The feasibility of ChatGPT’s integration into logistics processes

Ahmad Faishal Wiradisuria, Eszter Sós, Péter Földesi

Article ID: 9691
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Recent times have seen significant advancements in AI and NLP technologies, poised to revolutionize logistical decision-making across industries. This study investigates integrating ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, into strategic, tactical, and operational logistics. Examining its applicability, benefits, and limitations, the study delves into ChatGPT’s capacity for strategic logistics planning, facilitating nuanced decision-making through natural language interactions. At the tactical level, it explores ChatGPT’s role in optimizing route planning and enhancing real-time decision support. The operational aspect scrutinizes ChatGPT’s capabilities in micro-level logistics and emergency response. Ethical implications, encompassing data security and human-AI trust dynamics, are also analyzed. This report furnishes valuable insights for the logistics sector, emphasizing AI’s potential in reshaping decision-making while underscoring the necessity for foresight, evaluation, and ethical considerations in AI integration. In this publication, it is assumed that ChatGPT is not entirely reliable for decision-making in the logistics field: at the strategic level, it can be effectively used for “brainstorming” in preparing decisions, but at the tactical and operational level, the depth of the knowledge is not sufficient to make appropriate decisions. Therefore, the answers provided by ChatGPT to the defined logistic tasks are compared with real logistic solutions. The article highlights ChatGPT’s effectiveness at different levels of logistics and clarifies its potential and limitations in the logistics field.


logistics; ChatGPT; decision-making; logistics strategy

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