Effects of forest fire disturbance on carbon density of eucalyptus forest ecosystem in Guangdong Province

Haiqing Hu, Sisheng Luo, Bizhen Luo, Shujing Wei, Zhenshi Wang

Article ID: 1616
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


Forest fire, as a discontinuous ecological factor of forest, causes the changes of carbon storage and carbon distribution in forest ecosystem, and affects the process of forest succession and national carbon capacity. Taking the burned land with different forest fire interference intensity as the research object, using the comparison method of adjacent sample plots, and taking the combination of field investigation sampling and indoor test analysis as the main means, this paper studies the influence of different forest fire interference intensity on the carbon pool of forest ecosystem and the change and spatial distribution pattern of ecosystem carbon density, and discusses the influence mechanism of forest fire interference on ecosystem carbon density and distribution pattern. The results showed that forest fire disturbance reduced the carbon density of vegetation (P < 0.05). The carbon density of vegetation in the light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance sample plots were 67.88, 35.68 and 15.50 t∙hm-2, which decreased by 15.86%, 55.78% and 80.79% respectively compared with the control group. In the light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance sample plots, the carbon density of litter was 1.43, 0.94 and 0.81 t∙hm-2, which decreased by 28.14%, 52.76% and 59.30% respectively compared with the control group. The soil organic carbon density of the sample plots with different forest fire disturbance intensity is lower than that of the control group, and the reduction degree gradually decreases with the increase of soil profile depth. The soil organic carbon density of the sample plots with light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance is 103.30, 84.33 and 70.04 t∙hm-2 respectively, which is 11.670%, 27.899% and 40.11% lower than that of the control group respectively; the carbon density of forest ecosystem was 172.61, 120.95 and 86.35 t∙hm-2 after light, moderate and high forest fire disturbance, which decreased by 13.53%, 39.41% and 56.74% respectively compared with the control group; forest fire disturbance reduced the carbon density of eucalyptus forest, which showed a law of carbon density decreasing with the increase of forest fire disturbance intensity. Compared with the control group, the effect of light forest fire disturbance intensity on the carbon density of eucalyptus forest was not significant (P > 0.05), while the effect of moderate and high forest fire disturbance intensity on the carbon density of eucalyptus forest was significant (P < 0.05).


Forest Fire Disturbance; Forest Ecosystem; Vegetation Carbon Pool; Regulated Litter Carbon Pool; Soil Organic Carbon Pool

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/sf.v5i1.1616


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