Vol 6, No 1 (2023)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Original Research Article
Article ID: 2350
by Nebuchadnezzar Akbar, Eko S. Wibowo, Abdurrachman Baksir, M. Janib Achmad, Rustam E. Paembonan, Ikbal Marus, Irmalita Tahir, Najamuddin Najamuddin, Riyadi Subur, Firdaut Ismail, Abdul Ajiz Siolimbona, Aradea Bujana Kusuma, Iswandi Wahab, Edwin Jefri, Beginer Subhan, Nyoman M. N. Natih, Dondy Arafat, Dandi Saleky, Waluyo Waluyo
Trends Geneti. Evolu. 2023, 6(1);   

Mackerel is a small pelagic fish that has potential value and can be found throughout Indonesian waters. It is feared that high exploration activities will have an impact on the population. Sampling was carried out at the fish landing port and fish auction place (Bacan, Morotai and Ternate). The sample was photographed and the 3 cm swimming fin was taken. The sample is then stored in a tube that has been filled with 96% ethanol solution. The next stage is the process of extraction, amplification, electrophoresis and DNA sequencing. Phylogenetic reconstruction of comparison of primary data (Bacan, Morotai and Ternate) and secondary data (Indian) clarified to form two different populations (clades). Amova population pairwaise (Fst) showed the genetic flow of R. kanagurta population in the waters of the north Maluku Sea (Bacan, Morotai and Ternate). On the other hand, genetic distance shows that populations (Bacan, Morotai and Ternate) were closely related and have strong genetic connectivity.

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Open Access
Original Research Article
Article ID: 2688
by Kahsa Tadel Gebre, Kiros Aregay Yfter, Tesfay Gebreselama Teweldemedhn, Tikabo Gebremariam Tesfay
Trends Geneti. Evolu. 2023, 6(1);   

The study aims to design and evaluate alternative village-based breeding plans for Afar goats in Aba’ala, Afar region, Ethiopia. The alternative breeding plans were designed and evaluated using ZPLAN+ computer program following the gene flow method and selection index procedures. Input parameters were sourced from a production system survey study, own-flock ranking exercises and literature. The breeding goal traits included six-month weight, daily milk yield and proportions of weaned kids. Four alternatives were designed based on the variation of the number of the traits in the selection index (recording) while keeping all traits in the aggregate breeding goal. Furthermore, the proposed alternative plans were evaluated by varying the years of breeding buck service period. Higher annual genetic gain was estimated for six-month weight (0.2983 kg) in alternative 4, for daily milk yield (0.0083 kg or 8.3 g) and proportion of lambs weaned (0.0142%) in alternative 1 when the years of buck use for breeding was set to two years. Higher selection accuracy was obtained in alternative 1 when all the traits were included in the selection index while lower selection accuracy was achieved in alternative 4 when six-month weight only was included in the selection index. The highest profit per doe per year was achieved in alternative 1 (1.221€) while the lowest was obtained in alternative 4 (0.885 €) when six-month weight only is included in the selection index. The simulation results gave an acceptable range of genetic gains with little difference across the alternatives. Therefore, village breeding programs with a few traits in the recording and two years of breeding buck use are deemed practicable. The proposed breeding plans should be part of the national development strategies and involvement of local research institutions and universities is very crucial to ensure adequate technical support.

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Open Access
Review Article
Article ID: 2522
by Ilia A. Zakharov
Trends Geneti. Evolu. 2023, 6(1);   

In some fungi-ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, the 4 haploid spores formed as a result of meiosis can fuse in pairs, forming a dikaryon or diploid. The consequence of such intratetrad mating is the preservation of heterozygosity of genes linked to the mating-type (MAT) locus. If the MAT is linked to the centromere physically or genetically (as a result of the suppression of recombination), the centromere regions of all chromosomes are preserved in a heterozygous state. Suppression of recombination in the MAT chromosome contributes to the accumulation of lethal mutations and chromosomal rearrangements in it. Two MAT chromosomes cease to be homologous and become analogues of the sex chromosomes of animals and plants.

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Open Access
Review Article
Article ID: 2596
by Pham Van Hieu
Trends Geneti. Evolu. 2023, 6(1);   

Nowadays, it seems like human beings are worried about how the world will meet its food security demand urgently when they have faced on rapidly increasing population and combat climate change. Scientists and researchers are indispensably investigating to enhance food sources such developing novel cops with high yield and good quality and even coping with the adverse environment in terms of biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, there is one valuable method it is believed that should be developed further. In fact, it is believed that human beings should continue using it as soon as possible because it can provide the world with a source of food. Polyploidization introduced by plant growth regulator induction is a good method because it is safety and easy to develop new crops with potential agronomic traits, these polyploidy plants are rare aneuploid and it contains intriguing characteristics of polyploidy plants in adapting to ecological variability. This review sheds light on 1) summarizing molecular mechanism of plant growth regulator induction for plant ploidy manipulation; 2) achieving of polyploidization through plant growth regulator induction; 3) enumerating the perspectives of polyploidization in crop development to cope with climate change. Although the role of phytohormones is underestimated, the effectiveness on physiological level of plants to make polyploidy plants is worth considering and the effects and bio-safety of that on human are also concerned.

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Open Access
Review Article
Article ID: 2693
by David L. Espesset
Trends Geneti. Evolu. 2023, 6(1);   

In 1989, Stephen Jay Gould published his Wonderful Life: “High in the Canadian Rockies is a small limestone quarry formed 530 million years ago called the Burgess Shale. It holds the remains of an ancient sea where dozens of strange creatures lived a forgotten corner of evolution preserved in awesome detail. In this book Stephen Jay Gould explores what the Burgess Shale tells us about evolution and the nature of history”. Gould, based upon a reinterpretation of the famous fossils from the Burgess Shale, proposed a conclusion that was revolutionary at the time, because it was centred on the notion of contingency in the course of biological evolution. The very last paragraph displayed in particular the following sentences: “This response does not cite a single law of nature; it embodies no statement about predictable evolutionary pathways, no calculation of probabilities based on general rules of anatomy or ecology. I do not think that any ‘higher’ answer can be given, and I cannot imagine that any resolution could be more fascinating.” In this essay, I intend to criticise Gould’s conclusions and to provide a new reinterpretation of the history of life, based not on contingency but on the inevitability of evolution.

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