Approaches to the practice of tolerance: In the discourse and positions of the imams of the jurisprudential schools
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
This research calls for intellectual and methodological unity among Muslims considering the current fragmentation and disintegration affecting the community. It emphasizes the need for cohesion, moving away from confrontations with differing ideas and interpretations. The study highlights a key aspect of tolerance ethics, a trait exemplified by esteemed jurists throughout history, who incorporated these values into their writings and actions as a model for future generations. Their respectful conduct in dialogues, debates, and interactions with opposing views serves as a guiding example. Key themes include decorum towards differing opinions, the avoidance of offensive language, and fairness in judgments, refraining from examining others’ intentions. These principles of tolerance are evident in historical and biographical works, showcasing the jurists’ ethical approach and intellectual maturity in addressing both minor and major disagreements, reflecting an ethical dimension in their discourse.
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