Green practices as an antecedent of intention to attend again as a spectator: A case study at the Badminton World Championship

María Quirante-Mañas, Esther Puga-González, Antonio Fernández-Martínez, Alberto Nuviala, David Cabello-Manrique

Article ID: 6956
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


This research aims to test the effect that the implementation of green practices at a major sport tourism event, the Badminton World Championships in Huelva (Spain), has on the future intention of spectators to return to similar sport events. A total of 523 spectators who attended the event were randomly selected and self-administered in the presence of the interviewer. A confirmatory factor analysis of the model and a multi-group analysis were carried out. Sporting events have a great impact on the environment in which they are organised, mainly when they are linked to tourism, whether at an economic, social or environmental level. The results indicated that green practices indirectly influence spectators’ future intentions through emotions and satisfaction, direct antecedents. In addition, green practices directly affect both image and trust, and indirectly affect satisfaction. In conclusion, green practices are a variable to be taken into account when planning the organisation of a sporting event that aims to consolidate itself in the tourism and sports services market.


green practices; trust; city image; emotions; satisfaction; future intentions

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