Challenges to the sustainability of goods flows in the Greater Lomé Autonomous District (DAGL) in Togo
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
The freight transport chain brings together several types of players, particularly upstream and downstream players, where it is connected to both nodal and linear logistics infrastructures. The territorial anchoring of the latter depends on a good level of collaboration between the various players. In addition to the flow of goods from various localities in the area, the Autonomous Port of Lomé generates major flows to and through the port city of Lomé, which raises questions about the sustainability of these various flows, which share the road with passenger transport flows. The aim of this study is to analyse the challenges associated with the sustainability of goods flows. The methodology is based on direct observations of incoming and outgoing flows in the Greater Lomé Autonomous District (DAGL) and semi-directive interviews with the main players in urban transport and logistics. The results show that the three main challenges to the sustainability of goods transport are congestion (28%), road deterioration (22%) and lack of parking space (18%).
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