Assessing drought risk conditions through SPI and NDVI indices in Oued Kert watershed

Zahar Elkheir Alioua, Abdelhamid Mezrhab, Mohammed Laaboudi, Ali Achebour, Wadii Snaibi, Mohammed Sahil, Said Elyagoubi, Mohammed Melhaoui

Article ID: 9183
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


The Oued Kert watershed in Morocco is essential for local biodiversity and agriculture, yet it faces significant challenges due to meteorological drought. This research addresses an urgent issue by aiming to understand the impacts of drought on vegetation, which is crucial for food security and water resource management. Despite previous studies on drought, there are significant gaps, including a lack of specific analyses on the seasonal effects of drought on vegetation in this under-researched region, as well as insufficient use of appropriate analytical tools to evaluate these relationships. We utilized the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to analyze the relationship between precipitation and vegetation health. Our results reveal a very strong correlation between SPI and NDVI in spring (98%) and summer (97%), while correlations in winter and autumn are weaker (66% and 55%). These findings can guide policymakers in developing appropriate strategies and contribute to crop planning and land management. Furthermore, this study could serve as a foundation for awareness and education initiatives on the sustainable management of water and land resources, thereby enhancing the resilience of local ecosystems in the face of environmental challenges.


meteorological drought; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI); Oued Kert watershed; Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

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Copyright (c) 2024 Zahar Elkheir Alioua, Abdelhamid Mezrhab, Mohammed Laaboudi, Ali Achebour, Wadii Snaibi, Mohammed Sahil, Said Elyagoubi, Mohammed Melhaoui

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