Hurricane Otis in Acapulco: A view from the theory of crisis management

Juan Camilo Cardona-Castaño, Ma Guadalupe Montes Reséndiz, Jehudaniel Reséndiz Martínez, Alvaro Enrique Lima Vargas, Alejandra Moreno-Juárez, Rosa María Brito-Carmona

Article ID: 6204
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Global warming is a problem that affects humanity; hence, crisis management in the face of natural events is necessary. The aim of the research was to analyze the passage of Hurricane Otis through Acapulco from the theoretical perspective of crisis management, to understand the socio-environmental, economic, and decision-making challenges. For data collection, content analysis and hemerographic review proved useful, complemented by theoretical contrastation. Findings revealed failures in communication by various government actors; the unprecedented growth of Hurricane Otis led to a flawed crisis management. Among the physical, economic, environmental, and social impacts, the latter stands out due to the humanitarian crisis overflow. It is the first time that Acapulco, despite having a tradition in risk management against hydrometeorological events, faces a hurricane of magnitude five on the Saffir-Simpson scale. Ultimately, the city was unprepared to face a category five hydrometeorological event; institutional responses were overwhelmed by the complexity of the crisis, and the community came together to improve its environment and make it habitable again.


climate change; hydrometeorological event; socio-environmental impact; crisis management

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