Hazards of riverbed processes in Russian rivers: Evaluation criteria, mapping and regional analysis
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
The danger of riverbed processes is considered. Their speed varies from the first few months of the flood to the most dynamic process in nature. It happened in front of people. This may make life on the river bank and the utilization of river resources more difficult. This paper introduces the causes and consequences of the danger performance of riverbed processes, and focuses on the mapping methods of the danger assessment of riverbed processes: determining the danger degree of riverbed processes and different methods of displaying it on the map. An example of displaying danger on the previously drawn map is given, and the distribution of different types and expression degrees of dangerous riverbed processes under various natural conditions in Russia is briefly analyzed.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc.v5i1.1485
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