Solar photovoltaic adoption among landed residential property in Malaysia: Integration of sustainable energy security dimension
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
The Malaysian government’s efforts to promote solar photovoltaic (PV) usage among households face a challenge due to its low adoption rate. This study delves into the factors influencing the exponential adoption of solar PV electricity generation among landed residential property owners in Malaysia. The research aims to comprehensively examine the predictors influencing the adoption of solar PV systems among Malaysian households. Hence, the study employs an enhanced Theory of Planned Behavior framework, integrating sustainable energy security dimensions such as availability, affordability, efficiency, acceptability, regulation, and governance. The sample comprised 556 Malaysian residents who owned and resided in the landed properties. The home locations where at least one solar PV installation existed within a residential street. Snowball sampling was employed through referrals, leveraging social and community networks. Collected data was analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling. Attitude, affordability, and acceptability emerged as pivotal factors significantly impacting the intention to use solar PV systems among Malaysian households. This research not only enriches academic discourse but also offers practical implications for policymakers, guiding the formulation of targeted strategies to promote sustainable energy practices and facilitate the widespread adoption of solar PV systems in Malaysia.
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