Vol 7, No 9 (2024)

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Open Access
Article ID: 9712
by Yian Wang, Qinpeng Wang
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    4 Views
Abstract Eco-Translatology provides a new perspective for translation through the combination of translatology and ecology. This article takes the 2023 Government Work Report as an example to explore how translators, guided by this theory, can coordinate linguistic, cultural, and communicative dimensions in the process of selective adaptation and adaptive selection to translate public documents.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9720
by Qiang Zhang
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    0 Views
Abstract This study focuses on the role of rhythmic movement in a primary school on the development of self-worth and self-confidence. As a kind of activity integrating sports, art and music, rhythmic movement has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of primary school students. Through literature review and field observation, this study aims to analyze the role of prosodic movements in enhancing the sense of self-worth and self-confidence and to explore the challenges encountered during the implementation and their solutions. The results showed that the prosodic movement significantly improved the sense of self-worth and self-confidence of the participating students, and also revealed the need for the joint efforts and support of educators and parents in the concrete implementation.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9728
by Jiaxin Yi
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    3 Views
Abstract Armidale is a regional city in Northeast New South Wales, and also the key hub of the New England High Country (Destination NSW 2022). While the study neighbourhood is a representative component of the downtown, located in the north of downtown in Armidale, which not only contains the urban structure, and diverse land zoning, and also describes the gorgeous history of this city.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9727
by Luyu Chen, Kexin Mi, Yunqing Bai
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    1 Views
Abstract After holding FIFA World Cup in 1998, France experienced a turning point after four years of recession. We are aiming to discover the income and expenditure in the French economy before, during, and after the FIFA World Cup 1998. Including the government spending to support this event, some domestic and foreign investment, and the change amount of total output in the economy as well. Using method of literature review and macroeconomic analysis, we find out that the economic success of 1998 FIFA can be attributed to augment of demand for transportation, high foreign direct investment, and sponsorship.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9726
by Ying Zhao
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    0 Views
Abstract This article takes the contents of the carvings in the Wuguantun grottoes as the research object, analyzes the patterns, Buddha clothes and Buddhist niches carved in the Wuguantun grottoes.And discusses the Wuguantun Grottoes period, Buddhist belief, cultural influence and other aspects of the study. In addition, by comparing the relevant cultural factors of Yungang Grottoes, the relationship between Wuguantun grottoes and Yungang Grottoes is sought, so the value of Wuguantun grottoes is further explored.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9725
by Yi Zhao
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    0 Views
Abstract Ancient relics in the Western Regions refer to the remnants of historic structures located in these areas.Using the example of Loulan from Tang poetry, and drawing on Mary Lou’s digital narrative theory and Daoist concepts of interdependence, this paper analyzes how AIGC enhances VR imagery through spatiotemporal embedding. It also discusses the contemporary value and significance of AIGC + VR in the reconstructive creation of Tang poetry relics.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9724
by Fei Wang
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    2 Views
Abstract This paper focus on two study cases for shunting train stocks which are required to be broken by two sections. First the position of the pulling out of the train stock shall be confirmed before detaching, followed by breaking up carriages or train stock according to the destinations. Then locomotive back to the line where the train stock waiting and pull out the other carriages and break them up again. Finally, all the carriages are made up in order and ready for departure. Shunting list is used in the shunting operation to help railway working staff and locomotives to apply and check the lines. Shunting trip such as wagon coupling trips and wagon uncoupling trips are calculated in the shunting plan in both two study cases. In the end, the railway station is supposed to take the least shunting lines, least wagon coupling trip, least wagon uncoupling trip and least shunting working time to deal with the most shunting work.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9723
by Dan Wang
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    3 Views
Abstract Countries around the world are trying to deeply integrate digital and education to empower the digital transformation of education, and China has laid out a variety of education digital transformation strategies, and the region-oriented smart education demonstration zone is one of them.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9722
by Ru Yan
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    0 Views
Abstract The Book of the Great Unity, written by Kang Youwei, expounds the idea of a ‘cosmopolitan world’ in which all people are equal, and its description of an ideal society is clear and profound. Kang Youwei’s criticism of the existing social order and his aspiration for a world free of exploitation and oppression, as well as freedom and equality, fully reflected his careful consideration of the turbulent social reality at that time. His thoughts did not exist in isolation, but had their unique historical and cultural background and real-life context, including the background of the times, the experience and lessons of social reforms, as well as his personal life experiences, which profoundly influenced Kang Youwei’s system of thought.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9721
by Xiaoying Pan
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    0 Views
Abstract The article delves into the multidimensional nature of the concept of subjects based on the theory of generative grammar, aiming to clarify the distinct manifestations and functions of subjects at the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic levels. This paper points out that the grammatical subject as defined by Lyons, being a pivotal element in the surface syntactic structure, maintains a morphological agreement with the predicate verb, serving as the central focus of syntactic analysis. In contrast, the logical subject originates from the external argument in the underlying structure, assuming the role of the agent and possessing explicit semantic attributes, thereby underscoring the significance of subjects at the semantic level. Furthermore, the paper explores the concept of thematic subjects, emphasizing their centrality at the pragmatic level, which is directly tied to the progression of discourse and the transmission of information, transcending the syntactic framework of “subjects” and highlighting the autonomy of pragmatic analysis. The article offers a novel perspective and pathway for a deeper understanding of the nature of subjects within the framework of generative grammar theory.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9718
