Student’s perceptions of inclusive and empowering school environments in secondary multiethnic schools

Mihaela David-Izvernar, Alina Roman, Mușata Bocoș, Liliana Ciascai, Dana Rad, Ramona Răduț-Taciu, Maria Sinaci, Ovidiu Toderici, Daniel Mara, Elena-Lucia Mara, Anca Egerău, Maria Vîrlan

Article ID: 10634
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


This study validates the Intercultural Competence and Inclusion in Education Scale (ICIES), a novel instrument designed to assess students’ perceptions of inclusivity and intercultural competence in multiethnic secondary schools. Using a sample of 276 high school students from Western Romania, the ICIES identified three dimensions: ethnic appreciation and support, intercultural engagement and integration, and school unity and cohesion. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the scale’s structural validity, while network analysis revealed key interconnections among its components. Findings highlight the critical role of inclusive teaching strategies and school cohesion in fostering intercultural competence. The ICIES provides educators and policymakers with actionable insights for designing interventions that promote empathy, mutual respect, and a sense of belonging in diverse school settings. These results contribute to the development of educational policies aimed at fostering inclusion and addressing the needs of increasingly multicultural classrooms.


intercultural competence; inclusive education; multiethnic schools; student perceptions; educational environment

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Copyright (c) 2025 Mihaela David-Izvernar, Alina Roman, Mușata Bocoș, Liliana Ciascai, Dana Rad, Ramona Răduț-Taciu, Maria Sinaci, Ovidiu Toderici, Daniel Mara, Elena-Lucia Mara, Anca Egerău, Maria Vîrlan

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