The population characteristics of Lithocarpus polystachyus in natural secondary forests under different human disturbance intensity

Jingzao Liu

Article ID: 1595
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2020


In November 2018, the sample plot survey method was used to analyze the population characteristics of Lithocarpus polystachyus in the natural secondary forest with different disturbance intensity in Jianning, Fujian Province, and compile its population static life table. The results showed that the number of individuals in the population was small, but it was clustered. With the increase of interference intensity, the first and second age seedlings and young trees decreased. The population types affected by human disturbance are all lacking level V trees, and the population type belongs to primary population (N1); The undisturbed population lacks level I and II seedlings and young trees, but there are level V trees, and the population type belongs to medium decline population (S2). In general, all populations of L. polystachyus are unstable and belong to the transitional type. In the static life table, the mortality of level I and II seedlings and young trees is high, the survival rate has a small peak in level III and IV, and then the survival rate decreases rapidly, and the average life expectation of level II is the highest. It shows that artificial conservation measures and appropriate space re-lease are needed to maintain the stability of the population.


Lithocarpus Polystachyus; Population Characteristics; Static Life Table; Natural Secondary Forest; Interference Intensity

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