Fine root turnover law and influencing factors in forest ecosystem
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022
Root turnover is a key process of terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle, which is of great significance to the study of soil carbon pool changes and global climate change. However, because there are many measurement and calculation methods of root turnover, the results obtained by different methods are quite different, and the current research on root turnover of forest ecosystem on the global regional scale is not sufficient, so the change law of root turnover of global forest ecosystem is still unclear. By collecting literature data and unifying the calculation method of turnover rate, this study integrates the spatial pattern of fine root turnover of five forest types in the world, and obtains the factors affecting fine root turnover of forest ecosystem in combination with soil physical and chemical properties and climate data. The results showed that there were significant differences in fine root turnover rate among different forest types, and it gradually decreased with the increase of latitude; the turnover rate of fine roots in forest ecosystem is positively correlated with annual average temperature and annual average precipitation; fine root turnover rate of forest ecosystem is positively correlated with soil organic carbon content, but negatively correlated with soil pH value. This study provides a scientific basis for revealing the law and mechanism of fine root turnover in forest ecosystem.
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