by Zihao Ye
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    4 Views
Abstract This paper discusses the parameter estimation of the multivariate normal distribution using Bayesian statistical methods. Traditionally, frequency statistical methods are used to estimate the parameters of the multivariate normal distribution, but this method may face sampling limitations and model complexity. In contrast, the Bayesian method can more effectively explain the uncertainty of parameter estimation by introducing prior information and subsequent reasoning, and show better robustness to data limitations or model complexity. Through literature review and empirical analysis, this paper demonstrates the benefits and potential of using Bayesian methods to estimate the parameters of the multivariate normal distribution, and proposes new ideas for parameter estimation of the multivariate normal distribution in various fields, such as providing new ideas and methods for portfolio management.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9717
by Kunyan Song, Xiaohui Yu
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    6 Views
Abstract Presently, there is a flourishing demand for transnational communicative talents from all walks of life, which poses higher expectations for university English teaching. Following the innovation of university English education and the high-speed growth of technology, the conventional university English class has been transitioned from a solitary face-to-face, teacher-oriented treatment to a blended pattern (Muhammadin & Herda, 2024). Along with this shift, it is imperative to find out whether and how students’ motivation to learn English gets elevated. Hence, to addressing this issue, this paper presents the basic theoretical framework of self-determinism and analyses whether and how the basic psychological needs of learners are better met to elevate their learning motivation in blended university English instruction. Despite its limitations, this study provides a referential basis for the researchers who are interested in this theory while at the same time providing a practical guide to the practice of blended university English language teaching and learning.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9716
by Yating Zhou
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    2 Views
Abstract The arrival of the digital survival era has brought great changes to the human society. The logic of capital can operate in a broader scope. Through data analysis, artificial intelligence and other technical means, it can realize the accurate grasp of the market and the optimal allocation of resources. However, the abuse and alienation of digital technology by capital logic also produces a series of problems, such as information overload, social isolation, privacy leakage, etc., which make people ignore the essential needs and values of human beings in the process of pursuing profit maximization, leading to the loss and distortion of human nature. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply reflect on and criticize the relationship between digital technology and the logic of capital, not only to make full use of the convenience and benefits brought by digital technology, but also to be alert to the negative impact of digital technology under the logic of capital.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9715
by Li Huang
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    2 Views
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on global supply chains, exposing many deficiencies in supply chain risk management. Based on the analysis of the impact of the epidemic on the supply chain, especially the supply chain of small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper discusses the path to improve the supply chain resilience, constructs the key influencing factors model of supply chain resilience by using the analytic hierarchy process, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the supply chain resilience and resilience, in order to provide a reference for enterprises to build a supply chain system with high resilience.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9714
by Yongshu Li
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    3 Views
Abstract In the new era of secondary education, higher demands have been placed on the management of mathematics education. Mathematics education is a major national discipline program, and its benefits and value are obvious. In the management of mathematics classroom teaching, the curriculum and teaching content need to be improved. At the same time, the status and role of teachers in mathematics teaching have attracted more and more attention. On this basis, this paper analyzes in depth the deficiencies in secondary school mathematics teaching management in the new era, and explores how to better carry out secondary school mathematics teaching management.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9713
by Yanan Li
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    3 Views
Abstract This article explores thechallenges faced by educators, differences in challenges across demographics, relationships between integration and tools usage, and the study’s contribution to innovative teaching methods discourse. Using a quantitative approach, the study collected data through structured questionnaires, ensuring ethical considerations. Findings suggest a strong consensus favoring a blended approach, highlighting the value of diverse tech tools and consistent integration. The study underscores challenges in adaptability, student engagement, and technology access. Recommendations emphasize diverse research samples, flexible teaching methods, and collaborative workshops, offering practical insights for educators navigating the integration of online and offline channels in advanced mathematics.
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Open Access
Article ID: 9719
by Bo Yao
Int. J. Math. Syst. Sci. 2024 , 7(9);    0 Views
Abstract After the revolutionary era and the establishment of new China, all social strata attach great importance to the social role of folk songs, and carry out all kinds of practical activities by means of folk songs. On this basis, there are more and more research on the educational thought, educational function and educational value of folk songs, more and more in-depth and more and more large-scale. However, the educational value of folk songs has not been demonstrated enough, and they are in a weak position in Chinese modern education, especially basic education. For this reason, Zhang Zhongxiao, a folk musician in Guizhou province, published the article Local music should be the backbone of music education, advocating a revolution in the three fields of music education thought, teaching materials and cultural ecological environment, so as to improve the status of local music in modern education. This paper intends to take the Guizhou Gelao nationality folk song as an example to explain its rich educational value.
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