutinizes ChatGPT’s capabilities in micro-level logistics and emergency response. Ethical implications, encompassing data security and human-AI trust dynamics, are also analyzed. This report furnishes valuable insights for the logistics sector, emphasizing AI’s potential in reshaping decision-making while underscoring the necessity for foresight, evaluation, and ethical considerations in AI integration. In this publication, it is assumed that ChatGPT is not entirely reliable for decision-making in the logistics field: at the strategic level, it can be effectively used for “brainstorming” in preparing decisions, but at the tactical and operational level, the depth of the knowledge is not sufficient to make appropriate decisions. Therefore, the answers provided by ChatGPT to the defined logistic tasks are compared with real logistic solutions. The article highlights ChatGPT’s effectiveness at different levels of logistics and clarifies its potential and limitations in the logistics field.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10290
by Muria Herlina, Ellya Susilowati, Epi Supiadi, Siti Urbayatun, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani, Fahmi Ilman Fahrudin, Budi Pramono, Adi Fahrudin
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

This study examines the determinants of stunting prevention among toddlers in fishing families residing in the coastal areas of Bengkulu City. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, the research combined survey data from 70 respondents and in-depth interviews with 11 informants. Findings indicate that health behavior and genetic factors from health status, alongside education level and occupation from socioeconomic status, play pivotal roles in stunting prevention. Consumption patterns, particularly the consistent provision of animal protein and vegetables in daily meals, significantly contribute to the absence of stunting cases in the studied population. However, limited fruit intake persists due to economic barriers. The study underscores the necessity of integrated strategies, including nutrition education, enhanced access to nutritious foods, and economic support for fishing families, to sustain stunting prevention in coastal communities.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9699
by Yuexin Zhang, Lu Han, Meng Guo, Ying Dong, Wangqian Fu, Fuge Liang
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Perspective taking ability is an important influencing factor on the development of children’s social skills, but the perspective taking ability of children with special needs may be characterized differently due to their physical and mental developmental deficiencies. By combing and analyzing the relevant literature on perspective taking in children with special needs, this paper finds that existing studies have focused on four aspects: the overall level of perspective taking in children with special needs, the influencing factors of differences in the level of perspective taking, the assessment and measurement of perspective taking, and the intervention for the development of perspective taking ability. This paper reviews the four aspects of these studies and makes recommendations for future research and educational interventions on perspective taking in children with special needs. Further research is needed to focus on qualitative research methods to complement existing research findings and to develop effective intervention strategies for children with different special needs.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10391
by Ruiqing Rui, Muhammad Syawal Amran, Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Piano sight-reading competency, which is highly important for an aspiring musician who needs to face diverse musical problems, is an integral part of becoming a smooth performer. The aims of this systematic literature review concerning piano sight-reading pedagogy approaches between 2019 and 2024 are to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the peer-reviewed literature. The article examines cognitive, behavioral, and technological methods and tools of enhancing learning outcomes, based on the concept of cognitive load, constructivism, and behaviorist perspective. The cognitive strategies highlight the role of hand-eye coordination, short-term memory, and visual process; while the behavioral ones emphasize the importance of daily practice and feedback from the teacher. Emerging technologies, like VR and AI-driven platforms, are redefining education and offering unique ways of learning and forgetting. While achievements of the past are notable, challenges such as access and efficacious long-term approaches remain. The next step of research should be to focus on sustainable teaching methods and international perspectives to achieve homogeneous and effective sight-reading teaching worldwide. This essay provides an overview of integrated and adaptable teaching strategies that combine both traditional and modern tools for the development of versatile and confident musicians’ skills.

