Harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) towards the landscape of big earth data: Methods, challenges, opportunities, future directions
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2025
The integration of Big Earth Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized geological and mineral mapping by delivering enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and scalability in analyzing large-scale remote sensing datasets. This study appraisals the application of advanced AI techniques, including machine learning and deep learning models such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to multispectral and hyperspectral data for the identification and classification of geological formations and mineral deposits. The manuscript provides a critical analysis of AI’s capabilities, emphasizing its current significance and potential as demonstrated by organizations like NASA in managing complex geospatial datasets. A detailed examination of selected AI methodologies, criteria for case selection, and ethical and social impacts enriches the discussion, addressing gaps in the responsible application of AI in geosciences. The findings highlight notable improvements in detecting complex spatial patterns and subtle spectral signatures, advancing the generation of precise geological maps. Quantitative analyses compare AI-driven approaches with traditional techniques, underscoring their superiority in performance metrics such as accuracy and computational efficiency. The study also proposes solutions to challenges such as data quality, model transparency, and computational demands. By integrating enhanced visual aids and practical case studies, the research underscores its innovations in algorithmic breakthroughs and geospatial data integration. These contributions advance the growing body of knowledge in Big Earth Data and geosciences, setting a foundation for responsible, equitable, and impactful future applications of AI in geological and mineral mapping.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc10224
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