Model application in sustainable municipality development

Beáta Kádár, Judit Bilinovics–Sipos, Regina Zsuzsánna Reicher

Article ID: 10449
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on boosting domestic tourism. Municipalities need economic and management skills. Different marketing strategies may be appropriate in different regions. Local marketing significantly impacts local economies and is crucial to regional and urban development. Local advertising positively correlates with tourism expenditure. Our previous systematic literature review reviewed publications published in place marketing and place management. The research reviewed can be divided into case studies, model analysis, and qualitative or quantitative research on stakeholders. Identification of variables that significantly impact a settlement’s sustainable economic and social development through a comprehensive systematic literature review of 20 case studies. Once characterised these variables will reveal their interrelationships. Our research is based on a thematic analysis of selected literature from the WoS and Scopus databases. Based on the text analysis, we compiled and characterised the variables. An expert focus group tested the variables. Our analysis will result in the creation of a practical and easily interpretable set of variables that will serve as a user-friendly tool. This practical tool offers an easily interpretable overview for future researchers and practitioners. The methodological basis of the new type model allows researchers to move away from the most common and traditional research methods and explore the field from a new and innovative perspective with fresh methods. Limitations and future research directions: The variables need to be expanded, and the relationships need to be further tested with the involvement of participants.


place marketing; municipality; management; variables of system model

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