Improving the properties of alluvial sand, a potential alternative to standardized sand for geotechnical laboratory

Jules Hermann Keyangue Tchouata, Willy Chance Guimezap Kenou, Darman Japhet Taypondou, Moses Mbuh Kuma, Joseph Stephane Edzoa Akoa, François Ngapgue

Article ID: 7043
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


Despite Cameroon’s immense sand reserves, several enterprises continue to import standardized sands to investigate the properties of concretes and mortars and to guarantee the durability of built structures. The present work not only falls within the scope of import substitution but also aims to characterize and improve the properties of local sand (Sanaga) and compare them with those of imported standardized sand widely used in laboratories. Sanaga sand was treated with HCl and then characterized in the laboratory. The constituent minerals of Sanaga sand are quartz, albite, biotite, and kaolinite. The silica content (SiO2) of this untreated sand is 93.48 wt.%. After treatment, it rose 97.5 wt.% for 0.5 M and 97.3 wt.% for 1 M HCl concentration. The sand is clean (ES, 97.67%–98.87%), with fineness moduli of 2.45, 2.48, and 2.63 for untreated sand and sand treated with HCl concentrations of 0.5 and 1 M respectively. The mechanical strengths (39.59–42.4 MPa) obtained on mortars made with untreated Sanaga sand are unsatisfactory compared with those obtained on mortars made with standardized sand and with the expected strengths. The HCl treatment used in this study significantly improved these strengths (41.12–52.36 MPa), resulting in strength deficiencies of less than 10% after 28 curing days compared with expected values. Thus, the treatment of Sanaga sand with a 0.5 M HCl concentration offers better results for use as standardized sand.


standardized sand; HCl treatment; mortars; mechanical strength; Sanaga

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