Determinants of stunting prevention in coastal fishing families of Bengkulu city
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025
This study examines the determinants of stunting prevention among toddlers in fishing families residing in the coastal areas of Bengkulu City. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, the research combined survey data from 70 respondents and in-depth interviews with 11 informants. Findings indicate that health behavior and genetic factors from health status, alongside education level and occupation from socioeconomic status, play pivotal roles in stunting prevention. Consumption patterns, particularly the consistent provision of animal protein and vegetables in daily meals, significantly contribute to the absence of stunting cases in the studied population. However, limited fruit intake persists due to economic barriers. The study underscores the necessity of integrated strategies, including nutrition education, enhanced access to nutritious foods, and economic support for fishing families, to sustain stunting prevention in coastal communities.
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