Study the bio-potential parameter for the detection of seismic and environmental changes in Indian region
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2021
The changes the magnetic flux generated (electric, magnetic and electromagnetic waves) on the surface of earth due to sudden changes is a matter of discussion. These emissions occur along the fault line generated due to geological and tectonic processes. When sudden changes occur in the environment due to seismic and atmospheric variations, these sensing was observed by creatures and human bodies because the animals and trees adopt the abnormal signals and change the behavior. We have analyzed the changing behavior of recorded signal by live sensors (i.e., banyan tree). So we use the deep-rooted and long-aged banyan tree. The root of banyan tree (long-aged) has been working as a live sensor to record the geological and environmental changes. We record the low frequency signals propagated through solar-terrestrial environment which directly affect the root system of the banyan tree and changes that have been observed by live sensors. Then, very low frequency (VLF) signal may propagate to the earth-ionosphere waveguide. We have also analyzed the different parameters of live cells which is inbuilt in latex of the tree, so we record the dielectric parameters of green stem latex and found some parameters i.e., dielectric constant (ε) and dielectric loss (ε’) of various trees to verify these natural hazards and found good correlation. Therefore, we can say by regularly monitoring the bio-potential signal and dielectric properties of banyan tree and we are able to find the precursory signature of seismic hazards and environmental changes.
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