Golden visa innovation policy: An alternative strategy for increasing investment

Ruhiyat M. Tolib, Yogi Suprayogi Sugandi, Asep Sumaryana, Nina Karlina

Article ID: 9257
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


The golden visa is a regulation designed to facilitate foreign nationals through a residence permit scheme with an emphasis on investment and citizenship. This research aims to look at the development of the golden visa as an innovation policy, and find out how its implications for the flow of foreign investment into Indonesia. This research uses online research methods (ORM) to discover new facts, information and conditions through technology and internet searches. The aspects used to conduct analysis in this descriptive qualitative research are using innovation policy instruments which include regulatory, economic, financial, and soft instruments. The research findings show that the golden visa as an innovation policy has great potential to support national development through investment in priority sectors. However, its implementation needs to be done carefully with strict supervision and inclusive regulations so as to mitigate risks such as money laundering and property price inflation. That way, golden visas can encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth through the smooth flow of incoming foreign investment.


foreign investors; golden visa; investment; residence permits; Indonesia

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