Call for Papers

Enpress Publisher LLC. and the Chief Editor of Trends in Immunotherapy, Prof. Fukumi Furukawa, invite all authors to submit manuscripts to our newly launched journal. We provide a communication and information exchange platform for a broad audience of researchers and professionals working in the field. The first issue of the journal is expected to be published in May 2017. The article processing cost (APC) will be waived for the first 2 issues.

Some relevant topics for Trends in Immunotherapy include but are not limited to:

a) Cancer immunotherapy
b) Immunomodulators
c) Antibody
d) Allergy disorder and immunotherapy
e) Therapeutic method for auto-immune disorder
f) Immunotherapy cell-products
g) Cytokines application
h) Immune modulation effects of natural products

Preliminary studies, pre-clinical and clinical investigative reports are welcomed. This journal accepts original research article, review article, case reports and short communications.

The journal is well-defined in rendering support to authors.

  • Immediate processing and publication in minimum time
  • Submitted articles are peer-reviewed by a global list of prestigious reviewers networked through EnPress Publisher
  • Authors maintain the copyright to published articles
  • Universal access and visibility of research results
  • A clear indexing road map in all major indexing and abstracting services

All manuscripts will go through a neat peer-review process by at least two highly qualified and experienced reviewers from our Editorial Board or an external expert panel. The final decision on manuscripts selected for publication will be made by the Chief Editor.

The Researcher Affiliate Reward will be effective from the 3rd issue onwards. The complete version of the manuscripts can be purchased for a minimal fee and the profit from the sales will be shared among author and publisher. The article shall be published under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) license whereby the author retains his/her copyright for every publication. In the newly proposed open controlled access model, both authors and reviewers are rewarded.

Our Author Guidelines will help you know more about our submission process.