The impact of foreign language enjoyment and engagement on students’ learning outcome

Xiaohua Zhang, Fan Li, Wen Liu, Ping Wu

Article ID: 10529
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


The study investigates the role of foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and engagement in the context of English language learning among Chinese students, emphasizing the significance of positive emotions in enhancing academic success. Utilizing a sample of 249 students majoring in international trade, the research employs the foreign language enjoyment scale to count their enjoyment level and foreign language engagement scale to assess various dimensions of student engagement, including cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social engagement. By conducting regression analysis, the findings reveal that FLE positively influencing learners’ learning outcome while engagement doesn’t pose significant impact on their learning outcome. The study highlights the importance of fostering positive emotions in educational settings to improve language learning outcomes and suggests that understanding the interplay between FLE and other affective factors can lead to more effective teaching strategies in foreign language education. 


foreign language enjoyment; engagement; learning outcome; international trade students; sustainable education

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