Leveraging predictive analytics to enhance food safety risk management in supply chains: A conceptual framework

Reason Masengu, Chenjerai Muchenje, Benson Ruzive

Article ID: 10114
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Food safety in supply chains remains a critical concern due to the complexity of global distribution networks. This study develops a conceptual framework to evaluate how food safety risks influence supply chain performance through predictive analytics. The framework identifies and minimizes food safety risks before they cause serious problems. The study examines the impact of food safety practices, supply chain transparency, and technological integration on adopting predictive analytics. To illustrate the complex dynamics of food safety and supply chain performance, the study presents supply chain transparency, technological integration, and food safety practices and procedures as independent variables and predictive analytics as a mediator. The results show that supply chain managers’ capacity to anticipate and control risks related to food safety can be improved by predictive analytics, leading to safer food production and distribution methods. The research recommends that businesses create scalable cloud-based predictive model solutions, combine data sources, and employ cutting-edge AI and machine learning tools. Companies should also note that strong, data-driven approaches to food safety require cooperative data sharing, regulatory compliance, training initiatives and ongoing improvement.


food safety; supply chain performance; predictive analytics; supply chain efficiency

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10114


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