Table of Contents
Micro-mobility has the potential to address first -mile challenges, improving transit accessibility and encouraging public transit usage. However, users’ acceptability of modal integration between various micro-mobility options and public transit remains largely unexplored in the literature. Our study investigates the user behavior for first-mile options, focusing on four alternatives: walking, bicycling, motorcycling, and bus, to access urban mass rapid transit (UMRT) in Hanoi, Vietnam. Based on data collected from 1380 individuals, a Nested Logit Model (NLM) was proposed to analyze the determinants of users’ acceptability under each access mode option as well as evaluate further impacts of shifts in access mode choice on vehicle-kilometer traveled and emissions. The analysis shows that the availability of access modes might increase UMRT use by 47.83%. While this increase further generates additional vehicle-kilometer traveled due to the increase in park-and-ride users, this is offset overall by the large number of motorcycle users shifting to UMRT. Under the most optimistic scenario, modal integration for transit-access trips leads to an average reduction of 17.7% in net vehicle-kilometer traveled or 14.5% in net CO2 emissions or 10.9% in NOx from private vehicles. Our findings also imply that the introduction of parking fees for bicycling- or motorcycling-access trips, while impactful, does not significantly change UMRT choice. Therefore, the pricing schemes should be a focus of parking planning surrounding stations. Finally, a number of policy suggestions for parking planning and first-mile vehicles are presented.
High-quality implementation of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (cross-border M&As) is an important pathway for emerging-market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) to enhance their international competitiveness. However, in comparison to developed countries, cross-border M&As by EMNEs are often prohibited by the liability of origin caused by negative political coverage. How and why negative political coverage affect the completion of cross-border M&As by EMNEs? What are the contextual constraints that moderate the impact of negative political coverage on cross-border M&As completion? Based on the “liability of origin” theory, this paper addresses these questions using data from the Zephyr database on cross-border M&As by EMNEs in the United States from 2016 to June 2021 and employing a logit model for estimation. The research findings are as follows: (1) Negative political coverage leads to negative perceptions of emerging market countries by host country stakeholders, creating the liability of origin and stigmatizing the corporate nationality, thereby reducing the success rate of cross-border M&As by EMNEs. (2) Increasing geographical distance leads to information asymmetry, reinforcing the negative impact of negative political coverage on the completion of cross-border M&As by EMNEs. (3) Relevant mergers and acquisitions exacerbate the negative effect of negative political coverage on the success rate of cross-border M&As by EMNEs. (4) Being a publicly traded firm and having successful experience in cross-border M&As both intensify the negative impact of negative political coverage on the success rate of cross-border M&As by EMNEs.
The main objective of the study is to discuss the application of a participatory approach that involves the community of a small rural area in Italy to develop and maintain a sustainable local food system based on a very ancient and high-quality typical local bean. The efficacy of the approach in terms of the active involvement of local actors (farming communities, local administration, social associations, and civil society) and knowledge transfer for preserving the local food culture has been demonstrated. Possible improvements to the approach through digital technologies for stimulating the effective engagement of teenagers have also been discussed.
The Trans Sumatra Toll Road (TSTR) is a mega toll road project with an assignment State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) scheme in Indonesia. In its development, TSTR has several limitations, including funding, low investment feasibility and the un-optimum implementation of land value capture (LVC). This has the impact of delaying the completion of project development, decreasing the performance of toll road developer companies and even causing bankruptcy. LVC is an alternative funding scheme proven successful in other countries such as Hongkong, England and Vietnam. Several transportation projects based on transit-oriented development have successfully achieved profits using the LVC method. With a low project feasibility, the implementation of the Road Plus Property Developer (RPPD) business model is expected to be a solution to improve investment performance in the TSTR project. RPPD is defined as an assignment scheme toll road business model based on LVC implementation. This research aims to develop policies for implementing the RPPD business model on toll road SOE-assigned schemes. The data was collected by in-depth interviews with experts in two stages. The data analysis method used is Soft System Methodology (SSM). This research produces two recommended actions: ratification of the Presidential Regulation regarding the implementation of LVC and institutional transformation of regionally owned business entities in the property sector. It is hoped that implementing the RPPD policy will become a priority in completing the TSTR project.
This study investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dimensions and employees’ satisfaction and retention for sustainability in banks. Four components (economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic) are analyzed CSR activities and their effects on employee’s satisfaction and retention in the company. Purposive and convenient sampling method was used to get the information from 221 participants. The entire form of the dataset is utilized to execute regression and correlation analysis using SPSS. In order to find out the relationship between economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic factors and employee’s satisfaction and retention, regression beta coefficient and correlation were used to analyze. This study also examines the relationship between job satisfaction and intentions to retain with an organization. The findings demonstrate that the CSR aspects of ethical and philanthropic have a considerable and favorable influence on employee’s satisfaction. The outcome also demonstrates a good and prominent influence of legal CSR on the satisfaction of employee’s to retain with the firm. Moreover, this study demonstrates that economic aspect of CSR has no significant impact on employee’s retention and satisfaction. Correlation analysis depicts that economic CSR is positively and significantly connected with employee’s retention and satisfaction. This research came to the conclusion that enhancing employees view regarding CSR activities such as economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic will increase employee’s satisfaction. Therefore, executives and managers in the banks should take steps to influence how employees see CSR areas in order to raise employee’s satisfaction and retention in the banks for sustainability.
The study looks at Ghana’s mining industry’s audit culture and green mining practices about their social responsibility to the communities where their mines are located. Results: According to this study, the economic motivations of mines and green mining are inversely related. Even large mining companies incur significant costs associated with their green mining initiatives because they require a different budget each year, which has an impact on their ability to maximize wealth. Conversely, mines with strong green mining initiatives enjoy positive public perception, and vice versa. Ghanaian mines do not have pre- or during-mining strategies; instead, they only have post-social and post-environmental methods. The best method for evaluating mines’ environmental performance in the community in which they operate is, according to this study, social auditing. This is primarily influenced by the mine’s audit culture, but it is also influenced by the auditor’s compliance with audit processes, audit guidelines, and, ultimately, the audit firm’s experience. The analysis confirms that Ghana’s mine environmental performance is appallingly low since local audit firms are not used in favor of foreign auditors who lack experience or empathy for the problems encountered by these mining communities. Last but not least, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is connected to Ghana’s development of green mining, either directly or indirectly. Whether the mine adopts a technocrat, absolutist, or relativist perspective on mining will determine this. The study discovered that, in contrast to the later approach, the first two views generate work in a mechanistic manner with little to no consideration for CSR.
India’s economic growth is of significant interest due to its expanding Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and global market influence. This study investigates the interplay between production, trade, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and economic growth in India using Granger causality analysis. Also, the data from 1994 to 2023 were analyzed to explore the relationships among these variables. The results reveal strong positive correlations among production, trade, CO2 emissions, and GDP, with production showing significant associations with export, import, and GDP. Co-integration tests confirm the presence of a long-term relationship among the variables, suggesting their interconnectedness in shaping India’s economic landscape. Regression analysis indicates that production, export, import, United States (US)-India trade, manufacturing cost of energy, and CO2 emissions significantly impact GDP. Moreover, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) estimation reveals both short-term and long-term dynamics, highlighting the importance of understanding equilibrium and deviations in economic variables. Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the complex interactions driving India’s economic growth and sustainability.
This article emphasizes the importance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and large companies in driving economic growth. SMEs are labour-intensive and agile, creating more jobs, while large companies are capital-intensive and rely on technology, having more resources for research and development. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, SMEs contribute significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and job opportunities, while large companies dominate specific sectors. The research employs a multidisciplinary approach using an extensive literature review to summarize the current literature, highlight the economic impact of SMEs and large companies in GCC, and highlight the importance of large companies in developing local citizens. Policy-makers must consider these differences to integrate these dynamic changes for effective support policies. This study examines the economic impact of SMEs and large companies in the GCC region, providing recommendations to support large businesses. It addresses challenges and opportunities related to employment, household earnings, economic output, and value addition. Promoting the economic impact of SMEs and large companies can lead to sustainable economic growth and development in the GCC region. Also, this article pointed out the importance of large companies and their economic impact in the GCC region; policy recommendations will help the governing bodies in decision-making towards promoting sustainable economic growth.
Improving the competitiveness of tourism destinations is crucial for driving local economies and achieving income growth. In light of this evidence, numerous government departments strive to assess specific factors that impact the competitiveness of tourism destinations, enabling them to issue appropriate new tourism policies that promote more effective forms of tourism business. Therefore, the primary objective of this paper is to investigate how various elements such as tourism resources, tourism support, tourism management, location conditions, and tourism demand influence regional competitiveness in the Northern Bay region of Guangxi Province in China. To accomplish this goal, an online survey was conducted to collect data from 420 visitors who had experienced North Gulf Tourism; yielding an impressive response rate of 95 percent. The findings reveal that all aforementioned factors—namely: Tourism resources, tourism support, tourism management, location conditions and tourist demand—significantly impact destination competitiveness. Notably though, it was found that among these factors influencing destination competitiveness; it is primarily determined by effective local-level management (β = 0.345). Following closely behind are tourist demand (β = 0.133) as the second most influential factor affecting destination competitiveness; followed by location conditions (β = 0.116) ranking third; then comes tourist support (β = 0.03) as fourth in line impacting destination competitiveness; finally with least impact being exerted by available tourist resources (β = 0.016). Consequently, highlighting that regional competitiveness within Guangxi’s Northern Bay area predominantly hinges on efficient local-level management practices thus strongly recommending relevant authorities formulate novel work policies aimed at enhancing levels of local-level competitive advantage within the realm of regional touristic offerings.
The intersex person’s social isolation condition is the leading concern in inclusive educational practices. It provides for the relevance of intersex communities with the influence of social isolation on their education and well-being. Given the underlying problem, this paper stresses the isolation-free condition of the intersex community by facilitating inclusive education. The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model and Behaviorism-Based Intersex Theory supports inclusive education by extending the desire to significantly manage stereotypes, quality teaching, parental beliefs, expressions, physique, and intersex attribution. The qualitative research method analyses the reducing role of social isolation for inclusive education. The semi-structured interview research instrument is used for the data collection from the Ministry of Human Rights, Educational Institutions, and inter-sex Representatives. The results show that managing directors and heads of educational institutions frame policy management for the free social isolation of intersex persons, which is relevant through inclusive education. This paper aims to provide a better social condition for intersex persons and promote inclusive education through effective policy management.
This research aims to do the assessing the feasibility of the Public-Private Partnership project in investing in the construction of the Palu-Parigi By-pass road through a PPP financing scheme, thereby providing opportunities for the private sector to participate in the provision of special road infrastructure. In this context, experimental criteria for determining Value for Money (VFM) are applied using the PPP model, to evaluate projects. The main objective also emphasizes the provision of greater VFM Goods through private financing, through conventional methods that are economical, efficient and effective. Furthermore, financial performance measurement reports apply several methods, including Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) which determine the feasibility and time required for returns on invested capital. The previous Economic Feasibility Study of the Palu-Parigi By-pass Road Construction project also showed an EIRR value of 20.1% in 2014, illustrating the economic development of this work. In connection with the limitations currently faced by the Regional Budget Agency of Central Sulawesi Province, the next PPP scheme is recommended for road construction by prioritizing infrastructure completion after the 28 September 2018 earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic. The DBFMT (Design–Build–Finance–Maintenance–Transfer) model was also applied to the project, with GCA responsible for design, construction, financing, periodic maintenance and transfer at the end of the collaboration agreement.
Project risk management in the mining industry is necessary to identify, analyze and reduce uncertainty. The engineering features of mining enterprises, by their nature, require improved risk management tools. This article proves the relevance of creating a simulation model of the production process to reduce uncertainty when making investment decisions. The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for deciding on the economic feasibility of creating a simulation experiment. At the same time, the features and patterns of the cases for which the simulation experiment was carried out were studied. Criteria for feasibility assessment of the model introduction based on a qualitative parameters became the central idea for algorithm. The relevance of the formulated algorithm was verified by creating a simulation model of a potassium salt deposit with subsequent optimization of the production process parameters. According to the results of the experiment, the damage from the occurrence of a risk situations was estimated as a decrease in conveyor productivity by 32.6%. The proposed methods made it possible to minimize this risk of stops in the conveyor network and assess the lack of income due to the risk occurrences.
This paper explores the distribution of educational resources from the perspective of public service equalization in China, with a particular focus on government responsibility and fiscal input. Initially, the paper reviews the theoretical foundations and empirical studies concerning the distribution of educational resources, analyzing the role of government in educational equity and the impact of fiscal expenditure. By employing quantitative analysis methods, this study utilizes data on provincial education expenditures over several years to examine the relationship between government fiscal input and the equalization of educational resources. Empirical results indicate that increasing educational fiscal input and optimizing the allocation mechanism significantly enhance the level of equalization in educational resources. Furthermore, through case analyses of several local governments, effective policy recommendations are proposed to promote the fair distribution and optimization of educational resources. Lastly, the paper discusses potential obstacles in policy implementation and suggests corresponding strategies.
This article aims to analyze the form of promotion and its policies in increasing tourists in Indonesia. Ecotourism is one of the nation’s vital sectors that can improve the economy, preserve nature and introduce local culture. Sadly, today, ecotourism has yet to be discovered by the public, which cumulatively causes much damage. Therefore, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is tasked with educating the public in order to create a collaborative synergy. This article uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The primary data sources in this study are Twitter netizens’ tweets and The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy ‘s social media accounts. At the same time, the secondary data used in this study are articles, books, and reportage. Then the data will be analyzed through several procedures, namely, 1) data matrix, 2) data reduction, 3) coding, and 4) conclusion drawing. The results showed that the messages conveyed by The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy regarding ecotourism were good, and the intensity was relatively high. Public conversations about ecotourism have also been substantive in accordance with ideal ecotourism. Unfortunately, the intensity of The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy ‘s message is not accompanied by the intensity of ecotourism conversations in the community. However, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has issued a communication policy in promoting ecotourism in Indonesia. This aims to benefit the wider community, such as community productivity, economic improvement, and the introduction of local culture to the international community.
Over the last two decades, governance for global health has garnered more attention from policymakers, decision-makers, and scholars from several disciplines. The health sector has also become more dynamic and complicated as a result of several factors that have influenced organizational development. The issue of sustainability is clearly raised with specific emphasis and urgency in the context of the global healthcare system. Some countries have been altering their healthcare systems to improve healthcare performance. University hospitals as the main providers of high-quality healthcare services in China, have an irreplaceable role in promoting the construction of healthy China. This study strategic triangle as an analytical framework to identify the key factors that influence university hospital in China and better comprehend how public value is conceptualized and implemented in practice. The study was conducted by qualitative method, five university hospitals designated as “Grade A tertiary hospitals” and semi-structed interviews were carried out with 33 participants, including experts, university hospital leadership level, and basic level. The study revealed that there are eight (8) major factors influencing the development of university hospitals in China. University hospital administrators must be prepared to assess and respond to factors that enhance or hinder implementation continuously and methodically. These insights can be used to improve early preparedness, but additional study in this area is required to better understand the driving factors, action models, and techniques for achieving sustainable development in university hospitals.
There are a number of issues that can influence elderly life satisfaction, which can mirror their welfare. This study aims to explore the differences in elderly parents’ life satisfaction across socioeconomic characteristics and investigates how the traits of both children and parents associate with elderly parents’ life satisfaction in Thailand. This study uses individual data obtained from Thailand’s National Statistical Organization covering 2008–2015, 2018 and 2020, with a total sample size of 28,494. To investigate the association between children’s and parents’ characteristics, particularly formal education and parental life satisfaction, this study uses ordered logistic regression for the analysis. Our results show that male parents are more likely to have higher life satisfaction than their female counterparts. Parents who are employed, holding a bachelor’s degree, and living with female children are more satisfied with their life. Statistically, children’s formal education demonstrates its importance for their elderly parents’ life satisfaction. This documents the vital role of schooling in improving parental life satisfaction. Moreover, facing the challenge of entering an aging society, government agencies must take a proactive stance on creating jobs suitable for the elderly or retirees to maintain their sense of independence. The evidence of intergenerational mobility reaffirms the importance of children’s education along with their caring ability, which should be strengthened.
This study aimed to examine and assess the impact of the logistics industry’s environment, entry-level graduates’ characteristics and the logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) program design on the transformation of knowledge and skills at Sohar port in the Sultanate of Oman. The study employed a pragmatic research philosophy involving a structured questionnaire. The sample size included 49 mid-managers from the logistics industry who were working at Sohar Port. The study found that entry-level graduates’ characteristics and LSCM program design positively and significantly influenced the transformation of knowledge and skills. However, the organisational environment had a negative and insignificant impact on the transformation. This study revealed several dimensions that may require further research. It is pertinent to broaden the research scope to other towns, ports, and other countries in the Gulf Council Countries (GCC) to broaden the scope and generalisability of the results. According to the study findings, several recommendations are proposed for the logistics and supply chain sector in Oman to enhance the transformation of knowledge and skills by entry-level graduates, as well as for higher education institutions (HEIs). To meet the sector requirements, HEIs may improve the current university-industry collaborations by increasing the inputs of the industry in designing and developing the LSCM program. The organisational environment must reconsider the knowledge and skills transformation by entry-level graduates in their strategic plan of resources management, which must be emphasised by the remuneration system and career paths incentive. While other studies have explored knowledge and skill transformation in the context of employee training, this study aims to fill a specific research gap by focusing on the transformation of knowledge and skills by entry-level graduates, an area which has not been extensively studied before. Furthermore, this study is unique as it examines the impact of the industry’s environment, entry-level graduates’ characteristics and the LSCM program on the transformation of knowledge and skills within the unique context of Oman. This novel approach provides an opportunity to understand the specific challenges and opportunities faced by entry-level graduates in Oman and suggests strategies for addressing them.
This research investigates the relationship between Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), media content, and copyright laws. As GAI technologies continue to evolve and permeate various aspects of the media landscape, questions regarding the creation and protection of intellectual property have become paramount. The study aims to highlight the impact of GAI generated content, and the challenge it poses to the traditional copyright framework. Furthermore, the research addresses the evolving role of copyright laws in adapting to the dynamic landscape shaped by artificial intelligence. It investigates whether existing legal frameworks are equipped to handle the complexities introduced by GAI, or if there is a need for legislative and policy reforms. Ultimately, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the intersection of GAI, media, and copyrights, providing insights that can guide policymakers, legal practitioners, and industry stakeholders in navigating the evolving landscape of intellectual property in the age of artificial intelligence.
Purpose: This study investigates the mediating effect of Environmental Attachment (EA) among consumers in an emerging market, concentrating on the impact of two key factors: Green Environmental Awareness (GEA) and Sense of Responsibility (SOR) on Sustainable Product Consumption (SPC). Design/methodology/approach: A thorough online survey was carried out with Google Docs and distributed to 304 Pakistani consumers who now use or are considering purchasing sustainable or green products. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to rigorously test the suggested model utilizing a non-probability sampling technique, specifically the stratified purposive sampling approach. Findings: Green environmental awareness (GEA) and a sense of responsibility (SOR) have been shown to have a substantial impact on creating environmental attachment (EA) in both existing and potential customers of sustainable products. The findings of this study also revealed that environmental attachment (EA) plays an important role as a mediator in the links between green environmental awareness (GEA) and the consumption of sustainable goods (SPC), as well as between a sense of responsibility (SOR) and SPC. Despite this, it is crucial to note that the projected direct effect of GEA on SPC was shown to be statistically insignificant. This conclusion implies that additional factors outside the scope of this study may influence the relationship between GEA and SPC. Research limitations/implications: It is vital to highlight that the focus of this study is on an online sample of consumers near Punjab, Pakistan. Future studies should look at other parts of Pakistan to acquire a more complete picture of sustainable consumption trends. Furthermore, our findings suggest that characteristics impacting sustainable consumption, such as Green Environmental Awareness (GEA) and Sense of Responsibility (SOR), may differ among countries. As a result, performing a comparison analysis involving two or more countries could provide valuable insights into projecting sustainable product consumption among current and potential sustainable product customers. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by investigating the factors of sustainable consumption using the lens of the Norm Activation Model theory (NAM), notably Green Environmental Awareness (GEA) and Sense of Responsibility (SOR), to predict sustainable product consumption. The findings are important for promoting long-term goals in Pakistan and provide a framework that can be applied in other emerging markets.
The paper considers an important problem of the successful development of social qualities in an individual using machine learning methods. Social qualities play an important role in forming personal and professional lives, and their development is becoming relevant in modern society. The paper presents an overview of modern research in social psychology and machine learning; besides, it describes the data analysis method to identify factors influencing success in the development of social qualities. By analyzing large amounts of data collected from various sources, the authors of the paper use machine learning algorithms, such as Kohonen maps, decision tree and neural networks, to identify relationships between different variables, including education, environment, personal characteristics, and the development of social skills. Experiments were conducted to analyze the considered datasets, which included the introduction of methods to find dependencies between the input and output parameters. Machine learning introduction to find factors influencing the development of individual social qualities has varying dependence accuracy. The study results could be useful for both practical purposes and further scientific research in social psychology and machine learning. The paper represents an important contribution to understanding the factors that contribute to the successful development of individual social skills and could be useful in the development of programs and interventions in this area. The main objective of the research was to study the functionalities of the machine learning algorithms and various models to predict the students’s success in learning.
This study aims to explore the implications of imported electrical equipment in Indonesia, analysing both short-term and long-term impacts using a quantitative approach. The research focuses on understanding how various economic factors, such as domestic production, international pricing, national income, and exchange rates, influence the country’s import dynamics in the electrical equipment sector. Employing an Error Correction Model (ECM) for regression analysis, the study utilises time-series data from 2007 to 2021 to delve into the complex interplay of these variables. The methodology involves a comprehensive analysis using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests to assess the stationarity of the data. This approach ensures the robustness of the ECM, which is employed to analyse the short-term and long-term effects of the identified variables on electrical equipment imports in Indonesia. The results reveal significant relationships between these economic factors and import levels. In the short term, imports are shown to be sensitive to changes in domestic economic conditions and international market prices, while in the long term, the country’s economic growth, reflected through GDP, emerges as a significant determinant. The findings suggest that Indonesia’s electrical equipment import policies must adapt highly to domestic and international economic changes. In the short term, a responsive approach is required to manage the immediate impacts of market fluctuations. The study highlights the importance of aligning import strategies with broader economic growth and environmental sustainability goals for long-term sustainability. Policymakers are advised to focus on enhancing domestic production capabilities, reducing import dependency, and ensuring that environmental considerations are integral to import policies. This study contributes to understanding import dynamics in a developing country context, offering valuable insights for policymakers and industry stakeholders in shaping strategies for economic growth and sustainability in the electrical equipment sector. The findings underscore the need for a balanced, data-driven approach to managing imports, aligning short-term responses with long-term strategic objectives for Indonesia’s ongoing development and industrial advancement.
Indonesia, an emerging archipelagic nation, possesses abundant natural resources spanning marine, land (including forests and water sources), and diverse biological riches. The agricultural sector emerges as a pivotal driver of growth across the country, exhibiting extensive distribution. Consequently, there is an urgent imperative for comprehensive research to bolster and optimize the performance of this sector. This study aims to meticulously analyze and scrutinize macroeconomic variables aimed at enhancing Indonesia’s agricultural sector. Through the utilization of a dynamic panel model, the study zeroes in on crucial variables: economic growth in the agricultural sector, farmer terms of exchange, human development index, population density, inflation, average daily wages, and lagged economic growth data from each province in Indonesia. The best model for dynamic panel testing, employing both First Difference Generalized Method of Moments (FD-GMM) and Generalized Method of Moments System (SYS-GMM) approaches, is identified as the SYS-GMM model. This model exhibits unbiased and consistent estimation, as evidenced by the Arellano-Bond (AB) test and Sargan test results. The analysis conducted using this selected model reveals notable findings. Lagging agricultural sector performance, human capital measured by the Human Development Index (HDI), and farmers’ exchange rates are found to significantly and positively influence the economic growth of the agricultural sector. Conversely, inflation exerts a significant and negative impact on sectoral growth. However, wage levels and population density do not demonstrate a significant partial effect on the economic growth of the agricultural sector.
Historically, transportation projects and urban mobility policies overlook the dimension of social sustainability, mainly focusing on economic and environmental criteria. This neglect, seen enhanced in the Global South, leads to long travel times, growing congestion, reliance on motorcycles, high traffic accident rates, and limited access to public transport, jobs, and urban facilities, especially for the more vulnerable population. In light of these issues, this paper proposes the Social Sustainability of Urban Mobility (SSUM) approach as an analytical framework that assesses the state of social sustainability in urban mobility by applying a Systematic Literature Review where three gaps were found. First, by tailoring the SSUM approach to the context of the Global South, it is possible to address the population-focused gap in urban mobility. Second, in the literature review, a theoretical gap defining social sustainability in urban mobility and its three primary categories has yet to reach a consensus among practitioners and academics. Finally, more empirical research should be conducted to discuss methodological aspects of operationalizing the SSUM approach through the three main categories: accessibility, the sustainability of the community, and institutionality. The SSUM approach promotes implementing a sustainable urban agenda that builds inclusive, equitable, and just cities in urban mobility.
This research investigates the impact of modern technological methods of knowledge management (KM) and total quality management (TQM) on the performance of faculty members in educational colleges in Jordan. Drawing on a survey conducted with 306 faculty members, the study examines the influence of technology on teaching methodologies and academic quality within the Jordanian higher education context. The study utilizes the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to back up the modern technological methods of knowledge management (KM) and total quality management (TQM) models. The findings reveal a generally positive perception among respondents regarding the beneficial effects of modern technological tools on teaching effectiveness, collaboration, and innovation. Additionally, technology-enhanced TQM practices were found to contribute to improvements in curriculum design, student engagement, and administrative processes. Regression and correlation analyses support significant relationships between technology-enabled KM and TQM practices and faculty performance, highlighting the transformative role of technology in shaping the future of higher education in Jordan. Recommendations are provided for educational institutions to enhance the integration of technology and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement among faculty members.
Baribis Fault disasters caused the loss of human lives. This study investigates the strategies local communities employ in Indonesia to cope with disasters. A qualitative study was conducted on various cultural strategies used to mitigate disasters in relevant areas. These strategies were selected based on the criteria of locally based traditional oral and written knowledge obtained through intensive interviews. The study reveals that technological and earth science solutions are insufficient to resolve disasters resulting from Baribis Fault activity. Still, local culture and knowledge also play a crucial role in disaster mitigation. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how cultural strategies avoid disasters and highlights the need to transform local knowledge regarding effective cultural strategies for mitigating such disasters. This transformation can have positive psychological implications and enhance community harmony.
