The influence of employee engagement and organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior with job satisfaction as mediation for employees
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
VIEWS - 34 (Abstract)
In the era of globalization and advanced information transparency, competition between companies has become increasingly fierce due to the large number of products and services that have similar characteristics. This situation creates a competitive and dynamic business climate, where companies must adapt quickly to the changes that occur. This study investigates the impact of servant leadership on employee performance at Mandiri In health, focusing on employee engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior as relevant mediating variables. The study used a proportionate stratified random sampling method to determine the sample of respondents, which ultimately consisted of 206 individuals who were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The main findings of the study show that servant leadership has a significant direct influence on employee performance, employee engagement, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the company. This indicates that service-oriented leadership practices not only influence individual performance, but also contribute to employee volunteering and active engagement in the organization. Employee engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior affect employee performance directly, there is no evidence that servant leadership affects employee performance indirectly through the mediation of employee engagement. There is an indication that Organizational Citizenship Behavior acts as a mediator between servant leadership and employee performance, indicating the importance of organizational citizenship behavior in facilitating the positive relationship between leadership and performance. These findings provide a deeper understanding of how leadership strategies can significantly contribute to the achievement of organizational goals in a competitive business environment.
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