Employee loyalty in Malaysian organizations: A quantitative approach to assessing its role in sustainable economic growth

H. M. Mahfuzur Rahman, Chinnasamy Agamudai Nambi Malarvizhi, Nasreen Khan

Article ID: 10793
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Employees’ loyalty is essential for improving the organization’s performance, thus aiding sustainable economic growth. The study examines the relationship between employee loyalty, organizational performance, and economic sustainability in Malaysian organizations. The results indicate a robust positive correlation between organizational performance and employee loyalty, suggesting loyalty drives productivity, profitability, and operational efficiency. Additionally, the study highlights organizational performance as a mediator that connects loyalty to aggregate-level economic consequences, such as resilience and adaptability under volatile market conditions. The research emphasizes the role of leadership, company culture, and work environments that support cultivating loyalty. It also highlights how loyal employees can be a cornerstone of innovation and corporate social responsibility, which aligns with Malaysia’s sustainable development agenda. By addressing this, organizations are encouraged to adopt measures that can foster loyalty and ensure long-term economic sustainability, including employee engagement initiatives, talent management, and recognition systems. Research to come should investigate longitudinal dynamics, cross-cultural comparisons, and sector-specific factors to cement a better base of understanding about the impact of employee loyalty on organizational and economic outcomes.


employee loyalty; organizational performance; sustainable economic growth; Malaysian organizations; quantitative research

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10793


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