The objective of this study was to examine the impact of utilizing smart algorithms on enhancing the operational performance of sports facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These algorithms, based on principles and concepts of artificial intelligence, aim to achieve functions such as learning, decision-making, data analysis, pattern recognition, planning, and problem-solving. The study aimed to identify the extent to which smart algorithms are utilized in sports facilities, assess the level of operational performance, explore the correlation between the use of smart algorithms and operational performance, and predict the level of operational performance based on the use of smart algorithms. The study employed a descriptive approach, specifically utilizing a survey study method. Participants included chairmen and members of boards of directors, executive directors, sports directors, administrators, specialists, and members of various committees. The study sample was intentionally selected from different categories within the study population. Two questionnaires were used to collect data from 325 participants. The findings revealed a lack of utilization of smart algorithms in sports facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, indicating a low level of operational performance. Additionally, a correlation was observed between the use of smart algorithms and operational performance, suggesting that the level of operational performance can be predicted based on the utilization of smart algorithms. The study concludes that the implementation of intelligent algorithms can enhance the operational performance of sports facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It provides valuable insights into the effects of utilizing smart algorithms on improving operational performance.
Bali is the most famous tourist destination in the world, and this popularity has led to a significant rise in the island’s economy. The rise in income has also driven an increase in demand for infrastructure. Moreover, the Bali regional competitiveness index, in the infrastructure pillar, shows a lower figure compared to the national level. So that the Bali Provincial Government focuses on building an infrastructure strategy. This research uses the Input-Output Table (IOT) model, namely the 2016 Bali Province IOT which will be released in 2021. This analysis was chosen because IOT assumes that one sector can be an input for other sectors, in terms of this this is the construction sector. With investment in strategic and monumental infrastructure marking the New Era of Bali, it will result in additional Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of IDR 18.7 trillion, or in other words Bali’s GRDP will increase by 9.71% from the condition of no investment. This shows that infrastructure development is able to boost Bali’s economy. Further research is needed to be able to qualitatively analyze development infrastructure strategies in Bali. Remembering that a qualitative approach is also important to be able to analyze in depth.
This study thoroughly examined the use of different machine learning models to predict financial distress in Indonesian companies by utilizing the Financial Ratio dataset collected from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), which includes financial indicators from various companies across multiple industries spanning a decade. By partitioning the data into training and test sets and utilizing SMOTE and RUS approaches, the issue of class imbalances was effectively managed, guaranteeing the dependability and impartiality of the model’s training and assessment. Creating first models was crucial in establishing a benchmark for performance measurements. Various models, including Decision Trees, XGBoost, Random Forest, LSTM, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were assessed. The ensemble models, including XGBoost and Random Forest, showed better performance when combined with SMOTE. The findings of this research validate the efficacy of ensemble methods in forecasting financial distress. Specifically, the XGBClassifier and Random Forest Classifier demonstrate dependable and resilient performance. The feature importance analysis revealed the significance of financial indicators. Interest_coverage and operating_margin, for instance, were crucial for the predictive capabilities of the models. Both companies and regulators can utilize the findings of this investigation. To forecast financial distress, the XGB classifier and the Random Forest classifier could be employed. In addition, it is important for them to take into account the interest coverage ratio and operating margin ratio, as these finansial ratios play a critical role in assessing their performance. The findings of this research confirm the effectiveness of ensemble methods in financial distress prediction. The XGBClassifier and RandomForestClassifier demonstrate reliable and robust performance. Feature importance analysis highlights the significance of financial indicators, such as interest coverage ratio and operating margin ratio, which are crucial to the predictive ability of the models. These findings can be utilized by companies and regulators to predict financial distress.
The study, focusing on Malaysian managers, employs a two-round Delphi research methodology to identify and rank variables influencing their emotional intelligence at work. The research is structured into five key areas, with factors ranked in ascending order of significance. Empathy and emotional resilience are deemed the most important, followed by emotional and self-awareness, work-life balance and stress management, social awareness and relationship management, learning and development, adaptability and continuous improvement, cultural and organizational dynamics, experience, and age. This study sheds light on the variables impacting Malaysian managers’ emotional intelligence skills and provides a ranking of key factors essential for successful development. It not only offers crucial guidance for personal and professional balance but also provides insightful recommendations for understanding and enhancing emotional intelligence skills in the workplace for Malaysian managers and organizations.
The growing interconnectedness of the world has led to a rise in cybersecurity risks. Although it is increasingly conventional to use technology to assist business transactions, exposure to these risks must be minimised to allow business owners to do transactions in a secure manner. While a wide range of studies have been undertaken regarding the effects of cyberattacks on several industries and sectors, However, very few studies have focused on the effects of cyberattacks on the educational sector, specifically higher educational institutions (HEIs) in West Africa. Consequently, this study developed a survey and distributed it to HEIs particularly universities in West Africa to examine the data architectures they employed, the cyberattacks they encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic period, and the role of data analysis in decision-making, as well as the countermeasures employed in identifying and preventing cyberattacks. A total of one thousand, one hundred and sixty-four (1164) responses were received from ninety-three (93) HEIs and analysed. According to the study’s findings, data-informed architecture was adopted by 71.8% of HEIs, data-driven architecture by 24.1%, and data-centric architecture by 4.1%, all of which were vulnerable to cyberattacks. In addition, there are further concerns around data analysis techniques, staff training gaps, and countermeasures for cyberattacks. The study’s conclusion includes suggestions for future research topics and recommendations for repelling cyberattacks in HEIs.
The mobile health market is expected to continue to grow that will make it harder for mobile application developer to compete. One of the most popular types of mobile health application is health and fitness applications. This application aims to modify user behavior; therefore, it requires user to use the system continuously in relatively longer period of time to effectively change user behavior. Thus, user satisfaction is essential and must be maintained to reach this goal. This study aims to define the mobile health application qualities that would influence user satisfaction level. Developer can priorities the most influential qualities when building their application. Quality dimensions would be explored by literature review and Google Play Store review and categorised using DeLone McLean IS Success Model. We identified 12 quality dimension that will furthered analysed using Kano Model. The data collecting was conducted with online form with 12 pairs of Kano two-dimensional questionnaires (n = 115). The results show that the important qualities of mobile health application are Privacy, Availability, Reliability, Ease of Use, Accuracy and Responsiveness, lack of these qualities would cause dissatisfaction from user. The developer might also consider to improve user interface and usefulness of the application to increase user satisfaction even though these qualities would not cause much of dissatisfaction
This research aims to investigate how technological innovation influences social sustainability via the mediating role of organizational innovation and digital entrepreneurship. This investigation employed a quantitative research approach and used data from survey questionnaires based on a set of suppositions evaluated using structural equation modeling. A total of 320 respondent companies from digital provider companies in Thailand. The findings of the research expose that technological innovation has a positive effect on organizational innovation and digital entrepreneurship. Both serve as mediators in the correlation between technology innovation and social sustainability. Moreover, this research will be beneficial for businesses that are implementing new technologies and innovation, considering their role in attaining both environmental and social sustainability.
Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) have increasingly engaged in outward foreign direct investment in recent years, and particularly into the infrastructure sector of developing economies. This has been prompted by the infrastructure-led economic integration plan of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. However, such collaboration faces many challenges. Infrastructure projects are often undertaken in industries, countries, and regions posing particular and difficult challenges, and with divergent, often conflicting interests, with the ensuing conclusion that the MNE is simply exploiting the project and not delivering value to the host country. Overall, not only does the infrastructure project have to be well-functioning with expected returns (or savings) realized, but these projects face close scrutiny from local communities, labor, opposition parties, neighboring countries, and various international bodies and nonprofits, requiring delicate handling of the principals involved. The unfolding of these issues and their management by the multinational are examined through an in-depth longitudinal case study. The data are drawn from major participants and stakeholders around a leading Chinese MNE and the mega project of the construction of a major hydropower plant in Pakistan.
The purpose of the article is the analysis of the constitutional regime in the Republic of Poland, the study of democratic and authoritarian tendencies. The article is devoted to the coverage of one of the most pressing issues, namely the constitutional principles of Polish democracy, which play an important role in determining the political system and functioning of the State. They establish the basic principles of a democratic system, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, and determine the relationship between the Government and the people. Poland, as a democratic republic, has its own constitutional principles, ensuring the stability of the political system and the development of democracy in the country. The article analyzes the constitutional principles in the doctrine of constitutional law and constitutional practice of Poland, examines their nature and significance for the supremacy of the Constitution and the development of the legal system. Authoritarian tendencies are covered as well. It is determined that nowadays there is a tense interaction between democratic principles and tendencies towards authoritarianism in the Republic of Poland. This situation is reflected in political actions, legislative changes and Government actions that can contribute to the undermining of democratic institutions and values.
Objective: This research analyzed the psychometric properties of the Ambivalent Classism Inventory (ICA) in Peru. Methodology: A critical review of literature related to poverty, inequality, and structural gaps was conducted, involving 882 participants aged 14 to 89 years (M = 24.61, SD = 9.07). Results: Exploratory-confirmatory factor analyses were satisfactory, finding a similar factorial structure to the original scale and the adaptation (hostile classism, protective paternalism, and complementary class differentiation). Regarding items, there was a reduction, leaving only 12; however, comparing alternative models, the three-factor structure with 12 reagents showed adequate fit (χ2 = 214.588, df = 51, p < 0.001; CFI = 0.996; RMSEA = 0.060; SRMR = 0.033), allowing for invariance testing. Practical Implications: The scale allows for investigating attitude profiles of individuals with privileged social class. Contribution: The instrument is a valuable contribution, considering that the nation has a high poverty rate, leading to economic, political, and social inequality among the population.
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, educational activities have faced significant disruptions, leading to a widespread adoption of online teaching and a transformation in the evaluation of teaching quality. Using CiteSpace visualization software, the study examines 1485 papers from the Chinese database of China Knowledge Network and 1656 papers from the English database of Web of Science (WoS) spanning the period from January 2013 to June 2023 as research samples. The findings reveal heightened activity in China and other countries research on teaching quality evaluation, moreover, research in both contexts predominantly comprises independent studies, supplemented by collaborative efforts. Notably, there is an increased focus on the exploration of online teaching quality evaluation, specifically delving into methodologies and systems. The emphasis has shifted towards students’ learning initiatives and a comprehensive evaluation of teachers’ work before, during and after class. While research in other countries has also identified new hotspots related to online teaching, the number of studies is comparatively limited. The study proposes the imperative need to update the evaluation criteria for online teaching and enhance the infrastructure of online teaching platforms. Additionally, it advocates for reforms in the evaluation systems of educational institutions and innovations of teachers’ instructional methods.
This study analysed the behaviour of both economic and financial profitability of credit unions belonging to segment 1 in Ecuador, as well as its determinants. For this purpose, data from the financial statements of a sample of 30 credit unions between 2016 and 2022 were used by means of a multiple linear regression methodology using panel data with fixed effects after applying the Hausman test. The findings of this research showed that current liquidity and non-performing loans have a negative and significant effect on both economic and financial profitability while the past due portfolio has a positive and significant impact on the generation of profitability of the financial institutions under study. In addition, it was revealed that the rate of outflow absorption has a negative relationship with economic profitability but a positive relationship with financial profitability. Unlike previous research in the Ecuadorian context, this research is pioneering in presenting results that indicate that the determinants traditionally considered for nonfinancial institutions and banks are also valid for credit unions, even though they are organisations with different characteristics from the rest.
This study addresses the present limited understanding of the complex relationship between ethical leadership, job stress, and employee job performance in the hotel business. This study shows that job stress moderates the association between ethical leadership and employee job performance, underlining the necessity for more research in the industry. The present study fills a crucial research void in our understanding of the complex interaction between these factors. The study utilizes a sample of 292 employees in the accommodation and hotel industry. Prior to commencing data collection, the questionnaire underwent thorough validation and reliability testing to ensure that the instrument met all specified criteria and demonstrated robustness. Using hierarchical regression analysis, the study reveals substantial findings. It has been discovered that ethical leadership has a direct and positive effect on employee job performance. Notably, job stress emerges as a significant moderating variable that affects the relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance. This highlights the crucial role that job stress plays in determining outcomes. The research indicates that reducing workplace stress and fostering ethical leadership can result in improved employee job performance. In addition, the study highlights the importance of social learning theory in enhancing employee job performance, with job stress and ethical leadership serving as significant moderating factors.
Despite the efforts of public institutions and government spending, progress on the SDGs is mixed at the midpoint of the 2030 timeframe-some targets are off track and some have even regressed. ICT-related indicators, on the other hand, stand out for their strong progress. The author notes this progress, but questions its relationship to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. He argues that the growth in internet and mobile network penetration is due to the economic characteristics of communications development. The objectives of the article are to review the impact of the ICT sector on economic growth, to consider the role of government spending in the development of this sector in the context of fostering the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and to identify the prerequisites for significant progress towards SDG targets in communications. Achievement of these objectives will make it possible to determine whether this progress is a consequence of targeted efforts to achieve the SDGs, or whether, in accordance with the author’s hypothesis, it is based on the specifics of the ICT sector’s development, allowing for the accelerated spread of mobile communications and the Internet, which is reflected in the SDG indicators.
Innovation has always been a key driver of economic development, particularly in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Despite their significant contributions, many of these enterprises currently lack strong research and development capabilities, face challenges in innovation investment, and struggle to produce high-quality innovative results. To address these issues and overcome funding obstacles, many SMEs are turning to supply chain finance (SCF) as a supplementary financing method. This study utilizes stata16 and fixed effects models to analyze the impact and mechanism of SCF on enterprise innovation performance (EIP), focusing on companies listed on the SME Board and GEM in Shenzhen, China from 2011 to 2020. The findings reveal that SCF can effectively enhance enterprise innovation output, facilitating the conversion of resources into high-quality innovation results. Additionally, the study demonstrates that supply chain concentration acts as a mediator between SCF and EIP. Moreover, SCF is found to significantly boost EIP with low supplier concentrations and high customer concentrations. This suggests that SMEs encounter obstacles to innovation from suppliers and customers, and SCF may not fully address the challenges posed by these relationships. Overall, this research offers new empirical insights into the economic implications of companies adopting SCF, providing valuable guidance for enterprises in optimizing innovation decisions and for the government in enhancing supplier and customer information disclosure systems.
India has experienced notable advancements in trade liberalization, innovation tactics, urbanization, financial expansion, and sophisticated economic development. Researchers are focusing more on how much energy consumption of both renewable and non-renewable accounts for overall system energy consumption in light of these dynamics. In order to gain an understanding of this important and contentious issue, we aim to examine the impact of trade openness, inventions, urbanization, financial expansion, economic development, and carbon emissions affected the usage of renewable and non-renewable energy (REU and N-REU) in India between 1980 and 2020. We apply the econometric approach involving unit root tests, FE-OLS, D-OLS, and FM-OLS, and a new Quantile Regression approach (QR). The empirical results demonstrate that trade openness, urbanization and CO2 emissions are statistically significant and negatively linked with renewable energy utilization. In contrast, technological innovations, financial development, and economic development in India have become a source of increase in renewable energy utilization. Technological innovations were considered negatively and statistically significant in connection with non-renewable energy utilization, whereas the trade, urbanization, financial growth, economic growth, and carbon emissions have been established that positively and statistically significant influence non-renewable energy utilization. The empirical results of this study offer some policy recommendations. For instance, as financial markets are the primary drivers of economic growth and the renewable energy sector in India, they should be supported in order to reduce CO2 emissions.
Divorce for female civil servants in Indonesia is more complex than for non-civil servants due to a pseudo-administrative process. This condition requires submitting a written application for divorce permission to their agency and proceeding through multiple lengthy stages. During this process, women must verbally disclose sensitive personal details to state authorities. Failure to obtain written permission or to report the divorce within a specific period can result in disciplinary action. This paper examines how female civil servants protect their privacy while seeking divorce permission, focusing on managing personal information, controlling divorce-related details at work, and handling the information turbulence that arises. The researcher collected data from 12 female civil servants at Indonesia’s Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) who had applied for divorce permission. The findings reveal the subjective experiences and strategies women civil servants use to manage sensitive personal issues. The quasi-administrative nature of the divorce permit process introduces complexities that extend beyond formal procedures. Regulations governing the submission of divorce permits, overseen by government agencies, often add to the burden these women face, neglecting their privacy and psychological well-being. Impartial individuals and gender preferences in the verification team can exacerbate distress. Therefore, revising the divorce permit regulations to enhance privacy and sensitivity is crucial. The study recommends early information about the process and communication training for maintaining privacy.
This study analyzes the potential of making Uzbekistan’s taxation system more inclusive by introducing a tax incentive policy related to zakat (obligatory Islamic alms for the wealthy). Additionally, it explores the establishment of relevant institutions to facilitate zakat collection and distribution. The study employs the method of comparative legal research, combined with exploratory research techniques, to examine taxation and zakat systems in different countries. The study’s findings indicate that incorporating zakat incentives, either in the form of tax credits or deductions, into Uzbekistan’s taxation system can enhance the role of zakat institutions in the country’s economy and reduce tax evasion to some extent. Moreover, it proposes a preliminary model of zakat management for Uzbekistan based on conclusions of the comparative study of various countries and analysis of the national legislation. Finally, the research highlights the necessity of a systematic approach to educate the public about zakat obligations, which is crucial for operation of proposed zakat management model and improving compliance. The study provides essential policy recommendations, including the implementation of zakat tax incentives, enhancing public zakat literacy, and ensuring the efficient operation of zakat institutions. By adopting these measures, the government of Uzbekistan can foster a more equitable and effective taxation system, contributing to socioeconomic development and poverty alleviation.
Sustainable hybrid education is an educational approach that combines multiple kinds of instruction. Online education and traditional face-to-face education will be implemented in tandem to propel the educational process towards contemporary approaches, with the aim of achieving high-quality outcomes and staying abreast of scientific and technical advancements. The objective of this study is to determine the correlation between hybrid education, which is a sustainable model, and the academic performance of graduate students in select Egyptian universities, based on international quality criteria. The study employed a descriptive analytical methodology, and data was collected using a meticulously designed computerized questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were verified using proper statistical techniques. The study sample comprised 2235 postgraduate students enrolled in Egyptian universities, specifically Cairo, Helwan, and Ain Shams. The study’s findings determined that the extent of hybrid education and the efficacy of the procedure. The sample members possess a high level of education, and hybrid education has a significant positive influence on the quality of the educational process. Hybrid education mostly impacts the academic components, and there are variations among universities in implementing hybrid education, with Ain Shams University being particularly favorable towards it. The study proposed enhancing the university’s human resources for students, faculty, and staff, as well as assuring the availability of diverse gadgets and resources utilized in the hybrid education setting.
In the dynamic contemporary business landscape, the convergence of technology, finance, and management plays a pivotal role in organizational success. This research explores the multifaceted realm of strategic integration, emphasizing the intricate balance between these domains. The background sets the stage, elucidating the historical evolution and growing relevance of this integration. Various research methodologies, including case studies, surveys, interviews, and data analysis, are used to investigate practical aspects. The study delves into the role of technology, emphasizing digital transformation, innovation, and IT infrastructure. It dissects financial management, focusing on decision-making, risk management, and capital allocation. Additionally, management and leadership are discussed, with an emphasis on change management, strategic leadership, and skill development. Challenges, such as cultural disparities and regulatory complexities, are scrutinized, alongside opportunities like improved decision-making and enhanced productivity. Real-world case studies illustrate success stories and lessons learned. The paper concludes with findings, implications for businesses and management, and practical recommendations for navigating this convergence. This research contributes valuable insights into performance and competitiveness, facilitating a better understanding of key performance metrics and positioning strategies in the digital age.
The increasing use of social media has played a prominent role in shaping opinions and forming attitudes, especially among university students. They use them increasingly to transfer information, exchange data, and disseminate topics among students and all members of society. Therefore, this study aims to examine these networks and their role in public life, especially in shaping public opinion among university students. The study adopted a descriptive survey approach to achieve its objectives. The study was conducted on a sample of undergraduate students from four Jordanian universities, totaling 832 participants selected through purposive sampling and using the equal distribution method according to variables (gender, university, specialization). The study relied on a questionnaire as a method of data collection and filling out the data from the respondents in the questionnaire. The study found that social media plays a significant role in shaping opinions, beliefs, and ideas, and that its role is unparalleled. Also, the study showed that social media had a significant impact on shaping public opinion in Jordan among university students who use social media extensively and exchange opinions, ideas, and information, contributing to shaping a series of opinions among young people and contributing to their adoption of new ideas or changing their old ones through the dialogue facilitated by these networks, as users exchange and adopt ideas, contributing to shaping a public opinion on an issue. These findings underscore the importance of understanding and leveraging social media and online platforms to effectively communicate with and engage students.
This study investigates the significance of data analytics in digital marketing for sustainable business growth. Data analytics has become an indispensable instrument in the world of digital marketing, offering organisations the means to achieve sustainable growth while minimising their environmental impact. We gathered data from 273 marketing and business consultants, chosen for their expertise in digital channels and data analytics, using a survey research design. The questionnaire, which was validated through expert review and pilot testing, assessed the relationship between data analytics utilization and its impact on competitive advantage and business optimization. We conducted statistical analyses, including descriptive and inferential statistics, using SPSS version 25.0. Findings reveal a significant correlation between data analytics adoption in digital marketing and sustainable business competitive advantage, as well as a notable impact on business optimization. Recommendations emphasise the strategic importance of customer segmentation and predictive analytics in leveraging data analytics for targeted marketing campaigns and proactive adjustments to market trends. This study underscores the indispensability of data analytics in the evolving digital marketing landscape, offering actionable insights for businesses seeking sustainable growth and competitive advantage.
The increase in world carbon emissions is always in line with national economic growth programs, which create negative environmental externalities. To understand the effectiveness of related factors in mitigating CO2 emissions, this study investigates the intricate relationship among macro-pillars such as economic growth, foreign investment, trade and finance, energy, and renewable energy with CO2 emissions of the high gross domestic product economies in East Asia Pacific, such as China, Japan, Korea, Australia and Indonesia (EAP-5). Through the application of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), this research reveals the long-term equilibrium and short-term dynamics between CO2 emissions and selected factors from 1991 to 2020. The long-term cointegration vector test results show that economic growth and foreign investment contribute to carbon reduction. Meanwhile, the short-term Granger causality test shows that economic growth has a two-way causality towards carbon emissions, while energy consumption and renewable energy consumption have a one-way causality towards carbon emissions. In contrast, the variables trade, foreign direct investment, and domestic credit to the private sector do not have two-way causality towards CO2 emissions. The findings reveal that economic growth and foreign investment play significant roles in carbon reduction, which are observed in long-term causality relationships, while energy consumption and renewable energy are notable factors. Thus, the study offers implications for mitigating environmental concerns on national economic growth agendas by scrutinizing and examining the efficacy of related factors.
This study aims to compare investment in human capital, equality of gender education in Kuwait before and after adopting SDG 4 and SDG 5 in 2015. It also aims to assess the effect of women’s empowerment on economic growth. To achieve this objective, published data on the State of Kuwait were collected from the World Bank DataBank between 1992 and 2022 and from the Central Bank of Kuwait. The study employed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) to determine the impact of women’s empowerment on economic development. The analysis results revealed that the State of Kuwait provided high-quality education for both genders. The results also showed that women are more educated than men. However, this was not reflected in the role of women in the country’s politics, as their participation in parliament and government is still limited. Similarly, women’s participation in business and economic activities is still limited. Finally, the results of the ARDL test showed that women’s education and their political, business, and economic empowerment affect economic development in the short and long run.
PPGIS platforms have been widely used to map social actors since the emergence of open access webGIS platforms. This identification of citizen initiatives is based on the physical location, but is rarely combined with social networking. This research seeks to close that gap by using the platIC web-based mapping tool for citizen initiatives, together with their interrelationships. Therefore, a methodical procedure has been defined to construct a geolocalised graph by identifying and categorising linked nodes. Method steps have been tested in three case studies in the Malaga region: Malaga city, Benalmadena, and Valle del Genal. They were selected for a comparative analysis in three different urban and socio-economic scenarios, namely: a tourist destination with a high density of Spanish population and floating city users; a sun-and-beach destination with a significant presence of resident foreign population; and a rural area suffering from depopulation, respectively. Mapping reveals a higher density of citizen initiatives in central urban areas and with social conflicts. Social graphs show a wider interconnection of nodes in rural areas, but isolated nodes are spread more widely there. Monitoring active citizen initiatives could serve as a basis for local administration to involve the citizenry in the management of current issues in the urban and rural context. Future research may promote new plugins to improve participatory process through webGIS platforms.
The Universal Child Immunization Village (UCI) is a community that has successfully achieved the goal of providing Complete Basic Immunization (CBI) to infants before they reach one year of age. Based on data from the 2018 Basic Health Research, Complete Basic Immunization (CBI) coverage reached 57.9%. In contrast, 32.9% of the population received incomplete immunizations, while a small portion, namely 9.2%, did not receive any immunizations at all. This research aims to understand the implementation of government regulations regarding immunization implementation in the working area of Tarempa Community Health Center, Anambas Islands Regency. In this study, the author uses a qualitative socio-legal method. The snowball sampling technique was used to collect research samples. The samples in this study are parents of infants in South Tarempa Village and East Coastal Village, healthcare workers in the working area of Tarempa Community Health Center, and the PPKB Department of Health who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of 9 primary informants, the coverage of immunization implementation in the working area of Tarempa Community Health Center primarily did not meet the requirements with seven informants (77.8%) and met the criteria with two respondents (22.2%). The assessment of the role of healthcare workers as customers, communicators, motivators, facilitators, and counselors was positively evaluated based on good criteria. Parental refusal of immunization and the lack of regulations from local governments are inhibiting factors in implementing immunization programs.
