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Kabo–bah, Amos T., Regional Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (RCEES); Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) (Ghana)
Kanga, Shruti, Department of Geography, School of Environment and Earth Sciences, Central University of Punjab (India)
Karan, Ali, MESED Madencilik Inşaat ltd. Şti (Turkey)
Karimi, Akram, MSc of Environmental Sciences, College of Environment, Department of Environment (Iran)
Karimi, Akram, MSc Student of Environmental Science, Evaluation Land Use Planning, Karaj Environmental Faculty, Karaj, Iran (Iran)
Karimi, Akram, Graduate Degree in Environmental Education, Evaluation and Evaluation Tendency, Karaj Environmental Faculty (Iran)
Karimi, Akram, Graduate Degree in Environmental Education, Evaluation and Tendency, Karaj Environmental Faculty, Karaj, Iran (Iran)
Katta, Vijay S, Department of Physics, Hindustan College of Science & Technology (India)
Keyangue Tchouata, Jules Hermann, School of Geology and Mining Engineering, University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon)
Khan, Nazeer, Department of Civil Engineering, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College/ Anna University (India)
Khan, Sajjad, Geoscience Advance Research Laboratories, Geological Survey of Pakistan (Pakistan)
Kirsanov, A. K., Siberian Federal University (Russia)
Kozhoukharova, Evgenia, Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Science (Bulgaria)
Kuma, Moses Mbuh, Civil Engineering and Forestry Techniques Department, Higher Technical Teacher Training College, University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Kumar, Sathees, Department of Civil Engineering, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College/ Anna University (India)
Kushwah, Vinod Kuumar, Department of Physics, Hindustan College of Science & Technology (India)

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