An Analysis of the educational value of Chinese folk music —— Take the Guizhou Gelao nationality folk song as an example

Bo Yao

Article ID: 9719
Vol 7, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 0 (Abstract) 3 (PDF)


After the revolutionary era and the establishment of new China, all social strata attach great importance to the social role of folk
songs, and carry out all kinds of practical activities by means of folk songs. On this basis, there are more and more research on the educational thought, educational function and educational value of folk songs, more and more in-depth and more and more large-scale. However, the
educational value of folk songs has not been demonstrated enough, and they are in a weak position in Chinese modern education, especially
basic education. For this reason, Zhang Zhongxiao, a folk musician in Guizhou province, published the article Local music should be the
backbone of music education, advocating a revolution in the three fields of music education thought, teaching materials and cultural ecological environment, so as to improve the status of local music in modern education. This paper intends to take the Guizhou Gelao nationality
folk song as an example to explain its rich educational value.


Folk Music; Gelao Folk Song; Educational Value

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