This study aims to evaluate the influence of population dependency ratio on the economic growth of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, the three members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The study covers the time from 1960 to 2021. It also analyses in detail how population aging and the youth dependency ratio affects the development of certain sectors, including industry, services and agriculture. This study uses panel data to determine the influence of population dependency ratios on economic growth. To estimate this effect, we use the Pooled Mean Group/Autoregressive Distributed Lag (PMG/ARDL) technique. Based on the results obtained from the ARDL analysis indicate the presence of a long-term relationship among these variables. These discoveries align with prior empirical research conducted by Lee and Shin, Mamun et al., and Rostiana and Rodesbi. Furthermore, the findings suggest that an increase in the old age population dependency ratio positively influences economic growth within these nations. The long-term relationship findings pertaining to the old and young dependency ratio and economic growth corroborate the conclusions of Bawazir et al., who proposed that the old population dependency ratio exerts a favorable impact, while the young population has an adverse effect on economic growth. Originality: This research focused on the population dependency ratio, a pivotal demographic metric that gauges the proportion of individuals relying on support (including children and the elderly) compared to those of working age. This investigation particularly explores the interconnection between the population dependency ratio and sectoral development, an essential aspect given that various sectors make distinct contributions to economic advancement. Examining how population dynamics affect sectoral development yields valuable insights into the overall economic performance of Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.
Reusable bags have been introduced as an alternative to single-use plastic bags (SUPB). While beneficial, this alternative is economically and environmentally viable only if utilized multiple times. This study aims to identify the determinants influencing the use of reusable bags (RB) over single-use plastic bags (SUPB) within the framework of ecological impact reduction, employing the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). The focus is on understanding how attitudes (AT), subjective norms (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) collectively guide consumers towards adopting reusable bags as a pro-environmental choice. The focus is on understanding how attitudes (AT), subjective norms (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) collectively guide consumers towards the adoption of reusable bags as a pro-environmental choice. Data were collected through a survey administered to 814 consumers in Lahore, employing both regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to assess the impact of AT, SN, and PBC on reusable bag consumption (RBC). The TPB framework underpins the hypothesis that these three psychological factors significantly influence the decision to use RBs. Both regression and SEM analyses demonstrated that AT, SN, and PBC positively affect RBC, with significant estimates indicating the strength of each predictor. Specifically, PBC emerged as the strongest predictor of RBC (PBC2, β = 0.533, p < 0.001), highlighting the paramount importance of control perceptions in influencing bag use. This was followed by AT (β = 0.211, p < 0.001) and SN (β = 0.173, p < 0.001), confirming the hypothesized positive relationships. The congruence of findings from both analytical approaches underlines the robustness of these techniques in validating the TPB within the context of sustainable consumer behaviors. The investigation corroborates the TPB’s applicability in predicting RBC, with a clear hierarchy of influence among the model’s constructs. PBC’s prominence underscores the necessity of enhancing consumers’ control over using RBs to foster sustainable consumption patterns. Practical implications include the development of policies and marketing strategies that target the identified determinants, especially emphasizing the critical role of PBC, to promote broader adoption of RBs and contribute to significant reductions in plastic waste.
The effectiveness of frailty intervention programs for older adults in Korean communities has been inconsistent, posing challenges for public health nurses (PHNs). This study aims to develop an evidence-based intervention using the Intervention Mapping (IM) Protocol. The program followed the IM Protocol’s six steps, which provide a systematic method for developing and implementing theory-based health promotion programs. In Step 1, the needs of the subjects were identified through systematic review and interviews. In Step 3, the theme of the program was established as ‘health promotion for frail older adults’, and the components and scope were confirmed. The contents of the program included concepts of social support and social networks. In Step 4, after conducting a pilot test, the results were reflected and modifications were made. In Step 6, the evaluation tool was revised, and an effective evaluation plan was established. The final program was designed based on the program and interview results. The pilot test in Step 4 involved a one-group pretest-posttest and focus group interview with 15 pre-frail older adults. The IM Protocol-based health promotion program effectively addressed the needs of the subjects and improved frailty issues.
This study investigates the application and effectiveness of modern teaching techniques in improving reading literacy among elementary school students in Kazakhstan. In the rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of innovative pedagogical strategies is essential to foster student reading skills and general literacy. This study aims to explore how these modern teaching techniques can be applied to improve reading literacy among elementary school students in Kazakhstan. The study sample includes 64 respondents to the research. The key modern teaching techniques explored in this study include the use of digital learning tools, interactive reading sessions, differentiated instruction, and collaborative learning activities. The findings reveal significant improvements in reading literacy among students exposed to these techniques, highlighting the potential of modern pedagogy to bridge literacy gaps and promote educational equity. Furthermore, the study discusses the challenges and opportunities to implement these techniques within the Kazakhstani educational system. The results provide valuable information for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders aiming to improve reading literacy through innovative teaching practices.
This study seeks to explore the uses, behaviors and perceptions of university students regarding mobile phones to help elucidate whether there is a relationship between the use of mobiles and the academic performance of university students. A quantitative approach based on an ad hoc questionnaire, applied before the pandemic, was used to gather evidence in this regard, which revealed the uses and educational visions of mobile phones in a convenience sample of 314 university students from nine different degree courses in two Spanish universities. Three major conclusions are formulated as part of future lines of development. First, although there is frequent use of mobile phones, the image of the mobile as a learning resource in the university classroom does not reach one-third of students. Second, although this study does not determine the causal relationship, there is a statistically significant negative relationship between average grades achieved and hours of dedication to the mobile phone. Finally, students who are unable to spend more than one hour without checking their phone obtain a significantly lower average mark than those who can stay more than one hour without checking their phone.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the exogenous variables (administrative support, career placement & employability, academic staff support, institutional factors, and information systems) as service delivery quality dimensions with satisfaction and moderating variable (academic and social integration) between endogenous variables (satisfaction and retention) among undergraduate students from Malaysian private higher education institutions. In order to accomplish the objectives proposed with hypotheses, a model reflecting the relationship between service delivery quality dimensions and satisfaction moderated by academic and social integration towards retention is applied. This empirical study focused on probability-stratified random sampling with a final sample size of 309 students. This study achieved statistically significant positive results by emphasizing academic and social integration as a moderating variable to achieve student retention by linking Perceived Performance Theory and Tinto’s Interactionist Theory from satisfaction to retention. Evaluation of the structural model on the coefficient of determination for the model’s predictive accuracy in this study produced an R2 = 0.85 for satisfaction, suggesting nearly 85% of the variance in endogenous latent construct satisfaction is explained by all the service delivery quality dimensions linked to it. As for retention produced R2 = 0.74, suggesting nearly 74% of the variance in endogenous latent construct retention is explained by all the service delivery quality dimensions linked together with satisfaction and academic and social integration as moderator. The model has a substantial effect with 0.76 in the Goodness-of-Fit index, indicating that the model has better explaining power.
The study aims to identify the effectiveness of social responsibility programs. More specifically, it seeks to identify the extent to which health institutions use social responsibility programs and to clarify the extent to which social responsibility programs succeed in achieving the goals of health institutions. The study sought to provide answers to the following questions: To what extent do health institutions use social responsibility programs? To what extent have social responsibility programs succeeded in achieving the goals of health institutions? The study used the descriptive analytical method, relying on the survey method. The study concluded with many results, the most important of which were the following: the effectiveness of social responsibility programs in marketing health services at the educational and age levels and the role of social media in marketing health services. The study recommended the necessity of providing an awareness dimension to marketing health services, with increasing training opportunities for workers in public relations departments in hospitals and health institutions to market health services, in addition to the necessity of conducting relevant research, studies, and surveys. Identify the activities that will help those working in the public relations department in health facilities with regard to identifying basic and influential needs and activities in directing successful health campaigns.
Industrial zones require careful and meticulous planning because industry can have a major impact on the surrounding environment. The research location is the northern part of West Java Province which is a gold triangle area named Rebana Triangle Area. The purpose of this study is to measure the weight of the research variables in determining industrial zones from the results of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) analysis, assessing the location of industrial zones in the research area based on important variables in determining industrial zones. The result of this study is the weight of the research variables in determining the industrial zone from the results of the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) analysis obtained is the availability of electrical infrastructure with an influence weight of 15.00%. The second most influential factor is the availability of telecommunications infrastructure with an effect of 13.02%, the distance of land to roads and access of 11.76%, land use of 11.21%, distance of land to public facilities of 9.99%, labour cost work is 9.60%, the distance of land to the river is 8.19%, the price of land is 7.97%, the slope is 6.79%, and the type of soil is 6.43%. This GIS analysis model can be a reference model for the government in determining the potential of industrial zones in other regions in Indonesia. A total of 4822.41 Ha or the equivalent of 3.50% of the total area of 6 (six) regencies/cities research areas which are very suitable to be used as industrial zones. The district that has the largest area of potential industrial zone is Majalengka, while Cirebon does not have a location that has the potential for industrial zone locations. Based on the results of the analysis of 10 (ten) variables for determining industrial zones from expert opinion, a draft policy proposal for the government can be proposed, among others. These 10 (ten) variables are variables that are expected to be mandatory variables in planning and determining the location of potential industrial areas.
This research reviews the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and technology innovation development, and analyzes the impact of technology innovation on ESG performance and its influencing mechanism. In additional, the main purpose of this study is to gain an understanding the relationships of ESG performance, CSR and technology innovation in Art industry. We found that technology innovation impact CSR of art firm, and ESG performance with the moderating variable of technology innovation has a significant and positive impact on CSR. Likewise, the study is based on primary panel data collected from 161 consumer, product and service manufacturing companies through an electronic questionnaire (Google, Microsoft online survey) with five-point Likert measurement scale. The exploratory factor analysis is proposed to be carried out using IBM SPSS 27.0 and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA analysis) is proposed to be carried out using SmartPLS.4.0 analysis software, and this study investigate the measurement factors and the reliability of the construct items and to validate the factorial structure of the research variables. Moreover, digital technology and CSR has the potential to contribute to this impact. Based on these findings, we propose relevant ESG performance recommendations to improve technology innovation and CSR. Our findings offer an excited knowing and learning of the impact of ESG performance, CSR and technology innovation in Chinese art industry. Furthermore, this study extends stakeholders theory and Schumpeter’s Innovation Theory by proving their utility in the perspective of CSR, ESG performance.
The article emphasizes the dynamism of social processes in the world aimed at humanizing modern society. Social work in the third millennium became one of the priority topics in Europe and acquired the status of an independent field of science and research in terms of science and education. The possibility of extrapolation of innovative foreign technologies into the practice of social work in Ukraine was investigated. It was found that the process of implementation of innovative foreign technologies into the practice of social work in Ukraine has already begun and is ongoing. In the improvement of the domestic system of professional training of social workers, the authors of the article see an appeal to the experience of applying European innovative technologies and practices of social work, in particular in the Republic of Poland. The leading determinants of social technologies, which determine their specificity, are singled out: multidisciplinarity, hierarchy, multidirectionality, flexibility, standardization. The need for effective and timely implementation of the integration of three groups of social support technologies in the conditions of the martial law in which Ukraine is today has been updated. The perspective of further scientific research is defined in the substantiation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of their application in the process of informal and informal education.
Business intelligence is crucial for businesses, from start-ups to multinationals. Examining the role and efficacy of business intelligence (BI) technologies in gathering, processing, and evaluating data to assist responsible management practices and decision-making is crucial in the modern age, especially for educational institutions. This study investigates the impact of Business Intelligence (BI) tools on Knowledge Management (KM) stages and their subsequent influence on Responsible Business Practices Outcomes in the educational sector of the United Arab Emirates. Using a quantitative research design, the study collected data from 406 faculty and staff members across various UAE universities via a structured survey. It analyzed the data using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results revealed a significant positive relationship between the use of BI Tools and the implementation of KM Stages, indicating that the utilization of BI tools is instrumental in enhancing knowledge management processes. However, the direct effect of BI Tools’ usage on responsible business practices’ outcomes was insignificant, suggesting the need for a mediating factor. KM Stages Implementation emerged as a significant mediator, indicating that the benefits of BI tools on responsible business practices are realized through their influence on KM processes. Moderation analyses showed that Institutional Culture, Training, and Expertise significantly moderated the relationship between BI Tools Usage and KM stage implementation, while Support from Management did not have a significant moderating effect. These findings highlight the importance of fostering an enabling institutional culture and investing in training and expertise to leverage the full potential of BI tools in promoting responsible business practices in educational settings. The study contributes to the literature on technology adoption in education and provides practical implications for educational administrators and policymakers seeking to integrate BI tools into their institutional practices.
This paper aims to investigate the impact of China’s central state-owned enterprises (SOEs) relocation policy from the capital city of Beijing on the economy and local fiscal revenue. We find that these enterprises play a critical role in implementing national strategies, promoting industrial upgrading, and enhancing the competitiveness of the industry chain. At the same time, their relocation has also dispersed the pressure of economic development in Beijing, promoted regional economic coordination and development, and increased local fiscal revenue. However, attention should be paid to the particularity and diversity of local areas in the process of policy formulation to avoid “one-size-fits-all” solutions. Therefore, when formulating corresponding policies, the central government should guide enterprises to handle relocation issues correctly and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees and their families. Meanwhile, local governments should also formulate corresponding support policies to facilitate enterprise settlement. The ultimate goal is to solve problems and contradictions through development and achieve common prosperity. Therefore, we suggest that the government and enterprises work together to bring prosperity to everyone and jointly promote the sustainable development of the Chinese economy.
The COVID-19 epidemic has given rise to a new situation that requires the qualification and training of teachers to operate in educational crises. Amidst the pandemic, online training has emerged as the predominant approach for delivering teacher training. The COVID-19 pandemic has created potential opportunities and challenges for online training, which may have a long-lasting impact on online training procedures in the post-pandemic era. This study aims to determine the primary potential and constraints of online training as seen by instructors. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) identified online training opportunities and challenges by examining the to-be-applied behavioral intention variables that influence trainees. These variables include individual, system, social, and organizational factors. The study has applied the Phenomenological technique to address the research issues, using the Semi-structured interview tool to get a comprehensive knowledge of the online training phenomena amongst the pandemic. A total of seven participants were selected from a list of general education teachers at the Central Education Office of the Education Department in Bisha Governorate. These people were deliberately selected because of their high frequency of completing training sessions throughout the epidemic. A series of interviews was conducted with these participants. The findings indicated that the primary prospects included both equal opportunities and digital culture within the individual factors, enrollment in training programs and variation in training programs across organizational characteristics, the use of digital material and electronic archiving within the system variables, engaging in the exchange of personal experiences, providing constructive criticism, and fostering favorable communication within the realm of social factors. However, the primary obstacles included deficiencies in digital competencies, compatibility of trainees’ attributes, and dearth of desire as per individual factors, the temporal arrangement of training programs, as well as the lack of prior preparation and preparedness within the realm of organizational factors. Other challenges included the absence of trainer assessment, limited diversity of training exercises, and technological obstacles within the system factors, and ultimately the absence of engagement with the instructor, and lack of engagement with peers are within the social variable.
State support for agriculture is a crucial tool for adjusting the competitive advantages of agricultural producers to a volatile market environment. In countries with diverse natural conditions for agriculture, however, the allocation of subsidies often focuses on bridging spatial development gaps rather than maximizing the return on inputs. To improve the efficiency of resource use in agriculture, it is essential to tailor subsidy criteria to regional disparities in agricultural potential. Using the example of Russia’s 81 administrative regions, the authors have tested a five-stage methodology for determining the support-generated parameters of output, efficiency, impact, revenue, and profitability. This methodology takes into account both natural and economic factors that contribute to the competitive advantages of each region. The study aims to identify the parts of the performance indicators, such as gross agricultural output and revenue, that are influenced by the amount of subsidies in five different types of territories, which are categorized by the cadastral value of their farmland. It has been found that the allocation of subsidies is not entirely based on the return on the funds allocated. There is a discrepancy between the competitive advantages of these territories in agricultural production and the amount of funds they receive through government support programs. The efficiency of government support differs significantly depending on the type of agricultural product produced in each territory. The approach developed by the authors provides a tool that policy makers can use when tuning the allocation of subsidies based on the differences in the agricultural potential of each territory.
This study aims to determine the extent of gender inequality in human resource development in Indonesia against Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). This research using secondary data from various relevant sources. There are five dimensions that and are important for measuring gender equality, namely economic participation, economic opportunities, political empowerment, educational attainment, and health and welfare. The assessment was carried out on Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia. The results of the study show that Indonesia has the lowest gender development index (GDI) score compared to the average in ASEAN. Then, gender empowerment measure (GEM) Indonesia increased slowly. The most striking gap is in the income dimension, where men’s income far exceeds women’s income. This happens because women work less than men because women are more traditional in domestic roles in Indonesia, where women are prioritized in managing the household. However, for political indicators, there has been an increase in the number of women in parliament, but the target has not yet reached 30 percent of the total number of women in parliament. This situation shows that there is a reduction in the gender gap in the economy and politics. But the number is still too small, it is necessary to increase the equally distributed equivalent percentage (EDEP) for the Economic Participation Index, Parliamentary Representation Index and Income Index.
In the era of artificial intelligence, smart clothing, as a product of the interaction between fashion clothing and intelligent technology, has increasingly attracted the attention and affection of enterprises and consumers. However, to date, there is a lack of focus on the demand of silver-haired population’s consumers for smart clothing. To adapt to the rapidly aging modern society, this paper explores the influencing factors of silver-haired population’s demand for smart clothing and proposes a corresponding consumer-consumption-need theoretical model (CCNTM) to further promote the development of the smart clothing industry. Based on literature and theoretical research, using the technology acceptance model (TAM) and functional-expressive-aesthetic consumer needs model (FEAM) as the foundation, and introducing interactivity and risk perception as new external variables, a consumer-consumption-need theoretical model containing nine variables including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, functionality, expressiveness, aesthetics, interactivity, risk perception, purchase attitude, and purchase intention was constructed. A questionnaire survey was conducted among the Chinese silver-haired population aged 55–65 using the Questionnaire Star platform, with a total of 560 questionnaires issued. The results show that the functionality, expressiveness, interactivity, and perceived ease of use of smart clothing significantly positively affect perceived usefulness (P < 0.01); perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, aesthetics, and interactivity significantly positively affect the purchase attitude of the silver-haired population (P < 0.01); perceived usefulness, aesthetics, interactivity, and purchase attitude significantly positively affect the purchase intention of the silver-haired population (P < 0.01); functionality and expressiveness significantly positively affect perceived ease of use (P < 0.01); risk perception significantly negatively affects purchase attitude (P < 0.01). Through the construction and empirical study of the smart clothing consumer-consumption-need theoretical model, this paper hopes to stimulate the purchasing behavior of silver-haired population’s consumers towards smart clothing and enable them to enjoy the benefits brought by scientific and technological advancements, which to live out their golden years in comfort, also, promote the rapid development of the smart clothing industry.
As a global case, COVID-19 has raised concerns from various circles. To overcome these problems, serious steps are needed, especially from the strategic level that plays an important role in formulating policies. This paper tries to describe the steps taken by the Indonesian government, especially the president as the top leader in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is qualitative description through references that cover various topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in terms of strategic decision making by government leaders. Adaptive leadership as a leader’s ability to deal with various challenges in the midst of conditions filled with uncertainty is very important. Decisions taken by the Indonesian government are based on various considerations, such as economic, geographical, cultural and sociological. The research findings show that in the implementation, the President of Indonesia has taken various concrete steps that have major implications on different sectors. This ultimately led the country to achieve success in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Indonesia, the village government organization is part of local democracy. This includes the local democracy in indigenous villages. Indigenous villages have their own customary rules for implementing village elections. They have their own conflict resolution systems in implementing the village government. The implementation of the indigenous village governance leaves conflicts. So, there is a need for a suitable model for resolving problems in the implementation of village elections. The method used in this research is the qualitative research method with the juridical empirical approach. The locus of this research is in the Baduy, Tengger, and Samin indigenous village communities. The conflict resolution model in the administration of the Baduy, Tengger, and Samin customary villages differs in the right mechanism, but in substance, the resolution model is the same, as they use a deliberation model for consensus. In resolving conflicts, indigenous peoples fully submit to traditional leaders. The provincial and the regency/city governments are expected to give greater attention to the conditions of villages with customary government characteristics.
The ability to take advantage of new digital solutions and technology will give companies a competitive edge, and operational optimization remains a major concern. A significant area of risk is cyber security because software-based technologies are integral to ship operations. Particular emphasis has been placed on the vulnerabilities of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), since it is an essential part of many maritime facilities and hence a target for hackers. Presently, research has shown that increased integration of new enabling technologies, like the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data, is driving the dramatic proliferation of cybercrimes. However, most of the attacks are related to ransomware attacks and/or with direct attack to the information technology (IT) and infrastructure. Nevertheless, there is a strong trend toward increased systems integration, which will produce substantial business value by making it easier to operate autonomous vessels, utilizing smart ports more, reducing the need for labour, and improving economic stability and service efficiency. Cybersecurity is becoming more and more important as a result of the quick digital transformation of the offshore and maritime sectors, which has also brought new dangers and laws. The marine sector has started to take cybersecurity seriously in light of the multiple documented instances of cyberattacks that have exposed business or personal data, caused large financial losses, and caused other problems. However, the body of existing research on emerging threats in maritime cyberspace is either inadequate or ignores important variables. Based on the most recent developments in the maritime sector, the article presents a classification of the most serious cyberthreats as well as the risks to cybersecurity in maritime operations and possible mitigation strategies from an educational research perspective.
This study examines factors associated with an increasingly poor perception of the novel coronavirus in Africa using a designed electronic questionnaire to collect perception-based information from participants across Africa from twenty-one African countries (and from all five regions of Africa) between 1 and 25 February 2022. The study received 66.7% of responses from West Africa, 12.7% from Central Africa, 4.6% from Southern Africa, 15% from East Africa, and 1% from North Africa. The majority of the participants are Nigerians (56%), 14.1% are Cameroonians, 8.7% are Ghanaians, 9.3% are Kenyans, 2% are South Africans, 2.1% are DR-Congolese, 1.6% are Tanzanians, 1.2% are Rwandans, 0.4% are Burundians, and others are Botswana’s, Chadians, Comoros, Congolese, Gambians, Malawians, South Sudanese, Sierra Leoneans, Ugandans, Zambians, and Zimbabweans. All responses were coded on a five-point Likert scale. The study adopts descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, and binary logistic regression analysis for the data analysis. The descriptive analysis of the study shows that the level of ignorance or poor “perception” of COVID-19 in Africa is very high (87% of individuals sampled). It leads to skepticism towards complying with preventive measures as advised by the WHO and directed by the national government across Africa. We adopted logistic regression analysis to identify the factors associated with a poor perception of the virus in Africa. The study finds that religion (belief or faith) and media misinformation are the two leading significant causes of ignorance or poor “perception” of COVID-19 in Africa, with log odd of 0.4775 (resulting in 1.6120 odd ratios) and 1.3155 (resulting in 3.7265 odd ratios), respectively. The study concludes that if the poor attitude or perception towards complying with the preventive measures continues, COVID-19 cases in Africa may increase beyond the current spread.
This study aims to identify the causes of delays in public construction projects in Thailand, a developing country. Increasing construction durations lead to higher costs, making it essential to pinpoint the causes of these delays. The research analyzed 30 public construction projects that encountered delays. Delay causes were categorized into four groups: contractor-related, client-related, supervisor-related, and external factors. A questionnaire was used to survey these causes, and the Relative Importance Index (RII) method was employed to prioritize them. The findings revealed that the primary cause of delays was contractor-related financial issues, such as cash flow problems, with an RII of 0.777 and a weighted value of 84.44%. The second most significant cause was labor issues, such as a shortage of workers during the harvest season or festivals, with an RII of 0.773. Additionally, various algorithms were used to compare the Relative Importance Index (RII) and four machine learning methods: Decision Tree (DT), Deep Learning, Neural Network, and Naïve Bayes. The Deep Learning model proved to be the most effective baseline model, achieving a 90.79% accuracy rate in identifying contractor-related financial issues as a cause of construction delays. This was followed by the Neural Network model, which had an accuracy rate of 90.26%. The Decision Tree model had an accuracy rate of 85.26%. The RII values ranged from 68.68% for the Naïve Bayes model to 77.70% for the highest RII model. The research results indicate that contractor financial liquidity and costs significantly impact construction operations, which public agencies must consider. Additionally, the availability of contractor labor is crucial for the continuity of projects. The accuracy and reliability of the data obtained using advanced data mining techniques demonstrate the effectiveness of these results. This can be efficiently utilized by stakeholders involved in construction projects in Thailand to enhance construction project management.
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) were established in Brazil at the beginning of this century, following a global trend of using these partnerships to stimulate investment in infrastructures, particularly in a framework of restrictive budgetary and fiscal conditions. Despite their growing importance and the expectation of an expanding role in the future, not much is known about the actual facts on the ground. The objective of this paper is to be a first step in the direction of filling this information gap by providing important stylized facts about the universe of PPPs in Brazil: the quantitative evolution of PPP adoptions; the characterization of the geographical distribution of PPPs by government level (federal, state, district, and municipal); the characterization of the PPP intervention areas, including the total value of contracts and the modalities of PPP concession (sponsored and administrative). This objective is rendered possible by the development of a new database that covers the entire process of PPP contracting from 2005 to 2022, including the opening of public consultation procedures, the publication of the official notice, and the signing of contracts, as well as multiple thematic, financial, jurisdictional, and regional indicators. In turn, we see the establishment of these stylized facts as a necessary first step in the direction of understanding the factors that may determine or condition their adoption. In general, having a clear picture of the universe of the PPPs in Brazil is fundamental as their use and their role are expected to significantly increase in the future as the country pursues a path of improved economic activity and well-being of the population.
Assessment of water resources carrying capacity (WRCC) is of great significance for understanding the status of regional water resources, promoting the coordinated development of water resources with environmental, social and economic development, and promoting sustainable development. This study focuses on the Longdong Loess Plateau region and utilized panel data spanning from 2010 to 2020, established a three-dimensional evaluation index system encompassing water resources, economic, and ecological dimensions, uses the entropy-weighted TOPSIS model coupled with global spatial autocorrelation analysis (Global Moran’s I) and the hot spot analysis (Getis-Ord Gi* index) method to comprehensively evaluate the spatial distribution of the WRCC in the study region. It can provide scientific basis and theoretical support for decision-making on sustainable development strategies in the Longdong Loess Plateau region and other regions of the world.From 2010 to 2020, the overall WRCC of the Longdong Loess Plateau area show some fluctuations but maintained overall growth. The WRCC in each county and district predominantly fell within level III (normal) and level IV (good). The spatial distribution of the WRCC in each county and district is featured by clustering pattern, with neighboring counties displaying similar values, resulting in a spatial distribution pattern characterized by high carrying capacity in the south and low carrying capacity in the north. Based on these findings, our study puts forth several recommendations for enhancing the WRCC in the Longdong Loess Plateau area.
