2578-2002 (Online) Journal Abbreviation: Sustain. Forest. | Sustainable Forestry (eISSN: 2578-2002) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice in the management and conservation of forests. The journal focuses on all aspects of sustainable forestry, offering a platform for high-quality research that addresses the pressing challenges facing global forest ecosystems.
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Vol 8, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
To achieve the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal, greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced as soon as, and by as much, as possible. By mid-century, CO2 emissions would need to be cut to zero, and total greenhouse gases would need to be net zero just after mid-century. Achieving carbon neutrality is impossible without carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere through afforestation/reforestation. It is necessary to ensure carbon storage for a period of 100 years or more. The study focuses on the theoretical feasibility of an integrated climate project involving carbon storage, emissions reduction and sequestration through the systemic implementation of plantation forestry of fast-growing eucalyptus species in Brazil, the production of long-life wood building materials and their deposition. The project defines two performance indicators: a) emission reduction units; and b) financial costs. We identified the baseline scenarios for each stage of the potential climate project and developed different trajectory options for the project scenario. Possible negative environmental and reputational effects as well as leakages outside of the project design were considered. Over 7 years of the plantation life cycle, the total CO2 sequestration is expected to reach 403 tCO2∙ha−1. As a part of the project, we proposed to recycle or deposit for a long term the most part of the unused wood residues that account for 30% of total phytomass. The full project cycle can ensure that up to 95% of the carbon emissions from the grown wood will be sustainably avoided.
The study intends to identify the existing implementation bottlenecks that hamper the effectiveness of the Ethiopian forest policy and laws in regional states by focusing on the Oromia Regional State. It attempts to address the question, “What are the challenges for the effective implementation of the federal forest policy and law in Ethiopia in general and Oromia Regional State in particular?”. The study followed a qualitative research approach, and the relevant data was collected through in-depth interviews from 11 leaders and experts of the policy, who were purposively selected. Furthermore, relevant documents such as the constitutions, forest policies and laws, and government documents were carefully reviewed. Based on this, the study found that there is the dichotomy between the provision of the constitution regarding the forest policy and lawmaking and the constitutional amendment on one hand and the push for genuine decentralization in the Ethiopian federal state on the other. To elaborate, the constitution is rigid for amendment, and it has given the power of forest policy and lawmaking to the federal government. On the other hand, the quest for genuine decentralization requires these powers to be devolved to the regional states. As the constitution is rigid, this may continue to be the major future challenge of the forest policy and lawmaking of the state. This demonstrates a conflict of interests between the two layers of governments, i.e., the federal and regional (Oromia Regional State) governments. Respecting and practicing the constitution may be the immediate solution to this pressing problem.
Maps of forest stand condition—the current phase of the forest-forming process—will be useful for foresters in their forest management in addition to the forest planning and cartographic materials. The mapping methodology was applied in the test area of the Bolshemurtinsky forest district of the Krasnoyarsk region, which is typical for the southern taiga forests of East Siberia. Source data for mapping was obtained on the basis of descriptions of the forest subcompartments on the GIS attribute table of the forest district. Forest stand confinement to the terrain relief indicators was identified on the basis of the SRTM 55-01 digital terrain model data. Spatial analysis has been performed using the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst module. Mapping capability has been shown not only for the year of forest inventory but also for the earlier period of time. To determine the predominant species and the age of the 100-year-old forest stand, a scheme was proposed in which the conceivable options are typified depending on the succession trend, the forest stand age prior to disturbance, and the period of reforestation. Map fragments of the test area as of 2006—the year of forest inventory—and as of 1906—the year of the intensive colonization beginning in southern Siberia—are demonstrated. Maps of forest condition in the test area represent successions that are typical in the southern taiga forests of Siberia: post-harvest, pyrogenic, and biogenic. The methodology of forest condition mapping is universal.
Guidelines on Self-Citation Rates for Submissions |
The editorial office appreciates the interest and support for Sustainable Forestry. As authors prepare to submit their manuscripts, they are advised to pay attention to the following guidelines regarding self-citation rates: |
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The new standard will contribute to the promotion of responsible forest management and becomes effective on 15 March 2025. |
After a long period of participative construction with members, public consultations and field tests, the new national standard for forest plantations will replace the current Brazilian standards that include plantations in the scope (the Harmonized Certification Bodies’ standard and standard for SLIMF). |
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Release of the State of the World’s Forests 2024 Report |
@securesustain.org |
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