Policy and legal reform for autism spectrum disorder patients in Vietnam
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
Autism is often referred to as autism spectrum disorder that constitutes a diverse group of conditions related to brain development (which is a neurodevelopmental disorder). Autism spectrum disorder patients often have difficulty communicating and interacting socially, and are characterized by restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests that have been shown to be the same in cultures of countries around the world. However, the interpretation of symptoms and recognition in terms of policies and laws in countries are not the same. Accordingly, some countries recognize autism spectrum disorder as one of the types of disability and some countries do not, including Vietnam. Currently, Vietnam’s Law on Persons with Disabilities 2010 does not recognize the term “autism” in the Law. At the same time, there is a lack of legal issues related to the “autism spectrum” from the time of diagnosis such as policies on practical support appropriate to each individual’s needs and interests so that they can develop and be integrated in the medical field, education and enjoyment of other benefits such as persons with disabilities. This is an overlooked term that leads to the community having a misperception of “autism” when they are not aware that autism is a disease or a disability, what causes autism and why, etc. The article points out the current situation of adjustment by policies and laws on autistic people in Vietnam. On that basis, the article focuses on analyzing the contents that need to reform those policies and laws to ensure human rights of autistic people and their families.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd6521
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