COVID-19 is among the tremendous negative pandemics that have been recorded in human history. The study was conducted to give a breakdown of the effect of post-COVID-19 mental health among individuals residing in a developing country. The two scales, namely DASS-21 and IES-R, were employed to collect the essential related data. The findings indicated that anxiety was a typical and common mental issue among the population, including up to 56.75% of the participants having extremely severe anxiety, 13.18% reporting severe anxiety. Notably, no one has anxiety and depression under moderate levels. Additionally, there is 51.92% depression and 43.64% stress ranging from severe to extremely severe levels. Furthermore, there were significant statistical differences among the data on stress, anxiety, and depression according to gender (males and females) and subgroups (students, the elderly, and medical healthcare workers). Besides, the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the study was relatively high, especially when compared to the figures reported by the World Health Organization. Moreover, stress, anxiety, and depression all displayed positive correlations with post-traumatic stress disorder. This is big data on the mental health of the entire population that helps the country’s government propose policy strategies to support, medical care and social security for the population.
The territorial planning approach to allocating productive forces is based on the fact that territories have competitive advantages in producing specific products. However, in agriculture, the advantages principle cannot be used to shape the allocation patterns, due to a variety of intervening factors, such as the climatic and environmental conditions for agricultural production and the quality of land and availability of water. In the case of Russia, one of the most diverse countries in terms of the territorial disparities in agricultural production, this study examines the location and development patterns of the agricultural sector. The study identifies the competitive advantages of territories by comparing localization of agricultural production, production costs, performance, and profitability of agricultural producers, as well as prices of agricultural products in 78 different administrative regions in Russia. The study reveals which regions have more advantageous conditions for over-concentrating energy capacities, labor resources, fixed capital, and investments. However, at a certain point, over-concentrated production forces can lead to a deterioration in the performance of farmers due to an increase in capital intensity. Therefore, countries with significant regional differences in agricultural production should adjust their spatial development patterns according to the parameters of territories’ comparative advantages.
This article emphasizes the critical role of the subsidiarity principle in facilitating adaptation to climate change. Employing a comparative legal analysis approach, the paper examines how this principle, traditionally pivotal in distributing powers within the European Union, could be adapted globally to manage climate change displacement. Specifically, it explores whether subsidiarity can surmount the challenges posed by national sovereignty and states’ reluctance to cede control over domestic matters. Findings indicate that while domestic efforts and local adaptations should be prioritized, international intervention becomes imperative when national capacities are overwhelmed. This article proposes that ‘causing countries’ and the global community bear a collective responsibility to act. The Asia-Pacific region, characterized by diverse and vulnerable ecosystems like small islands, coastal areas, and mountainous regions, serves as the focal point for this study. The research underscores the necessity of developing policies and further research to robustly implement the subsidiarity principle in protecting climate-displaced populations.
The service quality of a logistics operation is a key research factor. According to Parasuraman in 1988, there are 5 dimensions about the service quality. In this paper will detective the affecting factors by collecting data from 1560 customers who experienced the service of Beibu Gulf Port Group, Guangxi, China. We used structural equation modeling (SEM) to test whether the service quality factors would affect the logistics operation or not from tangible, responsiveness, reliable and empathy to assurance. Moreover, with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) has been signed, whether this free trade agreement’s effect would affect this Group’s service quality or not would be a consideration of this research. And the traditional service quality factors will affect the RCEP implementation or not will be tested, too. The results in the paper show the significance positive in co-relationship and supporting evidences for the Group’s future development.
Humanitarian workers face numerous challenges when providing assistance to people affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts, and other crises, which often leads to burnout and psychological distress. This qualitative study investigates the interplay of factors that contribute to burnout among Malaysian employees of a refugee-focused humanitarian organization. Ten staff members participated in focus group discussions, which revealed five themes: positive and meaningful emotions; difficult and negative emotions; vicarious trauma, stress, and burnout; work environment, culture, and managerial policies; and structural and governmental stressors. The study emphasizes the need for improved support and resources for humanitarian workers, as well as enhanced organizational policies and practices to prevent and mitigate burnout. The findings suggest that culturally adapted interventions, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), can help humanitarian workers address their unique psychological challenges. More research is needed to examine the issues present within humanitarian organizations using qualitative methods and adapt appropriate interventions to prevent the development of psychopathology in these settings.
Introduction/Main objectives: This study aims to test the influence of the application of the concept of value for money on regional government financial management at the quality level of regional development, which is determined by the level of foreign and domestic investment in local governments. Background problems: State the problem or economic/business phenomena studied in this paper and specify the research question(s) in one sentence. Novelty: This study has a research model that has yet to be widely carried out in Indonesia, namely, a moderated model regression analysis of the value concept for money on the quality of regional development with investment as a moderating variable. Research methods: This study uses data on financial performance, domestic and foreign investment levels, and human development index of 34 provincial governments from 2017 to 2021. This research data comes from the website of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The data collected in this study is then analyzed using moderated regression analysis (MRA) with the SPSS ver 23.0 application. Findings/Results: The findings in the research show that the application of value for money ( economics, efficiency, and effectiveness ) from local government financial governance can influence the quality of regional development in Indonesia’s provinces in 2017–2021. In addition, the existence of foreign and domestic investment in the provincial government also strengthens the influence of value-for-money financial governance on the quality level of regional development in the provincial government. Conclusion: Based on existing research, local government financial management applies the concept that value for money needs to be increased to create optimal public services to improve the quality of human development in the regions. Regional governments are also expected to be able to encourage the level of capital investment both domestically and abroad to support the creation of development that can strengthen the quality of regional development in the regions.
Lifelong learning (LLL) is progressively recognized as a crucial component of personal and professional development, particularly for adult students. As a heavily populated developing country, China requires profound national education reform to support its economic development and maintain its competitive advantage on the global economic stage. The governmental policy endorses the execution of diverse forms of lifelong learning programs to bolster the national education reform. However, implementing such programs can be challenging for all the stakeholders of the programs, especially for adult students. The weaker foundational knowledge and insufficient online learning abilities of adult students particularly highlight the academic challenges they face. This study explores the academic challenges faced by adult learners in a Chinese vocational college’s LLL program. Focusing on ex-soldiers, unemployed individuals, migrant workers, and new professional farmers (aged 22–44), data were collected from 16 adult students via purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis revealed recurring thematic academic challenges. Additionally, the study found that adult student attributes (highest education level, age) significantly influenced the unique academic challenges they encountered. This research provides practical solutions to improve LLL programs and promote successful lifelong learning experiences for adult students.
This is a review of empirical studies with the objective of analyzing the theoretical-practical discussions that have been raised internationally to deepen the understanding of the access of rural youth to higher education as an object of study. For this purpose, a narrative review was designed, considering scientific articles published in three different languages and concerning studies conducted in 21 different countries in all regions of the world. The results reveal three discussions: a) the strong interest that higher education has regained in the life expectations of rural young people and their families, especially as a means of social advancement; b) the inequalities that most affect the access of rural youth to higher education are the lack of academic offerings in rural areas and the discontinuities that occur around rural socio-cultural capital; c) since the inequalities experienced by rural youth are diverse, actions to promote greater democratization cannot be limited to implementing systems of grants and scholarships. It is concluded that the major project consists of creating a differentiated higher education model that, in terms of location, academic offerings, recognition of knowledge, and articulation with the environment, allows rural youth to experience their professional training not as an inevitable process of acculturation, but as a continuation of their socio-cultural capital and their territorial yearnings.
Lately, there is a progressive assimilation of sustainable and green development principles into the collective conscience of individuals. Companies have received considerable attention from all sectors of life when it comes to the environment, society and governance (ESG). This study uses a bidirectional fixed effects model to investigate the influence and the mechanism of green innovation on company ESG information, using a research sample composed of data from the A-share listed companies in China spanning the period from 2011 to 2021. The findings indicated that green innovation exerted a substantial positive influence on ESG information disclosure, and the effect was more substantial, especially in mature and declining companies. Financing constraints and analysts’ attention played a mediating role between green innovation and ESG information disclosure. The results of heterogeneity analysis showed that green innovation played a more significant role in promoting ESG information disclosure among state-owned companies, large-scale companies, manufacturing companies and heavy pollution companies. Furthermore, implementing green development policies had facilitated the reinforcement of the promotion impact of ESG information disclosure through green innovation. Additionally, the instrumental variable method was employed to conduct a robustness test. This study enhances the understanding of the theoretical framework about green innovation and the disclosure of ESG information, and offers valuable insights for advancing the sustainable development of companies.
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 heralded a downturn in the Thai economy, particularly in the tourism and hospitality sectors which rely heavily on international tourists. To decrease the dependence of international tourists, this research outlined three objectives as 1) explore and classify the high-end domestic tourism market among 77 provinces in Thailand, 2) study the potential and readiness of tourism resources and tourism products to cater to the demand of high-end domestic tourists, and 3) suggest tourism management approaches for domestic high-end tourists after the crisis. Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies were applied to achieve the research objectives. Income was used to identify and segment high-end domestic tourists living in 77 provinces in Thailand, while a verified questionnaire collected data from 1200 respondents nationwide. Forty-one experts from different tourism-related agencies at local and regional levels were targeted using purposive sampling techniques, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to acquire qualitative data. High-end domestic tourists, classified by monthly income, were segmented into Silver (50,000–70,000 THB), Gold (70,001–90,000 THB), Diamond (91,001–110,000 THB), and Platinum groups (Over 110,001 THB). These high-end domestic tourists shared both similarities and differences in tourism needs, preferences, and behaviors. Sixteen provinces in six domestic regions demonstrated the potential and readiness of tourism resources and products to satisfy the needs, preferences, and behaviors of high-end domestic tourists.
Purpose: This research aims to explore the phenomenon of job-hopping in the engineering sector in Penang, Malaysia, focusing on how factors like positive work culture, compensation and benefits, and job satisfaction influence an engineer’s propensity to frequently change jobs. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design, targeting 200 engineers in Penang. It was grounded in Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory. Data collection was conducted using online questionnaires, which were adaptations of instruments used in previous research. Statistical analysis, including Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression, was performed using SPSS software. Findings: The Pearson correlation analysis revealed significant negative relationships between positive work culture, compensation and benefits, job satisfaction, and the tendency to job-hop. However, in the regression analysis, only job satisfaction emerged as a significant predictor of job-hopping behavior. This finding suggests that while factors like work culture and compensation/benefits contribute to the overall work environment, they do not primarily drive job mobility among engineers in this region. The study indicates that job satisfaction plays a more crucial role in influencing engineers’ decisions to change jobs frequently. Conclusion: The study enriches the field of organizational psychology by applying Herzberg’s theory to understand job-hopping behavior in the engineering sector. For organizations in Penang, the findings highlight the importance of enhancing job satisfaction as a strategy for reducing job-hopping and retaining talent. This insight is valuable for both academic research and practical application in the industry, emphasizing the critical role of job satisfaction in curbing job-hopping tendencies within the engineering field.
The research explores academia and industry experts’ viewpoints regarding the innovative progression of Virtual Reality (VR)-based safety tools customized for technical and vocational education training (TVET) within commercial kitchen contexts. Developing a VR-based safety tools holistic framework is crucial in identifying constructs to mitigate the risks prevalent in commercial kitchens, encompassing physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial hazards workers encounter. Introducing VR-based safety training represents a proactive strategy to bolster education and training standards, especially given the historically limited attention directed toward workers’ physical and mental well-being in this sector. This study pursues a primary objective: validating a framework for VR-based kitchen safety within TVET’s hospitality programs. In addition to on-site observations, the research conducted semi-structured interviews with 16 participants, including safety training coordinators, food service coordinators, and IT experts. Participants supplemented qualitative insights by completing a 7-Likert scale survey. Utilizing the Fuzzy Delphi technique, seven constructs were delineated. The validation process underscored three pivotal constructs essential for the VR safety framework’s development: VR kitchen design, interactive applications, and hazard identification. These findings significantly affect the hospitality industry’s safety standards and training methodologies within commercial kitchen environments.
The aim of the research is to elucidate the features of the modern model of bioecomedicine and its components as a social determinant of sustainable societal development. The theoretical-methodological basis of the work was the complex use of scientific principles and a systematic approach, which determined the choice of research methods: general scientific and interdisciplinary. The concept generalized content is substantiated and the main lines of building the bioecomedicine model are characterized from the standpoint of information-structural modeling and sustainable development. Based on the structural-logical imperative, the object, subject, basic method and main concepts of this science sphere are characterized. The bioecomedicine principal idea as a social determinant of the sustainable development within a single information space is the unification of the knowledge information field of biology, ecology and medicine based on the use of the latest achievements in information technologies. It is proven that the algorithm for achieving the bioecomedicine global goal in the form of a set of principles reflects the essence of a systemic approach to solving the tasks of sustainable societal development by ensuring the system-environmental homeostasis of humans and the ecosystems that surround them.
Using time series data covering the years 1980 to 2020, this study examines the effects of government spending, population growth, and economic expansion on unemployment in the context of South Africa. The study’s variables include government spending, population growth, and economic growth as independent factors, and unemployment as the dependent variable. To ascertain the study’s outcomes, basic descriptive statistics, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), the Johansen Cointegration Procedures, the Augmented Dicky-Fuller Test (ADF), and diagnostic tests were used. Since all the variables are stationary at the first difference, the ADF results show that there isn’t a unit root issue. According to the Johansen cointegration estimation, there is a long-term relationship amongst the variables. Hence the choice of VECM to estimate the outcomes. Our results suggests that a rise in government spending will result in a rise in South Africa’s unemployment rate. The findings also suggest that there is a negative correlation between unemployment and population growth. This implies that as the overall population grows, unemployment will decline. Additionally, the findings suggest that unemployment and economic growth in South Africa are positively correlated. This contradicts a number of economic theories, including Keynesian and Okuns Law, which hold that unemployment and economic growth are inversely correlated.
Floods have always been an unavoidable natural disaster globally. Due to that, many efforts have been taken in order to alleviate the effect, especially in protecting the victims from losing their lives as well as their belongings. This study focuses on ensuring a smooth allocation process for flood victims to the relief centres considering the nature of their location, near the river, inland, and coastal. The finding indicated that a few implications have been highlighted for disaster management, such as changes in flood victim allocation patterns, classification of prone areas based on three areas, identification of most disaster areas, and others. Thus, to enhance the efficiency of allocation and to avoid any bad incidents happening during the flood occurrence, the allocation of flood victims is proposed to be started at a more critical area like the river area and followed by other areas. The finding also indicated that the proposed allocation procedure yielded a slightly lower average travel distance than the existing practice. These findings could also provide valuable information for disaster management in implementing a more efficient allocation procedure during a disaster.
This paper examines the relationship between renewable energy (RE) generation, economic factors, infrastructure, and governance quality in ASEAN countries. Based on the Fixed Effects regression model on panel data spanning the years 2002–2021, results demonstrate that domestic capital investment, foreign direct investment, governance effectiveness, and crude oil price exhibit an inverse yet significant relationship with RE generation. An increase in those factors will lead to a decline in RE generation. Meanwhile, economic growth and infrastructure have a positive relationship, which implies that these factors act as stimulants for RE generation in the region. Hence, it is advisable to prioritise policies that foster economic growth, including offering tax breaks specifically for RE projects. Additionally, it’s crucial to streamline governance processes to facilitate infrastructure conducive to RE generation, along with investing in RE infrastructure. This could be achieved by establishing one-stop centres for consolidating permitting processes, which would streamline the often-bureaucratic process. However, given the extensive time period covered, future research should examine the short-term relationship between the variables to address any potential temporal trends between the factors and RE generation.
Research on retailers’ behavioral intention and behavior of using the omnichannel ecommerce solution (OES) used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) model and supplemented the other factors such as seamless supply, omnichannel integration. Research concerns about behavioral intention and behavior of using OES as this is a global trend; OES has become one of the top priorities for businesses to thrive in the rapidly changing market and retain customers; increasingly high standards are being set for digital experiences. Therefore, retailers must quickly adapt to new trends for sustainable development to keep up with the transformation and increase the use of OES. The results show that effort expectation, social influence, hedonic motive, retailers’ capacity, seamlessly connecting have a positive impact on retailers’ behavioral intention and behavior of using OES. Behavioral intention and favorable conditions have a positive impact on behavior of using OES. Meantime, omnichannel integration have a negative impact on behavior of using OES in Vietnam. This research helps managers and OES providers to develop their skills and expertise, and the study results may prove diagnostically useful to the retailers’ behavioral intention and behavior of using OES.
This study examined the role of cryptocurrencies in tourism and their acceptance across EU regions, with particular attention to the digital transformation precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis focuses on the relationship between cryptocurrency acceptance points and the intensity of tourism, highlighting that the acceptance of cryptocurrencies is significantly correlated with tourism services. The literature review highlighted that Web 3.0, especially blockchain technology and decentralized applications, opens new possibilities in tourism, including secure and transparent transactions, and more personalized travel experiences. The research investigated cryptocurrency acceptance points and the intensity of tourism within the EU. The study illuminates that the acceptance of cryptocurrencies significantly correlates with tourism services. The data and methodology demonstrated the analysis methods for examining the relationship between cryptocurrency acceptance points and tourism intensity, including the use of clustering neural networks and Eurostat data utilization. The results showed a positive correlation between the number of cryptocurrency acceptance points and tourism intensity in the EU, affirming the research hypothesis. According to the regression analysis results, each additional cryptocurrency acceptance point is associated with an increase in tourism intensity. The significance of the research lies in highlighting the growing role of digital payment solutions, especially cryptocurrencies, in tourism, and their potential impacts on the EU economy. The analysis supports that the intertwining of tourism and digital financial technologies opens new opportunities in the sector for both providers and tourists.
Objective: This research aims to investigate the legal dynamics of leasing agricultural land plots integrated with protective plantings, motivated by recent legislative changes that significantly influence both agricultural productivity and environmental conservation. Methods: The authors of the article used the methods of axiological, positivist, dogmatic, historical, and comparative-legal analysis. Results: The study considers the recent legislative amendments that grant agricultural producers the right to lease land with forest belts without the need for bidding. It traces the historical development of forest plantations, highlighting their major role in intensifying agricultural production. Our results reveal that the new legislative framework allows agricultural producers to lease lands with protective forest belts without bidding, a change that highlights the complexities of balancing economic efficiency with ecological sustainability. Conclusions: The research emphasizes the unique legal challenges and opportunities presented by forest belt leasing in the agricultural context. It stipulates the need for a balanced legal framework that preserves environmental integrity, protects property rights, and supports sustainable agricultural practices. This study dwells on the evolving legal landscape of forest belt leasing and its implications for agricultural land management in Russia and similar regions. The significance of this research in its comprehensive analysis of the legal, economic, and ecological dimensions of land leasing, offering a nuanced understanding of how legislative changes shape land use strategies.
To achieve the energy transition and carbon neutrality targets, governments have implemented multiple policies to incentivize electricity suppliers to invest in renewable energy. Considering different government policies, we construct a renewable energy supply chain consisting of electricity suppliers and electricity retailers. We then explore the impact of four policies on electricity suppliers’ renewable energy investments, environmental impacts, and social welfare. We validated the results based on data from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. The results show that government subsidy policies are more effective in promoting electricity suppliers to invest in renewable energy as consumer preferences increase, while no-government policies are the least effective. We also show that electricity suppliers are most profitable under the government subsidy policy and least profitable under the carbon cap-and-trade policy. Besides, our results indicate that social welfare is the worst under the carbon cap-and-trade policy. With the increase in carbon intensity and renewable energy quota, social welfare is the highest under the subsidy policy. However, the social welfare under the renewable energy portfolio standard is optimal when the renewable energy quota is low.
The aviation industry is experiencing over and over again a technological revolution, nowadays with airports at the forefront of embracing smart technologies to enhance operational efficiency, security and passenger experience. This article comprehensively analyzes the benefits, challenges, and legal implications of adopting smart technologies in airport facilitation and security control. It examines the regulatory framework established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on an international level and by sovereign states on a national level. It explores using smart solutions such as automated systems, data and biometric verification, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) devices in airport operations. The authors’ purpose is to highlight the improvements in airport facilities and security measures brought about by these technologies, while addressing concerns over privacy, cost, technological limitations and human factors. By emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach and considering innovation alongside legal and operational imperatives, the article underscores the transformative potential of smart and integrated technologies in shaping the future of air travel.
Using generative artificial intelligence systems in the classroom for law case analysis teaching can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of knowledge delivery. They can create interactive learning environments that are appropriate, immersive, integrated, and evocative, guiding students to conduct case analysis from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. This teaching method not only increases students’ interest and participation in learning but also helps cultivate their interdisciplinary thinking and global vision. However, the application of generative artificial intelligence systems in legal education also faces some challenges and issues. If students excessively rely on these systems, their ability to think independently, make judgments, and innovate may be weakened, leading to over-trust in machines and reinforcement of value biases. To address these challenges and issues, legal education should focus more on cultivating students’ questioning skills, self-analysis abilities, critical thinking, basic legal literacy, digital skills, and humanistic spirit. This will enable students to respond to the challenges brought by generative artificial intelligence and ensure their comprehensive development in the new era.
Investors and company managements often rely on traditional performance evaluation indicators, such as return on equity, return on assets, and other financial ratios, to explain changes in a company’s market value added (MVA). However, the effectiveness of these traditional measures in explaining market value fluctuations remains uncertain. This research aims to investigate the impact of various profitability measures, namely return on equity, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and return on assets, on explaining changes in the MVA of pharmaceutical and chemical companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. To achieve the study’s objectives, we analyzed the published financial statements of a sample consisting of 14 industrial companies out of a total of 53 companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange during the period from 2008 to 2022. Relevant financial indicators were extracted from these statements to serve the purposes of the study. Correlation coefficients were employed to measure the extent to which the independent variables (profitability measures) could interpret changes in the dependent variable (MVA). One of the most significant findings of the study is that three dimensions of profitability measures have a statistically significant impact on explaining changes in the MVA of pharmaceutical and chemical companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange, albeit to varying degrees. This suggests that traditional profitability measures still play a crucial role in influencing market perceptions of a company’s value, despite the potential limitations of these measures in capturing the full scope of a company’s performance and potential.
This study aimed to determine the socio-economic poverty status of those living in rural areas using data surveys obtained from household expenditure and income. Machine learning-based classification and clustering models were proven to provide an overview of efforts to determine similarities in poverty characteristics. Efforts to address poverty classification and clustering typically involve comprehensive strategies that aim to improve socio-economic conditions in the affected areas. This research focuses on the combined application of machine learning classification and clustering techniques to analyze poverty. It aims to investigate whether the integration of classification and clustering algorithms can enhance the accuracy of poverty analysis by identifying distinct poverty classes or clusters based on multidimensional indicators. The results showed the superiority of machine learning in mapping poverty in rural areas; therefore, it can be adopted in the private sector and government domains. It is important to have access to relevant and reliable data to apply these machine learning techniques effectively. Data sources may include household surveys, census data, administrative records, satellite imagery, and other socioeconomic indicators. Machine learning classification and clustering analyses are used as a decision support tool to gain an understanding of poverty data from each village. These strategies are also used to describe the profile of poverty clusters in the community in terms of significant socio-economic indicators present in the data. Village clusters based on an analysis of existing poverty indicators are grouped into high, moderate, and low poverty levels. Machine learning can be a valuable tool for analyzing and understanding poverty by classifying individuals or households into different poverty categories and identifying patterns and clusters of poverty. These insights can inform targeted interventions, policy decisions, and resource allocation for poverty reduction programs.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a certification program for quantitatively assessing the qualifications of homes, non-residential buildings, or neighborhoods in terms of sustainability. LEED is supported by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a nonprofit membership-based organization. Worldwide, thousands of projects received one of the four levels of LEED certification. One of the five rating systems (or specialties) covered by LEED is the Building Design and Construction (BD + C), representing non-residential buildings. This rating system is further divided into eight adaptations. The adaptation (New Construction and Major Renovation) or NC applies to newly constructed projects as well as those going through a major renovation. The NC adaptation has six major credit categories, in addition to three minor ones. The nine credit categories together have a total of 110 attainable points. The Energy and Atmosphere (EA) credit category is the dominant one in the NC adaptation, with 33 attainable points under it. This important credit category addresses the topics of commissioning, energy consumption records, energy efficiency, use of refrigerants, utilization of onsite or offsite renewable energy, and real-time electric load management. This study aims to highlight some differences in the EA credit category for LEED BD + C:NC rating system as it evolved from version 4 (LEED v4, 2013) to version 4.1 (LEED v4.1, 2019). For example, the updated version 4.1 includes a metric for greenhouse gas reduction. Also, the updated version 4.1 no longer permits hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants in new heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems (HVAC & R). In addition, the updated version 4.1 classifies renewable energy into three tiers, differentiating between onsite, new-asset offsite, and old-asset offsite types.
This study investigates the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee retention and job satisfaction within Malaysia’s IT industry. The research centered on middle-management executives from the top 10 IT companies in the Greater Klang Valley and Penang. Using a self-administered questionnaire, the study gathered data on demographic characteristics, HRM practices, and employee retention, with the questionnaire design drawing from established literature and validated measuring scales. The study employed the PLS 4.0 method for analyzing structural relationships and tested various hypotheses regarding HRM practices and employee retention. Key findings revealed that work-life balance did not significantly impact employee retention. Conversely, job security positively influenced employee retention. Notably, rewards, recognition, and training and development were found to be insignificant in predicting employee retention. Additionally, the study explored the mediating role of job satisfaction but found it did not mediate the relationship between work-life balance and employee retention nor between job security and employee retention. The research highlighted that HRM practices have diverse effects on employee retention in Malaysia’s IT sector. Acknowledging limitations like sample size and research design, the study suggests the need for further research to deepen understanding in this area.
