Vol 3, No 2 (2020)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Article ID: 1593
by Ek del-Val, Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero
Sustain. Forest. 2020, 3(2);   

Important modifications are occurring in temperate forests due to climate change; in polar latitudes their distribution area is increasing, while in tropical latitudes it is decreasing due to temperature increase and droughts. One of the biotic regulators of temperate forests are the debarking insects that cause the mortality of certain trees. These insects have increased in number, favored by climate change, and the consequences on forests have not been long in coming. In recent times in the northern hemisphere, the massive mortality of conifers due to the negative synergy between climate change and debarking insects has been evident. In Mexico, we have also experienced infestations by bark stripping insects never seen before; therefore, we are trying to understand the interactions between climate change, forest health and bark stripping insects, to detect the areas with greater susceptibility to attack by these insects and propose management measures to reduce the effects.

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Open Access
Article ID: 1594
by Loreta Rosselli, Susana De La Zerda, Jonathan Candil
Sustain. Forest. 2020, 3(2);   

Over several centuries, the native vegetation of the flat part of the Bogotá Savanna has been almost completely replaced by crops, pastures and urbanization. The last remnant of this vegetation is a small forest (10 hm2), located at Hacienda Las Mercedes on the northern edge of the city of Bogotá. The reduced size and isolation of the forest, aggravated by the uncontrolled growth of invasive vegetation (lianas and wild blackberry) has resulted in the loss of many species. However, in recent years the forest has been subject to rehabilitation actions and currently the area is immersed in a reserve where more extensive restoration programs are planned. In order to evaluate changes in the bird community to estimate the effects of restoration actions, the avifauna present in 2001–2002 and in 2014 was recorded by visual and auditory records at fixed points in the forest. Twenty-seven forest species were found in the first census and 30 in the second, and the relative abundances of at least a third of them also increased over the 13 years, indicating a positive result in the recovery of the forest. The results highlight the recovery capacity of the degraded ecosystems and the importance of continuing with restoration actions in the reserve area.

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Open Access
Article ID: 1595
by Jingzao Liu
Sustain. Forest. 2020, 3(2);   

In November 2018, the sample plot survey method was used to analyze the population characteristics of Lithocarpus polystachyus in the natural secondary forest with different disturbance intensity in Jianning, Fujian Province, and compile its population static life table. The results showed that the number of individuals in the population was small, but it was clustered. With the increase of interference intensity, the first and second age seedlings and young trees decreased. The population types affected by human disturbance are all lacking level V trees, and the population type belongs to primary population (N1); The undisturbed population lacks level I and II seedlings and young trees, but there are level V trees, and the population type belongs to medium decline population (S2). In general, all populations of L. polystachyus are unstable and belong to the transitional type. In the static life table, the mortality of level I and II seedlings and young trees is high, the survival rate has a small peak in level III and IV, and then the survival rate decreases rapidly, and the average life expectation of level II is the highest. It shows that artificial conservation measures and appropriate space re-lease are needed to maintain the stability of the population.

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Open Access
Article ID: 1596
by Yuan Gong, Yinlong Zhang
Sustain. Forest. 2020, 3(2);   

Forest is the main carbon sink of terrestrial ecosystem. Due to the unique growth characteristics of plants, the response of their growth status and physiological activities to climate change will affect the carbon cycle process of forest ecosystem. Based on the local scale CO2 flux and temperature observation data recorded by the FLUXNET registration site and Harvard Forest FLUX observation tower from 2000 to 2012, combined with the phenological model, this paper analyzes the impact of temperature changes on CO2 flux in temperate forest ecosystems. The results show that: (1) the maximum NEE in 2000–2012 was 298.13 g·m-2·a-1, which occurred in 2010. Except in the 2010 and 2011, the annual NEE in other years was negative. (2) NEE, GPP, temperature and phenology models have good fitting effects (R2 > 0.8), which shows that the stable period of photosynthesis in temperate mixed forest ecosystem is mainly concentrated in summer, and vegetation growth is the dominant factor of carbon cycle in temperate mixed forest ecosystem. (3) The linear fitting results of the change time points of air temperature (maximum point, minimum point and 0 point date) and the change time points of NEE and GPP (maximum point, minimum point and 0 point date) show that there is a significant positive correlation between air temperature and CO2 flux (P < 0.01), and the change of air temperature affects the carbon cycle process of temperate mixed forest ecosystem.

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Open Access
Article ID: 957
by T. Y. Yeh, Min-Hao Wu, K. F. Chen, Y. P. Peng
Sustain. Forest. 2020, 3(2);   

Phytomediation is an environmentally friendly green rehabilitation technology that is often incorporated with an application to improve calcium peroxide and phytohormones required for the growth of agricultural plants with the expectation to improve the effectiveness of plant rehabilitation. This study mainly consists of two parts: (1) water culture experiment and (2) pot culture experiment. In the water culture experiment, we attempt to understand the influence of the addition of calcium peroxide, phytohormones (IAA and GA3) and a chelating agent on the growth of sunflower plants. However, in the pot culture experiment, when hormones and the chelating agent EDTA are introduced to different plant groups at the same time, if the nutrition in the water required by plants is not available, the addition of the hormone cannot negate the toxicity caused by EDTA. In terms of calcium peroxide, due to quick release of oxygen in water, this study fails to apply calcium peroxide to the water culture experiment.

When the pot culture experiment is used to examine the influence of hormones at different concentration levels on the growth of sunflowers, GA3 10-8 M is reported to have the optimal effectiveness, followed by IAA 10-8 M; IAA 10-12 M has the lowest effectiveness. According to an accumulation analysis of heavy metals at different levels, GA3 concentrates in leaves to transport nutrition in soil to leaves. This results in an excellent TF value of 2.329G of GA3 than 1.845 of the control group indicating that the addition of the hormone and chelating agent to GA3 increases the TF value and the chelating agent is beneficial to the sunflower plant. If we examine phytoattenuation ability, the one-month experiment was divided into three stages for ten days each. The concentration level of heavy metals in the soil at each stage dropped continuously while that of the control group decreased from 31.63 mg/kg to 23.96 mg/kg, GA3 from 32.09 mg/kg to 23.04 mg/kg and EDTA from 30.65 mg/kg to 25.93 mg/kg indicating the quickest growth period of the sunflowers from the formation of the bud to blossom. During the stage, the quick upward transportation of nutrition results in quick accumulation of heavy metals; the accumulated speed of heavy metals is found higher than that of directly planted plants. This study shows an improvement in the effectiveness of the addition of hormones on plant extraction and when rehabilitation is incorporated with sunflowers with the beginning bud formation, better treatment effectiveness can be reached.

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Open Access
Article ID: 1592
by Liming Zhang
Sustain. Forest. 2020, 3(2);   

This paper reviews and comments on the evaluation methods of the recreational value of natural landscape resources, pointing out that the current popular TCM method and CVM method both rely too much on the market prediction conclusion and cannot truly reflect the recreational value, and putting forward the idea, specific operation steps and calculation methods of evaluating the recreational value of natural landscape resources with tourism environmental capacity.

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