Macroeconomic Analysis of 1998 FIFA World Cup

Luyu Chen, Kexin Mi, Yunqing Bai

Article ID: 9727
Vol 7, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 1 (Abstract) 2 (PDF)


After holding FIFA World Cup in 1998, France experienced a turning point after four years of recession. We are aiming to discover
the income and expenditure in the French economy before, during, and after the FIFA World Cup 1998. Including the government spending
to support this event, some domestic and foreign investment, and the change amount of total output in the economy as well. Using method of
literature review and macroeconomic analysis, we find out that the economic success of 1998 FIFA can be attributed to augment of demand
for transportation, high foreign direct investment, and sponsorship.


Macroeconomic Analysis; Economic Growth; Social Impact

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