China’s graduate quality management system is designed to ensure that students possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies for future success. This system is rooted in China’s ambitious educational reforms aimed at cultivating a highly skilled workforce to drive economic growth and innovation. Effective graduate quality management significantly impacts employment levels, training models, and national policy formulation. This study investigates the quality management approaches of 56 vocational institutions in Yunnan Province using a 5-level questionnaire and a quantitative research methodology. A sample of 556 individuals was selected through stratified random sampling. Exploratory factor analysis identified five primary components of the quality management model: College graduate quality (mean = 4.56, SD = 0.49), teaching quality (mean = 4.39, SD = 0.42), hardware environment (mean = 4.38, SD = 0.44), social support (mean = 4.37, SD = 0.42), and job satisfaction (mean = 4.38, SD = 0.42). College graduate quality and teaching quality were the most influential factors, while hardware environment, social support, and job satisfaction had lesser impacts.
Underground station passenger flow is large, the number of parcels carried by passengers is large and varied, and the parcels carried have an impact on the fire hazard and evacuation of the station. In order to determine the weights of the passenger luggage risk and environmental factor index system in the fire risk evaluation of underground stations in a more realistic way, an optimized and improved hierarchical analysis method for determining the judgement matrix is proposed, which improves the traditional nine-scaled method and adopts the three-scaled method for the four major categories of luggage, namely, handbags, rucksacks, portable power tools and trolley cases. The advantage of this method is that there is no need for consistency judgement in determining packages with a wide range of types and uncertain contents, thus simplifying the calculation. Meanwhile, the reasonableness and reliability of the method is verified by combining it with an actual metro station fire risk assessment system.
This study aims to take Chinese higher vocational colleges professional group leaders as the research subjects to analyze the components of their key competencies, develop the competency model of professional group leaders (PGL), and analyze the main factors influencing the model. It provides a powerful help for improving the scientific level of the construction and management of the teaching staff in higher vocational colleges and filling the gap in the research on the quality and ability of Chinese professional group leaders. A mixed research method is deployed in this study. Data are collected with the help of a self-administrated questionnaire and a semi-structured interview based on grounded theory. Data analysis involves structural equation modeling using AMOS, complemented by qualitative coding in NVivo. It concludes that the competency development model of professional group leaders comprises two main dimensions: explicit competencies and implicit competencies. Explicit competencies include cross-border adaptability (CBA), resource integration ability (RIA), innovation and development practice ability (IDPA), management leadership ability (MLA), and interdisciplinary scientific research ability (ISRA). Implicit competencies include personality attitude (PA), and intrinsic motivation (IM). The study fills a significant gap in the literature by providing a detailed model of competency for professional group leaders in the context of higher vocational education, offering a practical framework for improving the training and management of teaching staff and promoting the development of professional groups effective in vocational colleges.
Electric cars are manufactured to address environmental problems, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and nullify climate change. Their production aligns with sustainability objectives by encouraging cleaner transportation options, promoting energy efficiency, and contributing to a transition towards eco-friendly mobility in an answer to global environmental challenges. In Jordan, similar to any international market, car dealers and traders import electric cars. However, the prevailing perceptions and attitudes of Jordanian consumers need strong consideration. Nevertheless, there is still uncertainty and a need for more trust in electric vehicles among Jordanian consumers. Therefore, this research aims to ascertain whether electric cars have a lasting positive perception among Jordanians through an inductive research approach. Employing thematic qualitative analysis, this research is supported by the diffusion of innovation theory. Notably, the research findings provided robust insights, further leading to reinforcing the idea about the pervasive attitudes of Jordanian consumers. Thus, this research concludes that there still needs to be more confidence regarding electric vehicles among most consumers in Jordan. Furthermore, this research offers practical and theoretical contributions to Jordan’s policymakers and electric vehicle companies.
Falling is one of the most critical outcomes of loss of consciousness during triage in emergency department (ED). It is an important sign requires an immediate medical intervention. This paper presents a computer vision-based fall detection model in ED. In this study, we hypothesis that the proposed vision-based triage fall detection model provides accuracy equal to traditional triage system (TTS) conducted by the nursing team. Thus, to build the proposed model, we use MoveNet, a pose estimation model that can identify joints related to falls, consisting of 17 key points. To test the hypothesis, we conducted two experiments: In the deep learning (DL) model we used the complete feature consisting of 17 keypoints which was passed to the triage fall detection model and was built using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In the second model we use dimensionality reduction Feature-Reduction for Fall model (FRF), Random Forest (RF) feature selection analysis to filter the key points triage fall classifier. We tested the performance of the two models using a dataset consisting of many images for real-world scenarios classified into two classes: Fall and Not fall. We split the dataset into 80% for training and 20% for validation. The models in these experiments were trained to obtain the results and compare them with the reference model. To test the effectiveness of the model, a t-test was performed to evaluate the null hypothesis for both experiments. The results show FRF outperforms DL model, and FRF has same accuracy of TTS.
Purpose: This research aims to examine the influence of intellectual capital disclosure and the geographical location of universities on the sustainability of higher education institutions in Southeast Asia. Design/methodology/approach: This research is quantitative and uses secondary data obtained through the annual reports of universities that have the Universitas Indonesia Green Metric Rank. This research uses two stages of data analysis techniques, namely the content analysis stage to determine the number of Intellectual Capital disclosures and the hypothesis testing stage. The analysis tool uses the SPSS version 23 application. The population of this research includes all universities in Southeast Asia that are included in the UI Greenmetric World University Rankings. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique, which resulted in 86 analysis units of higher education institutions in Southeast Asia. Findings: The research results prove that the geographical location of universities has a negative and significant influence on Universitas Indonesia Green Metric’s performance in Southeast Asia and human capital has a positive influence on UIGM’s performance in Southeast Asia. However, the structural capital and relational capital components do not affect the UIGM performance of universities in Southeast Asia. Originality/value: The originality of the research is the use of higher education sustainability variables with UIGM proxies and modified IC indicators for universities and geographical areas that have not been widely used to see whether there are fundamental differences in the disclosure of intellectual capital for higher education institutions in Southeast Asia.
In recent years, information technology and social media has developed very rapidly and has had an impact on government services to the public. Social media technology is used hugely by several developing countries to provide services, information and promote information disclosure in its government to improve its performance. This study aims to build role of social media technology concept as a public service delivery facilitator to the public. Furthermore, it discusses the potential impact of social media use on government culture. To achieve the goal, this study combines two theories, namely government public value theory and green smart city with four variables, namely quality of public services, user orientation, openness, and greenness. These variables are used as the foundation for data collection through in-depth interviews and group discussion forums. In-depth interviews are utilized as data search and direct observation. The informants consist of several government elements, including heads of regional apparatus organizations, heads of public service malls and Palembang city government employees. The study revealed that the Palembang government has several social media-based public services that have quality of services, user-orientation, openness, and environmental friendliness.
This empirical paper investigates the impact of green brand knowledge, green trust, and social responsibility on consumer purchase intentions within the developing nation of Pakistan. By highlighting the importance of these factors in influencing consumer behavior towards environmentally friendly products, the study aims to address the pressing need to mitigate environmental pollutants. Employing a quantitative research methodology, the study utilizes a questionnaire survey adapted from previous research to gather data. Regression analysis reveals significant and positive relationships between green brand knowledge, green trust, social responsibility, and consumer purchase intentions. Notably, green brand knowledge emerges as the most influential factor in shaping purchase intentions. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing insights into the dynamics of consumer behavior in a developing country context and offers practical implications for managers and decision-makers seeking to align organizational goals with consumer preferences for green brands. The findings underscore the importance of integrating environmental considerations into marketing strategies to meet consumer demand for sustainable products and foster environmental stewardship.
The study sheds light on how service quality aspects affect customer satisfaction in the Saudi banking sector’s particular socio-cultural setting. Thus, the study examines the role of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in the banking industry of Saudi Arabia. The study examined how reliability, assurance, empathy, tangibility, and responsiveness affect customer satisfaction in the Saudi Arabian banking market using 250 bank clients. 250 Saudi bank customers completed a standardised questionnaire. These were normal bank customers with proper bank accounts. IBM SPSS correlational and multiple regression analysis investigated variable connections. The study found a significant favourable influence of reliability on customer satisfaction. However, assurance was not significant. Empathy had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Tangibility shown a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Responsiveness was not significant. The study emphasises on reliability, empathy, and physical service delivery to boost banking customer happiness. The study found 3 of 5 service quality factors to be significant predictors. Service empathy, tangibility, and reliability greatly impacted customer satisfaction. Managers in Saudi banking should prioritize reliability, empathy, and tangibility to boost customer satisfaction. To keep customers happy, managers should monitor these service quality dimensions and adjust strategies based on feedback. Technology can improve service quality by streamlining processes and personalizing experiences.
Regardless of the importance of accreditation and the role faculty play in a such process, not much attention was given to those in dental colleges This study aimed to explore faculty perceptions of accreditation in the College of Dental Medicine and its impact, the challenges that hinder their involvement in accreditation, and countermeasures to mitigate these barriers using a convergent mixed methods approach. The interviewees were faculty who hold administrative positions (purposeful sample). The remaining faculty were invited for the survey using convenience sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests at 0.05 significance. A consensus was achieved on the positive impact of accreditation with an emphasis on the collective responsibility of faculty for the entire process. Yet their involvement was not duly recognized in teaching load, promotion, and incentives. Quality Improvement and Sustainability Tools and Benchmarking were identified as common themes for the value of accreditation to institutions and faculty. Global ranking and credibility as well as seamless service were key themes for institutional accreditation, while education tools and guidance or unifying tools were central themes for faculty. Regarding the challenges, five themes were recognized: Lack of Resources, Rigorous Process, Communication Lapse, Overwhelming Workload, and Leadership Style and Working Environment. To mitigate these challenges, Providing Enough Resources and Leadership Style and Working Environment were the identified themes. This research endeavors to achieve a better understanding of faculty perceptions to ease a process that requires commitment, resources, and readiness to change.
This study examines the development and influence of the international anti-corruption regime, utilizing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to dissect the discursive practices that shape perceptions of corruption and the strategies employed to combat it. Our analysis reveals how Western institutional entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in defining corruption predominantly as bribery and governance failures, underpinned by a neoliberal ideology that prescribes societal norms and identifies corrupt practices. By exploring the mechanisms through which this ideology is propagated, the research enriches institutional entrepreneurship theory and highlights the neoliberal foundations of current anti-corruption efforts. This study not only enhances our understanding of the institutional frameworks that govern anti-corruption discourse but also demonstrates how discourse legitimizes certain ideologies while marginalizing others. The findings offer practical tools for altering power dynamics, promoting equitable participation, and addressing the imbalanced North-South power relations. By challenging established perspectives, this research contributes to transformative discourse and action, offering new pathways for understanding and combating corruption. These insights have significant theoretical and practical implications for improving the effectiveness of corruption prevention and counteraction strategies globally.
The study examines the impact of COVID-19 on the economies of Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) member states. The event study methodology was used to analyze Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) of GCC member states’ stock indexes: Kuwait Stock Exchange Index (KSE), Dubai Financial Market Index (DFM), Saudi Arabia Tadawul Index (TASI), Qatar Exchange Index (QE), Bahrain All Share Index (BHB), Oman’s Muscat Stock Exchange Index (MSM), Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange Index (ADX) while the S&P GCC Composite Index was used as a reference. Data obtained from 28 July 2019 to 27 July 2020, and 1 March 2020, designated as the event day, abnormal returns (AR) and cumulative average abnormal returns (CAARs) were examined across various time intervals. The findings reveal significant market reactions to the pandemic, characterized by fluctuations in abnormal returns and CAARs. Statistically significant abnormal returns and CAARs during certain time periods underscore the dynamic nature of market responses to the COVID-19 event. These results provide valuable insights for policymakers and market participants seeking to understand and navigate the economic implications of the pandemic on GCC economies. The study recommends that other GCC states, particularly Oman, consider the policies undertaken by Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia, to avoid a long economic crisis.
Culture is a cohesive system of values, meanings, and behaviors. This study follows Hofstede’s framework of cultural dimensions, which is widely studied in different contexts. Although culture is a subject of extensive research, few recent studies evaluate culture between countries. This study analyzed the cultural dimensions identified in two Latin American countries: Colombia and Chile. In addition, it evaluated differences in both countries by sex. The study was conducted with 382 workers from Chile and 617 from Colombia. Significant differences were found between Colombia and Chile in power distance, paternalism, and masculinity-femininity. This exploratory study may contribute to discussing the role of culture and sex in organizations operating in different countries.
Urbanization process affects global socio-economic development. Originally tied to modernization and industrialization, current urbanization policy is focused on productivity, economic activities, and environmental sustainability. This study examines impact of urbanization in various regions of Kazakhstan, focusing on environmental, social, labor, industrial, and economic indicators. The study aims to assess how different indicators influence urbanization trends in Kazakhstan, particularly regarding environmental emissions and pollution. It delves into regional development patterns and identifies key contributing factors. The research methodology is based on classical economic theories of urbanization and modern interpretations emphasizing sustainability and socio-economic impacts and includes two stages. Shannon entropy measures diversity and uncertainty in urbanization indicators, while cluster analysis identifies regional patterns. Data from 2010 to 2022 for 17 regions forms the basis of analysis. Regions are categorized into groups based on urbanization levels leaders, challenged, stable, and outliers. This classification reveals disparities in urban development and its impacts. Findings stress the importance of integrating environmental and social considerations into urban planning and policies. Targeted interventions based on regional characteristics and urbanization levels are recommended to enhance sustainability and socio-economic outcomes. Tailored urban policies accommodating specific regional needs are crucial. Effective management and policy-making demand a nuanced understanding of these impacts, emphasizing region-specific strategies over a uniform approach.
In this study, the entropy weight method, the α convergence model, the absolute β convergence model and the conditional β convergence model are used to evaluate the 31 provinces’ innovative potential in China from 2011 to 2022. It is found that the innovative potential in nationwide China and in various regions are all increasing year by year, and the innovative potential in the eastern region is obviously better than that in the central region and western region. No matter considering the influence of external factors or not, the gap of innovative potential among provinces in different regions will gradually expand over time, with the largest gap among provinces in the eastern region, followed by the central region and the smallest in the western region. The conclusion of this study is instructive to enhance the innovative potential of China and promote the balanced development of regional innovative potential in China.
Working Capital Management (hereafter WCM) is the strategic tool that helps a company navigate through challenging economic growth, and influence its competitive performance. Thus, this study examines the impact of WCM on the competitiveness of firms operating in the non-financial sectors in Pakistan. We use the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) technique to ensure the robustness of our results. The study findings reveal that both a large net trade cycle and surplus working capital have a substantial negative impact on firms’ competitiveness within their respective industries. These results suggest that companies should streamline their investments in working capital accounts and concentrate more resources on long-term projects that maximize value to improve their competitiveness compared to other companies. Therefore, firms that are effectively managing their short-term financial affairs are experiencing much better performance in all aspects of firm performance. The research findings highlight the urgent need for governmental initiatives designed to improve WCM practices in these industries. It is imperative for the management of companies with excess net working capital to maximize their working capital efficiency, aligning it with industry standards to enhance competitiveness. Moreover, policymakers should prioritize easing access to financial alternatives that allow enterprises to maintain an efficient working capital structure without relying on excessive measures. Furthermore, policymakers should be cautious when determining minimum cash balance requirements in a cash-strapped economy where external financing is relatively more expensive than in other regional economies.
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the important vegetables in Egypt. The study was conducted in the vegetable field to study the effect of different rates of phosphorus fertilizers and foliar application of Nano-Boron, Chitosan, and Naphthalene Acidic Acid (NAA) on growth and seed productivity of Onion plant (Allium cepa L., cv. Giza 6 Mohassan). The experiments were carried out in a split-plot design with three replicates. The main plot contains 3 rates of phosphorus treatments (30, 45 and 60 kg P2O5/feddan), Subplot includes foliar application of Nano-Boron, Nano-Chitosan and Naphthalene Acidic Acid (NAA) at a concentration of 50 ppm for each and sprayed at three times (50, 65 and 80 days after transplanting). Increasing the phosphorus fertilizers rate to 60 kg P2O5/fed significantly affects the growth and seed production of the Onion plant. Foliar application of nano-boron at 50 ppm concentration gave maximum values of onion seed yield in both seasons. Results stated that the correlation between yield and yield contributing characters over two years was highly significant. It could be recommended that P application at a rate of 60 kg P2O5 and sprayed onion plants at 50 ppm nano-boron three times (at 50, 65, and 80 days from transplanting) gave the highest seed yield of onion plants. Moreover, the maximum increments of inflorescence diameter (94.4%) were recorded to nano-boron foliar spray (60 p × nB) compared to the other treatments in both seasons.
Pakistan is a leading emerging market as per the recent classification of the International Monetary Fund (MF), and hedging is used as a considerable apparatus for minimizing a firm’s risk in this market. In these markets, investors are customarily unaware about the hedging activities in firms, due to the occupancy of asymmetric environment prevailing in firms. This research paper adds a new insight and vision to the existing literature in the field of behavioral finance by examining the impact of hedging on investors’ sentiments in the presence of asymmetric information. For organizing this research, 366 non-financial firms are taken up as the size sample; all these firms are registered in the Pakistan Stock Exchange. A two-step system of generalized method of moments (GMM) model is implemented for regulating the study. The findings of empirical evidence exhibit that there is a positive relationship between investors’ sentiments and hedging. Investors’ sentiments are negative in relationship with asymmetric information. Due to the moderate presence of asymmetric information, hedging is positively related to investors’ sentiments although this relation is non-significant.
This study aims to: (1) analyze the need for digital marketing capabilities in Thai MSME; (2) develop an online digital marketing course; and (3) enhance Thai MSME’s digital marketing capabilities, particularly in Thailand’s manufacturing sectors. The survey was conducted using questionnaires distributed to a sample group of 400 digital marketing staff, executives, or business owners, complemented by in-depth interviews with marketing experts, business managers, and owners, totaling 10 participants. The research findings reveal a significant demand for digital marketing skills among MSME entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector. The top three skills identified as most crucial for enhancement are: (1) communication and marketing information presentation skills; (2) brand building and public relations; and (3) video marketing execution. The study further revealed that the design of the digital marketing course, along with the developed online learning platform, attracted and successfully enrolled 104 MSMEs who participated in the online program. The pre- and post-training assessment results demonstrated a statistically significant difference in test scores, with a mean post-training score of 16.10 ( Mean = 16.10, S.D. = 1.396), representing a notable increase from the pre-training mean score of 6.47 ( Mean = 6.47, S.D. = 3.634) at the 0.05 significance level. Furthermore, the results of the follow-up evaluation on the application of acquired knowledge revealed that the overall level of knowledge and skills application is at its highest, with an average score of 4.64. This indicates that the developed course and online learning platform effectively enhance learners’ knowledge.
The rapid urbanization of Addis Ababa presents significant challenges and opportunities in coordinating the development of physical infrastructure. This study investigates the legal and policy framework for inter-sectorial integration across critical domains such as electricity, roadways, telecommunications, and water management. Drawing on Institutional Theory and policy integration theory, the research employs a comprehensive methodological approach, including documentary analysis, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and observational studies. Through meticulous examination of existing laws, regulations, and institutional structures, the study identifies critical gaps and limitations that impede effective coordination among infrastructure-providing entities. Findings reveal the pressing need for cohesive policies, institutional reforms, and enhanced collaboration to mitigate disruptions and advance sustainable development goals. By situating these findings within the broader discourse on urban infrastructure governance, the research offers valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of infrastructure coordination in rapidly expanding cities. The study underscores the necessity for strategic interventions that promote efficient, environmentally sustainable, and economically viable infrastructure provision. Moreover, the implications of this research extend beyond academia, providing actionable policy and practice recommendations that can inform decision-making processes in Addis Ababa and analogous urban contexts worldwide. This holistic approach facilitates a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between legal frameworks, policy dynamics, and institutional arrangements, thereby laying a robust foundation for informed decision-making and strategic interventions in urban infrastructure development.
The employees in academic sector had to face an abrupt change due to Covid-19 pandemic and transformation of education into online and remote learning. This has led to virtual work intensity as an aftermath that negatively influences employees’ job satisfaction. In addition, due to remote working conditions, the lines between work and life had been dimmed and thus, the current situation is important to be addressed for wellbeing of academic staff. This research specifically aims to examine impact of virtual work intensity on job satisfaction among university staff. Furthermore, mediating effect of organizational support and work-life balance on the aforementioned relationship are analyzed to better understand the underlying effects. Through PLS-SEM and using a questionnaire survey, a total of 183 data were collected from teachers and administrative staff of two universities. The results show that virtual work intensity can hinder job satisfaction, while organizational support and work-life balance can improve job satisfaction of academic employees. This is due to the fact that support, and balance act against work intensity that diminishes wellbeing of individuals. This implies the vital role of organizations (e.g., human resource department) in providing support for their staff, and creating an environment, where academic staff can have a better work-life balance, leading to higher rates of job satisfaction as an important factor for psychological wellbeing.
This study investigates the viability and sustainability of proposed landfill sites based on the uncapacitated facility location problem framework utilising the SmartPLS4 Structural Equation Modelling. Investigating the Cape Coast Metropolis, a stratified sampling method selected 400 samples out of which 320 valid respondents were used as the basis for the analysis. Through statistical analysis, significant correlations were identified among community acceptance, environmental impact, facility accessibility, site sustainability, and operational efficiency. However, no significant correlation was found between economic viability and site sustainability. Furthermore, the proposed indirect mediation pathway from operational efficiency to site sustainability via facility accessibility was also statistically insignificant. Employing the use of SmartPLS4 approach in studying the application of uncapacitated facility location problem framework, deepens the understanding of landfill viability and sustainability dynamics. This research contributes to the environmental sciences and sustainability by providing insights into landfill management strategies and emphasising the importance of community engagement and environmental performance in achieving sustainable outcomes. Future research could refine the model by including additional variables like technological advancements and regulatory frameworks, conducting longitudinal studies to track landfill dynamics over time, and undertaking comparative studies across different geographical regions. This could provide insights into management approaches’ applicability. Interdisciplinary collaborations are recommended to address the multifaceted challenges of landfill sustainability.
Sustainability is a top priority for municipal administrations, particularly in large urban centers where citizens rely on transportation for work, study, and daily errands. Public transportation faces a significant challenge beyond availability, performance, safety, and comfort: balancing the cost for the city with fare attractiveness for passengers. Meanwhile, bicycles, supported by public incentives due to their clean and healthy appeal, compete with public transit. In Curitiba, the integrated transport system has been consistently losing passengers, exacerbated by the pandemic and the rise in private vehicle usage. To address this, the city is expanding bicycle infrastructure and electric bike rental services, impacting public transit revenue, and prompting the need for financial compensation to maintain affordable fares for those reliant on public transport. Therefore, this study’s objective is to analyze the bicycle’s impact on public transportation, considering the impact of public policies on economic and social efficiency, not just ecological and environmental factors. Data from six main bus lines were collected and analyzed in two separate linear regression models to verify the effects of new bicycles in circulation, bus tariffs, and weather conditions on public transportation demand. Research results revealed a significant impact of bus tariffs and fuel prices on the number of new bicycles that are diverting passengers from public transportation. The discussion may offer a different perspective on public transport policies and improve city infrastructure investments to strategically change the urban form to address social and economic issues.
This study investigated the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Recruitment and Selection Process and its effect on the Efficiency of Human Resource Management (HRM) and on the Effectiveness of Organizational Development (OD) in Jordanian commercial banks. The research aimed to provide solutions to reduce the cost, time, and effort spent in the process of HRM and to increase OD Effectiveness. The research model was developed based on comprehensive review of existing literature on the subject. The population of this study comprised HR Managers and Employees across all commercial banks in Jordan, and a census method was employed to gather 177 responses. Data analysis was conducted using Amos and SPSS software packages. The findings show a statistically significant positive impact of AI adoption in the Recruitment and Selection Process on HR Efficiency, which in turn positively impacted OD Effectiveness. Additionally, the study indicated that the ease-of-use of AI technologies played a positive moderating role in the relationship between the Recruitment and Selection Process through AI and HR Efficiency. This study concludes that implementing AI tools in Recruitment is vital through improving HR Efficiency and Organization Effectiveness.
Environmental regulation is globally recognized for its crucial role in mitigating environmental pollution and is vital for achieving the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There is a current gap in the comprehensive overview of the significance of environmental regulation research, necessitating high-level insights. This paper aims to bridge this gap through an exhaustive bibliometric review of existing environmental regulation research. Employing bibliometric analysis, this study delineates publication trends, identifies leading journals, countries, institutions, and scholars. Utilizing VOSviewer software, we conducted a frequency and centrality analysis of keywords and visualized keyword co-occurrences. This research highlights current hotspots and central themes in the field, including “innovation”, “performance”, “economic growth”, and “pollution”. Further analysis of research trends underscores existing knowledge gaps and potential future research directions. Emerging topics for future investigation in environmental regulation include “financial constraints”, “green finance”, “green credit”, “ESG”, “circular economy”, “labor market”, “political uncertainty”, “digital transformation”, “exports” and “mediating effects”. Additionally, “quasi-natural experiments” and “machine learning” have emerged as cutting-edge research methodologies in this domain. The focus of research is shifting from analyzing the impact of environmental regulation on “innovation” to “green innovation” and from “emissions” to “carbon emissions”. This study provides a comprehensive and structured understanding, thereby guiding subsequent research in this field.
This study explores the interactions between inflation and stock market. We carried out a bibliometric analysis with R package to highlight the worldwide research trends in the field, covering the period of three crises (financial, health crisis and war of Ukraine). Next, using monthly data for the period from 1 March 2020 to 31 August 2023 and based on a vector autoregressive model, impulse response and variance decomposition are performed to explore the dynamic relationships between inflation and Greek stock market. The results reveal the existence of high volatility in Athens’ stock market during COVID-19 pandemic, owning to a shock of the inflation. Regarding the period of Ukrainian war, the study verified the Fama’s hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between inflation and stock returns. The findings have significant implications for investors and policy makers.
Research that discusses the impact of implementing Green Human Resource Management and environmentally friendly behavior, especially in sustainable tourism, is limited. It becomes crucial to understand how implementing good green human resource management practices in tourism sector organizations. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative approach was used where the data and information collected were obtained through direct observation and interviews with tourism informants. The findings show the importance of environmentally friendly behavior as the implementation of green human resource management is able to improve tourism management. The uniqueness of this research is developing a model of human resource readiness in implementing environmentally friendly behavior towards sustainable tourism. This resource readiness will be reflected in the GHRM model in supporting sustainable tourism. The results of this research offer a model of sustainable Green Tourism which includes antecedents, implementation and results achieved. These antecedents come from internal and external (environmental ethics and management commitment) managers which will result in good GHRM implementation. This model will be the basis for implementing sustainable tourism in human resource management practices based on literature reviews and also tourism management practices.
