Cedrela odorata L. seed yield variation at two sites in Veracruz, Mexico

Juan Márquez Ramírez, Héctor Cruz-Jiménez, Juan Alba-Landa, Lilia Del Carmen Mendizábal-Hernández, Elba Olivia Ramírez-Garcia

Article ID: 1622
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


With the purpose of identifying the characteristics of variation in fruit size and seed production (potential and efficiency) of Cedrela odorata L. between sites and progenies established in the ejido La Balsa, municipality of Emiliano Zapata, Veracruz, fruits were harvested from 20 trees in February 2013, preserving the identity of each one. Fruit length and width were measured, seed was extracted and developed and aborted seeds were counted to calculate Seed Production Potential (SPP) and Seed Efficiency (SE). The results showed significant differences between sites and between progenies and for fruit length between sites. The mean values found were: 32.52 mm (fruit length), 18.73 mm (fruit width), 39.9 seeds per fruit (SPP) and 57.51% (SE). The seed of this species for its use should be selected taking into account the production characteristics of crops and outstanding individual trees, in addition, due to the current regulatory restrictions on seed collection, the establishment of trials and plantations for germplasm production is a viable option for forest management of the species.


Cedrela Odorata; Fruits; Seeds; SPP; SE

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/sf.v5i1.1622


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Copyright (c) 2022 Juan Márquez Ramírez, Héctor Cruz-Jiménez, Juan Alba-Landa, Lilia Del Carmen Mendizábal-Hernández, Elba Olivia Ramírez-Garcia

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