Biological Resistance of Elm (Ulmus carpinifolia var. Umbelifera) Trees against Fungal Endophytes and White Rot Decay Fungi

Huijun Dong, Mina Raiesi, Mohsen Bahmani, Ali Jafari, Hamed Aghajani

Article ID: 1121
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


Urban trees are one of the valuable storage in metropolitan areas. Nowadays, a particular attention is paid to the trees and spends million dollars per year to their maintenance. Trees are often subjected to abiotic factors, such as fungi, bacteria, and insects, which lead to decline mechanical strength and wood properties. The objective of this study was to determine the potential degradation of Elm tree wood by Phellinus pomaceus fungi, and Biscogniauxia mediteranae endophyte. Biological decay tests were done according to EN 113 standard and impact bending test in accordance with ASTM-D256-04 standard. The results indicated that with longer incubation time, weight loss increased for both sapwood and heartwood. Fungal deterioration leads to changes in the impact bending. In order to manage street trees, knowing tree characteristics is very important and should be regularly monitored and evaluated in order to identify defects in the trees.


Wood Decay; Impact Bending; Endophytes; Elm Tree; Urban Forestry

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