From the perspective of the corporate life cycle, this study investigates the transmission mechanism of ‘technological innovation-financing constraints-carbon emission reduction’ in energy companies using panel data and mediating models, focusing on listed energy companies from 2014 to 2020. It explores the stage characteristics of this mechanism during different life cycle phases and conducts heterogeneity tests across industries and regions. The results reveal that technological innovation positively influences carbon emission reduction in energy enterprises, demonstrating significant life cycle stage characteristics, specifically more pronounced in mature companies than in growing or declining companies. Financing constraints play a mediating role between technological innovation and carbon reduction, but this is only effective during the growth and maturity stages. Further research shows that the impact of technological innovation on carbon emission reduction and the mediating role of financing constraints exhibit heterogeneity across different stages of the life cycle, industries, and regions. The conclusions of this paper provide references for energy companies in planning rational emission reduction strategies and for government departments in policy-making.
Cross-border ecological cooperation is always a challenging issue. Ecological cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has its own uniqueness as it is cross-border cooperation under “One Country, Two Systems”, which is different from multinational cooperation or regional collaboration within one country. This paper analyses the cooperation documents of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, official reports and academic literature, and then summarises the unique pattern of ecological cooperation in the Greater Bay Area under “One Country, Two Systems”. It outlines four characteristics: different priorities in ecological management of each side, case by base cooperation, government-dominated cooperation with low public participation, and huge institutional gap between three sides. This article also identifies several problems and causes: lack of common ecological targets for each side and effective cross-border regulative measures, cumbersome coordination in cross-border cooperation. Finally, four feasible recommendations have been put forwarded: creating new institutional arrangements under the context of “One Country, Two Systems”, establishing the efficient decision-making platform for the inter-city cooperation, introducing the market-based resource allocation, and encouraging public participation in ecological monitoring.
The purpose of this study is to examine how financial slack and board gender diversity affect carbon emission disclosure and how that disclosure affects firm value in energy sector companies that are listed on the Indonesian stock exchange between 2017 and 2021. Annual reports and sustainability sources provide secondary data for this quantitative study. Purposive sampling was employed in this investigation, including nine companies and a five-year observation period. Thus, 45 samples altogether were employed in the present study. The partial least squares approach is the data analysis strategy used in this investigation. The study’s findings indicate that the Gender Diversity Board does not significantly affect carbon emission disclosure and significantly influences firm value. Financial slack significantly affects carbon emission disclosure but does not directly affect firm value. Financial slack and board gender diversity through carbon emission disclosure have no significant effect on firm value.
In developing countries, urban mobility is a significant challenge due to convergence of population growth and the economic attraction of urban centers. This convergence of factors has resulted in an increase in the demand for transport services, affecting existing infrastructure and requiring the development of sustainable mobility solutions. In order to tackle this challenge, it is necessary to create optimal services that promote sustainable urban mobility. The main objective of this research is to develop and validate a comprehensive methodology framework for assessing and selecting the most sustainable and environmentally responsible urban mobility services for decision makers in developing countries. By integrating fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making techniques, the study aims to address the inherent complexity and uncertainty of urban mobility planning and provide a robust tool for optimizing transportation solutions for rapid urbanization. The proposed methodology combines three-dimensional fuzzy methods of type-1, including AHP, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE, using the Borda method to adapt subjectivity, uncertainty, and incomplete judgments. The results show the advantages of using integrated methods in the sustainable selection of urban mobility systems. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to validate the robustness of the model and to provide insights into the reliability and stability of the evaluation model. This study contributes to inform decision-making, improves policies and urban mobility infrastructure, promotes sustainable decisions, and meets the specific needs of developing countries.
This paper examines the influence of green accounting and environmental performance on stock prices, focusing on Indonesia’s mining sector. It aims to understand whether these factors, along with profitability, impact the growth of stock prices. The study is grounded in stakeholder, legitimacy, and signal theories, emphasizing the role of stakeholder support and environmental responsibility in company survival. The research explores the conflicting results of previous studies on the impact of green accounting on stock prices. It uses various indicators, such as environmental costs for green accounting and the PROPER rating system, to measure environmental performance. The study also considers profitability as a moderating variable. The population in this research is all mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017–2021. The sample was selected based on purposive sampling with several criteria. Multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing were used to analyze the data. Key findings suggest that green accounting positively influences stock prices, while environmental performance has a negative effect. Profitability positively affects stock prices but does not significantly moderate the impact of green accounting on stock prices. However, it does enhance the relationship between environmental performance and stock prices. The study concludes that companies should increase disclosures related to green accounting and environmental performance, which are crucial for long-term investment considerations.
The purpose of this research is to deeply examine the factors that support and hinder green economic growth in South Papua, with a specific focus on increasing awareness and capacity among local communities, developing sustainable infrastructure, and adopting clean technologies. This research utilizes a case study approach to uncover the dynamics and elements supporting the development of green economy in South Papua, particularly in Merauke Regency. Through surveys, in-depth interviews, and document analysis, data were gathered from various stakeholders, including government, communities, and the private sector. Sampling was done using purposive sampling method, ensuring the inclusion of respondents relevant to the research topic to provide a holistic understanding of the factors influencing green economy in the region. The research reveals that in Merauke Regency, the understanding of the concept of green economy among the community is still limited, highlighting the need for broader education and socialization. Factors such as government support, infrastructure availability, and community participation play a key role in driving green economic growth. However, challenges such as resource limitations and differences in perceptions among stakeholders highlight the complexity in implementing green economy. Therefore, holistic and collaborative policy recommendations need to be considered to strengthen support and effectiveness of sustainable development efforts in this region.
This research investigates the relationship between the quality of airline services, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty with low-cost airlines in Bangkok’s aviation business. It uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the replies of 521 passengers. The study demonstrates a robust and favorable correlation between the quality of service and customer satisfaction, with a direct impact coefficient of 0.961. Furthermore, service quality directly (0.708) and indirectly (0.284) impact brand loyalty. These impacts are mediated by customer satisfaction, which directly affects brand loyalty with a correlation of 0.296. The model explains 92.3% and 99.0% of the variation in customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, respectively, suggesting a robust and reliable match. The demographic study reveals that the predominant group of participants consists of well-educated, middle-income women who regularly use airline services. These results highlight the importance of service quality in improving customer satisfaction and promoting brand loyalty among travelers. Airlines should emphasize the ongoing enhancement of service quality and customer satisfaction to sustain their competitive edge. This research enhances the existing body of knowledge by emphasizing the intermediate function of customer satisfaction and presenting detailed observations relevant to Bangkok’s aviation industry, providing guidance for infrastructural development and investment. It also offers practical suggestions for managing service quality and implementing customer retention strategies.
This study investigates the public’s perceptions of digital innovations in pharmacy, with a focus on health informatics and medication management. Despite the rapid development of these technologies, a comprehensive understanding of how various demographics perceive and interact with them is lacking hence, this research aims to bridge this gap by offering insights into public attitudes and the factors influencing the adoption of digital tools in pharmacy practice, as KSA population and healthcare professionals after Covid-19 has observed the significant potential of digital health. A cross-sectional survey involving 1132 participants was conducted, employing SPSS for data analysis to ensure precise and reliable results. The findings indicate general optimism about the potential of digital innovations to enhance healthcare outcomes but concerns about data privacy and usability significantly affect user acceptance. The researchers recommended tailored educational programs and user-centered design to facilitate the adoption of digital pharmacy innovations. Key contributions include the identification of ‘Ease of Use’ and ‘Data Security and Privacy’ as predominant factors in the adoption of digital health tools.
This study investigates the factors influencing student satisfaction at higher education institutions in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. The research uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the connections among College Reputation, Student Expectation, Perception Value, and Student Satisfaction based on a sample of 660 students. The results indicate that the student population is diverse, with most students enrolled in the Faculty of Business Administration in their first year. The Pearson’s correlation matrix and structural equation modeling (SEM) findings indicate significant positive correlations between the dimensions, emphasizing the crucial influence of College Reputation on both Student Expectation and Student Satisfaction. The goodness-of-fit indices validate the model’s strength, indicating a significant correspondence between the theoretical components and the observed data. This study enhances the comprehension of how student satisfaction changes in Thai higher education and offers practical suggestions for institutional policies to improve student’s educational experiences and achievements. Higher education institutions may create a more fulfilling and effective learning environment by prioritizing reputation improvement, ensuring student expectations match reality, and providing perceived value to improve education quality and equality for Thailand.
This paper, with its focus on national legislative regulations that have come into force and governments developed policies designed to clear away numerous problems regarding women’s employment has a threefold contribution to the existing literature. First, it summarizes the salient features of the new legislation and administrative measures adopted by the government of Turkyie, with special reference to Bursa Yıldırım Municipality. Second, we draw attention to the increasing recognition of the valuable potential of females in the workplace. Over recent decades and the implications for the central administration but also the private sector, local administration and voluntary agencies. Third, policy syndromes about livelihoods, and hardship alleviation policies, are examined and policy implications are discussed. This paper does not aim to provide definitive answers, yet intends to scrutinize the data and re-examine the trends in the light of key drivers such as economics, demographics, and urbanization. This was done mainly by reviewing the literature government reports and statistical data but was augmented by our fieldwork. There is an attempt to reach a conclusion about recent developments and make suggestions about countermeasures that could be implemented.
Access to clean water and improved sanitation are basic elements of any meaningful discourse in rural development. They are critical challenges for achieving sustainable development over the next decade. This paper seeks to examine the strategies for improving access to clean water and sanitation in Nigerian rural communities. Hypothetically, the paper states that there is no significant relationship between access to clean water and sanitation and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Nigeria. The paper leverages Resilience Theory. The survey research design was adopted, and primary data was obtained from a sample size of 250 respondents, proportionally drawn from the 10 wards in Obanliku local government area of Cross River State. The chi-square statistical technique was to test the hypothesis. The result shows that the calculated value of Chi-square (X2) is 24.4. Since the P-value of 21.03 is less than the level of significance (0.05), the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate accepted. The study concludes that there is a significant relationship between access to clean water and sanitation and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Cross River State, Nigeria. it recommends the need for more commitment on the part of government and international donor agencies in expanding access to clean water and improved sanitation in Nigeria.
Innovation management and economic sustainability have become one of the business challenges to consolidate. given the above, the objective of the study is to determine the relationship between innovation and economic sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America. through an empirical study, 2660 SMEs were examined, 1729 small and 931 medium-sized, located in 13 Latin American countries. the data obtained by applying a survey were processed using a non-linear canonical correlation analysis (NLCCA). The findings identify functional and operational risks in SMEs that weaken innovative potential, in addition to technical-operational barriers—lack of knowledge and low investment that limit economic sustainability, whose importance transcends towards transformations of business models and effectiveness of resources that promote business sustainability. contributions are suggested for the management of public policies aimed at strengthening innovation and economic sustainability to project the emerging economies of Latin America.
The objectives of the study are to assess the impact of green human resources management (GHRM) policies and knowledge on the environmental performance of a public transportation company employees. Data from 1130 respondents were analyzed using SmartPLS modeling. The findings that GRHM affected employees of a public transportation company mediated by roles of green human resources management policies and knowledge. GRHM affected public transportation employees’ environmental performance significantly. Employees in the public transportation industry can use the study’s results to their advantage by developing plans to increase their sense of belonging to the company and their impact on the environment. Therefore, many companies understand the value of public transportation employees as the forefront ‘agent of change’ towards a significant positive environmental change in the community.
This study aims to explore the relationship between online marketing dimensions and customer satisfaction within Jordanian companies and distributors. Utilizing a descriptive analytical methodology, the research focused on customers of Jordanian pharmaceutical companies and distributors. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire distributed to a target sample; out of 75 questionnaires, 61 were returned and valid, yielding a response rate of 81.3%. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using AMOS and SPSS software. The findings indicated a statistically significant correlation between the collective dimensions of online marketing (attraction, engagement, retention, learning, and communication) and customer satisfaction. However, regression analysis showed no significant relationship between the individual dimensions of attraction, engagement, and retention with customer satisfaction. The study found that Jordanian pharmaceutical companies practice digital marketing at a high level, according to the sample responses. A key recommendation from the study is for pharmaceutical products to be promoted through various online marketing channels, including sponsored ads on social media and websites targeting both local and international audiences.
The research aims to examine East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) bank service digitalization innovations and examine several implications of bank service digitalization innovations. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques: in-depth interviews, documentation, and focused discussions. The key informants in this research were the board of commissioners, directors, division heads, and NTT bank employees. The findings of this research are, first, the existence of an existing/generic model in the operational, supporting, and monitoring fields of NTT banks. Second, there is an innovation model for digitizing services and efforts to popularize the digitization of NTT bank services to the government-private sector, including micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), religious institutions, educational institutions, students and students as well as the broader community to provide easy access to sources of financing for the community, Eliminate regional tax leakage, encourage the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and assisted village farmers/breeders, provide entrepreneurial opportunities for the community, namely as a digital agent for NTT bank, minimize fraudulent behavior (shirking) in credit distribution. Third, service digitalization innovation uses a contextual sociolinguistic approach because it incorporates local and global vocabulary such as Bpung Mobile, Bpung Farmer, Lopo Dia Bisa, and Bpinjam. Fourth, service digitalization innovation refers to OJK regulations regarding banking digital transformation contained in RP 21 and PBI number 23/26/2021. Fifth, conventional services (hybrid approach) still accompany the digitalization innovation model. Sixth, Bank NTT is in quadrant III, namely growth. Bank NTT continuously optimizes existing resources by taking advantage of opportunities to increase business growth and continues to mitigate threats into opportunities and strengths. The implications of the innovation in digitizing NTT bank services include updating standard operating procedures (SOP), changing corporate culture from Flobamora to Bintang, and accelerating the increase in human capital capacity. The implications of research on bank management refer to the innovation of procurement of new IT systems. Banks can increase their attention to service quality and maintain customer trust to maintain the quality of digital banks among customers. Moreover, with post-COVID-19 conditions that require people to make digital transactions. With the changes in the financial industry towards digitalization, it is necessary to strengthen risk management in financial service institutions. The implications of the research results for policymakers need to be considered in the transformation towards digital banking related to equitable internet access in Indonesia, cybersecurity, and employment. Recommendations for future research are the importance of studying the determinants of digital service innovation in bank services, such as transformational leadership style, good corporate governance, and organizational commitment.
Clustering technics, like k-means and its extended version, fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) are useful tools for identifying typical behaviours based on various attitudes and responses to well-formulated questionnaires, such as among forensic populations. As more or less standard questionnaires for analyzing aggressive attitudes do exist in the literature, the application of these clustering methods seems to be rather straightforward. Especially, fuzzy clustering may lead to new recognitions, as human behaviour and communication are full of uncertainties, which often do not have a probabilistic nature. In this paper, the cluster analysis of a closed forensic (inmate) population will be presented. The goal of this study was by applying fuzzy c-means clustering to facilitate the wider possibilities of analysis of aggressive behaviour which is treated as a heterogeneous construct resulting in two main phenotypes, premeditated and impulsive aggression. Understanding motives of aggression helps reconstruct possible events, sequences of events and scenarios related to a certain crime, and ultimately, to prevent further crimes from happening.
The provision of clean drinking water is an important public service as more than 700 million people do not have access to this basic need. When it comes to delivering public services in developing countries, government capacity is a crucial element. This study investigates whether state capacity is a significant determinant in the provision of safe drinking water using panel data from 88 developing countries from 1990 to 2017. The paper applies ordinary least squares and fixed effects regression approaches and uses the Bureaucratic Quality Index and the Tax/GDP ratio as metrics of state capacity. The findings indicate that in developing nations, the availability of clean drinking water is positively correlated with state capacity.
The government’s increased cigarette tariff aims to lower smoking rates and avoid adverse impacts. This study’s goal was to offer process innovation for lowering Asian’ smoking behavior. The participants were chosen by stratified random selection from a total of 738 people residing in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. The instrument was a questionnaire. A software programmer was used to examine descriptive and inferential statistics using EFA and one-way ANOVA techniques. A strategic framework guideline using a SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix to encourage smoking reduction was proposed. The findings revealed two components: smoking behavior change and continues smoking that were based on SWOT analysis and TOWs matrix. There were nine strategies for the excise department to consider for the adjustment of the next policy in terms of reducing the number of smokers. The practical and policy suggestions could help reduce the negative impact of the cigarette industry on public health and increase government revenue while addressing weaknesses and threats in the industry.
This research paper aims to benchmark the characteristics of financial systems for 102 countries worldwide from the period of 2005 to 2017. The financial systems’ database encompasses four main dimensions, each consisting of several variables for every indicator: (a) financial depth, (b) financial efficiency, (c) financial access, and (d) financial stability. The objective is to closely analyse the different factors that contribute to the attractiveness of financial and economic systems globally. Furthermore, this paper employs a literature review and an empirical modelling and classification of financial systems worldwide to assess their attractiveness. The modelling process utilizes two statistical analysis methods: discriminant analysis (PCA) and neural analysis. By doing so, this research paper aims to identify the most appropriate measures to strengthen these systems and economies. The main conclusion of the research is to establish a ranking of the world’s best countries and also the validation of the hypothesis that macroeconomic conditions are the effective determinants of the classification dimensions of financial systems.
The subjective well-being (SWB) concept specific to the elderly Orang Asli is still vague, with limited research. Understanding SWB can give a holistic picture of elderly Orang Asli’s well-being status because SWB considers individual evaluations and perspectives based on life experiences in various dimensions relevant to the elderly Orang Asli’s culture, language, belief system, and lifestyle. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the concept of SWB of elderly Orang Seletar. An exploratory case study research design is implemented in this qualitative study. 15 informants who participated in an in-depth interview session in Kampung Bakar Batu Perling, Johor Bahru, and aged 50 years old and above. Based on the findings of the study, there were seven major themes in discussing the concept of SWB which are (i) sufficiency; (ii) comfort; (iii) satisfaction; (iv) preference/favorite; (v) happiness; (vi) tranquillity and (vii) awareness. The finding of the study shows that there were eight domains of SWB of elderly Orang Asli Seletar which are (i) physical health; (ii) mental health; (iii) family and community; (iv) sea and nature; (v) culture preservation; (vi) basic needs; (vii) education; and (viii) spiritual. In conclusion, SWB should be the core element to determine the development of elderly Orang Seletar to ensure their thrive. From mainstream society’s eye, elderly Orang Seletar’s lives may be seen as inadequate and modest. However, it is different from what is felt by them.
In the process of forest recreation value development, there are some characteristics, such as large amount of investment capital, long financing recovery cycle and high potential risks, which lead to limited capital source and prominent financing risks. To achieve sustainable development, forest recreational value development enterprises must solve the financing dilemma, therefore, it is very urgent to identify the financing risk factors. The research constructed financing risk evaluation index system through WSR (Wuli-Shili-Renli) methodology (from affair law, matter principle and human art dimensions), taking S National Forest Park at Fujian Province as a case study, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method were used for empirical analysis. The results showed that for the first level indicators, operational risk should be paid close attention to, followed by political risk and environmental risk. Among the secondary level indicators, policy changes, financing availability and market demand need attention, which are consistent with the result of field survey. Based on that, countermeasures were put forward such as the multiple collaborative linkage and effective internal control; reduction on operating costs and broaden financing channels; encouragement diversification of investment entities and improvement of financial and credit support; strengthening government credit supervision, optimizing financing risk evaluation, and building a smart tourism financing information platform, to reduce and control financing risks, then promote the development of forest recreation value projects.
The SMARTER model, an innovative educational framework, is designed for blended learning environments, seamlessly integrating both online and face-to-face instructional components. Employing a flipped classroom methodology, this model ensures an equitable division between online and traditional classroom interactions, aiming to cultivate a dynamic and collaborative learning atmosphere. This research focused on developing and rigorously evaluating the SMARTER model’s validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Adopting a research and development (R&D) approach informed by the methodologies of Borg, Gall, and Gall, this study utilized a mixed-methods strategy. This encompassed a robust validation process by experts in design, content, and media, alongside an empirical analysis of the model’s application in actual educational settings. The aim was to comprehensively assess its effectiveness and practicality. The findings from this study affirm the SMARTER model’s validity, practicality, and effectiveness in improving students’ information literacy skills. Comparative analysis between a control group, taught using a traditional expository approach, and an experimental group, educated under the SMARTER model, highlighted significant improvements in the latter group. This effectiveness underscores the model’s capacity not only to efficiently deliver content but also to actively engage students in a collaborative learning process. The results advocate for the model’s potential broader adoption and adaptation across similar educational contexts. They also establish a foundation for future research aimed at exploring the SMARTER model’s scalability and adaptability across diverse instructional environments.
This paper delves into the intricate dynamics of suburban transportation transformation within the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, with a specific focus on the evolution of the Commuter Line and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems. Utilizing spatial analysis, qualitative descriptions, and stakeholder insights, the paper unveils self-organizing dynamics. It critically examines the role of transportation infrastructure in shaping the broader landscape of urban development. Unlike a traditional approach, the paper seeks to unravel the self-organization processes embedded in transportation planning, unveiling adaptive strategies crafted to tackle the distinct challenges of suburban transportation. By using autonomy, flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration frameworks, the paper contributes to a nuanced understanding of suburban transportation dynamics, with implications for policymakers, planners, and researchers grappling with similar challenges in diverse metropolitan regions.
The dairy industry is considered one of the most needed industries in almost every country; this is due to the continuous daily demand of its different products. Nevertheless, this industry consumes large amount of water, energy and material resources, and generates large quantities of liquid and solid wastes. In the sequel, under the pressure of fulfilling the 17 sustainable development goals (17 SDGs), it is important to address the sustainability of this sector in the world and particularly in developing countries. This study aims at assessing the impact of environmental, economic and social sustainability practices on the organizational performance of dairy industry in Palestine. To this end, a quantitative-research approach, based on a questionnaire for data collection, was adopted. Data has been collected from a convenient sample of 15 dairy factories working in West Bank in Palestine during a three-month period from March to May, 2023. Inferential statistical analyses were conducted as well. The results revealed that there is a difference between the median values of environmental and economic practices. In addition, the results showed that there is a medium relationship between sustainability practices and organizational performance. However, the economic practices proved to have the strongest impact then social practices; while, there is no impact of environmental practices on organizational performance. Furthermore, the results showed that this industry consumes larger amount of water as well as it generates large amounts of wastewater that mainly discharged to the drainage system without treatment for recycling or reuse. Several sound recommendations are given at the end of this paper. It worth mentioning that there are no previous studies conducted on the dairy industry sector in Palestine about sustainability assessment.
Leadership and personality traits of leaders always remained a hot debate among researchers and practitioners. However, there is still limited literature in the context of higher education. Thus, this research aimed to identify the most important personality traits in the workplace from the perspectives of higher education system leaders in four countries. The data were gathered by interviewing six participants from different nations, and those participants identified six personality traits that they considered positive at work. These traits include integrity, passion, adaptability, positivity, creativity, and compassion. Moreover, the findings revealed how program leaders can modify their recruitment and placement strategies to promote positive workplace practices and what methods can be used to reduce bad practices and their elimination, leading to higher business prospects. The results of this study can serve as guidelines for managers, program administrators, or intermediaries who want to improve their organizational performance. Moreover, the propositions developed by the findings can be investigated empirically.
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationships among organizational support for creativity, employees’ creative self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and employees’ innovative behavior in the Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.Design/methodology/approach: A quota sample (n = 385) and a quantitative research methodology were employed in this study.Data from R&D staff at Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing companies was gathered using an online survey. The study examined the validity and reliability of the measuring tools as well as the variables’ correlation analysis. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), hypotheses were investigated. The specific indirect impacts were quantified through the use of bootstrapping.Findings:The investigation indicates that organizational support is positively related to employees’ innovative behavior. Employee inventive behavior and organizational support for creativity are positively impacted by the twin mediation roles that creative self-efficacy and work satisfaction levels play. Job satisfaction was found to have a greater impact on inventive behavior among employees compared to creative self-efficacy in terms of size. Research, practical, and social implications: In addition to fostering the interdisciplinary application of psychology and organizational behavior, this study creates a dual-mediation model that bridges the gap in the mechanisms of individual cognitive and attitudinal roles between organizational support for creativity and employee innovative behavior. Furthermore, this research advances management strategies and fosters innovation in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector.Originality/value: From the perspective of individual perceptions and attitudes, this study examined the mechanism of action between employees’ innovative behaviors and the organizational support for creativity among employees. This investigation offers a fresh viewpoint on the factors influencing employees’ innovative behaviors. The research enhances our comprehension of the correlation between employee job contentment, their belief in their creative abilities, and their capacity for innovative performance. The outcomes of the study can offer valuable perspectives for executives in the business realm.
The rapid shift to online learning during COVID-19 posed challenges for students. This investigation explored these hurdles and suggested effective solutions using mixed methods. By combining a literature review, interviews, surveys, and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the study identified five key challenges: lack of practical experience, disruptions in learning environments, condensed assessments, technology and financial constraints, and health and mental well-being concerns. Notably, it found differences in priorities among students across academic years. Freshmen struggled with the absence of hands-on courses, sophomores with workload demands, and upperclassmen with mental health challenges. The research also discussed preferred strategies for resolution, emphasizing independent learning methods, managing distractions, and adjusting assessments. By providing tailored insights, this study aimed to enhance online learning. Governments and universities should support practical work, prioritize student well-being, improve digital infrastructure, adapt assessments, foster innovation, and ensure resilience.
The primary objective of this research is to investigate how non-financial incentives impact employee motivation within the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) operating in Saudi Arabia. Employing a positivist research approach, we employed a carefully crafted survey to collect data from 365 employees employed by SMEs situated in Jeddah. The study explores various aspects, including the most common non-monetary motivators, the interplay between non-monetary and monetary incentives, and the effects of non-financial incentives on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and commitment. The results of the study indicate that employees working in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Saudi Arabia place a significant emphasis on a good work environment, recognition, possibilities for personal and professional development, and career growth as prevalent non-monetary motivators. Additionally, the research illustrates a notable difference in the perceived efficacy of non-financial and financial incentives, whereby non-financial incentives are seen to have an equal, if not greater, impact on both motivation and work satisfaction. Moreover, the study reveals robust positive correlations between non-financial incentives and employee outcomes, underscoring the significance of these incentives in augmenting work satisfaction, job engagement, and commitment. The consequences of employee motivation are influenced by control factors, which have diverse influences, highlighting the complex nature of this phenomenon.
