Changes in the avifauna of a forest relict in the peri-urban fringe of Bogotá over fourteen years
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2020
Over several centuries, the native vegetation of the flat part of the Bogotá Savanna has been almost completely replaced by crops, pastures and urbanization. The last remnant of this vegetation is a small forest (10 hm2), located at Hacienda Las Mercedes on the northern edge of the city of Bogotá. The reduced size and isolation of the forest, aggravated by the uncontrolled growth of invasive vegetation (lianas and wild blackberry) has resulted in the loss of many species. However, in recent years the forest has been subject to rehabilitation actions and currently the area is immersed in a reserve where more extensive restoration programs are planned. In order to evaluate changes in the bird community to estimate the effects of restoration actions, the avifauna present in 2001–2002 and in 2014 was recorded by visual and auditory records at fixed points in the forest. Twenty-seven forest species were found in the first census and 30 in the second, and the relative abundances of at least a third of them also increased over the 13 years, indicating a positive result in the recovery of the forest. The results highlight the recovery capacity of the degraded ecosystems and the importance of continuing with restoration actions in the reserve area.
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