Overview of the development of global navigation satellite system

Jinsheng Ning, Yibin Yao, Xiaohong Zhang

Article ID: 1676
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022


Global navigation satellite system and its application fields are constantly expanding and deepening. This paper mainly introduces the current situation of global satellite navigation system and its application technology, development trend and application prospect. At the same time, this paper makes a comprehensive comparison of these navigation systems, analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by China’s BeiDou satellite navigation system in the global context, and puts forward some suggestions for future work.


GNSS; GNSS Positioning Technology; GNSS-R Technology; GNSS Occultation Technology; Integrated Navi-Gation Technology; Multi Frequency and Multi System Joint Positioning Technology

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc.v5i2.1676


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