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The wave effect and the shyness phenomenon in Alnus acuminata (Kunth) are crown parameters rarely studied, but important in the quality of the wood of standing trees, therefore, a morphometric modeling of the crowns of Alnus acuminata in homogeneous forests in the Sierra Norte de Puebla was carried out. In 20 rectangular sites of 1,000 m2, the following were evaluated: total height (TA), normal diameter (ND), crown diameter (CD) and crown cover (CC). The Kruskal Wallis test was applied to data that did not meet the assumption of normality; for those that did, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used, with Tukey mean comparison tests (α ≤ 0.05). The forest value index was 14.99, so its two-dimensional structure is normal based on DN, AT and CC. Its average slenderness index was 93.52, which makes the tree not very stable to mechanical damage. The life-space index was 38.92, which is high indicating that trees with low intraspecific competition developed better. At the canopy level, a pattern following an upward, oscillatory and constant wave effect was observed in groups of 10 trees. The shyness phenomenon showed an average crack opening of 27.39 cm between canopies, so this phenomenon is well defined for the species. It is concluded that in the crowns of Alnus acuminata, the wave effect is observed as a consequence of inequality in the acquisition of resources, and one way to minimize this inequality is through the phenomenon of botanical shyness.
Forest fire, as a discontinuous ecological factor of forest, causes the changes of carbon storage and carbon distribution in forest ecosystem, and affects the process of forest succession and national carbon capacity. Taking the burned land with different forest fire interference intensity as the research object, using the comparison method of adjacent sample plots, and taking the combination of field investigation sampling and indoor test analysis as the main means, this paper studies the influence of different forest fire interference intensity on the carbon pool of forest ecosystem and the change and spatial distribution pattern of ecosystem carbon density, and discusses the influence mechanism of forest fire interference on ecosystem carbon density and distribution pattern. The results showed that forest fire disturbance reduced the carbon density of vegetation (P < 0.05). The carbon density of vegetation in the light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance sample plots were 67.88, 35.68 and 15.50 t∙hm-2, which decreased by 15.86%, 55.78% and 80.79% respectively compared with the control group. In the light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance sample plots, the carbon density of litter was 1.43, 0.94 and 0.81 t∙hm-2, which decreased by 28.14%, 52.76% and 59.30% respectively compared with the control group. The soil organic carbon density of the sample plots with different forest fire disturbance intensity is lower than that of the control group, and the reduction degree gradually decreases with the increase of soil profile depth. The soil organic carbon density of the sample plots with light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance is 103.30, 84.33 and 70.04 t∙hm-2 respectively, which is 11.670%, 27.899% and 40.11% lower than that of the control group respectively; the carbon density of forest ecosystem was 172.61, 120.95 and 86.35 t∙hm-2 after light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance, which decreased by 13.53%, 39.41% and 56.74% respectively compared with the control group; forest fire disturbance reduced the carbon density of eucalyptus forest, which showed a law of carbon density decreasing with the increase of forest fire disturbance intensity. Compared with the control group, the effect of light forest fire disturbance intensity on the carbon density of eucalyptus forest was not significant (P > 0.05), while the effect of moderate and high forest fire disturbance intensity on the carbon density of eucalyptus forest was significant (P < 0.05).
Objective: The influence of climate on forest stands cannot be ignored, but most of the previous forest stand growth models were constructed under the presumption of invariant climate and could not estimate the stand growth under climate change. The model was constructed to provide a theoretical basis for forest operators to take reasonable management measures for fir under the influence of climate. Methods: Based on the survey data of 638 cedar plantation plots in Hunan Province, the optimal base model was selected from four biologically significant alternative stand basal area models, and the significant climate factors without serious covariance were selected by multiple stepwise regression analysis. The optimal form of random effects was determined, and then a model with climatic effects was constructed for the cross-sectional growth of fir plantations. Results: Richards formula is the optimal form of the basic model of stand basal area growth. The coefficient of adjustment was 0.8355; the average summer maximum temperature and the water vapor loss in Hargreaves climate affected the maximum and rate of fir stand stand growth respectively, and were negatively correlated with the stand growth. The adjusted coefficient of determination of the fir stand area break model with climate effects was 0.8921, the root mean square error (RMSE) was 3.0792, and the mean relative error absolute value (MARE) was 9.9011; compared with the optimal base model, improved by 6.77%, RMSE decreased by 19.04%, and MARE decreased by 15.95%. Conclusion: The construction of the stand cross-sectional area model with climate effects indicates that climate has a significant influence on stand growth, which supports the rationality of considering climate factors in the growth model, and it is important for the regional stand growth harvest and management of cedar while improving the accuracy and applicability of the model.
