Measuring student satisfaction with internship program using Servqual Method

Istiadi Istiadi, Ari Pramono, Karin Amelia Safitri

Article ID: 10305
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Quality evaluation is an essential part of maintaining and sustaining the performance of each organization. In educational institutions, every student who takes a vocational education program is required to be able to carry out and complete internship activities. On the other hand, in implementing quality evaluation, something significant needs to be solved holistically. The problem is that no gradual and comprehensive measurement can provide information about the conditions of each scientific group. This study uses the SERVQUAL approach, which focuses on the performance that has been produced by combining the stages in the internship. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires to 261 students who had internships in three scientific groups, namely 1) Management & Business Administration, 2) Health and 3) Media & Communication. The final results show that each scientific group has a different evaluation focus base that needs to be considered and optimized to maintain the quality of education.


evaluation; internship; service quality; vocational education

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