Agile management of innovation networks—A theoretical approach

Margarita Bogdanova, Evelina Parashkevova, Marusya Smokova, Mariela Stoyanova

Article ID: 10517
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


This paper explores the role of the agile approach in managing interorganizational relationships in innovation networks. Design/methodology/approach. Relevant literature related to agile team management, network theory, innovation theory and knowledge management was studied. Based on collaboration between different approaches, a conceptual model for agile management of an innovation network was generated. Conceptual modeling was supplemented with graphical notation (diagram) of the main elements of the model. At the stage of testing the conceptual model, the action research method was applied, which provides an opportunity for organizational innovations to be carried out with the participation of researchers. The object of the pilot implementation of the conceptual model is the Bulgarian division of a global non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to community service. The organizational innovation applied in the testing of the model is related to improving the communication environment between individual teams (clubs), which are autonomous, but in the conditions of a network can generate projects for common, large-scale initiatives for community service. Findings. The pilot testing of the model shows its applicability, insofar as a traditionally managed structure switches to an agile communication model, in which horizontal connections become more frequent and knowledge between individual participants is transferred more efficiently. The possibility of decentralized decision-making creates the potential for generating numerous new and larger-scale initiatives for the benefit of the final beneficiaries. The participants in the network have also outlined some shortcomings, such as the need for better preliminary preparation when introducing organizational innovations in order to adequately explain and accept them.


innovation networks; network management; conceptual modelling; action research; agile, knowledge management

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