
Please follow the new Author Guidelines for your submission!

Please follow the journal's author guideline and the required article template to prepare your manuscript.
Posted: 2024-01-26 More...

SF has been included in the CAS databases!

We are glad to announce that Sustainable Forestry (SF) has been included in the CAS databases!

The response email is as follows:

I am pleased to inform you that Sustainable Forestry [ISSN: 2578-2002], has been found suitable for inclusion in the CAS databases. We will begin coverage with volume 5, issue 1. We will routinely check the website and put the new issue into ourproduction system.

If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Thanks to all the authors and reviewers!

Posted: 2023-04-14

The “Conflict of Interest” policy

For the sake of academic fairness, all authors are required to declare all activities that have the potential to be deemed as a source of competing interest in relations to their submitted manuscript. Examples of such activities could include personal or work-related relationships, events, etc. Authors who have nothing to declare are encouraged to add "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest" in this section. A declaration of interests for all authors should be received before an article can be reviewed and accepted for the publication. As the authors, editors or reviewers, they also are required to declare the conflict of interest in academy.


Editorial Office

Posted: 2022-08-01 More...

News: International Day of Forests


Posted: 2022-03-23 More...

News: Biomass energy production & carbon neutral


Posted: 2022-03-06 More...

Announcement: Congratulations to our one of the outstanding editors to be on the list of World’s Most Influential Scientists (2021)!

Prof. Mehmet Cetin

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture, Kastamonu University


Posted: 2021-12-12 More...

News: Remote sensing technology makes it more convenient to obtain forest vegetation fire information

Forest is an important part of the earth's terrestrial biosphere. At present, the coverage area of all kinds of forest land in the world is about 5 billion hectares, accounting for about 1 / 3 of the land area. The distribution of these forests in the world is extremely uneven, of which Latin America is the largest, with a forest area of 550 million hectares, accounting for about 21% of the world's forest area; The second is North America, with a forest area of 470 million hectares, accounting for about 19% of the world's forest area. 

Figure 1. Forest fire risk coefficient through Francilla method. 

Posted: 2021-10-05 More...

News: Education is a key lifeline for world’s forests

New survey points out that forest education must be strengthened to meet global challenges.


©Photo: ©FAO/Ch. Errath

Posted: 2021-06-30 More...

News: Sharing useful national tree species database

Posted: 2021-03-15 More...

News: The state of the World’s Forests 2020

Posted: 2020-12-25 More...

Announcement: SF Volume 3, Issue 1 is now live!

We are pleased to announce that the Vol. 3, Issue 1 for 2020 of Sustainable Forest has been published, and is currently available for download.

Click here to access the full issue.

Posted: 2020-06-30 More...

News: FOREST LANDSCAPE RESTORATION IMPLEMENTATION—Lessons learned from selected landscapes in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Posted: 2020-05-20 More...

Announcement: Author Guidelines have updated!

Author Guidelines have updated, please download the new EnPress Manuscript Submission Template. Please read carefully. Click here to find more information.


Editorial Office of Sustainable Forest

Posted: 2020-01-07 More...

Meet our Editors-in-Chief


Prof. Dmitry Ponomarev                                                    Prof. Leonor Calv
St. Petersburg Forest Technical University, Russian Federation       University of León, Spain

Posted: 2019-12-23 More...

Announcement: SF Volume 2, Issue 1 is now live!

We are pleased to announce that the Vol. 2, Issue 1 for 2019 of Sustainable Forest has been published, and is currently available for download.

Click here to access the full issue.

Posted: 2019-06-30 More...

News: A good idea: Compilation of forest vegetation map using remote sensing technology

With the continuous improvement of remote sensing satellite technology, its demand for practical application is more and more extensive, especially in forest management and map survey. The first and most important way to manage forests is to obtain correct and timely information about forests. This principle can identify the environment and extract its uses with high speed, high precision, and low cost through remote sensing science to determine planning.

Posted: 2019-05-05 More...

Announcement: Call for papers

Posted: 2019-01-02 More...

News: Warming: Peatlands will store more carbon initially, but that will change

Peatlands are extremely effective at storing carbon, but an international study featuring a University of Queensland researcher has found climate change could stop that.

The group investigated how peatlands -- swamps and bogs with organic rich soils -- have responded to climate variability between 850 BCE and 1850 CE.

Associate Professor Patrick Moss, from UQ's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, believes the research is critical in understanding how climate affects the absorption properties of peatlands.

These are the peatlands of Moon Point on Queensland's Fraser Island.
Credit: Patrick Moss
Posted: 2018-09-15 More...

News: In warming Arctic, major rivers show surprising changes in carbon chemistry

Over the past several decades, the Arctic has begun to show signs of significant ecological upheaval. The rate of warming in the Arctic is nearly twice the global average, and those changes are triggering a cascade of destabilizing environmental effects. Ice is melting, permafrost is thawing, and experts say fires in Arctic forests are as damaging as they've been in 10,000 years.

But new research suggests that the same factors driving the Arctic's changing climate are fueling a geological response that could play a small part in counteracting those changes' malign effects.

In two major arctic rivers, a changing climate and shifting human activities are having a surprising response.
Credit: Norman Kuring, NASA
Posted: 2018-09-08 More...

News: Carbon reserves in Central American soils still affected by ancient Mayan deforestation

Deforestation is suspected to have contributed to the mysterious collapse of Mayan civilization more than 1,000 years ago. A new study shows that the forest-clearing also decimated carbon reservoirs in the tropical soils of the Yucatan peninsula region long after ancient cities were abandoned and the forests grew back.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, underscore how important soils and our treatment of them could be in determining future levels of greenhouse gases in the planet's atmosphere.

This is an ancient stone carving of the Maya God Pauahtun, taken at Copan Ruinas, Honduras.
Credit: Peter Douglas
Posted: 2018-08-23 More...
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