Analysis of the public political participation index for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections in West Sulawesi

Herman H, Didin Halim, Zarni Adia Purba, Henni Zainal

Article ID: 11012
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


This study aims to analyze the level of political participation in the upcoming 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections in West Sulawesi Province. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to assess the political participation index and patterns of participation behavior. The research was conducted from January to April 2024, focusing on participants aged 20 years and above, all of whom were registered voters. The target population included active voters from various districts in West Sulawesi, using stratified sampling to ensure demographic and geographic representation. The sample comprised 122 survey respondents and 15 key informants selected purposively based on their roles in the electoral process. Results indicate that political participation is projected to increase compared to previous elections, though gaps remain between districts. Districts with better access to information and local leaders’ involvement show higher participation. Factors influencing participation include: (1) demographic factors, with the 30–45 age group showing higher participation, while younger generations (under 30 years) demonstrate apathy; (2) socio-cultural factors, where traditional norms and the role of religious leaders influence voter mobilization; and (3) political factors, including trust in candidates and local issues such as infrastructure. Barriers to participation include a lack of political education, apathy due to dissatisfaction with government performance, and administrative issues. Efforts to enhance participation include community-based education and social media, although these have not been fully optimized.


political participation; voter engagement; socio-cultural factors; regional election; West Sulawesi

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