Enhancing assessment practices: Incorporating developmental distress in adolescent depression diagnosis

Fucong Xie

Article ID: 8397
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Depression is a prevalent mental health problem, particularly in the middle to late stages of adolescence. There are certain characteristics of depression that make it difficult to diagnose and require a thorough evaluation. Primary care doctors are often the first to see teens and have a critical role in recognizing and treating the symptoms of this condition. In addition, there are groups that advise testing for depression at this time. To summarize, the major objective of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive review of the scientific literature about the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of depression in adolescents, with a particular focus on primary care settings. There are a number of environmental and genetic elements that are related with the development of depression in teenagers, making it a difficult job to comprehend the pathophysiology of this condition. Diagnosing this ailment can be challenging because of its wide range of clinical manifestations, even though there are specific screening tests and diagnostic criteria. Furthermore, it can be mistakenly identified with other mental illnesses, which is why a variety of other differential diagnoses must be used. The feasible options for therapy are determined in part by the severity of the ailment, associated risk factors, and the resources at hand. These substitutes might consist of pharmaceuticals (mostly fluoxetine) and psychotherapies (relationships and cognitive behavioural). Under no circumstances can treatment be completed without psychological education, a supportive attitude, and family involvement. Preventive measures not only have a major impact on reducing the prevalence of this illness, but they also have a major positive impact on community health generally. Because of its unpredictable clinical course and the fact that it is significantly underdiagnosed all over the globe, depression in adolescents is a disorder that is of concern to the medical profession. General practitioners are able to give early diagnosis, the beginning of therapy, and referrals to mental health experts when it is important to do so.


adolescent depression; mental health; pathogenesis; environmental factors; genetic factors

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd8397


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