Objective: To study the changes of growth, physiological and absorption characteristics of Pinus bungeana under ozone (O3) stress, to elucidate the correlations among the indicators, and to determine its degree of response to O3. Methods: The growth, physiological characteristics and O3 uptake capacity of Pinus bungeana seedlings were measured in an open-top O3 fumigation manual control experiment with three concentration gradients (NF: normal atmospheric O3 concentration, NF40: normal atmospheric O3 concentration plus 40 nmlol/mol; NF80: normal atmospheric O3 concentration plus 80 nmol/mol), and the relationships between the characteristics of Pinus bungeana under different O3 concentrations were investigated with correlation analysis, redundancy analysis and analysis of variance. Results: (1) Plant height growth (ΔH), diameter growth at 50 cm (ΔDBH), stomatal size (S), stomatal density (M), stomatal opening (K), stomatal conductance (Gs), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Et), water use efficiency (WUE), maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), chlorophyll content (CHL), whole tree water consumption (W), and O3 uptake rate () all decreased with the increase of O3 concentration; while intercellular CO2 concentration () and relative conductivity (L) increased with the increase of O3 concentration; (2) growth indicators of Pinus bungeana under O3 stress (ΔH, ΔDBH) were the most correlated with O3 uptake status (, W), followed by photosynthetic indicators (, WUE, ,, ) and growth indicators (ΔH, ΔDBH) and stomatal characteristics (K, M, S) under O3 stress, some physiological indicators (L, ) were relatively weakly correlated with photosynthesis (, WUE,,, ) and stomatal (K, M, S); (3) all the indicators of Pinus bungeana were significantly different under O3 treatments of NF and NF80 (P < 0.05), ΔH, ΔDBH, M, CHL, , , W and were most significantly different under NF and NF40 treatments, and K, S, WUE, , , , L were more significantly different under NF40 and NF80 treatments. Conclusion: The experiment proved that the growth of Pinus bungeana was slowed, photosynthetic capacity was reduced, and the absorption capacity of O3 was further reduced by long-term exposure to high concentration of O3. The growth of Pinus bungeana was most correlated with the changes of O3 absorption characteristics, and the stomatal characteristics were most correlated with photosynthetic physiological characteristics, and the reduction of photosynthetic capacity etc. further led to the curtailment of its growth.
Objective: To study the growth, accumulation and soil nutrient content of each overseeded species under different interharvesting intensity treatments of Eucalyptus, and to explore the best re-cultivation method suitable for mixed overseeded species after Eucalyptus interharvesting. Methods: In Guangxi state-owned Qipo forest, Eucalyptus tailorii with different planting densities (DH32-29) were mixed with Castanopsis hystrix, Mytilaria laosensis and Michelia macclurei, and four different treatments (CK, LT, MT and HT) were established for re-cultivation of Eucalyptus near-mature forests with different logging intensities, and the differences in growth conditions and soil physicochemical properties of each species were analyzed. Results: (1) As the proportion of Eucalyptus allocation decreased, the growth of Eucalyptus diameter at breast height, tree height and individual wood volume could be promoted; the growth of the three parameters of HT and MT Eucalyptus were significantly different from LT and CK. (2) The average wood volume per plant of the set species in the CK and LT treatments was Mytilaria laosensis > Michelia macclurei > Castanopsis hystrix, while in the MT and HT treatments it was Mytilaria laosensis > Castanopsis hystrix > Michelia macclurei. (3) The differences in soil aeration, total saturated water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity, and field water holding capacity in soil layers of different depth varied. In the same soil layer, soil aeration, total porosity and capillary porosity were HT > CK > LT > MT; saturated water holding capacity and capillary water holding capacity were HT > CK > LT > MT, while field water holding capacity was CK > HT > LT > MT. (4) Organic matter, pH, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, fast-acting nitrogen, fast-acting phosphorus, and fast-acting potassium changed with varying soil depth in each treatment.
