Nexus among employee engagement, management support, and knowledge sharing behavior: Evidence from an emerging economy

Md. Atikur Rahaman, Mohammad Bin Amin, Prianka Tewary, Mohammed Julfikar Ali, Emmanuel Jeffrey Dzage, László Erdey

Article ID: 9466
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


The aim of this study is to examine the contributions of the components of employee engagement on knowledge-sharing behavior alongside possible mediating effect of management support. This study collected data from 395 respondents purposively selected from pharmaceutical organizations in Bangladesh. For input and incorporation of sample data, SPSS version 26 was used, whereas the PLS-SEM (version-4) tool was used to test the hypotheses relationships. The findings reveal significant positive effects of adaptation, devotion, and vitality on both knowledge sharing behavior and management support. Adaptation to new technologies and processes enhances employees’ ability and intention to share knowledge, facilitated by robust management support. Similarly, devotion and vitality among employees fosters a supportive environment that is conducive for knowledge exchange. Management support emerges as a critical mediator, amplifying the positive impacts of adaptation, devotion, and vitality on organizational outcomes. These findings address a critical gap in understanding the conditions that enhance knowledge-sharing behaviors in highly regulated industries and provides a valuable framework for organizations to nurture knowledge-sharing cultures that will drive innovation and resilience within emerging markets.


workplace knowledge management; adaptation; devotion; vitality; organizational behavior; emerging economy; pharmaceutical industry; Bangladesh

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