Analysing a decade of zakat research through bibliometric analysis: Previous achievements, present patterns, and future avenues
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
Research on zakat has captured the attention of scholars since 1981, exhibiting an increasing trend in publications and citations. This trend presents an opportunity for the author to delve into zakat research. The primary aim of this study is to dissect 10 years of zakat research, spanning from 2013 to 2022, with a focus on evaluating past achievements, current research patterns, and potential future research directions. Utilising bibliometric analysis as the primary tool, this study has formulated seven research questions derived from the primary objective. Key findings indicate a consistent upward trajectory in both publication and citation rates over the past decade, with 2013 being a pivotal year. Notably, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia emerged as the top three countries actively contributing to zakat research during this period. This study further outlines eight contemporary research trends, exploring various facets of zakat over the past decade. Additionally, this study identifies four prospective areas in zakat for future scholars to explore. This study’s outcomes offer three significant contributions: 1) signalling to scholars that zakat research continues to burgeon; 2) providing inspiration and ideas for current scholars; and 3) motivating future scholars to embark on research ventures in untapped areas within the realm of zakat.
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