This research quantitatively examines how online professional development (OPD) affects cognitive development in special education instructors. 100 individuals took part in outpatient department activities for six months, undergoing cognitive ability examinations before and after the intervention. Descriptive statistics, paired samples t-tests, multiple regression analysis, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data. The findings show a significant rise in post-test scores on the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) after taking part in the OPD program. Years of experience and education level were important indicators of cognitive progress, emphasizing the significance of individual traits. Moreover, those with greater expertise and advanced levels of education often had better marks on the post-test. The results highlight the significance of cognitive growth as a crucial result of professional development for special education instructors, adding to the existing knowledge base. The research suggests giving priority to cognitive growth in professional development programs, customizing programs to meet individual requirements, and offering continuous support to educators. Future studies should investigate how OPD impacts cognitive development and analyze its lasting consequences on teacher efficacy and student results.
Universities continue to provide solutions to private and public sectors of the economy by providing a skilled economy, increasing employment potentials, and improving employee performance. This study offered a theoretical model on the contributing factors to graduate employability among student entrepreneurs in Malaysian Higher Education and the mediating mechanism of perceived support and usefulness in social entrepreneurship to solve the graduate unemployment problem. We attained data using purposive and face-to-face sampling methods with acceptable data from 296 undergraduates and analyzed with the SEM software from respondents of various cultural backgrounds. Findings suggest a positive significant relationship between motivations, skills in social entrepreneurship, knowledge, and social elements on graduate employability. Similarly, perceived support explained skills, knowledge and social elements’ relationship to graduate employability except for perceived usefulness. The outcome further discovered the perceived support role for graduates of social entrepreneurship in fostering job crafting and future employability with various implications and recommendations. The results require the application of other research approaches to provide concrete implementations and social and economic solutions. Insightful results and proposals helpful to policymakers like higher education curricula developers and implementers, scholars, government and private universities of this study can help curb graduate unemployment through social entrepreneurship.
In the face of growing urban problems such as overcrowding and pollution, we urgently need innovative ideas to build smarter and greener cities. Current urban development strategies often fail to address these challenges, revealing a significant research gap in integrating advanced technologies. This study addresses these gaps by integrating green technologies and artificial intelligence (AI), studying its impact on achieving smart and sustainable habitats and identifying barriers to effective use of these technologies, considering local variations in infrastructural, cultural, and economic contexts. By analyzing how AI and green technologies can be combined, this study aims to provide a vision that can be used to improve urban development planning. The results emphasize the significance of environmental responsibility and technological innovation in the development of sustainable urban environments and provide practical recommendations for improving the overall quality of life in cities through planning and urban planning.
The main objective of the study was to assess the impact of fiscal management on macroeconomic stability in emerging countries between 2012 and 2022. The study drew on macroeconomic theory, which postulates the importance of responsible fiscal policies for economic stability. Information was taken from ten emerging Latin American countries, and the analysis was carried out through a quantitative approach, using an econometric model. A significant relationship was found between fiscal management and macroeconomic stability, evidencing that effective fiscal policies are crucial for macroeconomic stability in emerging countries. The findings emphasize that balanced fiscal management, which avoids falling into cycles of debt and deficit, is essential for long-term stability. Practices that promote fiscal stability, such as greater efficiency in public spending and effective tax collection, can contribute significantly to economic stability and sustained growth. The results also suggest that fiscal policies should take into account human development conditions and annual particularities in order to formulate effective fiscal policies. It highlights those countries with best fiscal practices, reflected in low debt-to-GDP levels and high fiscal stability, are more likely to achieve macroeconomic stability and sustainable economic growth.
Background: Despite China’s 1.4 billion population and massive investment in improving medical education, there is no transformational national or international course focused on emergency trauma care. In order to overcome recognized deficiencies, we developed an affordable knowledge and skills workshop called Essential Trauma Critical Care China (ETCCC). Methods: Pre-course and post-course MCQs were used to test knowledge and simulation scenarios quantified clinical competence. Structured feedback was obtained. To evaluate the effect of ETCCC on staff performance, we analyzed the clinical records and questioned resuscitation team peers for trauma patients requiring resuscitation room intervention in the 10 consecutive patients before and after the workshops. Results: During 2022–2023, five workshops were delivered to participants from six hospitals in two Chinese provinces. Cost per participant did not exceed US$125. Fifty-eight doctors and 37 nurses participated. For all delegates pre-course knowledge scores increased from mean 35% to 70% post-course. 99% (n = 82/83) participants reached the required standard in the post-course written test. Post-course skills tests scores were mean 67% for doctors and 84% for nurses. Nurses demonstrated significant improvements in the rate and quality of trauma history acquisition as well as triage skills after the course (all p < 0.01). Doctors scored significant improvement in the areas of leadership and teamwork, care of cervical spine, circulation assessment and fluid resuscitation (all p < 0.02). Conclusion: Essential Trauma Critical Care China (ETCCC) is the first economically developed medical educational tool shown to improve performance of emergency room staff. Its success may have relevance for trauma-care education in similar medium-resource environments.
The study, taking China as an example, employs a mixed-method approach of questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews to explore the differing perspectives of disabled and non-disabled individuals on how to improve the social integration and quality of life of disabled people in developing countries. The study finds that the vicious cycle created by severe accessibility issues in developing countries is the root cause of the disabled’s difficulty in integrating into society. The impersonal barrier-free facilities suppress the desire of the disabled to travel, resulting in fewer disabled people on the streets and less visibility and attention, which leads to poorer accessibility facilities. Secondly, the study also finds that non-disabled people unconsciously show excessive sympathy and compassion when helping the disabled, which affects their self-esteem due to being patronized and helped. This creates two separate “social circles” between the disabled and the healthy. To address these issues, we have designed an application called “AbleMind” where the disabled can share experiences, make friends, seek help, and better integrate into society.
The article analyzes the process of formation of research universities as one of the elements of a strong innovation economy. The formation of a new university model is a global trend, successfully implemented in English-speaking countries. In Russia, the educational system is not yet ready to ensure the country’s effective competition in the innovation market. The Strategic Academic Leadership Program “Priority-2030” is designed to carry out the functional transformation of the entire infrastructure of human capital reproduction in a short period of time in Russia. The article presents an analysis of the main conditions for the development of a university with a research strategy, as well as an assessment of the implementation of this strategy by Moscow Polytechnic University. The methodological basis of the study was formed by qualitative methods: included observation and benchmarking of universities’ activities, which allowed to generalize the current global trends and best practices in the field of education. For the analysis we used the data of monitoring the activities of higher education organizations, data of official statistics, as well as data from reports and presentation materials of universities and online publications participating in the “5-100” and “Priority-2030” programs. The results of the study may be useful for researchers and practitioners engaged in the transformation of the Russian higher education system.
This study critically examines the relationship between Total Quality Management (TQM) and Service Quality (SQ) within Dubai’s housing sector, with a specific focus on the moderating influence of blockchain technology (BT) in this relationship. Employing a quantitative approach grounded in a deductive research strategy and positivist epistemology, data were gathered from a sample of industry professionals and subjected to rigorous analysis using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate that the deliberate deployment of TQM methodologies leads to significant improvements in SQ metrics, and the catalytic role of BT further enhances these service quality improvements. The study highlights the transformative potential of BT in recalibrating conventional paradigms of service delivery within the housing sector. Specifically, the analysis reveals that BT plays a pivotal moderating role in the relationship between TQM practices and SQ outcomes, thereby enriching our comprehension of the intricate interplay between these constructs. The study concludes by furnishing nuanced insights into the multifaceted dynamics shaping SQ within the housing sector, while also delineating avenues for future inquiry.
The purpose of the current study is to raise the question about making a comparison between international legislation in the United States, European Union, and legislation of Saudi Arabia derived from Islamic law regarding the poultry slaughtering process and the relationship of that to achieving safe and healthy food for humans. In addition, the study utilized the Holy Qur’an and the texts of the Prophet’s hadith as primary sources. Additionally, various national and international laws, reports, and legislations were referenced as secondary sources for the review. Moreover, this study addresses a research gap by providing a comparative analysis that links Islamic and international legislation regarding poultry slaughter and examines its impact on food quality and safety. The study’s findings indicate that Islamic Sharia provisions are in harmony with the regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia related to poultry slaughtering process. This alignment ensures the primary goal of the slaughter process, which is to quickly get rid of the blood and achieve the well-being of the poultry. Consequently, this results in high quality meat with low microbial content that can be preserved for a longer period compared to regulations in other global markets such as the USA and the European Union.
The following paper assesses the relationship between electricity consumption, economic growth, environmental pollution, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) development in Kazakhstan. Using the structural equation method, the study analyzes panel data gathered across various regions of Kazakhstan between 2014 and 2022. The data were sourced from official records of the Bureau of National Statistics of Kazakhstan and include all regions of Kazakhstan. The chosen timeframe includes the period from 2014, which marked a significant drop in oil prices that impacted the overall economic situation in the country, to 2022. The main hypotheses of the study relate to the impact of electricity consumption on economic growth, ICT, and environmental sustainability, as well as ICT’s role in economic development and environmental impact. The results show electricity consumption’s positive effect on economic growth and ICT development while also revealing an increase in pollutant emissions (emissions of liquid and gaseous pollutants) with economic growth and electricity consumption. The development of ICT in Kazakhstan has been revealed to not have a direct effect on reducing pollutant emissions into the environment, raising important questions about how technology can be leveraged to mitigate environmental impact, whether current technological advancements are sufficient to address environmental challenges, and what specific measures are needed to enhance the environmental benefits of ICT. There is a clear necessity to integrate sustainable practices and technologies to achieve balanced development. These results offer important insights into the relationships among electricity consumption, technology, economic development, and environmental issues. They underscore the complexity and multidimensionality of these interactions and suggest directions for future research, especially in the context of finding sustainable solutions for balanced development.
The goal of this research is to focus on the impact of HR agility on Jordanian pharmaceutical manufacturing companies’ innovative performance. The study population of the study consists of managers at different levels of pharmaceutical companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. Convenience sample consists of 450 questionnaires was sent. PLS-SEM was employed in this work to assess the measurement model and to verify the study theories. The findings revealed that human resource agility has a positive impact on innovative performance. The implications of the research as this analysis have shown, a variety of factors influence the agility of human resources, allowing organizations to create and implement strategies that lead to better adaptability in a rapidly changing environment. Significant ramifications could arise from this review for organizations that prioritize fostering employee confidence, refining strategies to gain a competitive edge, enhancing employee skills, and adapting to both internal and external shifts in the work environment.
The paper proposes a methodology for the analysis and evaluation of the traffic scheme of Bulgarian cities. The authors combine spatial, network, and socio-economic analyses of cities with transport operators’ financial-economic evaluation, sociological studies of transport habits, and the possibilities of new information technologies for transport modeling (such as geographic information systems). The model proposes several approaches to optimize the municipality’s transport scheme. It results from a new need to improve urban traffic, the quality of transport services, and the integration of urban transport into the regional economy of Stara Zagora municipality. It presents a description, analysis, and outline of the opportunities for developing urban transport connectivity and mobility in Stara Zagora municipality. The research results show a deficit of transport connectivity between the different parts of the city, reflecting on the regional economy’s development and the efficiency of the environment and the population.
This empirical inquiry adopts the AutoRegressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model to meticulously examine the multifaceted interconnections among innovation, globalization, and productivity across a diverse set of 76 nations, encompassing both developed and developing economies. The research employs rigorous econometric techniques within the ARDL framework to discern the short- and long-term effects of innovation and globalization on productivity levels. The findings underscore a robust and statistically significant association between innovation and productivity, as well as a constructive impact of globalization on enhancing productivity. The outcomes underscore the transformative potential of innovation and the facilitating role of globalization in fostering productivity growth. This empirical evidence contributes to the empirical literature by offering a refined understanding of the intricate relationships shaping productivity patterns on a global scale, emphasizing the joint influence of innovation and globalization in driving economic efficiency.
This study investigates the intricate relationship between a nation’s GDP growth rate and three key variables: the number of granted patents, research and development (R&D) expenditure, and education expenditure. The purpose of the research is to discern the impact of these factors on GDP growth rates. Drawing on theoretical frameworks, including Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS), Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS), and Canonical Correlation Regression (CCR) techniques, the paper employs a robust methodological approach to unveil insights into the dynamics of economic growth. Contrary to conventional assumptions, the results reveal a negative correlation between R&D expenditure and GDP growth rate. In contrast, the number of patents granted and education expenditure shows a positively significant effect on the GDP growth rate, underscoring the pivotal roles of intellectual property creation and education investment in fostering economic growth. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of a nuanced understanding of these relationships for policymakers. The research’s implications highlight the need for balanced investments in innovation and education. The originality and value of this study lie in its unique findings challenging established beliefs about the impact of R&D expenditure on economic growth.
The Bini people of Edo State, located in the Edo South senatorial district, have been the focus of a study investigating the impact of international migration on Nigerian infrastructure. The study employed a descriptive-qualitative approach, using a survey research methodology and structured questionnaires to gather data from 401 respondents. The study used regression and thematic analysis to examine the collected data, focusing on the connection between migration and the advancement of infrastructure. The findings suggest that low incomes, job insecurity, and the development of domestic infrastructure contribute to the momentum behind international migration movements. The study suggests that remittances from migrants and investments are needed to alleviate the situation, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and sustainable approach to addressing the challenges faced by the Bini people in Edo State.
Sustainable development has emerged as a global imperative, with the rapid adoption of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework reflecting this trend. In the context of digital transformation, this study aims to investigate the impact of ESG performance on corporate value, while also examining the moderating and mediating roles of digital transformation and green innovation within this relationship. Utilizing annual data from A-share listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) spanning the years 2018 to 2022, this research encompasses a total of 17,940 observations. Given China’s commitment to sustainable, high-quality development, this study underscores the critical importance of advancing ESG principles alongside corporate digital transformation. Empirical analysis reveals that ESG performance significantly enhances firm value, with digital transformation serving as a positive moderator that amplifies the impact of ESG performance on firm value primarily through the enhancement of firms’ green technology innovation capabilities. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the interaction between ESG initiatives and firm value, particularly amidst ongoing digital advancements. Consequently, this paper recommends that governments enhance corporate ESG performance through a combination of incentive and penalty mechanisms, establish a comprehensive ESG rating system, and optimize the policy framework for digital transformation. Moreover, enterprises should foster awareness of green innovation, refine their governance structures, accelerate digital transformation efforts, and promote the application of digital technologies and information sharing across various domains to achieve sustainable development and enhance competitiveness.
The R3A Route represents a collaborative initiative involving the governments of Thailand, Laos, and China aimed at bolstering connectivity along the North-South Economic Corridor, as a vital component of the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program (GMS). Since its inception in 2008, this endeavor has substantially enhanced the logistical framework between Thailand, Laos, and China. However, it has also revealed an imbalance in the benefit distribution of value chains within the tourism industry. One of the fact that, local stakeholders in each country often leverage their home country’s advantages, leading to the exploitation of counterparts with lower capacity in other nations. This unfair utilization goes against the initial intentions of fostering collaboration among these countries. Given China and its development as a starting point for tourism and its popularity among tourists traveling this route, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of China’s policy and insights of its influences on R3A tourism development in Laos and Thailand. The study constructs a content analysis with an umbrella of stakeholder analysis based on reliable data and is cross-verified through data triangulation. The findings lead to recommendations aimed at making Thai-Lao-Chinese tourism cooperation more sustainable and effective.
This paper aims to advance the knowledge in the domain of youth entrepreneurship and empowerment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The rationale is to address the gap in knowledge on entrepreneurship and youth empowerment in the UAE by analyzing strategies and initiatives that support empowering millennials to achieve sustainable development, with the aim of promoting youth entrepreneurship and supporting sustainable economic development. The primary research question guiding this study is: “What strategies and initiatives in the UAE foster the empowerment of the millennial generation for sustainable development?” This study relies on a mixed methodology that combines a descriptive approach, content analysis, and data meta-analysis, with the aim of exploring the relationship between youth entrepreneurship and sustainable development in the United Arab Emirates. with a focus on the future sustainability leaders (FSL) program. While the FSL program demonstrates its significance in promoting youth entrepreneurship and empowerment, it also reveals certain limitations in its design and implementation that may hinder sustainable economic development. To address these challenges and support youth entrepreneurship, the paper proposes three essential action-oriented approaches: promoting participatory diversity and engagement, managing entrepreneurship drivers, and ensuring access to essential support mechanisms. These recommendations are intended to guide multilateral agencies, voluntary sectors, and private entities in the UAE in designing, evaluating, and implementing effective youth entrepreneurship programs. This paper underscores the importance of continued discourse and critical input to refine existing theories and establish a normative framework for youth entrepreneurship and empowerment. Such efforts are crucial for poverty reduction, sustainable development, and the promotion of intergenerational equity.
Global CO2 emissions pose a serious threat of climate change for high-growth countries, requiring increased efforts to preserve the environment and meet growing economic needs through the use of renewable energies. This research significantly enhances the current literature by filling a void and differentiating between short-term and long-term impacts across economic growth, renewable energy consumption, energy intensity, and CO2 emissions in BRIC countries from 2002 to 2019. In contrast to approaches that analyze global effects, this study’s focus on short and long-term effects offers a more dependable insight into energy and environmental research. The empirical results confirmed that the effect of economic growth on CO2 emissions is positive both in the short and long term. Moreover, the effect of energy consumption is negative in the short term and positive in the long term. The effect of energy intensity is positive in the short term and negative in the long term. Accordingly, policy recommendations must be adopted to ensure that these economies respond to the notion of sustainable development and the relationship with the environment. BRIC countries must strengthen their industries in the long term in favor of the use of renewable energies by introducing innovation and technology. These economies face the challenge of a transition to renewable energy sources by creating a new energy and industrial sector environment that is more environmentally friendly atmosphere.
The connection between the gendered division of housework and intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex reality and context-dependent. In this article, I explore the perceptions of gender norms among African men and how these perceptions intersect with their experiences of housework and IPV. Employing a qualitative approach, the article examines the viewpoints of 25 African men who have encountered IPV in Johannesburg, South Africa. The findings reveal a spectrum of attitudes towards gender norms among these men, ranging from more traditional patriarchal views to less patriarchal and egalitarian perspectives. The analysis indicates that men who adhere to both more and less patriarchal expressions of gender norms tend to view being forced to perform housework as a form of abuse within the context of controlling behaviour in intimate partner relationships. Conversely, men who lean towards egalitarianism perceive the expectation of women to solely manage housework as a form of abuse. However, many of the men express resistance towards gender equality discourses in South Africa, perceiving them as disruptors of traditional gender roles and enablers of women’s refusal to solely perform domestic housework. These findings deepen our understanding of the complexities and tensions within intimate relationships amidst evolving gender norms in South Africa.
Manual scavenging refers to the practice of manually cleaning, carrying, disposing or handling human excreta from dry latrines and sewers. It is one of the most dehumanizing and deplorable practices that violate basic human rights and dignity. This practice is linked to India’s caste system where so-called lower castes are expected to perform this job. Despite being outlawed in 1993, manual scavenging continues to exist in India due to socio-economic discrimination and lack of rehabilitation of manual scavengers. This paper attempts to provide an in-depth understanding. The harsh realities by qualitative systemic review of manual scavenging in India and how it negatively impacts human rights. It reviews relevant literature on the prevalence, causes, adverse effects, and laws against manual scavenging. The results indicate that manual scavenging is still practiced across many states in India. Manual scavengers face grave health hazards and socio-economic hardships. The laws against manual scavenging have failed to abolish this practice due to administrative apathy, lack of rehabilitation support for liberated scavengers, and continued prevalence of dry latrines necessitating manual disposal of excreta. The paper emphasizes the need for more concerted efforts by the government and civil society to end manual scavenging to uphold human rights, dignity, and justice for all. There is an urgent need for extensive awareness campaigns, social support, and proper rehabilitation of liberated scavengers into alternative professions.
The present study aims at analyzing the various factors influencing consumer attitudes towards the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Saudi Arabia. The study evaluates consumer attitudes, their impact on shaping behaviours, and whether consumer intention mediates the relationship between consumer attitude and purchase behaviour towards EVs. This research employs a mixed-method approach, including literature review, surveys, and data analysis. It investigates EV adoption dimensions encompassing individual, social, economic, and environmental factors. Data collected from 397 current and potential EV owners in Saudi Arabia provide insights into their attitudes and behaviours. Survey findings indicate that in Saudi Arabia, safety rating, social influence, economic value, operating cost, and product variety significantly shape consumer attitudes and influence EV adoption. However, factors like range anxiety, charging infrastructure, environmental concern, and performance expectancy are less significant in affecting consumer attitudes toward EVs and their adoption. Investigating multiple dimensions and employing a mixed-method approach, the study enhances the existing knowledge of consumer attitudes toward EVs in the unique context of Saudi Arabia’s sustainable mobility transition. Policymakers and industry stakeholders can utilize these findings to expedite the shift to sustainable transportation in the Kingdom. This research also guides future investigations in this burgeoning field.
This study analyzes in a comparative way the psychological meanings that social science and basic science researchers assign to the term “research”. Using the Natural Semantic Networks technique with 127 participants from a Colombian public university, we sought to unravel the distinctive epistemological and methodological positions between these disciplines. The findings reveal that, although both groups closely associate research with knowledge, they differ in the lexical network and associated terms, reflecting their different epistemological approaches. Basic science researchers emphasize terms such as “innovation” and “experimentation,” while social science researchers lean toward “solving” and “learning.” Despite the variability in the associated words, “knowledge” remains the common core, suggesting a shared basis in the perception of research. These results show the importance of considering disciplinary differences in research training and knowledge generation. The study concludes that research contributes significantly to both the advancement of individual disciplines and social welfare, urging future research to explore these dynamics in broader contexts to enrich interdisciplinary understanding and foster cooperation in knowledge generation.
This research aims to analyze the strategic role of the Islamic organizations Muhammadiyah and Al-Washliyah in the electoral dynamics of North Sumatra. The background for this study stems from the significant influence these organizations hold in the social, educational, and political spheres of the region, leveraging their extensive membership base and organizational structure. The urgency of this research arises from the need to understand how religious organizations shape political outcomes, which is crucial for developing more inclusive governance strategies. Employing a qualitative descriptive methodology, this study explores how these organizations mobilize support during elections and influence policies through their educational and social programs. Findings reveal that Muhammadiyah and Al-Washliyah effectively utilize mass mobilization and social movement theories to maintain their influence in the political landscape of North Sumatra, subtly navigating and shaping local politics through strategic engagement and advocacy.
In this research, we explore the psychological factors that SMB owners who are micro-entrepreneurs and use SNS for entrepreneurial purposes rely on to make their self-employment decisions. Research-based on a merger of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) deals with how perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude, subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), openness to experience (OTE), and dominance contribute to people’s behavioural intention (BI) to use SNS for Data was collected from 342 SMB micro-entrepreneurs in the Delhi/NCR region of India by the means of a standardized questionnaire. Employing PLS-SEM, a partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results point out an impact of PU, attitude, and behavioral intention, and unappealing presentations, unacceptance of an explanation, unclear mechanisms, and domination do not make any difference. The research emphasizes how technophobe’s attitude, and the perception of effectiveness would impact micro-entrepreneurs desire to avail SNS for entrepreneurship efforts. Moreover, research shows the psychological understanding based on the SNS adoption by the small business owners, micro-entrepreneurs as well as for the practitioners and policymakers who are working to enhance the capability of the SMB. More investigations should be conducted on the other personality traits and cover more nations as demographic dividends in comparison to acquire more inclusive data.
This study investigates the impact of various educational and social factors on the digital skills of vocational education and training (VET) students, emphasizing the significance of continuous skill development in the digital age. Utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM), the paper analyzes data from 382 adult VET students in Greece, examining the effects of Erasmus program participation, daily computer use, educational platforms, and social network engagement on digital competencies. The findings reveal that participation in Erasmus programs and the use of educational platforms significantly enhance students’ digital skills, highlighting the value of international experiences and digital learning tools in VET. Conversely, daily computer use alone does not significantly impact digital skills, suggesting that structured and purposeful digital tool integration is essential for skill development. The study also underscores the positive role of social networks in improving content management skills, advocating for their strategic use in educational settings. These results demonstrate the need for targeted digital literacy initiatives within VET programs to prepare students for modern labor market demands. The research contributes to the theoretical understanding of digital skill acquisition and offers practical insights for educators and policymakers to enhance VET curricula, fostering economic and social progress through improved digital literacy.
The affectations caused by extreme events of natural origin such as droughts and floods in traditional homes in the province of Gran Chaco, in Bolivia, are frequent. These aspects compromise the habitat of the populations that occupy them, as is the case of the original Weenhayek people, as an alternative for the improvement of the human habitat of this town. Through theoretical and empirical methods, five variables used for the development of the adaptation model were determined, from the bases of planned adaptation as a component of urban-territorial resilience, in search of an improvement of socio-environmental systems in the face of the effects of climate change, exemplified in the Weenhayek native people. The model establishes the improvements of traditional dwellings, from a current trend of deterioration to one of preservation, conservation and growth in the Weenhayek culture, through various features, such as: Respects the cultural design of the house that integrates local patterns of the environment, ecosystem and contemporary construction elements without affecting its image, the materials and construction techniques used are of a traditional nature, but with contemporary elements that improve their application, durability, stability, as an articulated construction system, commits governments in all instances to the technical-constructive study of the rural areas of the human settlements of the Weenhayek people, and establishes a starting point towards new studies focused on native peoples.
The study’s goal was to investigate the impact of e-learning determinants on student satisfaction and intention to use e-learning tools. The dependent and independent variables in this study were based on the technological acceptance model. The study examines three determinants, including usefulness, ease of use, and facilitating conditions, as independent variables, while student satisfaction and intention to use were used as dependent variables. Additionally, this study is unique by adding student satisfaction as a dependent variable and a mediator to examine the relationship between e-learning determinants and intention to use. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed to 324 undergraduate students from Jordan’s private universities on the basis of a convenience sample. The proposed hypotheses were investigated using the quantitative techniques of regression in SPSS and SEM in AMOS. The findings of this study revealed that student satisfaction and intention to use e-learning were positively impacted by e-learning determinants. It found that intention to use was positively impacted by student satisfaction. Furthermore, e-learning intention to use was found to be positively impacted by e-learning determinants via student satisfaction. Universities and other educational institutions are advised to identify the appropriate e-learning determinants that satisfy students’ demands and motivate them to use e-learning tools in light of the study’s findings. Private universities can accomplish their goals, stay ahead of the competition, and obtain a competitive advantage by properly understanding e-learning determinants, student satisfaction, and the application of successful e-learning solutions.