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Open Access
Article ID: 10920
by Isradi Zainal, Rendi Susiswo Ismail, Kiftian Hady Prasetya, Andi Surayya Mappangile, Aziz Thaba, Abdul Karim Mahmut, Amrul Amrul, Cici Mahmut
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The debate on relocating Indonesia’s national capital from Jakarta stems from critical issues such as overpopulation, social inequality, environmental degradation, and natural disaster risks. These challenges highlight the need to reassess Jakarta’s viability as the nation’s administrative center. This study evaluates Indonesia’s readiness to address the complexities of relocation by analyzing Jakarta’s socio-economic, political, cultural, and geographical conditions. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) with a qualitative approach, the research explores key questions: Do Jakarta’s conditions necessitate relocation? What challenges might arise from the move? How prepared is Indonesia to tackle these challenges? The SLR process includes defining questions, sourcing literature from reputable databases, applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, and synthesizing data for analysis. Findings reveal Jakarta’s multifaceted challenges, including social disparities, environmental degradation, disaster risks, and governance issues, which emphasize the urgency of considering relocation. However, the study also identifies significant hurdles, such as high costs, logistical complexities, potential social conflicts, and environmental risks at the new capital site. Relocating the capital is a strategic and complex undertaking that requires meticulous planning. Indonesia must weigh Jakarta’s current issues, address potential relocation challenges, and ensure readiness for risk mitigation and sustainable development. Comprehensive and thoughtful planning is essential to achieve a successful and balanced transition.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9973
by Domonkos Tinka, Zsolt Jenő Szepesváry
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   
Abstract Surgical robots have been utilized for approximately three decades, primarily in high-income countries. In this paper, we focus on the experiences surrounding the introduction in Hungary of a specific robotic system originating from the United States, the da Vinci Surgical System. Manufactured and distributed by the American company Intuitive since 1995, this surgical system has been used globally in over ten million surgical procedures, with around 60,000 specialists trained to operate it. In Hungary, the robot system is distributed by the Sofmedica healthcare group. Besides Hungary, the company also operates in Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, and Cyprus. In Hungary, the company has eight active robot projects. Robot-assisted surgical interventions began in Hungary in 2022, with some healthcare facilities receiving the da Vinci System in 2023. Accordingly, the number of completed surgeries currently stands at a few thousand. During our review of the literature, we found that publications concerning robotic systems focus on three main areas: the development of robotic technology, comparisons of laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery outcomes and advantages, and cost-benefit analyses of robot acquisition. Based on the available information, we present our findings from the past two years of Hungarian experiences, specifically those of the University Teaching Hospital in Győr-Moson-Sopron County.
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Open Access
Article ID: 10757
by Angelina Kirkova-Bogdanova, Neshka Manchorova
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

Simulation training in dental medical eduaction is a modern high-tech approach in providing quality higher education. Simulation training immerses students in realistic scenarios, allowing them to develop both technical and non-technical skills essential for effective patient care. This study highlights key contemporary issues in high-tech simulation training for dental education and consolidates its rationale and benefits. We searched the databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and ResearchGate. This review includes 36 articles published in English, Russian, and Ukrainian from 2020 to 2024. Non-peer-reviewed papers or those not published in indexed journals were not considered. Simulation training was found to impact integration of theory and practice, training a wide range of psychomotor skills, development of complex clinical competences, cultivating confidence, empathy and patient-oriented care, neuroplasticity of the brain and the cognitive load. Pedagogical benefits and the place of simulation training in the curriculum were also discussed.

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Open Access
Case Report
Article ID: 10345
by Mary Spentzou, Evi Chatzopoulou, Panagiota Argyraki, Alexios Giannakopoulos, Dimitrios C. Chatzopoulos, Vassiliki Spyrou, Athina Economou, Charalambos Billinis
J. Infras. Policy. Dev. 2025, 9(1);   

The reduction of biodiversity and the decline in wildlife populations are urgent environmental issues with devasting consequences for ecosystems and human health. As a result, the protection of wildlife and biodiversity has emerged as one of humanity’s greatest goals, not only for protecting and maintaining human health but also for environmental, economic, and social well-being. In recent years, people have become increasingly aware of the importance and effectiveness of wildlife conservation efforts alongside environmental protection measures, sustainable agricultural practices and non-harmful production procedures and services. This study describes the development and implementation of a labeling scheme for wildlife and biodiversity protection for products or services. The label is designed to encourage the adoption of sustainable and environmentally friendly production methods and services that will contribute to biodiversity conservation and the harmonic coexistence of human-wildlife. Moreover, using a case study approach, the research presents an innovative information system designed to streamline the label-awarding process, ensuring transparency and efficiency. The established system evaluates the sustainability practices and measures implemented by businesses, with a focus on honey production in this case. Additionally, the study explores the broader social implications of the label, particularly its potential to engage consumers and promote awareness of biodiversity conservation.

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