Spectroscopic techniques for detecting naturally occurring radioactive nuclides in geology and water: A comprehensive review and health implications

Mohamed H. Fathy, Farha Shaban, Thowayba M. Fawzy, Dat Viet Nguyen, Ahmed M. Eldosouky

Article ID: 6909
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


Naturally occurring radionuclides can be categorized into two main groups: primordial and cosmogenic, based on their origin. Primordial radionuclides stem from the Earth’s crust, occurring either individually or as part of decay chains. Conversely, cosmogenic radionuclides originate from extraterrestrial sources such as space, the sun, and nuclear reactions involving cosmic radiation and the Earth’s atmosphere. Gamma-ray spectrometry is a widely employed method in Earth sciences for detecting naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Its applications vary from environmental radiation monitoring to mining exploration, with a predominant focus on quantifying the content of uranium (U), thorium (Th), and potassium (K) in rocks and soils. These elements also serve as tracers in non-radioactive processes linked to NORM paragenesis. Furthermore, the heat generated by radioactive decay within rocks plays a pivotal role in deciphering the Earth’s thermal history and interpreting data concerning continental heat flux in geophysical investigations. This paper provides a concise overview of current analytical and measuring techniques, with an emphasis on state-of-the-art mass spectrometric procedures and decay measurements. Earth scientists constantly seek information on the chemical composition of rocks, sediments, minerals, and fluids to comprehend the vast array of geological and geochemical processes. The historical precedence of geochemists in pioneering novel analytical techniques, often preceding their commercial availability, underscores the significance of such advancements. Geochemical analysis has long relied on atomic spectrometric techniques, such as X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRFS), renowned for its precision in analyzing solid materials, particularly major and trace elements in geological samples. XRFS proves invaluable in determining the major constituents of silicate and other rock types. This review elucidates the historical development and methodology of these techniques while showcasing their common applications in various geoscience research endeavors. Ultimately, this review aims to furnish readers with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and potential applications of XRF, HPGes, and related technologies in geosciences. Lastly, future research directions and challenges confronting these technologies are briefly discussed.


radioactivity; radionuclides; HPGe detector; NaI(Tl) detector; LSC detector

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc.v7i2.6909


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