Hydrological dynamics and road infrastructure resilience: A case study of river Nile state, Sudan

Hossam Aldeen Anwer, Abubakr Hassan

Article ID: 8785
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2025


This study investigates the relationship between hydrological processes, watershed management, and road infrastructure resilience, focusing on the impact of flooding on roads intersecting with streams in River Nile State, Sudan. Situated between 16.5° N to 18.5° N latitude and 33° E to 34° E longitude, this region faces significant flooding challenges that threaten its ecological and economic stability. Using precise Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and advanced hydrological modeling, the research aims to identify optimal flood mitigation solutions, such as overpass bridges. The study quantifies the total road length in the area at 3572.279 km, with stream orders distributed as follows: First Order at 2276.79 km (50.7%), Second Order at 521.48 km (11.6%), Third Order at 331.26 km (7.4%), and Fourth Order at 1359.92 km (30.3%). Approximately 27% (12 out of 45) of the identified road flooding points were situated within third- and fourth-order streams, mainly along the Atbara-Shendi Road and near Al-Abidiya and Merowe. Blockages varied in distance, with the longest at 256 m in Al-Abidiya, and included additional measurements of 88, 49, 112, 106, 66, 500, and 142 m. Some locations experienced partial flood damage despite having water culverts at 7 of these points, indicating possible design flaws or insufficient hydrological analysis during construction. The findings suggest that enhanced scrutiny, potentially using high-resolution DEMs, is essential for better vulnerability assessment and management. The study proposes tailored solutions to protect infrastructure, promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship.


hydrology dynamics; road infrastructure resilience; river Nile state; stream order; watershed

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc8785


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