This research aims to assess the impact of bargaining power on budget implementation while also considering the deviation in capital expenditure as a moderating factor. The research sample included 34 provincial governments in Indonesia between 2019 and 2022. The sample determination method used purposive sampling, so the final sample size was 134 observations. The research employed panel data regression to test the hypotheses and continued with the Chow, Lagrange multiplier, and Hausman tests. The study results indicate that bargaining power has a positive and significant effect on budget implementation, with the deviation in capital expenditure not diminishing its impact. The research’s practical implication is that regional governments must effectively manage their revenues to finance regional spending needs through regional tax intensification and extensification policies. The study contributes to signaling theory by highlighting that regional governments can finance regional spending needs through fiscal independence and society’s involvement. It also contributes to agency theory by demonstrating that capital expenditure deviation in the form of information asymmetry in regional governments does not reduce their ability to finance regional expenditure needs. Nonetheless, the study suggests that the proxies used in this research are limited, and further exploration of other proxies to measure tested variables. This research provides new knowledge for stakeholders regarding the dynamics of regional budgeting, especially regarding assessing the impact of bargaining power on budget implementation and considering deviations in capital expenditure as a moderating factor.
Low-cost housing homeownership funding for junior staffers is challenging in private sector organisations, especially in developing countries. Motivating private sector investment in junior staffers’ homeownership via a developed expanded corporate social responsibility (ECSR) may promote achieving Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11). Therefore, the study investigates the role of the ECSR framework in improving Nigeria’s private sector junior staffers’ homeownership and achieving SDG 11. Data were collected via face-to-face interviews with selected participants in six of Nigeria’s geo-political zones. The study adopted thematic analysis to analyse the collected data. Six variables emerged from the 18 re-clustered sub-variables. This includes institutionalising ECSR in low-income homeownership, housing finance for junior staffers’ homeownership, and housing incentives and stakeholders’ participation for low-income earners. The research employed six variables and 18 sub-variables to develop the improved private sector’s junior staffers’ homeownership via ECSR and achieving SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and their targets. The research presents a novel approach by attempting to integrate SDG 11 with Corporate Social Housing, an extension of corporate social responsibility, especially to align the SDGs with evolving perspectives on Expanded Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria.
“Global South” is undoubtedly a broad term that typically refers to developing countries with varying degrees of economic, cultural and political influence. The rise of the Global South signifies the importance of reassessing the existing international order. In terms of international relations theory, this should be an innovative, progressive and reflective field of study. However, this research is predominantly led by the Western mainstream international relations theories. This often neglects the internal and external factors in the development processes of other countries, the formation of relationship frameworks, foreign policy formulation, and the need of foreign relations. Despite the ongoing and intense debate over the innovation of international relations theory, it is difficult to see it keeping pace with contemporary developments. Various schools and thoughts frequently innovate only within their foundational frameworks. Therefore, for Global South countries, there is the need for international relations theories that can reflect their specific needs and actual conditions. This does not only require breaking away from the westcentric theoretical framework, but ensuring that the innovation process is aligned with practical realities that recognize mutual interests and encompass both local and global perspectives. This approach should involve a comprehensive reflection on international relations, allowing innovation of international relations theories to genuinely “enter” the Global South countries.
Studies show that Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies can enhance compliance with COVID-19 guidelines within the parties in the construction industry in the future and mitigate job loss. It implies that mitigating job loss improves the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 1 (SDG 1) (eliminate poverty). There is a paucity of literature concerning 4IR technologies application and COVID-19 impact on South Africa’s construction industry. Thus, this paper investigates the impacts of the pandemic on the sector and the roles of digital technologies in mitigating job loss in future pandemics. Data were collected via virtual semi-structured interviews. The participants proffered unexplored insights into the impact of the pandemic on the sector and the possible roles that 4IR technology can play in mitigating the spread of the virus within the sector. Findings show that the sector was hit, especially the low-income earners, threatens to achieve Goal 1, despite government institutions’ intervention, such as economic support programmes, health and safety guidelines awareness, and medical facilities. Findings group the emerged impacts into health and safety, environmental, economic, productivity, social, and legal and insurance issues in South Africa. The study shows that technology can be advantageous to improving achieving Goal 1 in a pandemic era due to limited job loss.
The urban solid waste (USW) emanating from the increasing urbanisation calls for concern. Integrating cart pushers into the private sector participation (PSP) may bridge the lacuna in sub-urban planning and PSP truck inefficiencies, especially in developing countries. There is a paucity of studies concerning cart pushers’ role in sub-urban and issues hindering them from achieving Sustainable Development Goals (1 and 11) in developing countries. Thus, the study seeks to appraise cart pushers’ role in Nigeria’s sub- and urban areas, investigate their challenges, and propose measures to improve the achievement of the Goals by integrating them into PSP waste management systems. The researchers utilised a qualitative approach using face-to-face interviews and observation. The study covered seven of Nigeria’s major cities, including Lagos, Kano, and Abuja. Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted. The participants include selected waste managers, NGOs in waste-related matters, cart pushers, legislators, households, environment and housing experts, and solid waste government agencies/regulators. The researchers adopted a thematic approach to analyse the collected data and presented it in a theme pattern. Findings reveal that despite the significance of cart pushers to the three pillars of sustainable development, including stimulating support for potential employment creation and sustainable cities and communities in Nigeria, they face challenges in their daily operation. The study proposed a revised USWM policy, where the informal waste sector should be embraced and recognised with specific rules and regulations. This is germane to improve achieving SDGs 1 and 11. This study holds significant implications for USWM policymakers and other stakeholders in embracing and integrating cart pushers into the formal waste collection process supported by statutory regulations to enhance practice. Also, this concept will increase employment opportunities and improve achieving Goals 1 and 11 in Nigeria.
One of the most important factors for raising living standards is the drivers supporting water conservation and water management. Individual’s attitude and emotional factors with social cognitive behavior will play an essential role. This empirical study utilizing mixed methods was carried out in Malaysia with the Y generation. The focus group consisted of 52 participants (18 men and 34 women). As for the quantitative study, 607 respondents from the Generation Y population were used with the convenience sampling method. The finding revealed that the outcome expectancy of Generation Y significantly improves water conservation with appropriate water management. Environmental factors, personal factors, and perceived self-efficacy all predicted the result expectancy, which is confirmed by identifications of reciprocal determinism.
The bubble milk tea industry in Malaysia which was thought to have slowed down in the recent years since its first appearance in 2010 has made a comeback. At the point of conducting this research, there are almost 100 brands of bubble milk tea in Malaysia and it is not surprising that some of these shops are selling more than a thousand cups a day. However, there has been limited research conducted on factors influencing brand equity on bubble milk tea brands in Johor Bahru. This study is to investigate whether brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness and brand association influence brand equity on bubble milk tea brands in Johor Bahru through distribution of online questionnaires. This study novelty is at the examining the factors influencing brand equity in the context of bubble milk tea in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Data derived from responses of 400 respondents through sampling were analysed using SPSS v29. Hypotheses testing performed through simple linear regression revealed that brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness and brand association have significant effect on brand equity of bubble milk tea brands in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. It was also demonstrated that perceived quality has the most significance influence on brand equity. Organizations in the bubble milk tea industries are able to benefit from these findings by prioritizing their marketing strategies to gain competitive edge over their competitors. With findings that perceived quality having the most significance influence, marketers with limited resources can narrow down their options and focus on this specific dimension to increase their brand value.
Virtual environments like the Metaverse have been gaining popularity in recent years. Live streaming has gained popularity as a favorite way to entertain among social network users, thanks to its real-time authenticity. This study will utilize the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptability and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to examine the factors influencing the adoption of live streaming in the Metaverse, a new platform with greater immersion, among citizens in Vietnam. The research used a quantitative approach, collected data from a sample of participants through a structured questionnaire including Performance Expectancy (PEE), Effort Expectancy (EEF), Social Influence (SCI), Hedonic Motivation (HEM), and Experience (EXP). Additionally, technological Self-Efficacy (TSE) as an extended alternative is thought to influence that relationship as well. Results from the PLS-SEM technique was used to examine perception, acceptance, and adoption differences among demographic groups. Remarkably, the results show experience has a remarkable impact on the relationship between behavioral intention and the adoption use Metaverse for livestreaming. This study contributes theoretical value for investors and researchers on the entertainment and technology sectors due to the abilities of the live-streaming industry and the advanced features of metaverse in this digital world.
This study examines the interplay between eco-friendly behaviour (Eco-FB) at multiple systemic levels, addressing the complexity beyond the scope of single-level models. We propose a comprehensive model incorporating traditional individual, organizational, and relational level concepts and a situational construct exemplified by Bali Island Recognition. This model was tested in Bali Island’s tourism firms through online and offline surveys of 500 tourism-related employees and their gateway communities across Bali Island. The research investigates the differences in pro-environmental conduct between two destinations’ social accountability (DSA) groups categorized as high and low DSA clusters. It further explores how ecological value, green intelligence, DSA, and sustainable travel affect public and private Eco-FB. The findings indicate that green intelligence has a strong positive connection with Eco-FB, and high DSA significantly impacts eco-friendly behaviour. This research enhances our understanding of Eco-FB by presenting a multilevel model incorporating the Bali Island factor, revealing distinctive impact mechanisms for both public and private Eco-FB.
Over the last few decades, demographic growth combined with poorly controlled urbanization has confronted African cities with a variety of environmental protection challenges. As part of a gradual awareness-raising process, African countries have ratified conventions and adopted a series of laws to protect the environment. Since independence (1960), Gabon has adopted legal instruments to provide a better framework for environmental protection. Despite the existence of well-developed legislation, the Libreville conurbation faces difficulties in waste management. This situation contributes to the degradation of the coastal zone. This study aims to analyse stakeholders’ perceptions of environmental protection regulations in solid waste management practices along the coastline of the Libreville metropolitan area in Gabon. The methodology includes documentary research, field observations, and surveys of 300 study area participants. The results show that the degradation of the coastline is due to a lack of awareness and compliance with the laws governing environmental protection and waste management. As a result, waste disposal practices such as dumping in nature, waterways, illegal dumps, and gutters are commonplace among the population. To achieve sustainable coastal zone management, it is essential to apply regulatory texts and involve stakeholders in improving planning and the quality of the coastal environment.
Indonesia has experienced problems with refugees in recent years. Despite not being a state party to the 1951 Refugee Convention, Indonesia is still subject to the principle of non-refoulement as a norm that binds all states (jus cogens). This principle is regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 and Regulation of the Director General of Immigration of 2016 as basic regulations for handling refugees. However, the principle of non-refoulement is not applied absolutely to refugees in Indonesia. The government is in a difficult situation and seems hesitant in taking a legal political stance, to accept or expel the presence of refugees. This research article aims to evaluate the application of the principle of non-refoulement in Indonesian national law. The findings of this research show that the state cannot apply the principle of non-refoulement to refugees in an absolute manner as it will have an impact on national security stability. The legal position of the Presidential Regulation and the Regulation of the Director General of Immigration contradict other regulations, potentially leading to norm conflicts and legal uncertainty. This regulation cannot be applied in all situations. Although this regulation is binding, its application is highly dependent on the needs and urgency of the country. The principle of non-refoulement does not apply to refugees if their presence threatens national security or disturbs public order in transit countries, especially for Indonesia, which has not ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention. Normatively, the application of this principle can be limited by the Constitution, Immigration Law, the theory of state sovereignty, the theory of primordial monism of national law, the principle of selective immigration policy, the principle of immigration essence, and the principle of immigration traffic control. This provision emphasizes that the application of this principle is relative and can be limited based on state sovereignty and national security interests.
The rise of financial inclusion has notably increased household engagement in risky financial asset allocation, posing challenges to macro-financial stability. This study explored the crucial role of financial literacy in enabling households to effectively engage with complex financial markets and products. Specifically, it examined how different aspects of financial literacy—knowledge, attitudes, and skills—influence both the participation and depth of household investment in risky financial assets in China. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset from the 2019 China Household Finance Survey, which included 32,458 households, this study employed a robust indicator system and regression analysis via STATA 17.0 to assess these impacts. The results demonstrated that enhancements in financial literacy significantly foster increased engagement and deeper involvement in risky asset allocation, particularly through improved financial attitudes. Additionally, the analysis revealed that households led by women show a higher propensity towards risky asset investments than those led by men. These insights suggested the potential for targeted financial education to improve the financial health and economic resilience of Chinese households.
When COVID-19 hit all the Asian countries, Indonesia issued various laws and regulations. This study investigates these laws that do not improve the country’s ability to increase its adaptive structuration and foresight-oriented investment. It analyzes all the new laws, which should be based on the requirements of both concepts. It considers that all the laws are intended to defend the Government of Indonesia’s economic performance (GoI). It means that all the established regulations were built on the premise that they only focused on national economic preservation, especially economic growth. In other words, this study stated that the absence of regulations containing adaptive restructuration and foresight-oriented investment would decrease the state’s agility. This absence potentially impacts Indonesia to zcategorize the future as the state’s political failure. It shows evidence that Indonesia could not enforce and empower its structural potential. This study indicates that Indonesia made no foresight-oriented investment to cover the disbursed costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Future policies should be improved by including growth opportunities to enhance Indonesia’s agility. This agility could finally be achieved when all the laws issued by the GoI do not contain the praxis.
The paper reports on the results of research on the institution of public-private partnerships in the field of implementation of state youth policy, particularly through socially important social youth projects, including social-entrepreneurial. The study explores social projects that enjoy the full range of support from all subjects in public-private partnerships: the state represented by public authorities, business structures, non-profit organizations, and youth. The authors highlight that the infrastructure of youth policy in the implementation of social-entrepreneurial youth projects needs to be changed conceptually. There is a need to establish comprehensive creative and professional spaces that shape young people’s personalities and practice a future-oriented model of organizing collaborative social projects.
As the complexity and scale of software applications increase, the challenges associated with testing these systems grow correspondingly, necessitating innovative and sustainable testing strategies. This paper explores a multifaceted approach aimed at addressing the intricate challenges inherent in testing large-scale software applications. Through a comprehensive examination of current industry practices and emerging trends, this study introduces a novel framework that integrates advanced testing techniques with state-of-the-art tools. This framework not only mitigates the challenges posed by the complexity and size of modern applications but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process. Key aspects of this research include a detailed exploration of test methodologies suited for large-scale applications, an evaluation of advanced tools designed for complex test scenarios, and an analysis of the impact of the test environment on sustainability. The findings offer valuable insights and actionable strategies for software development and testing professionals aiming to optimize testing processes and improve the quality and sustainability of their software in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Adopting electric vehicles (E.V.) is crucial for promoting sustainable mobility in metropolitan areas such as Medan, Indonesia. To achieve this, it is essential to comprehend the factors that influence E.V. adoption, with a particular focus on the impact of media. This study examines the adoption of electric vehicles in Medan and evaluates the influence of the media on the public’s perception and policy decisions. Opinions, concerns, and recommendations surrounding electric vehicles were examined through surveys and interviews with 35 stakeholders, including students, lawmakers, industry experts, business owners, and media professionals. The findings indicate a strong knowledge and favorable perception of electric vehicles in Medan. However, there are worries regarding the expenses associated with E.V.s and the availability of charging infrastructure. Notably, 60% of the respondents identified media as their primary source of information, highlighting its significant influence. Encouraging cooperation between media, professionals, and stakeholders is advisable to achieve accurate and balanced reporting. This can be done by employing techniques like showcasing success stories and emphasizing the environmental advantages to encourage acceptance and implementation. This study provides valuable insights into improving the adoption of electric vehicles in Medan. It emphasizes the significance of implementing effective media strategies and supportive policies to achieve sustainable transportation solutions.
Purpose: Kindergartens are an important educational environment for the development of children at an early age, and they also play a crucial role in developing the values of sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to investigate kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of observable and sustainable development practices. Design, methodology, approach: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 302 Saudi kindergarten teachers. Additionally, observation cards were utilized to collect data on actual practices of sustainable development in kindergartens. Data were analyzed using Nvivo12, a qualitative data analysis software, and descriptive analysis methods. The main themes were produced first, and then the perspectives were organized around them. Finding: The impact of social and cultural factors on the development of values, the lack of resources available to implement educational activities, and teacher awareness and training gaps were found to be the main barriers to the development of sustainable development values in kindergartens. Originality, value: To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first study in Saudi Arabia that has looked into the environmental and social perceptions of early childhood teachers about sustainable development practices, so the study’s findings can highlight the importance of reorienting teacher education programs toward sustainability in order to bridge knowledge and practice gaps.
This research investigates the impact of digital academic supervision (DAS) on teacher professionalism (TP), with a focus on the mediating role of personal learning networks (PLNs) and their implication for educational policy. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), data were collected from 276 teachers in prestigious secondary schools in East Java, Indonesia. The study uses a regression model design to explore direct and mediated effects between DAS, PLNs, and TP. Findings demonstrate that DAS directly impacts both PLNs (0.638) and TP (0.550), while PLNs also directly influence TP (0.293). Mediated analysis indicates that DAS enhances TP through PLNs (0.187). These results underscore the importance of digital tools in academic supervision, fostering collaboration, and promoting teacher professional development. The empirical evidence supports the effectiveness of DAS in enhancing teacher professionalism, suggesting significant implications for educational policy and practice in Indonesia in terms of regulatory framework, such as data privacy and security, standardization, training programs, and certification and accreditation.
This research investigates the relationship between the variables of public service reform (PSR) and bureaucratic revitalization and the relationship between digital leadership (DL) and bureaucratic revitalization. The research method used in this research is quantitative survey research which aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables. The research method for this research is quantitative associative, the population of this study is senior immigration officers. The data analysis method uses structural equation modeling (SEM) partial least squares (PLS), the respondents for this study were 634 senior immigration office employees who were determined using the simple random sampling method—non probability sampling, the questionnaire was designed to contain statement items using a 7 point Likert scale. A closed questionnaire is a list of questions or statements that are equipped with multiple answer choices expressed in scale form. The Likert scale used in this research is (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) quite disagree, (4) neutral, (5) quite agree, (6) agree, (7) strongly agree. Data processing in this research used SmartPLS software. The independent variables of this research are digital leadership and public service reform and the dependent variable is bureaucratic revitalization. The stages of data analysis in this research are the outer model test which includes convergent validity, discriminant validity and composite reliability as well as inner model analysis, namely hypothesis testing. The results of this research show that public service reform has a positive and significant relationship to bureaucratic revitalization and digital leadership has a positive and significant relationship to bureaucratic revitalization. This research implies that leaders focus on engaging, using, and handling the uncertainty of emerging technologies, digital tools, and data, leaders to support bureaucratic revitalization, the immigration department must implement digital leadership, immigration leaders should encourage the use of digital platforms in their organizations, support and facilitate digital transformation. The immigration department should increase the revitalization of the bureaucracy, the immigration department should carry out public service reforms. Public services are to be good if they fulfill several principles of public interest, legal certainty, equal rights, balance of rights and obligations, professionalism, participativeness, equality of treatment/non-discrimination, openness, accountability, facilities and special treatment for vulnerable groups, timeliness, speed, convenience and affordability.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of E-integrated marketing communication on consumers’ purchasing behavior of mobile services. The population for the study involves all orange telecom mobile service customers in Jordan. Three hundred ninety-five questionnaires were distributed to orange telecom customers in Jordan, however, 375 only returned, which has been used for analysis. structural equation modeling using programs such as AMOS was used to investigate the impact of E-integrated marketing communication on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Data was collected through questionnaires was sent to study sample. The results of the study showed that E-integrated marketing communication had a positive impact on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Based on the findings, the study recommended that Orange Telecom should focus more on e-public relations to create a favorable image of the company among different groups of consumers, which can potentially enhance their purchasing behavior towards its mobile services. It is imperative for Orange Telecom to prioritize its e-integrated marketing communication strategy to effectively reach out to its target audience and influence their purchase decisions.
Bibliometric analysis is a commonly used tool to assess scientific collaborations within the researchers, community, institution, regions and countries. The analysis of publication records can provide a wealth of information about scientific collaboration, including the number of publications, the impact of the publications, and the areas of research where collaborations are most common. By providing detailed information on the patterns and trends in scientific collaboration, these tools can help to inform policy decisions and promote the development of effective strategies to support and enhance scientific collaborations between countries. This study aimed to analyze and visualize the scientific collaboration between Japan and Russia, using bibliometric analysis of collaborative publications from the Web of Science (WoS) database. The analysis utilized the bibliometrix package within the R statistical program. The analysis covered a period of two decades, from 2000 to 2021. The results showed a slight decrease in co-authored publications, with an annual growth rate of −1.26%. The keywords and thematic trends analysis confirmed that physics is the most co-authored field between the two countries. The study also analyzed the collaboration network and research funding sources. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the current state of scientific collaboration between Japan and Russia. The study also highlights the importance of research funding sources in promoting and sustaining scientific cooperation between countries. The analysis suggests that more efforts in government funding are needed to increase collaboration between the two countries in various fields.
This paper analyzes the characteristics and influence mechanisms of financial support for China’s strategic emerging industries. Using a sample of 356 listed companies across nine major industries, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the efficiency of financial support and its influencing factors. In addition, this paper analyzes the influence mechanism of financial support for strategic emerging industries based on the relevant theory of financial support for industry development. It clarifies the internal and external influencing factors. Based on the theoretical analysis, a two-stage empirical investigation was conducted: The data of 356 listed companies in strategic emerging industries from 2010 to 2022 were selected as a sample, and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method was applied to measure efficiency. The influencing factors were then analyzed using a Tobit regression and an intermediate effects test.
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing) crimes by rogue fisheries companies are rife in the sea waters of Riau Province. However, this issue is rarely reported by those provincial journalists in the online media where they work. In fact, in Riau, there are 163 online media companies and 600 competent journalists; 200 of them live in capture fisheries center areas. Apart from the journalist competency factor, the decision to make IUU fishing news can also be influenced by the fisheries company intervention that committed the crime. Besides, the policy role of media leaders—editors, editors-in-chief, and media owners—also determines journalists’ decisions to make those news stories. This research aims to analyze the influence of journalist competence and fishing company intervention on the decision to make IUU fishing news, as well as the role of media leader policy as mediators in these influences. This survey involved 100 competent journalists as respondents. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire containing a number of closed statements measured on a 5-point Likert scale, which was distributed to respondents. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The research results show that the fishing company intervention has a negative and significant influence on the decision to make IUU fishing news in Riau, while journalist competence does not. Additionally, media leader policy was found to play a significant role in mediating the influence of fisheries company intervention and journalist competence on the decision to make IUU fishing news. The leader policy could prevent journalists from making IUU fishing news if fisheries companies, who are responsible for those crimes, intervene and request it. Those actions of media leaders need to be questioned because they can hamper the media’s function as a means of disseminating information, educating the public, and implementing social control, especially those related to combating IUU fishing crimes.
The Malaysian dilemma presents a complex challenge in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring a comprehensive statistical analysis for the formulation of a sustainable economic framework. This study delves into the multifaceted aspects of reconstructing Malaysia’s economy post-COVID-19, employing a data-driven approach to navigate the intricacies of the nation’s economic landscape. The research focuses on key statistical indicators, including GDP growth, unemployment rates, and inflation, to assess the immediate and long-term impacts of the pandemic. Additionally, it examines the effectiveness of government interventions and stimulus packages in mitigating economic downturns and fostering recovery. A comparative analysis with pre-pandemic data provides valuable insights into the extent of economic resilience and identifies sectors that require targeted support for sustained growth. Furthermore, the study explores the role of technology and digital transformation in building a resilient economy, considering the accelerated shift towards remote work and digital transactions during the pandemic. The analysis incorporates data on technological adoption rates, digital infrastructure development, and innovation ecosystems to gauge their contributions to economic sustainability. Addressing the Malaysian Dilemma also involves an examination of social and environmental dimensions. The study investigates the impact of economic policies on income distribution, social equity, and environmental sustainability, aiming to achieve sustainable economic growth. The study contributes a nuanced analysis to guide policymakers and stakeholders in constructing a sustainable post-COVID-19 economy in Malaysia.
This paper explores the integration of digital technologies and tools in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning in Jordanian Higher Education through a qualitative open-ended online survey. It highlights the perceptions of 100 Jordanian EFL instructors, each with a minimum of five years of experience, on the digital transformation in the EFL learning process. The survey, consisting of ten open-ended questions, gathered in-depth insights on the benefits, challenges, and implications of this transformation. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data, revealing varied levels of experience, the use of diverse digital tools, and both technical and pedagogical challenges. Key findings include the positive impact of digital tools on teaching and learning experiences, enhanced student engagement, and opportunities for personalized learning and collaboration. The study concludes that leveraging digital resources can enhance EFL learner engagement and learning outcomes, inform future pedagogical practices, and shape the landscape of digital transformation in EFL Higher Education for years to come.
Low enrollment intention threatens the funding pools of rural insurance schemes in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate how social capital enhances the enrollment of health insurance among rural middle-aged and elderly. We propose that social capital directly increases health insurance enrollment, while indirectly influences health insurance through health risk avoidance. We used data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (wave 4) dating the year of 2018, instrumental variable estimation was introduced to deal with the endogeneity problem, and the mediation analysis was used to examine the mechanism of social capital on insurance enrollment. The results show that social capital is positively related to social health insurance enrollment, and the relationship between social capital and social health insurance enrollment is mediated by health risk avoidance.
Accurate demand forecasting is key for companies to optimize inventory management and satisfy customer demand efficiently. This paper aims to Investigate on the application of generative AI models in demand forecasting. Two models were used: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Variational Autoencoder (VAE), and results were compared to select the optimal model in terms of performance and forecasting accuracy. The difference of actual and predicted demand values also ascertain LSTM’s ability to identify latent features and basic trends in the data. Further, some of the research works were focused on computational efficiency and scalability of the proposed methods for providing the guidelines to the companies for the implementation of the complicated techniques in demand forecasting. Based on these results, LSTM networks have a promising application in enhancing the demand forecasting and consequently helpful for the decision-making process regarding inventory control and other resource allocation.