Species of the Moraceae family are of great economic, medicinal and ecological importance in Amazonia. However, there are few studies on their diversity and population dynamics in residual forests. The objective was to determine the composition, structure and ecological importance of Moraceae in a residual forest. The applied method was descriptive and consisted of establishing 16 plots of 20 m × 50 m (0.10 ha), in a residual forest of the Alexánder von Humboldt substation of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation-INIA, Pucallpa, department of Ucayali, where individuals of arboreal or hemi-epiphytic habit, with DBH ≥ 2.50 cm, were evaluated. The floristic composition was represented by 33 species, distributed in 12 genera; five species not recorded for Ucayali were found. Structurally, the family was represented by 138 individuals/ha with a horizontal distribution similar to an irregular inverted “J”. However, there were different horizontal structures among species. It was determined that 85% of the species were in diameter class I (2.50 to 9.99 cm), being the most abundant Pseudolmedia laevis (Ruiz & Pav.) J.F. Macbr. (41.88 individuals/ha); and the most dominant were Brosimum utile (Kunth) Oken (1.71 m2∕ha) and Brosimum alicastrum subsp. bolivarense (Pittier) C.C.Berg (0.90 m2/ha). Likewise, P. laevis and B. utile were the most ecologically important. The information from the present research will allow the establishment of a baseline, which can be used to propose the management of Moraceae in residual forests in the same study area.
Urban trees are one of the valuable storage in metropolitan areas. Nowadays, a particular attention is paid to the trees and spends million dollars per year to their maintenance. Trees are often subjected to abiotic factors, such as fungi, bacteria, and insects, which lead to decline mechanical strength and wood properties. The objective of this study was to determine the potential degradation of Elm tree wood by Phellinus pomaceus fungi, and Biscogniauxia mediteranae endophyte. Biological decay tests were done according to EN 113 standard and impact bending test in accordance with ASTM-D256-04 standard. The results indicated that with longer incubation time, weight loss increased for both sapwood and heartwood. Fungal deterioration leads to changes in the impact bending. In order to manage street trees, knowing tree characteristics is very important and should be regularly monitored and evaluated in order to identify defects in the trees.
With the purpose of identifying the characteristics of variation in fruit size and seed production (potential and efficiency) of Cedrela odorata L. between sites and progenies established in the ejido La Balsa, municipality of Emiliano Zapata, Veracruz, fruits were harvested from 20 trees in February 2013, preserving the identity of each one. Fruit length and width were measured, seed was extracted and developed and aborted seeds were counted to calculate Seed Production Potential (SPP) and Seed Efficiency (SE). The results showed significant differences between sites and between progenies and for fruit length between sites. The mean values found were: 32.52 mm (fruit length), 18.73 mm (fruit width), 39.9 seeds per fruit (SPP) and 57.51% (SE). The seed of this species for its use should be selected taking into account the production characteristics of crops and outstanding individual trees, in addition, due to the current regulatory restrictions on seed collection, the establishment of trials and plantations for germplasm production is a viable option for forest management of the species.
Aiming at the problem of incompatibility of biomass models of forest organs, taking Chinese fir in Fujian Jiangle State-owned Forest Farm as the research object, based on selecting the optimal independent model of each organ, the biomass compatibility model of Chinese fir was established with a three-level joint control scheme. The results show that the compatibility equation system based on the whole plant biomass can effectively solve the problem of incompatibility in the whole plant biomass, each sub-biomass and between sub-biomass. Besides, except for the leaf biomass model, all other biomass models have good fitting effect, which is of great significance to the guidance of the analysis of local Chinese fir biomass.