Exploring the moderating role of job stress on the relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
This study addresses the present limited understanding of the complex relationship between ethical leadership, job stress, and employee job performance in the hotel business. This study shows that job stress moderates the association between ethical leadership and employee job performance, underlining the necessity for more research in the industry. The present study fills a crucial research void in our understanding of the complex interaction between these factors. The study utilizes a sample of 292 employees in the accommodation and hotel industry. Prior to commencing data collection, the questionnaire underwent thorough validation and reliability testing to ensure that the instrument met all specified criteria and demonstrated robustness. Using hierarchical regression analysis, the study reveals substantial findings. It has been discovered that ethical leadership has a direct and positive effect on employee job performance. Notably, job stress emerges as a significant moderating variable that affects the relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance. This highlights the crucial role that job stress plays in determining outcomes. The research indicates that reducing workplace stress and fostering ethical leadership can result in improved employee job performance. In addition, the study highlights the importance of social learning theory in enhancing employee job performance, with job stress and ethical leadership serving as significant moderating factors.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.4338
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