Examining the relationship between strategic vigilance and strategic drift in tourism organizations

Fatimah Alqahtani, Fatimah Mohamed Mahdy

Article ID: 10719
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


The tourism sector in the Aseer region of Saudi Arabia is experiencing significant growth and development, aligning with the country’s Vision 2030 strategic framework. However, rapid growth can lead to strategic drift if not managed with vigilance. This study aims to examine the role of strategic vigilance in reducing strategic drift in the tourism sector. The study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 220 staff and directors from the tourism sector. The questionnaire measures the level of strategic vigilance and the level of strategic drift. The study hypothesizes a statistically significant positive relationship between strategic vigilance and reducing strategic drift. Data analysis involves exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The findings are expected to provide insights into the effectiveness of strategic vigilance in mitigating strategic drift and offer recommendations for enhancing the tourism sector’s resilience and adaptability to accelerated environmental changes.


strategic vigilance; competitive vigilance; technological vigilance; environmental vigilance; commercial vigilance; strategic drift; tourism organizations; Saudi Arabia’s vision 2030

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10719


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