News: A good idea: Compilation of forest vegetation map using remote sensing technology

To improve the forest protection work of nature reserves, it is necessary to identify the types and distribution of local forest resources, to formulate scientific management measures for precious tropical forest vegetation. The compilation of forest vegetation maps is important, and it has also received universal attention from all aspects. In particular, some international organizations have carried out a series of experimental studies. For example, UNESCO's standing Professional Committee on classification and mapping did a lot of work for the international standardization of vegetation classification, but it  was regrettable that the use of remote sensing data was not considered at that time. For another example, the forestry and forest products Department of the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) further listed the preparation of the tropical forest vegetation circle as a research project. In 1985, it began to update the original forest vegetation map in Africa using MSS images and published a 1:500 tropical forest vegetation map in Africa in 1986. However, because the resolution rate of satellite remote sensing is not high  and the information is not rich enough, the forest planting shuttle map only reflects the macro overview.


Karimi A. et al. Determined the observation and classification method of forest types by using the land cover result data of MODIS satellite, vegetation index, and Landsat OLI sensor diagnosis of principal component analysis. Research showed that the best method of forest type classification in the Golestan forest region located in the northeast of the country is obtained. To explore this article further, click the link:



[1] Karimi1 A. ponential Micro Scale of Forest’s Map by Satellite Data of Sensor OLI, Case Study: Forests of Golestan Province, Iran. Journal of Geography and Cartagraphy, 2019; 2(1): 1–7.